bluetoothleapis.h header
This header is used by Bluetooth Devices Reference. For more information, see:
bluetoothleapis.h contains the following programming interfaces:
BluetoothGATTAbortReliableWrite Specifies the end of reliable write procedures, and the writes should be aborted. |
BluetoothGATTBeginReliableWrite The BluetoothGATTBeginReliableWrite function specifies that reliable writes are about to begin. |
BluetoothGATTEndReliableWrite Specifies the end of reliable writes, and the writes should be committed. |
BluetoothGATTGetCharacteristics Gets all the characteristics available for the specified service. |
BluetoothGATTGetCharacteristicValue Gets the value of the specified characteristic. |
BluetoothGATTGetDescriptors Gets all the descriptors available for the specified characteristic. |
BluetoothGATTGetDescriptorValue Gets the value of the specified descriptor. |
BluetoothGATTGetIncludedServices Gets all the included services available for a given service. |
BluetoothGATTGetServices The BluetoothGATTGetServices function gets all the primary services available for a server. |
BluetoothGATTRegisterEvent Registers a routine to be called back during a characteristic value change event on the given characteristic identified by its characteristic handle. |
BluetoothGATTSetCharacteristicValue Writes the specified characteristic value to the Bluetooth device. |
BluetoothGATTSetDescriptorValue Writes the specified descriptor value to the Bluetooth device. |
BluetoothGATTUnregisterEvent Unregisters the given characteristic value change event. |