CertSrvIsServerOnlineW function (certbcli.h)

The CertSrvIsServerOnline function determines if a Certificate Services server is online; if the Certificate Services server is not online, backup operations will not be successful.


  [in]  WCHAR const *pwszServerName,
  [out] BOOL        *pfServerOnline


[in] pwszServerName

A pointer to the NetBIOS or DNS machine name of the server to check for online status.

[out] pfServerOnline

A pointer to Boolean value which will be TRUE if the Certificate Services server is online and FALSE if it is not online.

Return value

The return value is an HRESULT. This function will fail if Certificate Services is not running. If Certificate Services is running and ready to accept requests, this function will return S_OK, and *pfServerOnline will point to a value of TRUE. If Certificate Services is running in suspended (or paused) mode, this function will return S_OK, and *pfServerOnline will point to a value of FALSE.


Call this function to determine whether a Certificate Services server is online and available for backup operations.

This function's name in Certadm.dll is CertSrvIsServerOnlineW. You must use this form of the name when calling GetProcAddress. Also, this function is defined as type FNCERTSRVISSERVERONLINEW in the Certbcli.h header file.


char * szOnlineFunc = "CertSrvIsServerOnlineW";
BOOL       bOnline = 0;
HRESULT    hr = 0;

// Get the address of the function.
// hInst was set by calling LoadLibrary for Certadm.dll.
pfnOnline = (FNCERTSRVISSERVERONLINEW*) GetProcAddress(hInst,
                                        szOnlineFunc );
if ( NULL == pfnOnline )
    printf("Failed GetProcAddress - %s, error=%d\n",
           GetLastError() );
    exit(1);  // Or other appropriate error action.

// Call the function; wszServer was set earlier to the server name.
hr = pfnOnline(wszServer, &bOnline);
if (FAILED(hr))
    printf("Failed pfnOnline, hr=%x, err=%d\n",
    exit(1);  // Or other appropriate error action.

// Display the online status.
printf("Server is %s\n", 
       (bOnline ? "Online" : "Suspended" ));


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header certbcli.h (include Certsrv.h)
Library Certadm.lib
DLL Certadm.dll

See also


Using the Certificate Services Backup and Restore Functions