IAudioEndpointOffloadStreamVolume::SetChannelVolumes method (audioengineendpoint.h)

The SetChannelVolumes method sets the volume levels for the various audio channels in the offloaded stream.


HRESULT SetChannelVolumes(
  [in] UINT32           u32ChannelCount,
  [in] FLOAT32          *pf32Volumes,
       AUDIO_CURVE_TYPE u32CurveType,
       HNSTIME          *pCurveDuration


[in] u32ChannelCount

Indicates the number of available audio channels in the offloaded stream.

[in] pf32Volumes

A pointer to the volume levels for the various audio channels in the offloaded stream.


A value from the AUDIO_CURVE_TYPE enumeration specifying the curve to use when changing the channel volumes.


A LONGLONG value specifying the curve duration in hundred nanosecond units.

Return value

The SetChannelVolumes method returns S_OK to indicate that it has completed successfully. Otherwise it returns an appropriate error code.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header audioengineendpoint.h

See also
