Windows Animation Manager
Overview of the Windows Animation Manager technology.
To develop Windows Animation Manager, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
UI_ANIMATION_DEPENDENCIES Defines which aspects of an interpolator depend on a given input. |
UI_ANIMATION_IDLE_BEHAVIOR Defines the behavior of a timer when the animation manager is idle. |
UI_ANIMATION_MANAGER_STATUS Defines the activity status of an animation manager. |
UI_ANIMATION_MODE Defines animation modes. |
UI_ANIMATION_PRIORITY_EFFECT Defines potential effects on a storyboard if a priority comparison returns false. |
UI_ANIMATION_REPEAT_MODE Defines the pattern for a loop iteration. |
UI_ANIMATION_ROUNDING_MODE Defines the rounding modes to be used when the value of an animation variable is converted from a floating-point type to an integer type. |
UI_ANIMATION_SCHEDULING_RESULT Defines results for storyboard scheduling. |
UI_ANIMATION_SLOPE Defines animation slope characteristics. |
UI_ANIMATION_STORYBOARD_STATUS Defines the status for a storyboard. |
UI_ANIMATION_TIMER_CLIENT_STATUS Defines activity status for a timer's client. |
UI_ANIMATION_UPDATE_RESULT Defines results for animation updates. |
Abandon Terminates the storyboard, releases all related animation variables, and removes the storyboard from the schedule. (IUIAnimationStoryboard.Abandon) |
Abandon Terminates the storyboard, releases all related animation variables, and removes the storyboard from the schedule. (IUIAnimationStoryboard2.Abandon) |
AbandonAllStoryboards Abandons all active storyboards. (IUIAnimationManager.AbandonAllStoryboards) |
AbandonAllStoryboards Abandons all active storyboards. (IUIAnimationManager2.AbandonAllStoryboards) |
AddCubic Adds a cubic polynomial segment that describes the shape of a transition curve to the animation function. |
AddKeyframeAfterTransition Adds a keyframe at the end of the specified transition. (IUIAnimationStoryboard.AddKeyframeAfterTransition) |
AddKeyframeAfterTransition Adds a keyframe at the end of the specified transition. (IUIAnimationStoryboard2.AddKeyframeAfterTransition) |
AddKeyframeAtOffset Adds a keyframe at the specified offset from an existing keyframe. (IUIAnimationStoryboard.AddKeyframeAtOffset) |
AddKeyframeAtOffset Adds a keyframe at the specified offset from an existing keyframe. (IUIAnimationStoryboard2.AddKeyframeAtOffset) |
AddSinusoidal Adds a sinusoidal segment that describes the shape of a transition curve to the animation function. |
AddTransition Adds a transition to the storyboard. (IUIAnimationStoryboard.AddTransition) |
AddTransition Adds a transition to the storyboard. (IUIAnimationStoryboard2.AddTransition) |
AddTransitionAtKeyframe Adds a transition that starts at the specified keyframe. (IUIAnimationStoryboard.AddTransitionAtKeyframe) |
AddTransitionAtKeyframe Adds a transition that starts at the specified keyframe. (IUIAnimationStoryboard2.AddTransitionAtKeyframe) |
AddTransitionBetweenKeyframes Adds a transition between two keyframes. (IUIAnimationStoryboard.AddTransitionBetweenKeyframes) |
AddTransitionBetweenKeyframes Adds a transition between two keyframes. (IUIAnimationStoryboard2.AddTransitionBetweenKeyframes) |
ClearTimerClientEventHandler Clears the handler for timer client status change events. |
Conclude Completes the current iteration of a keyframe loop that is in progress (where the loop is set to UI_ANIMATION_REPEAT_INDEFINITELY), terminates the loop, and continues with the storyboard. (IUIAnimationStoryboard.Conclude) |
Conclude Completes the current iteration of a keyframe loop that is in progress (where the loop is set to UI_ANIMATION_REPEAT_INDEFINITELY), terminates the loop, and continues with the storyboard. (IUIAnimationStoryboard2.Conclude) |
CreateAccelerateDecelerateTransition Creates an accelerate-decelerate transition. |
CreateAccelerateDecelerateTransition Creates an accelerate-decelerate scalar transition. |
CreateAnimationVariable Creates a new animation variable. (IUIAnimationManager.CreateAnimationVariable) |
CreateAnimationVariable Creates a new animation variable. (IUIAnimationManager2.CreateAnimationVariable) |
CreateAnimationVectorVariable Creates a new animation variable for each specified dimension. |
CreateConstantTransition Creates a constant transition. |
CreateConstantTransition Creates a constant scalar transition. |
CreateCubicBezierLinearTransition Creates a cubic Bézier linear scalar transition. |
CreateCubicBezierLinearVectorTransition Creates a cubic Bézier linear vector transition for each specified dimension. |
CreateCubicTransition Creates a cubic transition. |
CreateCubicTransition Creates a cubic scalar transition. |
CreateCubicVectorTransition Creates a cubic vector transition for each specified dimension. |
CreateDiscreteTransition Creates a discrete transition. |
CreateDiscreteTransition Creates a discrete scalar transition. |
CreateDiscreteVectorTransition Creates a discrete vector transition for each specified dimension. |
CreateInstantaneousTransition Creates an instantaneous transition. |
CreateInstantaneousTransition Creates an instantaneous scalar transition. |
CreateInstantaneousVectorTransition Creates an instantaneous vector transition for each specified dimension. |
CreateLinearTransition Creates a linear transition. |
CreateLinearTransition Creates a linear scalar transition. |
CreateLinearTransitionFromSpeed Creates a linear-speed transition. |
CreateLinearTransitionFromSpeed Creates a linear-speed scalar transition. |
CreateLinearVectorTransition Creates a linear vector transition in the specified dimension. |
CreateLinearVectorTransitionFromSpeed Creates a linear-speed vector transition in the specified dimension. |
CreateParabolicTransitionFromAcceleration Creates a parabolic-acceleration transition. |
CreateParabolicTransitionFromAcceleration Creates a parabolic-acceleration scalar transition. |
CreateReversalTransition Creates a reversal transition. |
CreateReversalTransition Creates a reversal scalar transition. |
CreateSinusoidalTransitionFromRange Creates a sinusoidal-range transition, with a specified range of oscillation. |
CreateSinusoidalTransitionFromRange Creates a sinusoidal-range scalar transition with a specified range of oscillation. |
CreateSinusoidalTransitionFromVelocity Creates a sinusoidal-velocity transition, with an amplitude determined by the initial velocity. |
CreateSinusoidalTransitionFromVelocity Creates a sinusoidal scalar transition where amplitude is determined by initial velocity. |
CreateSmoothStopTransition Creates a smooth-stop transition. |
CreateSmoothStopTransition Creates a smooth-stop scalar transition. |
CreateStoryboard Creates a new storyboard. (IUIAnimationManager.CreateStoryboard) |
CreateStoryboard Creates a new storyboard. (IUIAnimationManager2.CreateStoryboard) |
CreateTransition Creates a transition from a custom interpolator. |
CreateTransition Creates a transition from a custom interpolator for a given dimension. |
Disable Disables the animation timer. |
Enable Enables the animation timer. |
EstimateNextEventTime Retrieves an estimate of the time interval before the next animation event. |
Finish Finishes the storyboard within the specified time, compressing the storyboard if necessary. (IUIAnimationStoryboard.Finish) |
Finish Finishes the storyboard within the specified time, compressing the storyboard if necessary. (IUIAnimationStoryboard2.Finish) |
FinishAllStoryboards Finishes all active storyboards within the specified time interval. (IUIAnimationManager.FinishAllStoryboards) |
FinishAllStoryboards Finishes all active storyboards within the specified time interval. (IUIAnimationManager2.FinishAllStoryboards) |
GetCurrentStoryboard Gets the storyboard that is currently animating the animation variable. |
GetCurrentStoryboard Gets the active storyboard for the animation variable. |
GetCurve Gets the animation curve of the animation variable. |
GetDependencies Gets the aspects of the interpolator that depend on the initial value or velocity passed to SetInitialValueAndVelocity, or that depend on the duration passed to SetDuration. |
GetDependencies For the given dimension, GetDependencies retrieves the aspects of the interpolator that depend on the initial value or velocity that is passed to the IUIAnimationInterpolator2::SetInitialValueAndVelocity method or the duration that is passed to the IUIAnimationInterpolator2::SetDuration method. |
GetDimension Gets the number of dimensions that require interpolation. |
GetDimension Gets the number of dimensions in which the animation variable has a transition specified. |
GetDimension Gets the number of dimensions that the animation variable is to be animated in. |
GetDuration Gets the duration of a transition. |
GetDuration Gets the duration of a transition for the given dimension. |
GetDuration Gets the duration of the transition. (IUIAnimationTransition.GetDuration) |
GetDuration Gets the duration of the transition. (IUIAnimationTransition2.GetDuration) |
GetElapsedTime Gets the time that has elapsed since the storyboard started playing. (IUIAnimationStoryboard.GetElapsedTime) |
GetElapsedTime Gets the time that has elapsed since the storyboard started playing. (IUIAnimationStoryboard2.GetElapsedTime) |
GetFinalIntegerValue Gets the final value of the animation variable as an integer. This is the value after all currently scheduled animations have completed. |
GetFinalIntegerValue Gets the final integer value of the animation variable. This is the value after all currently scheduled animations have completed. |
GetFinalIntegerVectorValue Gets the final integer value of the animation variable for the specified dimension. This is the value after all currently scheduled animations have completed. |
GetFinalValue Gets the final value at the end of the transition. |
GetFinalValue Gets the final value at the end of the transition for the given dimension. |
GetFinalValue Gets the final value of the animation variable. This is the value after all currently scheduled animations have completed. (IUIAnimationVariable.GetFinalValue) |
GetFinalValue Gets the final value of the animation variable. This is the value after all currently scheduled animations have completed. (IUIAnimationVariable2.GetFinalValue) |
GetFinalVectorValue Gets the final value of the animation variable for the specified dimension. This is the value after all currently scheduled animations have completed. |
GetIntegerValue Gets the current value of the animation variable as an integer. |
GetIntegerValue Gets the integer value of the animation variable. |
GetIntegerVectorValue Gets the integer value of the animation variable for the specified dimension. |
GetPreviousIntegerValue Gets the previous value of the animation variable as an integer. This is the value of the animation variable before the most recent update. |
GetPreviousIntegerValue Gets the previous integer value of the animation variable in the specified dimension. This is the value of the animation variable before the most recent update. |
GetPreviousIntegerVectorValue Gets the previous integer value of the animation variable for the specified dimension. This is the value of the animation variable before the most recent update. |
GetPreviousValue Gets the previous value of the animation variable. This is the value of the animation variable before the most recent update. (IUIAnimationVariable.GetPreviousValue) |
GetPreviousValue Gets the previous value of the animation variable. This is the value of the animation variable before the most recent update. (IUIAnimationVariable2.GetPreviousValue) |
GetPreviousVectorValue Gets the previous value of the animation variable for the specified dimension. This is the value of the animation variable before the most recent update. |
GetPrimitiveInterpolation Generates a primitive interpolation of the specified animation curve. |
GetStatus Gets the status of the animation manager. (IUIAnimationManager.GetStatus) |
GetStatus Gets the status of the animation manager. (IUIAnimationManager2.GetStatus) |
GetStatus Gets the status of the storyboard. (IUIAnimationStoryboard.GetStatus) |
GetStatus Gets the status of the storyboard. (IUIAnimationStoryboard2.GetStatus) |
GetStoryboardFromTag Gets the storyboard with the specified tag. (IUIAnimationManager.GetStoryboardFromTag) |
GetStoryboardFromTag Gets the storyboard with the specified tag. (IUIAnimationManager2.GetStoryboardFromTag) |
GetTag Gets the tag for a storyboard. (IUIAnimationStoryboard.GetTag) |
GetTag Gets the tag for a storyboard. (IUIAnimationStoryboard2.GetTag) |
GetTag Gets the tag for an animation variable. |
GetTag Gets the tag of the animation variable. |
GetTime Gets the current time. |
GetValue Gets the current value of the animation variable. |
GetValue Gets the value of the animation variable. |
GetVariableFromTag Gets the animation variable with the specified tag. (IUIAnimationManager.GetVariableFromTag) |
GetVariableFromTag Gets the animation variable with the specified tag. (IUIAnimationManager2.GetVariableFromTag) |
GetVectorCurve Gets the animation curve of the animation variable for the specified dimension. |
GetVectorValue Gets the value of the animation variable in the specified dimension. |
HasPriority Determines whether a new storyboard has priority over a scheduled storyboard. |
HasPriority Determines the relative priority between a scheduled storyboard and a new storyboard. |
HoldVariable Directs the storyboard to hold the specified animation variable at its final value until the storyboard ends. (IUIAnimationStoryboard.HoldVariable) |
HoldVariable Directs the storyboard to hold the specified animation variable at its final value until the storyboard ends. (IUIAnimationStoryboard2.HoldVariable) |
InterpolateValue Interpolates the value of an animation variable at the specified offset. |
InterpolateValue Interpolates the value of an animation variable at the specified offset and for the given dimension. |
InterpolateVelocity Interpolates the velocity, or rate of change, at the specified offset. |
InterpolateVelocity Interpolates the velocity, or rate of change, at the specified offset for the given dimension. |
IsDurationKnown Determines whether a transition's duration is currently known. |
IsDurationKnown Determines whether the duration of a transition is known. |
IsEnabled Determines whether the timer is currently enabled. |
OnCurveChanged Handles events that occur when the animation curve of an animation variable changes. |
OnIntegerValueChanged Handles events that occur when the value of an animation variable changes. (IUIAnimationVariableIntegerChangeHandler.OnIntegerValueChanged) |
OnIntegerValueChanged Handles events that occur when the integer value of an animation variable changes in the specified dimension. |
OnLoopIterationChanged Handles loop iteration change events, which occur when a loop within a storyboard begins a new iteration. |
OnManagerStatusChanged Handles status changes to an animation manager. (IUIAnimationManagerEventHandler.OnManagerStatusChanged) |
OnManagerStatusChanged Handles status changes to an animation manager. (IUIAnimationManagerEventHandler2.OnManagerStatusChanged) |
OnPostUpdate Handles events that occur after an animation update is finished. |
OnPreUpdate Handles events that occur before an animation update begins. |
OnRenderingTooSlow Handles events that occur when the rendering frame rate for an animation falls below a minimum desirable frame rate. |
OnStoryboardStatusChanged Handles events that occur when a storyboard's status changes. |
OnStoryboardStatusChanged Handles storyboard status change events. |
OnStoryboardUpdated Handles events that occur when a storyboard is updated. |
OnStoryboardUpdated Handles storyboard update events. |
OnTimerClientStatusChanged Handles events that occur when the status of the timer's client changes. |
OnUpdate Handles update events from the timer. |
OnValueChanged Handles events that occur when the value of an animation variable changes. (IUIAnimationVariableChangeHandler.OnValueChanged) |
OnValueChanged Handles events that occur when the value of an animation variable changes in the specified dimension. |
Pause Pauses all animations. (IUIAnimationManager.Pause) |
Pause Pauses all animations. (IUIAnimationManager2.Pause) |
RepeatBetweenKeyframes Creates a loop between two specified keyframes. |
RepeatBetweenKeyframes Creates a loop between two keyframes. |
Resume Resumes all animations. (IUIAnimationManager.Resume) |
Resume Resumes all animations. (IUIAnimationManager2.Resume) |
Schedule Directs the storyboard to schedule itself for play. (IUIAnimationStoryboard.Schedule) |
Schedule Directs the storyboard to schedule itself for play. (IUIAnimationStoryboard2.Schedule) |
ScheduleTransition Creates and schedules a single-transition storyboard. (IUIAnimationManager.ScheduleTransition) |
ScheduleTransition Creates and schedules a single-transition storyboard. (IUIAnimationManager2.ScheduleTransition) |
SetAnimationMode Sets the animation mode. (IUIAnimationManager.SetAnimationMode) |
SetAnimationMode Sets the animation mode. (IUIAnimationManager2.SetAnimationMode) |
SetCancelPriorityComparison Sets the priority comparison handler to be called to determine whether a scheduled storyboard can be canceled. |
SetCancelPriorityComparison Sets the priority comparison handler that determines whether a scheduled storyboard can be canceled. |
SetCompressPriorityComparison Sets the priority comparison handler to be called to determine whether a scheduled storyboard can be compressed. |
SetCompressPriorityComparison Sets the priority comparison handler that determines whether a scheduled storyboard can be compressed. |
SetConcludePriorityComparison Sets the priority comparison handler to be called to determine whether a scheduled storyboard can be concluded. |
SetConcludePriorityComparison Sets the priority comparison handler that determines whether a scheduled storyboard can be concluded. |
SetDefaultLongestAcceptableDelay Sets the default acceptable animation delay. This is the length of time that may pass before storyboards begin. (IUIAnimationManager.SetDefaultLongestAcceptableDelay) |
SetDefaultLongestAcceptableDelay Sets the default acceptable animation delay. This is the length of time that may pass before storyboards begin. (IUIAnimationManager2.SetDefaultLongestAcceptableDelay) |
SetDuration Sets the duration of the transition. |
SetDuration Sets the duration of the transition in the given dimension. |
SetFrameRateThreshold Sets the frame rate below which the timer notifies the application that rendering is too slow. |
SetInitialValue Sets the initial value for the transition. |
SetInitialValue Sets the initial value of the transition. |
SetInitialValueAndVelocity Sets the initial value and velocity at the start of the transition. |
SetInitialValueAndVelocity Sets the initial value and velocity of the transition for the given dimension. |
SetInitialVectorValue Sets the initial value of the transition for each specified dimension in the animation variable. |
SetInitialVectorVelocity Sets the initial velocity of the transition for each specified dimension in the animation variable. |
SetInitialVelocity Sets the initial velocity for the transition. |
SetInitialVelocity Sets the initial velocity of the transition. |
SetLongestAcceptableDelay Sets the longest acceptable delay before the scheduled storyboard begins. (IUIAnimationStoryboard.SetLongestAcceptableDelay) |
SetLongestAcceptableDelay Sets the longest acceptable delay before the scheduled storyboard begins. (IUIAnimationStoryboard2.SetLongestAcceptableDelay) |
SetLowerBound Sets the lower bound (floor) for the animation variable. The value of the animation variable should not fall below the specified value. |
SetLowerBound Sets the lower bound (floor) for the value of the animation variable. The value of the animation variable should not fall below the specified value. |
SetLowerBoundVector Sets the lower bound (floor) value of each specified dimension for the animation variable. The value of each animation variable should not fall below its lower bound. |
SetManagerEventHandler Specifies a handler for animation manager status updates. (IUIAnimationManager.SetManagerEventHandler) |
SetManagerEventHandler Specifies a handler for animation manager status updates. (IUIAnimationManager2.SetManagerEventHandler) |
SetRoundingMode Specifies the rounding mode for the animation variable. |
SetRoundingMode Sets the rounding mode of the animation variable. |
SetSkipDuration Specifies an offset from the beginning of a storyboard at which to start animating. |
SetStoryboardEventHandler Specifies a handler for storyboard events. (IUIAnimationStoryboard.SetStoryboardEventHandler) |
SetStoryboardEventHandler Specifies a handler for storyboard events. (IUIAnimationStoryboard2.SetStoryboardEventHandler) |
SetTag Sets the tag for the storyboard. (IUIAnimationStoryboard.SetTag) |
SetTag Sets the tag for the storyboard. (IUIAnimationStoryboard2.SetTag) |
SetTag Sets the tag for an animation variable. |
SetTag Sets the tag of the animation variable. |
SetTimerClientEventHandler Specifies a handler for timer client status change events. |
SetTimerEventHandler Specifies a timer event handler. |
SetTimerUpdateHandler Specifies a timer update handler. |
SetTrimPriorityComparison Sets the priority comparison handler to be called to determine whether a scheduled storyboard can be trimmed. |
SetTrimPriorityComparison Sets the priority comparison handler that determines whether a scheduled storyboard can be trimmed. |
SetUpperBound Sets an upper bound (ceiling) for the animation variable. The value of the animation variable should not rise above the specified value. |
SetUpperBound Sets the upper bound (ceiling) for the value of the animation variable. The value of the animation variable should not rise above the specified value. |
SetUpperBoundVector Sets the upper bound (ceiling) value of each specified dimension for the animation variable. The value of each animation variable should not rise above its upper bound. |
SetVariableChangeHandler Specifies a variable change handler. This handler is notified of changes to the value of the animation variable. |
SetVariableChangeHandler Specifies a handler for changes to the value of the animation variable. |
SetVariableCurveChangeHandler Specifies a handler for changes to the animation curve of the animation variable. |
SetVariableIntegerChangeHandler Specifies an integer variable change handler. This handler is notified of changes to the integer value of the animation variable. |
SetVariableIntegerChangeHandler Specifies a handler for changes to the integer value of the animation variable. |
Shutdown Shuts down the animation manager and all its associated objects. (IUIAnimationManager.Shutdown) |
Shutdown Shuts down the animation manager and all its associated objects. (IUIAnimationManager2.Shutdown) |
Update Updates the values of all animation variables. (IUIAnimationManager.Update) |
Update Updates the values of all animation variables. (IUIAnimationManager2.Update) |
IUIAnimationInterpolator Defines methods for creating a custom interpolator. |
IUIAnimationInterpolator2 Extends the IUIAnimationInterpolator interface that defines methods for creating a custom interpolator. IUIAnimationInterpolator2 supports interpolation in a given dimension. |
IUIAnimationLoopIterationChangeHandler2 Defines a method for handling storyboard loop iteration events. |
IUIAnimationManager Defines the animation manager, which provides a central interface for creating and managing animations. |
IUIAnimationManager2 Defines an animation manager, which provides a central interface for creating and managing animations in multiple dimensions. |
IUIAnimationManagerEventHandler Defines a method for handling status updates to an animation manager. |
IUIAnimationManagerEventHandler2 Defines a method for handling updates to an animation manager. |
IUIAnimationPrimitiveInterpolation Defines a method that allows a custom interpolator to provide transition information, in the form of a cubic polynomial curve, to the animation manager. |
IUIAnimationPriorityComparison Defines a method for priority comparison that the animation manager uses to resolve scheduling conflicts. |
IUIAnimationPriorityComparison2 Defines a method that resolves scheduling conflicts through priority comparison. |
IUIAnimationStoryboard Defines a storyboard, which contains a group of transitions that are synchronized relative to one another. |
IUIAnimationStoryboard2 Defines a storyboard, which contains a group of transitions that are synchronized relative to one another.In this sectionTopicDescriptionAbandon MethodTerminates the storyboard, releases all related animation variables, and removes the storyboard from the schedule.AddKeyframeAfterTransition MethodAdds a keyframe at the end of the specified transition.AddKeyframeAtOffset MethodAdds a keyframe at the specified offset from an existing keyframe.AddTransition MethodAdds a transition to the storyboard.AddTransitionAtKeyframe MethodAdds a transition that starts at the specified keyframe.AddTransitionBetweenKeyframes MethodAdds a transition between two keyframes.Conclude MethodCompletes the current iteration of a keyframe loop that is in progress (where the loop is set to UI_ANIMATION_REPEAT_INDEFINITELY), terminates the loop, and continues with the storyboard. Finish MethodFinishes the storyboard within the specified time, compressing the storyboard if necessary.GetElapsedTime MethodGets the time that has elapsed since the storyboard started playing.GetStatus MethodGets the status of the storyboard.GetTag MethodGets the tag for a storyboard.HoldVariable MethodDirects the storyboard to hold the specified animation variable at its final value until the storyboard ends.RepeatBetweenKeyframes MethodCreates a loop between two keyframes.Schedule MethodDirects the storyboard to schedule itself for play.SetSkipDuration MethodSpecifies an offset from the beginning of a storyboard at which to start animating.SetLongestAcceptableDelay MethodSets the longest acceptable delay before the scheduled storyboard begins.SetStoryboardEventHandler MethodSpecifies a handler for storyboard events.SetTag MethodSets the tag for the storyboard. . |
IUIAnimationStoryboardEventHandler Defines methods for handling status and update events for a storyboard. |
IUIAnimationStoryboardEventHandler2 Defines methods for handling storyboard events. |
IUIAnimationTimer Defines an animation timer, which provides services for managing animation timing. |
IUIAnimationTimerClientEventHandler Defines a method for handling events related to changes in timer client status. |
IUIAnimationTimerEventHandler Defines methods for handling timing events. |
IUIAnimationTimerUpdateHandler Defines methods for handling timing update events. |
IUIAnimationTransition Defines a transition, which determines how an animation variable changes over time. |
IUIAnimationTransition2 Extends the IUIAnimationTransition interface that defines a transition. An IUIAnimationTransition2 transition determines how an animation variable changes over time in a given dimension. |
IUIAnimationTransitionFactory Defines a method for creating transitions from custom interpolators. |
IUIAnimationTransitionFactory2 Defines a method for creating transitions from custom interpolators. supports the creation of transitions in a specified dimension. |
IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary Defines a library of standard transitions. |
IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary2 Defines a library of standard transitions for a specified dimension. |
IUIAnimationVariable Defines an animation variable, which represents a visual element that can be animated. |
IUIAnimationVariable2 Defines an animation variable, which represents a visual element that can be animated in multiple dimensions. |
IUIAnimationVariableChangeHandler Defines a method for handling events related to animation variable updates. |
IUIAnimationVariableChangeHandler2 Defines a method for handling animation variable update events. IUIAnimationVariableChangeHandler2 handles events that occur in a specified dimension. |
IUIAnimationVariableCurveChangeHandler2 Defines a method for handling animation curve update events. |
IUIAnimationVariableIntegerChangeHandler Defines a method for handling animation variable update events. |
IUIAnimationVariableIntegerChangeHandler2 Defines a method for handling animation variable update events. IUIAnimationVariableIntegerChangeHandler2 handles events that occur in a specified dimension. |
__MIDL___MIDL_itf_UIAnimation_0000_0002_0003 Defines a keyframe, which represents a time offset within a storyboard. |