IMSCEPSetup::GetKeyLengthList method (casetup.h)

The GetKeyLengthList method gets the list of key lengths supported by the specified cryptographic service provider (CSP).


HRESULT GetKeyLengthList(
  [in]  VARIANT_BOOL bExchange,
  [in]  const BSTR   bstrProviderName,
  [out] VARIANT      *pVal


[in] bExchange

A value that indicates whether the listed lengths are for an exchange key algorithm. A VARIANT_TRUE value indicates exchange key lengths; otherwise, the lengths are for signing keys.

[in] bstrProviderName

A string that contains the name of the CSP.

[out] pVal

A pointer to a VARIANT array of VT_UI4 types that correspond to the key lengths supported by the CSP.

Return value



Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 Datacenter, Windows Server 2008 Enterprise [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header casetup.h
DLL Certocm.dll

See also