IBITSExtensionSetupFactory::GetObject method (bitscfg.h)

Use the GetObject method to retrieve a pointer to the IBITSExtensionSetup interface. This method performs the same binding that the ADsGetObject ADSI function performs.


HRESULT GetObject(
  [in]  BSTR                Path,
  [out] IBITSExtensionSetup **ppExtensionSetup


[in] Path

Null-terminated string containing the path to the directory service. For example, "IIS://<machine name>/w3svc/1/virtual directory".

[out] ppExtensionSetup

Use the IBITSExtensionSetup interface to enable and disable BITS upload for the given virtual directory.

Return value

This method returns S_OK for success. Otherwise, the method failed.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003
Target Platform Windows
Header bitscfg.h
DLL BitsMgr.dll
Redistributable BITS 1.5 on Windows XP

See also
