Developer Notes
Overview of the Developer Notes technology.
To develop Developer Notes, you need these headers:
- advpub.h
- apiquery2.h
- appcompatapi.h
- aux_ulib.h
- avrfsdk.h
- camerauicontrol.h
- capi.h
- comppkgsup.h
- dciman.h
- ddrawgdi.h
- editionupgradehelper.h
- exdisp.h
- exposeenums2managed.h
- fci.h
- fdi.h
- fdi_fci_types.h
- featurestagingapi.h
- fhcfg.h
- fhsvcctl.h
- filehc.h
- icwcfg.h
- ime.h
- isolatedapplauncher.h
- iwscapi.h
- lmaccess.h
- loadperf.h
- msxml.h
- ntsecpkg.h
- rpcndr.h
- rtlsupportapi.h
- stralign.h
- tcpioctl.h
- tdiinfo.h
- vdmdbg.h
- wininet.h
- winnls32.h
- winreg.h
- wscapi.h
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
IOCTL_TCP_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX Retrieves information from the TCP/IP driver. |
eAvrfResourceTypes Specifies the types of resources that can be enumerated using the VerifierEnumerateResource function. |
eHANDLE_TRACE_OPERATIONS Identifies the type of handle operation that has occurred. |
eHeapAllocationState Specifies the current heap allocation state. |
eHeapEnumerationLevel Determines whether the enumeration operation should continue or stop. |
eUserAllocationState Specifies the application's current heap allocation state. |
FEATURE_CHANGE_TIME This enumeration is intended for infrastructure use only. (FEATURE_CHANGE_TIME) |
FEATURE_ENABLED_STATE This enumeration is intended for infrastructure use only. (FEATURE_ENABLED_STATE) |
FH_BACKUP_STATUS Specifies whether File History backups are enabled. |
FH_DEVICE_VALIDATION_RESULT Indicates whether the storage device or network share can be used as a File History backup target. |
FH_LOCAL_POLICY_TYPE Specifies the type of a local policy for the File History feature. Each local policy has a numeric parameter associated with it. |
FH_PROTECTED_ITEM_CATEGORY Specifies the type of an inclusion or exclusion list. |
FH_RETENTION_TYPES Specifies under what conditions previous versions of files and folders can be deleted from a backup target. |
FH_TARGET_DRIVE_TYPES Specifies the type of a File History backup target. |
FH_TARGET_PROPERTY_TYPE Specifies the type of a property of a backup target. |
FIRMWARE_TYPE Specifies a firmware type. |
WSC_SECURITY_PRODUCT_STATE Defines the current state of the security product that is made available to Windows Security Center. |
WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER Defines all the services that are monitored by Windows Security Center (WSC). |
WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER_HEALTH Defines the possible states for any service monitored by Windows Security Center (WSC). |
WSC_SECURITY_SIGNATURE_STATUS Reports the current version status of the security product to Windows Security Center. |
_lclose The _lclose function closes the specified file so that it is no longer available for reading or writing. This function is provided for compatibility with 16-bit versions of Windows. Win32-based applications should use the CloseHandle function. |
_lcreat Creates or opens the specified file. |
_llseek Repositions the file pointer for the specified file. |
_lopen The _lopen function opens an existing file and sets the file pointer to the beginning of the file. This function is provided for compatibility with 16-bit versions of Windows. Win32-based applications should use the CreateFile function. |
_lread The _lread function reads data from the specified file. This function is provided for compatibility with 16-bit versions of Windows. Win32-based applications should use the ReadFile function. |
_lwrite Writes data to the specified file. |
AddRemoveExcludeRule Adds an exclusion rule to the exclusion list or removes a rule from the list. |
AllowSetForegroundAccess Allows the remote window to reflecting what is going on in the container. |
ApphelpCheckShellObject Enables applications to detect bad extension objects and either block them from running or fix them. |
AreDvdCodecsEnabled Returns a value indicating whether DVD codecs are enabled on the current device. |
AssociateContextWithName Inserts a name into the name cache to find a specified FIO_CONTEXT structure. |
AssociateFileEx Associates a file with an asnychronous context. |
AuxUlibInitialize Initializes the Aux_ulib library. |
AuxUlibIsDLLSynchronizationHeld Determines whether the caller is holding a synchronization primitive. |
AuxUlibSetSystemFileCacheSize Sets the current file system cache size. |
AVRF_HANDLEOPERATION_ENUMERATE_CALLBACK Receives information related to the enumeration of handle traces. |
AVRF_HEAPALLOCATION_ENUMERATE_CALLBACK Receives information related to heap allocations. |
AVRF_RESOURCE_ENUMERATE_CALLBACK Provides access to one of the specialized callback functions for enumeration of either heap allocation or handle trace information. |
CACHE_DESTROY_CALLBACK A function that is called whenever an entry in the name cache is destroyed. |
CACHE_READ_CALLBACK A callback that is provided to the cache to help examine items within the cache. |
CacheCreateFile Creates a file in the cache or finds an existing file. |
CacheRichCreateFile Creates a file in the cache or finds an existing file and allows properties to be added to it in the cache. |
CanUpgrade Checks if the user has sufficient permissions to upgrade the operating system, and prompts the user to run as an administrator if needed. |
ChangeDefaultTargetRecommendation Causes the currently assigned backup target to be recommended or not recommended to other members of the home group that the computer belongs to. |
CheckConnectionWizard The CheckConnectionWizard function checks that the Internet Connection Wizard (ICW) is installed and that it has not been run before. |
Close Closes the user interface control. |
CoInstall Installs the requested COM server application. |
CreateDefaultConfiguration Creates File History configuration files with default settings for the current user and loads them into an FhConfigMgr object. |
DCIBeginAccess Obtains an access pointer to display frame buffer based on the given rectangle. |
DCICloseProvider Closes a device context of a display. |
DCICreatePrimary Creates a primary surface and obtains surface information. |
DCIDestroy Destroys a primary surface on the display device. |
DCIEndAccess Releases access to display frame buffer. |
DCIOpenProvider Obtains a device context handle of display. |
DdAttachSurface The DdAttachSurface function attaches two kernel-mode surface representations. GdiEntry11 is defined as an alias for this function. |
DdCreateDIBSection Creates a DIBSECTION structure that shares its color table with the device. GdiEntry9 is defined as an alias for this function. |
DdCreateDirectDrawObject Wrapper for the NtGdiDdCreateDirectDrawObject function and creates a kernel-side representation of the Microsoft DirectDraw object. |
DdCreateSurfaceObject Wrapper for the NtGdiDdCreateSurfaceObject function and creates a kernel-mode surface object. GdiEntry4 is defined as an alias for this function. |
DdDeleteDirectDrawObject Wrapper for the NtGdiDdDeleteDirectDrawObject function and deletes a kernel-mode Microsoft DirectDraw object that was previously created using DdCreateDirectDrawObject. GdiEntry3 is defined as an alias for this function. |
DdDeleteSurfaceObject Wrapper for the NtGdiDdDeleteSurfaceObject function and deletes a kernel-mode surface object previously created by NtGdiDdCreateSurfaceObject. GdiEntry5 is defined as an alias for this function. |
DdGetDC Wrapper for the NtGdiDdGetDC function and returns a Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) device context (DC) that represents the Microsoft DirectDraw surface indicated. GdiEntry7 is defined as an alias for this function. |
DdGetDxHandle Returns the kernel-mode Microsoft DirectX API handle to use in subsequent calls to the kernel-mode entry points that control the DirectX API mechanism. |
DdQueryDirectDrawObject Wrapper for the NtGdiDdQueryDirectDrawObject function and queries a previously created kernel-mode representation for capabilities. GdiEntry2 is defined as an alias for this function. |
DdQueryDisplaySettingsUniqueness Returns the current value of an integer that is incremented whenever a mode switch occurs, such as when there is a desktop switch, a Fast User Switch, or a full-screen Microsoft MS-DOS box. |
DdReenableDirectDrawObject Wrapper for the NtGdiDdReenableDirectDrawObject function. |
DdReleaseDC Wrapper for the NtGdiDdReleaseDC function and releases a device context (DC) previously obtained through DdGetDC or GdiEntry7. GdiEntry8 is defined as an alias for this function. |
DdResetVisrgn Wrapper for the NtGdiDdResetVisrgn function and enables timely user-mode information on the clipping region for windows on the desktop. |
DdSetGammaRamp The DdSetGammaRamp function sets the gamma ramp for the device. |
DdSwapTextureHandles Developed for device driver interfaces (DDIs) prior to Microsoft DirectDraw 7.0 and does nothing on Microsoft Windows NT systems. All parameters are ignored. GdiEntry16 is defined as an alias for this function. |
DdUnattachSurface The DdUnattachSurface function removes an attachment, created with DdAttachSurface, between two kernel-mode surface objects. |
DisableProcessWindowsGhosting Disables the window ghosting feature for the calling GUI process. Window ghosting is a Windows Manager feature that lets the user minimize, move, or close the main window of an application that is not responding. |
DnsHostnameToComputerNameA Converts a DNS-style host name to a NetBIOS-style computer name. (ANSI) |
DnsHostnameToComputerNameW Converts a DNS-style host name to a NetBIOS-style computer name. (Unicode) |
DosDateTimeToFileTime Converts MS-DOS date and time values to a file time. |
FCACHE_CREATE_CALLBACK A callback function that is used to create items in the cache. (FCACHE_CREATE_CALLBACK) |
FCACHE_RICHCREATE_CALLBACK A callback function that is used to create items in the cache. (FCACHE_RICHCREATE_CALLBACK) |
FCIAddFile The FCIAddFile adds a file to the cabinet under construction. |
FCICreate The FCICreate function creates an FCI context. |
FCIDestroy The FCIDestroy function deletes an open FCI context, freeing any memory and temporary files associated with the context. |
FCIFlushCabinet The FCIFlushCabinet function completes the current cabinet. |
FCIFlushFolder The FCIFlushFolder function forces the current folder under construction to be completed immediately. |
FDICopy The FDICopy function extracts files from cabinets. |
FDICreate The FDICreate function creates an FDI context. |
FDIDestroy The FDIDestroy function deletes an open FDI context. |
FDIIsCabinet The FDIIsCabinet function determines whether a file is a cabinet and, if it is, returns information about it. |
FDITruncateCabinet The FDITruncateCabinet function truncates a cabinet file starting at the specified folder number. |
FhServiceBlockBackup This function temporarily blocks backups for the current user. |
FhServiceClosePipe Closes a communication channel to the File History Service opened with FhServiceOpenPipe. |
FhServiceOpenPipe Opens a communication channel to the File History Service. |
FhServiceReloadConfiguration This function causes the File History Service to reload the current user’s File History configuration files. |
FhServiceStartBackup This function starts an immediate backup for the current user. |
FhServiceStopBackup This function stops an ongoing backup cycle for the current user. |
FhServiceUnblockBackup This function unblocks backups blocked via FhServiceBlockBackup. |
FileTimeToDosDateTime Converts a file time to MS-DOS date and time values. |
FindOrCreateNameCache Finds or creates a name cache. |
FindSyncContextFromName Retrieves the FIO_CONTEXT structure that is associated with the specified user name. |
FNALLOC The FNALLOC provides the declaration for the application-defined callback function to allocate memory in an FDI context. |
FNCLOSE The FNCLOSE macro provides the declaration for the application-defined callback function to close a file in an FDI context. |
FNFCIALLOC The FNFCIALLOC provides the declaration for the application-defined callback function to allocate memory within an FCI context. |
FNFCICLOSE The FNFCICLOSE macro provides the declaration for the application-defined callback function to close a file in an FCI context. |
FNFCIDELETE The FNFCIDELETE macro provides the declaration for the application-defined callback function to delete a file in the FCI context. |
FNFCIFILEPLACED The FNFCIFILEPLACED macro provides the declaration for the application-defined callback function to notify when a file is placed in the cabinet. |
FNFCIFREE The FNFCIFREE macro provides the declaration for the application-defined callback function to free previously allocated memory in an FCI context. |
FNFCIGETNEXTCABINET The FNFCIGETNEXTCABINET macro provides the declaration for the application-defined callback function to request information for the next cabinet. |
FNFCIGETOPENINFO The FNFCIGETOPENINFO macro provides the declaration for the application-defined callback function to open a file and retrieve file date, time, and attribute. |
FNFCIGETTEMPFILE The FNFCIGETTEMPFILE macro provides the declaration for the application-defined callback function to obtain a temporary file name. |
FNFCIOPEN The FNFCIOPEN macro provides the declaration for the application-defined callback function to open a file in an FCI context. |
FNFCIREAD The FNFCIREAD macro provides the declaration for the application-defined callback function to read data from a file in an FCI context. |
FNFCISEEK The FNFCISEEK macro provides the declaration for the application-defined callback function to move a file pointer to the specified location in an FCI context. |
FNFCISTATUS The FNFCISTATUS macro provides the declaration for the application-defined callback function to update the user. |
FNFCIWRITE The FNFCIWRITE macro provides the declaration for the application-defined callback function to write data to a file in an FCI context. |
FNFDINOTIFY The FNFDINOTIFY macro provides the declaration for the application-defined callback notification function to update the application on the status of the decoder. |
FNFREE The FNFREE macro provides the declaration for the application-defined callback function to free previously allocated memory in an FDI context. |
FNOPEN The FNOPEN macro provides the declaration for the application-defined callback function to open a file in an FDI context. |
FNREAD The FNREAD macro provides the declaration for the application-defined callback function to read data from a file in an FDI context. |
FNSEEK The FNSEEK macro provides the declaration for the application-defined callback function to move a file pointer to the specified location in an FDI context. |
FNWRITE The FNWRITE macro provides the declaration for the application-defined callback function to write data to a file in an FDI context. |
get_Count Gathers the total number of all security product providers of the specified type on the computer. |
get_Item Returns one of the types of providers on the computer. |
get_length Retrieves the number of elements in the collection. (IXMLElementCollection.get_length) |
get_ProductName Returns the current product information for the security product. |
get_ProductState Returns the current state of the signature data for the security product. |
get_ProductStateTimestamp Returns the current time stamp for the security product. |
get_RemediationPath Returns the current remediation path for the security product. |
get_SignatureStatus Returns the current status of the signature data for the security product. |
get_TheaterMode Sets or gets whether the object is in theater mode. (Get) |
GetActiveItem Gets the active captured item. |
GetBackupStatus Retrieves the backup status value for an FhConfigMgr object. |
GetComputerNameA Retrieves the NetBIOS name of the local computer. This name is established at system startup, when the system reads it from the registry. (ANSI) |
GetComputerNameW Retrieves the NetBIOS name of the local computer. This name is established at system startup, when the system reads it from the registry. (Unicode) |
GetConfigurationDetails This method enumerates File History configurations that were discovered on a storage device or network share by the IFhReassociation::ScanTargetForConfigurations method and returns additional information about each of the discovered configurations. |
GetContainerGuid Returns the container/VM ID. |
GetCurrentHwProfileA Retrieves information about the current hardware profile for the local computer. (ANSI) |
GetCurrentHwProfileW Retrieves information about the current hardware profile for the local computer. (Unicode) |
GetCurrentViewType Gets the type of the current view. |
GetDefaultContentDecryptionModuleFactory Returns the implementation of IMFContentDecryptionModuleFactory for the specified key system that is built-in to Windows. |
GetDefaultTarget Returns a pointer to an IFhTarget interface that can be used to query information about the currently assigned backup target. |
GetDotStuffState Determines whether dots are added to the file when any dot stuffing mechanisms are turned on. |
GetFeatureEnabledState This function is intended for infrastructure use only. (GetFeatureEnabledState) |
GetFeatureVariant This function is intended for infrastructure use only. (GetFeatureVariant) |
GetFileSizeFromContext Reports the file size cached with the handle. |
GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA Retrieves the value of the specified firmware environment variable. (ANSI) |
GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExA Retrieves the value of the specified firmware environment variable and its attributes. (ANSI) |
GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExW Retrieves the value of the specified firmware environment variable and its attributes. (Unicode) |
GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableW Retrieves the value of the specified firmware environment variable. (Unicode) |
GetFirmwareType Retrieves the firmware type of the local computer. |
GetGenuineLocalStatus Retrieves whether the currently installed operating system is activated. |
GetIncludeExcludeRules Retrieves the inclusion and exclusion rules that are currently stored in an FhConfigMgr object. |
GetItem Retrieves the current item in an inclusion or exclusion list. |
GetLocalPolicy Retrieves the numeric parameter for a local policy for the File History feature. |
GetMediaComponentPackageInfo Returns a list of properties for all media codecs installed on the system that meet the specified requirements. |
GetMediaExtensionCommunicationFactory Creates a communication factory for registering a media extension. |
GetNumericalProperty Retrieves a numeric property of the File History backup target that is represented by an IFhTarget interface. |
GetOsProductContentId Retrieves the content identifier that corresponds to the current installation of the operating system. The content identifier is used to look up the operating system product in the store catalog. |
GetPrivateProfileInt The GetPrivateProfileInt function (winbase.h) retrieves an integer associated with a key in the specified section of an initialization file. |
GetPrivateProfileIntA Retrieves an integer associated with a key in the specified section of an initialization file. (GetPrivateProfileIntA) |
GetPrivateProfileIntW The GetPrivateProfileIntW (Unicode) function (winbase.h) retrieves an integer associated with a key in the specified section of an initialization file. |
GetPrivateProfileSection The GetPrivateProfileSection function (winbase.h) retrieves all the keys and values for the specified section of an initialization file. |
GetPrivateProfileSectionA Retrieves all the keys and values for the specified section of an initialization file. (GetPrivateProfileSectionA) |
GetPrivateProfileSectionNames The GetPrivateProfileSectionNames function (winbase.h) retrieves the names of all sections in an initialization file. |
GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA Retrieves the names of all sections in an initialization file. (GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA) |
GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW The GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW (Unicode) function (winbase.h) retrieves the names of all sections in an initialization file. |
GetPrivateProfileSectionW The GetPrivateProfileSectionW (Unicode) function (winbase.h) retrieves all the keys and values for the specified section of an initialization file. |
GetPrivateProfileString The GetPrivateProfileString function (winbase.h) retrieves a string from the specified section in an initialization file. |
GetPrivateProfileStringA Retrieves a string from the specified section in an initialization file. (GetPrivateProfileStringA) |
GetPrivateProfileStringW The GetPrivateProfileStringW (Unicode) function (winbase.h) retrieves a string from the specified section in an initialization file. |
GetPrivateProfileStruct The GetPrivateProfileStruct function (winbase.h) retrieves the data associated with a key in the specified section of an initialization file. |
GetPrivateProfileStructA Retrieves the data associated with a key in the specified section of an initialization file. (GetPrivateProfileStructA) |
GetPrivateProfileStructW The GetPrivateProfileStructW (Unicode) function (winbase.h) retrieves the data associated with a key in the specified section of an initialization file. |
GetProfileIntA Retrieves an integer from a key in the specified section of the Win.ini file. (ANSI) |
GetProfileIntW Retrieves an integer from a key in the specified section of the Win.ini file. (Unicode) |
GetProfileSectionA Retrieves all the keys and values for the specified section of the Win.ini file. (ANSI) |
GetProfileSectionW Retrieves all the keys and values for the specified section of the Win.ini file. (Unicode) |
GetProfileStringA Retrieves the string associated with a key in the specified section of the Win.ini file. (ANSI) |
GetProfileStringW Retrieves the string associated with a key in the specified section of the Win.ini file. (Unicode) |
GetSelectedItems Gets the selected items. |
GetServerForPMP Gets a COM server that has been registered for Protected Media Process (PMP) usage with previous call to RegisterServerForPMP. |
GetStringProperty Retrieves a string property of the File History backup target that is represented by an IFhTarget interface. |
GetSystemRegistryQuota Retrieves the current size of the registry and the maximum size that the registry is allowed to attain on the system. |
GetUserNameA Retrieves the name of the user associated with the current thread. (ANSI) |
GetUserNameW Retrieves the name of the user associated with the current thread. (Unicode) |
I_NetLogonControl2 Controls various aspects of the Netlogon service. |
Initialize Gathers information on all of the providers of the specified type on the computer. |
InitializeCache Provides the initializing values of the file handle cache. |
InsertFile Inserts a file into the cache. |
InstallPerfDllA Installs performance counter strings, as defined in an input .ini file, into the system registry. (ANSI) |
InstallPerfDllW Installs performance counter strings, as defined in an input .ini file, into the system registry. (Unicode) |
InstantiateComponentFromPackage Creates an instance of a class in an application package. |
Int32x32To64 Multiplies two signed 32-bit integers, returning a signed 64-bit integer result. |
Int64ShllMod32 Performs a left logical shift operation on an unsigned 64-bit integer value. The function provides improved shifting code for left logical shifts where the shift count is in the range 0-31. |
Int64ShraMod32 Performs a right arithmetic shift operation on a signed 64-bit integer value. The function provides improved shifting code for right arithmetic shifts where the shift count is in the range 0-31. |
Int64ShrlMod32 Performs a right logical shift operation on an unsigned 64-bit integer value. The function provides improved shifting code for right logical shifts where the shift count is in the range 0-31. |
InvalidateName Enables the user to remove a single name and all associated data from the name cache. |
IsApiSetImplemented The IsApiSetImplemented function tests if a specified API set is present on the computer. |
IsContainerRunning Determines if a container is running or suspended. |
IsMediaBehaviorEnabled Gets a value indicating whether the media behavior associated with the specified GUID is enabled. |
IsNativeVhdBoot Indicates if the OS was booted from a VHD container. |
IsProcessInIsolatedContainer Determines if a process is running in an isolated container. |
IsProcessInWDAGContainer Determines if a process is running in a Microsoft Defender Application Guard (MDAG) container. |
item Retrieves the child elements from a collection using their index, name, or both. |
Launch Launches an app inside the container. |
LaunchProcess Launches a process inside the container. |
LaunchProcess2 Launches a process in an isolated environment. |
LoadConfiguration Loads the File History configuration information for the current user into an FhConfigMgr object. |
MoveToNextItem Moves to the next item in the inclusion or exclusion list. |
MulDiv Multiplies two 32-bit values and then divides the 64-bit result by a third 32-bit value. |
Multiply128 Multiplies two 64-bit integers to produce a 128-bit integer. |
MultiplyExtract128 Multiplies two 64-bit integers to produce a 128-bit integer, shifts the product to the right by the specified number of bits, and returns the low 64 bits of the result. |
MultiplyHigh Multiplies two 64-bit integers to produce a 128-bit integer and gets the high 64 bits. |
NdrComplexArrayBufferSize The NdrComplexArrayBufferSize function calculates the required buffer size, in bytes, to marshal the complex array. |
NdrComplexArrayMarshall The NdrComplexArrayMarshall function marshals the complex array into a network buffer. |
NdrComplexArrayUnmarshall The NdrComplexArrayUnmarshall function unmarshals the complex array from the network buffer to memory. |
NdrComplexStructBufferSize The NdrComplexStructBufferSize function calculates the required buffer size, in bytes, to marshal the complex structure. |
NdrComplexStructMarshall The NdrComplexStructMarshall function marshals the complex structure into a network buffer. |
NdrComplexStructUnmarshall The NdrComplexStructUnmarshall function unmarshals the complex structure from the network buffer to memory. |
NdrConformantArrayBufferSize The NdrConformantArrayBufferSize function calculates the required buffer size, in bytes, to marshal the conformant array. |
NdrConformantArrayMarshall The NdrConformantArrayMarshall function marshals the conformant array into a network buffer. |
NdrSimpleStructBufferSize The NdrSimpleStructBufferSize function calculates the required buffer size, in bytes, to marshal the simple structure. |
NdrSimpleStructMarshall The NdrSimpleStructMarshall function marshals the simple structure into a network buffer. |
NdrSimpleStructUnmarshall The NdrSimpleStructUnmarshall function unmarshals the simple structure from the network buffer to memory. |
NdrUserMarshalUnmarshall The NdrUserMarshalUnmarshall function calls a user-defined unmarshal routine to unmarshal data with the attribute. |
NtClose Deprecated. Closes the specified handle. NtClose is superseded by CloseHandle. |
NtCreateFile Creates a new file or directory, or opens an existing file, device, directory, or volume. |
NtDeviceIoControlFile Deprecated. Builds descriptors for the supplied buffer(s) and passes the untyped data to the device driver associated with the file handle. NtDeviceIoControlFile is superseded by DeviceIoControl. |
NtNotifyChangeMultipleKeys Requests notification when a registry key or any of its subkeys changes. |
NtOpenFile Opens an existing file, device, directory, or volume, and returns a handle for the file object. |
NtQueryMultipleValueKey Retrieves values for the specified multiple-value key. |
NtQueryObject Retrieves various kinds of object information. |
NtQuerySystemInformation Retrieves the specified system information. |
NtQuerySystemTime Retrieves the current system time. |
NtRenameKey Changes the name of the specified registry key. (NtRenameKey) |
NtSetInformationKey Sets information for the specified registry key. |
NtWaitForSingleObject Deprecated. Waits until the specified object attains a state of signaled. NtWaitForSingleObject is superseded by WaitForSingleObject. |
OnClosed Occurs when the camera UI control is closed. |
OnItemCaptured Occurs when an item is captured. |
OnItemDeleted Occurs when an item is deleted. |
OnStartupComplete Occurs when startup for the camera UI control has completed. |
OnSuspendComplete Occurs when the camera UI control has completed being suspended. |
PerformReassociation This method re-establishes relationship between the current user and the configuration selected previously via the IFhReassociation::SelectConfiguration method and prepares the target device for accepting backup data from the current computer. |
PopulationCount64 Counts the number of one bits (population count) in a 64-bit unsigned integer. |
PROCESSENUMPROC Implement this function to receive information for each virtual DOS machine (VDM) that VDMEnumProcessWOW enumerates. |
ProduceDotStuffedContext Retrieves the FIO_CONTEXT structure with the requested state. |
ProvisionAndSetNewTarget Provisions a certain storage device or network share as a File History backup target and assigns it as the default backup target for the current user. |
PSYMBOLSERVERCALLBACKPROC An entry point to the symbol server DLL. |
put_TheaterMode Sets or gets whether the object is in theater mode. (Put) |
QueryProtectionStatus Retrieves the current File History protection state. |
RecordFeatureError This function is intended for infrastructure use only. (RecordFeatureError) |
RecordFeatureUsage This function is intended for infrastructure use only. (RecordFeatureUsage) |
RegCloseKey Closes a handle to the specified registry key. |
RegConnectRegistryA Establishes a connection to a predefined registry key on another computer. (ANSI) |
RegConnectRegistryW Establishes a connection to a predefined registry key on another computer. (Unicode) |
RegCopyTreeA Copies the specified registry key, along with its values and subkeys, to the specified destination key. (ANSI) |
RegCopyTreeW Copies the specified registry key, along with its values and subkeys, to the specified destination key. (Unicode) |
RegCreateKeyA Creates the specified registry key. If the key already exists in the registry, the function opens it. (ANSI) |
RegCreateKeyExA Creates the specified registry key. If the key already exists, the function opens it. Note that key names are not case sensitive. (ANSI) |
RegCreateKeyExW Creates the specified registry key. If the key already exists, the function opens it. Note that key names are not case sensitive. (Unicode) |
RegCreateKeyTransactedA Creates the specified registry key and associates it with a transaction. (ANSI) |
RegCreateKeyTransactedW Creates the specified registry key and associates it with a transaction. (Unicode) |
RegCreateKeyW Creates the specified registry key. If the key already exists in the registry, the function opens it. (Unicode) |
RegDeleteKeyA Deletes a subkey and its values. (ANSI) |
RegDeleteKeyExA Deletes a subkey and its values from the specified platform-specific view of the registry. (ANSI) |
RegDeleteKeyExW Deletes a subkey and its values from the specified platform-specific view of the registry. (Unicode) |
RegDeleteKeyTransactedA Deletes a subkey and its values from the specified platform-specific view of the registry as a transacted operation. (ANSI) |
RegDeleteKeyTransactedW Deletes a subkey and its values from the specified platform-specific view of the registry as a transacted operation. (Unicode) |
RegDeleteKeyValueA Removes the specified value from the specified registry key and subkey. (ANSI) |
RegDeleteKeyValueW Removes the specified value from the specified registry key and subkey. (Unicode) |
RegDeleteKeyW Deletes a subkey and its values. (Unicode) |
RegDeleteTreeA Deletes the subkeys and values of the specified key recursively. (ANSI) |
RegDeleteTreeW Deletes the subkeys and values of the specified key recursively. (Unicode) |
RegDeleteValueA Removes a named value from the specified registry key. (ANSI) |
RegDeleteValueW Removes a named value from the specified registry key. (Unicode) |
RegDisablePredefinedCache Disables handle caching of the predefined registry handle for HKEY_CURRENT_USER for the current process. |
RegDisablePredefinedCacheEx Disables handle caching for all predefined registry handles for the current process. |
RegDisableReflectionKey Disables registry reflection for the specified key. Disabling reflection for a key does not affect reflection of any subkeys. |
RegEnableReflectionKey Restores registry reflection for the specified disabled key. Restoring reflection for a key does not affect reflection of any subkeys. |
RegEnumKeyA Enumerates the subkeys of the specified open registry key. (RegEnumKeyA) |
RegEnumKeyExA Enumerates the subkeys of the specified open registry key. The function retrieves information about one subkey each time it is called. (ANSI) |
RegEnumKeyExW Enumerates the subkeys of the specified open registry key. The function retrieves information about one subkey each time it is called. (Unicode) |
RegEnumKeyW Enumerates the subkeys of the specified open registry key. (RegEnumKeyW) |
RegEnumValueA Enumerates the values for the specified open registry key. The function copies one indexed value name and data block for the key each time it is called. (ANSI) |
RegEnumValueW Enumerates the values for the specified open registry key. The function copies one indexed value name and data block for the key each time it is called. (Unicode) |
RegFlushKey Writes all the attributes of the specified open registry key into the registry. |
RegGetValueA Retrieves the type and data for the specified registry value. (ANSI) |
RegGetValueW Retrieves the type and data for the specified registry value. (Unicode) |
RegInstallA Updates the string registry values in the provided table. (ANSI) |
RegInstallW Updates the string registry values in the provided table. (Unicode) |
RegisterMediaExtensionPackage Registers the media extension with the given Package Family Name (PFN) for the current user. |
RegisterServerForPMP Registers a COM Server CLSID and a class factory for Protected Media Process (PMP) usage. |
RegLoadAppKeyA Loads the specified registry hive as an application hive. (ANSI) |
RegLoadAppKeyW Loads the specified registry hive as an application hive. (Unicode) |
RegLoadKeyA Creates a subkey under HKEY_USERS or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and loads the data from the specified registry hive into that subkey. (ANSI) |
RegLoadKeyW Creates a subkey under HKEY_USERS or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and loads the data from the specified registry hive into that subkey. (Unicode) |
RegLoadMUIStringA Loads the specified string from the specified key and subkey. (ANSI) |
RegLoadMUIStringW Loads the specified string from the specified key and subkey. (Unicode) |
RegNotifyChangeKeyValue Notifies the caller about changes to the attributes or contents of a specified registry key. |
RegOpenCurrentUser Retrieves a handle to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER key for the user the current thread is impersonating. |
RegOpenKeyA Opens the specified registry key. (ANSI) |
RegOpenKeyExA Opens the specified registry key. Note that key names are not case sensitive. (ANSI) |
RegOpenKeyExW Opens the specified registry key. Note that key names are not case sensitive. (Unicode) |
RegOpenKeyTransactedA Opens the specified registry key and associates it with a transaction. (ANSI) |
RegOpenKeyTransactedW Opens the specified registry key and associates it with a transaction. (Unicode) |
RegOpenKeyW Opens the specified registry key. (Unicode) |
RegOpenUserClassesRoot Retrieves a handle to the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key for a specified user. The user is identified by an access token. |
RegOverridePredefKey Maps a predefined registry key to the specified registry key. |
RegQueryInfoKeyA Retrieves information about the specified registry key. (ANSI) |
RegQueryInfoKeyW Retrieves information about the specified registry key. (Unicode) |
RegQueryMultipleValuesA Retrieves the type and data for a list of value names associated with an open registry key. (ANSI) |
RegQueryMultipleValuesW Retrieves the type and data for a list of value names associated with an open registry key. (Unicode) |
RegQueryReflectionKey Determines whether reflection has been disabled or enabled for the specified key. |
RegQueryValueA Retrieves the data associated with the default or unnamed value of a specified registry key. The data must be a null-terminated string. (ANSI) |
RegQueryValueExA Retrieves the type and data for the specified value name associated with an open registry key. (ANSI) |
RegQueryValueExW Retrieves the type and data for the specified value name associated with an open registry key. (Unicode) |
RegQueryValueW Retrieves the data associated with the default or unnamed value of a specified registry key. The data must be a null-terminated string. (Unicode) |
RegRenameKey Changes the name of the specified registry key. (RegRenameKey) |
RegReplaceKeyA Replaces the file backing a registry key and all its subkeys with another file, so that when the system is next started, the key and subkeys will have the values stored in the new file. (ANSI) |
RegReplaceKeyW Replaces the file backing a registry key and all its subkeys with another file, so that when the system is next started, the key and subkeys will have the values stored in the new file. (Unicode) |
RegRestoreKeyA Reads the registry information in a specified file and copies it over the specified key. This registry information may be in the form of a key and multiple levels of subkeys. (ANSI) |
RegRestoreKeyW Reads the registry information in a specified file and copies it over the specified key. This registry information may be in the form of a key and multiple levels of subkeys. (Unicode) |
RegSaveKeyA Saves the specified key and all of its subkeys and values to a new file, in the standard format. (ANSI) |
RegSaveKeyExA Saves the specified key and all of its subkeys and values to a registry file, in the specified format. (ANSI) |
RegSaveKeyExW Saves the specified key and all of its subkeys and values to a registry file, in the specified format. (Unicode) |
RegSaveKeyW Saves the specified key and all of its subkeys and values to a new file, in the standard format. (Unicode) |
RegSetKeyValueA Sets the data for the specified value in the specified registry key and subkey. (ANSI) |
RegSetKeyValueW Sets the data for the specified value in the specified registry key and subkey. (Unicode) |
RegSetValueA Sets the data for the default or unnamed value of a specified registry key. The data must be a text string. (ANSI) |
RegSetValueExA Sets the data and type of a specified value under a registry key. (ANSI) |
RegSetValueExW Sets the data and type of a specified value under a registry key. (Unicode) |
RegSetValueW Sets the data for the default or unnamed value of a specified registry key. The data must be a text string. (Unicode) |
RegUnLoadKeyA Unloads the specified registry key and its subkeys from the registry. (ANSI) |
RegUnLoadKeyW Unloads the specified registry key and its subkeys from the registry. (Unicode) |
ReleaseNameCache Releases a name cache. |
RemoveCapturedItem Removes the captured item. |
RequireNetworkDuringMediaTaskCompletion Increments or decrements the count of network connections required for media task completion. |
Resume Simulates resume of the user interface control. |
RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString Converts the specified ANSI source string into a Unicode string. |
RtlCharToInteger Converts a character string to an integer. |
RtlFreeAnsiString Frees the string buffer allocated by RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString. |
RtlFreeOemString Frees the string buffer allocated by RtlUnicodeStringToOemString. |
RtlFreeUnicodeString Frees the string buffer allocated by RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString or by RtlUpcaseUnicodeString. |
RtlInitString Initializes a counted string. |
RtlInitUnicodeString Initializes a counted Unicode string. |
RtlIsNameLegalDOS8Dot3 Determines whether or not a specified name can be used to create a file on the FAT file system. |
RtlLocalTimeToSystemTime Converts the specified local time to system time. |
RtlRaiseException Raises an exception. |
RtlTimeToSecondsSince1970 Converts the specified 64-bit system time to the number of seconds since the beginning of January 1, 1970. |
RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString Converts the specified Unicode source string into an ANSI string. |
RtlUnicodeStringToOemString Converts the specified Unicode source string into an OEM string. The translation is done with respect to the OEM code page (OCP). |
RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize Determines how many bytes are needed to represent a Unicode string as an ANSI string. |
RtlUniform Generates a uniform random number using D.H. Lehmer's 1948 algorithm. |
SaveConfiguration Saves to disk all the changes that were made in an FhConfigMgr object since the last time that the LoadConfiguration, CreateDefaultConfiguration or SaveConfiguration method was called for the File History configuration files of the current user. |
ScanTargetForConfigurations Scans the namespace on a specified storage device or network share for File History configurations that can be reassociated with and continued to be used on the current computer. |
SelectConfiguration Selects one of the File History configurations discovered on a storage device or network share by the IFhReassociation::ScanTargetForConfigurations method for subsequent reassociation. |
SendIMEMessageExA Specifies an action or processing for the Input Method Editor (IME) through a specified subfunction. (ANSI) |
SendIMEMessageExW Specifies an action or processing for the Input Method Editor (IME) through a specified subfunction. (Unicode) |
SetBackupStatus Changes the backup status value for an FhConfigMgr object. |
SetDotStuffingOnWrites Enables dot-stuffing properties on the write path of the file handle cache of the message. |
SetDotStuffState Enables dot stuffing to be set in an FIO_CONTEXT structure. |
SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA Sets the value of the specified firmware environment variable. (ANSI) |
SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExA Sets the value of the specified firmware environment variable as the attributes that indicate how this variable is stored and maintained. |
SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExW Sets the value of the specified firmware environment variable and the attributes that indicate how this variable is stored and maintained. |
SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableW Sets the value of the specified firmware environment variable. (Unicode) |
SetLocalPolicy Changes the numeric parameter value of a local policy in an FhConfigMgr object. |
SetShellNext Sets the ShellNext registry key with the specified value. |
ShareDirectory Shares a host directory into the container, either as read-only or supporting modification. |
ShiftLeft128 Shifts 128-bit left. |
ShiftRight128 Shifts 128-bit right. |
Show Displays the user interface control for the camera. |
ShowProductKeyUI Displays the user interface through which the user can provide a product key to upgrade or get a genuine copy of the operating system. |
SubscribeFeatureStateChangeNotification This function is intended for infrastructure use only. (SubscribeFeatureStateChangeNotification) |
Suspend Simulates suspend of the user interface control. |
TAG Identifies an entry in the shim database. |
TASKENUMPROCEX Implement this function to receive information for each task that VDMEnumTaskWOWEx enumerates. |
TCOMPfromLZXWindow The TCOMPfromLZXWindow macro converts window size into an LXZTCOMP value for FCIAddFile. |
TerminateCache Eliminates the cache and ends asynchronous I/O with the DLL. |
uaw_wcslen Retrieves the number of characters in a null-terminated Unicode string. |
UInt32x32To64 Multiplies two unsigned 32-bit integers, returning an unsigned 64-bit integer result. |
UnregisterServerForPMP Registers a COM Server CLSID and a class factory that were previously registered for Protected Media Process (PMP) usage. |
UnsignedMultiply128 Multiplies two unsigned 64-bit integers to produce an unsigned 128-bit integer. |
UnsignedMultiplyExtract128 Multiplies two unsigned 64-bit integers to produce an unsigned 128-bit integer, shifts the product to the right by the specified number of bits, and returns the low 64 bits of the result. |
UnsignedMultiplyHigh Multiplies two 64-bit integers to produce a 128-bit integer and gets the high unsigned 64 bits. |
UnsubscribeFeatureStateChangeNotification This function is intended for infrastructure use only. (UnsubscribeFeatureStateChangeNotification) |
UpdateOperatingSystem Upgrades the installed edition of the operating system to the edition that the user purchased in the Windows Store, or gets a genuine copy of the operating system. |
ValidateTarget Checks whether a certain storage device or network share can be used as a File History backup target. |
ValidateTarget This method checks whether a certain storage device or network share can be used as a File History default target and, thus, whether reassociation is possible at all or not. |
VDMEnumProcessWOW Enumerates all virtual DOS machines running 16-bit Windows tasks. |
VDMEnumTaskWOWEx Enumerates tasks within a particular virtual DOS machine (VDM). |
VER_SET_CONDITION Sets the bits of a 64-bit value to indicate the comparison operator to use for a specified operating system version attribute. This macro is used to build the dwlConditionMask parameter of the VerifyVersionInfo function. |
VerifierEnumerateResource Enumerates operating system resources for use by debugging and support tools. |
VerifierIsPerUserSettingsEnabled Determines whether Application Verifier can use per-user settings. |
VerifyVersionInfoA Compares a set of operating system version requirements to the corresponding values for the currently running version of the system. (ANSI) |
VerifyVersionInfoW Compares a set of operating system version requirements to the corresponding values for the currently running version of the system. (Unicode) |
VerSetConditionMask Sets the bits of a 64-bit value to indicate the comparison operator to use for a specified operating system version attribute. This function is used to build the dwlConditionMask parameter of the VerifyVersionInfo function. |
WINNLSEnableIME Temporarily enables or disables an Input Method Editor (IME) and, at the same time, turns on or off the display of all windows owned by the IME. |
WritePrivateProfileSectionA Replaces the keys and values for the specified section in an initialization file. (ANSI) |
WritePrivateProfileSectionW Replaces the keys and values for the specified section in an initialization file. (Unicode) |
WritePrivateProfileStringA Copies a string into the specified section of an initialization file. (ANSI) |
WritePrivateProfileStringW Copies a string into the specified section of an initialization file. (Unicode) |
WritePrivateProfileStructA Copies data into a key in the specified section of an initialization file. As it copies the data, the function calculates a checksum and appends it to the end of the data. (ANSI) |
WritePrivateProfileStructW Copies data into a key in the specified section of an initialization file. As it copies the data, the function calculates a checksum and appends it to the end of the data. (Unicode) |
WriteProfileSectionA Replaces the contents of the specified section in the Win.ini file with specified keys and values. (ANSI) |
WriteProfileSectionW Replaces the contents of the specified section in the Win.ini file with specified keys and values. (Unicode) |
WriteProfileStringA Copies a string into the specified section of the Win.ini file. (ANSI) |
WriteProfileStringW Copies a string into the specified section of the Win.ini file. (Unicode) |
WscGetSecurityProviderHealth Gets the aggregate health state of the security provider categories represented by the specified WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER enumeration values. |
WscRegisterForChanges Registers a callback function to be run when Windows Security Center (WSC) detects a change that could affect the health of one of the security providers. |
WscUnRegisterChanges Cancels a callback registration that was made by a call to the WscRegisterForChanges function. |
ICameraUIControl Enables a user interface control for a camera device.. |
ICameraUIControlEventCallback Callback interface for receiving events from the camera user interface control. |
IEditionUpgradeHelper Allows the Windows Store to install a Windows product that the user purchased, to perform either an upgrade to the edition of Windows that the user currently has installed, or to replace a non-genuine copy of Windows with a genuine copy of Windows. |
IFhConfigMgr The IFhConfigMgr interface allows client applications to read and modify the File History configuration for the user account under which the methods of this interface are called. |
IFhReassociation This interface allows client applications to reassociate a File History configuration from a File History target with the current user. |
IFhScopeIterator The IFhScopeIterator interface allows client applications to enumerate individual items in an inclusion or exclusion list. To retrieve inclusion and exclusion lists, call the IFhConfigMgr::GetIncludeExcludeRules method. |
IFhTarget The IFhTarget interface allows client applications to read numeric and string properties of a File History backup target. |
IIsolatedAppLauncher Enables apps to determine whether they are running in a Microsoft Defender Application Guard (MDAG) container (VM container environment). |
IIsolatedProcessLauncher Enables apps to determine whether processes are running in a Microsoft Defender Application Guard (MDAG) container (VM container environment). |
IIsolatedProcessLauncher2 Enables apps to determine whether processes are running in a Microsoft Defender Application Guard (MDAG) container (VM container environment). |
IWebBrowser2 Exposes methods that are implemented by the WebBrowser control (Microsoft ActiveX control) or implemented by an instance of the InternetExplorer application (OLE Automation). |
IWscProduct Provides methods for getting product information for an individual provider to interact with Windows Security Center. |
IWSCProductList Provides methods to collect product information for the selected type of providers installed on the computer. |
IXMLElementCollection Supports collection of XML elements for indexed access. |
AVRF_BACKTRACE_INFORMATION Contains information about backtraces performed. |
AVRF_HANDLE_OPERATION Contains information required to collect handle trace information. |
AVRF_HEAP_ALLOCATION Stores metadata information about heap allocation. |
CCAB The CCAB structure contains cabinet information. |
ERF The ERF structure contains error information from FCI/FDI. The caller should not modify this structure. |
FDICABINETINFO The FDICABINETINFO structure contains details about a particular cabinet file. |
FDINOTIFICATION The FDINOTIFICATION structure to provide information to FNFDINOTIFY. |
FEATURE_ERROR This structure is intended for infrastructure use only. |
HW_PROFILE_INFOA Contains information about a hardware profile. (ANSI) |
HW_PROFILE_INFOW Contains information about a hardware profile. (Unicode) |
IFEntry Describes a TCP/IP interface in accord with the Simple Network Management Protocol, version 2, (SNMPv2) standard for Management Information Base for network management of TCP/IP networks (MIB-II), as specified in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Request for Comments (RFC) 1213 on pages 16 through 23. |
IMESTRUCT Used by SendIMEMessageEx to specify the subfunction to be executed in the Input Method Editor (IME) message and its parameters. This structure is also used to receive return values from those subfunctions. |
IPAddrEntry Implements part of the Management Information Base (MIB-II) information group for the Internet Protocol (IP) as specified in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Request for Comments (RFC) 2011. (IPAddrEntry) |
IPInterfaceInfo The IPInterfaceInfo structure contains information about a specific IP interface, returned by the IOCTL_TCP_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX control code. |
IPSNMPInfo Implements part of the Management Information Base (MIB-II) information group for the Internet Protocol (IP) as specified in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Request for Comments (RFC) 2011. (IPSNMPInfo) |
IsolatedAppLauncherTelemetryParameters A struct that provides telemetry parameters to be used when launching an app inside the container. |
JAVA_TRUST Contains trust information. |
NAME_CACHE_CONTEXT Represents a name cache. |
NETLOGON_INFO_1 Defines a level-1 control query response from a domain controller. |
NETLOGON_INFO_2 Defines a level-2 control query response from a domain controller. |
NETLOGON_INFO_3 Defines a level-3 control query response from a domain controller. |
NETLOGON_INFO_4 Defines a level-4 control query response from a domain controller. |
OSVERSIONINFOA Contains operating system version information. (ANSI) |
OSVERSIONINFOEXA Contains operating system version information. The information includes major and minor version numbers, a build number, a platform identifier, and information about product suites and the latest Service Pack installed on the system. (ANSI) |
OSVERSIONINFOEXW Contains operating system version information. The information includes major and minor version numbers, a build number, a platform identifier, and information about product suites and the latest Service Pack installed on the system. (Unicode) |
OSVERSIONINFOW Contains operating system version information. (Unicode) |
STRENTRYA Represents a registry string replacement. (ANSI) |
STRENTRYW Represents a registry string replacement. (Unicode) |
STRING Used with the RtlUnicodeStringToOemString function. |
STRTABLEA Represents a table of registry string replacements. (ANSI) |
STRTABLEW Represents a table of registry string replacements. (Unicode) |
TDIEntityID Contains a part of the TDIObjectID structure to represent information about TDI drivers retrieved using the IOCTL_TCP_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX control code. |
TDIObjectID Contains a part of the TCP_REQUEST_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX structure that is used with the IOCTL_TCP_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX control code to specify the kind of information being requested from the TCP driver. |
VALENTA Contains information about a registry value. The RegQueryMultipleValues function uses this structure. (ANSI) |
VALENTW Contains information about a registry value. The RegQueryMultipleValues function uses this structure. (Unicode) |