IAppxEncryptionFactory5::CreateEncryptedPackageReader2 method (appxpackaging.h)


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Creates a new instance of IAppxPackageReader for reading encrypted packages, with an optional parameter for specifying the expected digest for the package.


HRESULT CreateEncryptedPackageReader2(
  IStream             *inputStream,
  const APPX_KEY_INFO *keyInfo,
  LPCWSTR             expectedDigest,
  IAppxPackageReader  **packageReader



A stream for reading the encrypted package.


Key info containing the base encryption key and key ID for decrypting the package. The base key is used to derive the per file encryption keys. If this parameter is null, the global test key and key ID are used.


An LPCWSTR containing the expected digest, a hashed representation of the package file.


The created package reader.

Return value

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an error code that includes, but is not limited to, those in the following table.

Return code Description
APPX_E_DIGEST_MISMATCH The digest for the object doesn't match the digest provided in expectedDigest.


Get the digest string for the expecteDigest parameter by calling IAppxDigestProvider::GetDigest.


Requirement Value
Header appxpackaging.h