BluetoothIsVersionAvailable function (bluetoothapis.h)

The BluetoothIsVersionAvailable function indicates if the installed Bluetooth binary set supports the requested version.


BOOL BluetoothIsVersionAvailable(
  [in] UCHAR MajorVersion,
  [in] UCHAR MinorVersion


[in] MajorVersion

The major version number.

[in] MinorVersion

The minor version number.

Return value

TRUE if the installed bluetooth binaries support the specified MajorVersion and MinorVersion; otherwise, FALSE.


This functionality is only exported in Bluetooth for Windows version 2.1 and later.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista, Windows XP with SP2 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header bluetoothapis.h (include Bthsdpdef.h, BluetoothAPIs.h)
Library Bthprops.lib
DLL Bthprops.cpl