Tablet PC
Overview of the Tablet PC technology.
To develop Tablet PC, you need these headers:
- inked.h
- micaut.h
- msinkaut.h
- msinkaut15.h
- peninputpanel.h
- recapis.h
- rectypes.h
- rtscom.h
- tabflicks.h
- tpcshrd.h
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
ALT_BREAKS Specifiers how to create alternates from a best result string. |
AppearanceConstants Specifies how an InkEdit control appears on the screen. |
BorderStyleConstants Specifies how the borders of an InkEdit control appear on the screen. |
CONFIDENCE_LEVEL Indicates the level of confidence the recognizer has in the recognition result. |
CorrectionMode Specifies the correction modes of the Tablet PC Input Panel. |
CorrectionPosition Specifies the direction, relative to Input Panel, that the post insertion correction comb displays. |
DISPID_InkEdit Specifies various ink editor states. |
DISPID_InkEditEvents Specifies various ink editor events. |
EventMask The events on the ITextInputPanel Interface that you can set attention for. |
FLICKACTION_COMMANDCODE Defines the possible flick actions that can be assigned to a pen flick. |
FLICKDIRECTION Defines the directions in which a pen flick has occurred. |
FLICKMODE Describes where Flick gestures are enabled. |
InkApplicationGesture Defines values that set the interest in a set of application-specific gesture.Application gestures are gestures that you can choose to have your application support. |
InkBoundingBoxMode Specifies which characteristics of a stroke, such as drawing attributes, are used to calculate the bounding box of the ink.The bounding box is the smallest rectangle that includes all points in the InkDisp object. |
InkClipboardFormats Specifies the format of ink that is stored on the Clipboard. |
InkClipboardModes Specifies the copy options of the Clipboard. |
InkCollectionMode Defines values that determine whether ink, gestures, or ink and gestures are recognized as the user writes. |
InkCollectorEventInterest Defines values that are used to specify whether an event occurred on an ink collector and, if so, which event fired. |
InkCursorButtonState Defines values that specify the state of a cursor button. |
InkDisplayMode Specifies how a selection appears on the control. |
InkDivisionType Defines values for the structural types within the IInkDivisionResult object. |
InkEditStatus Specifies whether the InkEdit control is idle, collecting ink, or recognizing ink. |
InkExtractFlags Determines how a stroke is removed from an InkDisp object. |
InkInsertMode Specifies how ink is inserted onto the InkEdit control. |
InkMode Specifies the collection mode for drawn ink-whether ink collection is disabled, ink is collected, or ink and gestures are collected. |
InkMouseButton Specifies which mouse button was pressed. (InkMouseButton) |
InkMousePointer Specifies the type of mouse pointer to appear. |
InkOverlayAttachMode Specifies where to attach the new InkOverlay object, behind or in front of the active layer. |
InkOverlayEditingMode Specifies the behavior mode of the InkOverlay object and the InkPicture control. |
InkOverlayEraserMode Specifies the way in which ink is erased from the InkOverlay object and the InkPicture control.This mode is used when the InkOverlayEditingMode is set to Delete. |
InkPenTip Specifies the pen-tip shape. |
InkPersistenceCompressionMode Defines values for the compression modes that are used to save the InkDisp object to a serialized format. |
InkPersistenceFormat Specifies how ink is persisted. |
InkPictureSizeMode Specifies how the picture behaves inside the InkPicture control. |
InkRasterOperation Defines values for performing raster operations on drawn ink. |
InkRecognitionAlternatesSelection Not implemented. (InkRecognitionAlternatesSelection) |
InkRecognitionConfidence Indicates the level of confidence that the recognizer has in the recognition result. |
InkRecognitionModes Specifies how the recognizer interprets the ink and determines the result string. |
InkRecognitionStatus Specifies whether an error occurred during recognition and, if so, which error occurred. |
InkRecognizerCapabilities Specifies the attributes of a recognizer. You also use this enumeration to determine which attributes to use when you search for an installed recognizer. |
InkRecognizerCharacterAutoCompletionMode Specifies types of character input modes. |
InkSelectionConstants Specifies whether the first element or all elements within a group of points or packet values are used. |
InkShiftKeyModifierFlags Specifies which modifier key was pressed. |
InkSystemGesture Specifies the interest in a set of operating system-specific gestures. |
InPlaceDirection Specifies the preferred direction of the In-Place Input Panel relative to the text entry field. |
InPlaceState Specifies the In-Place state values of the Tablet PC Input Panel. |
InteractionMode Specifies the interaction modes that can be chosen by the user for the Tablet PC Input Panel. |
KEYMODIFIER Determines which, if any, modifier keys were pressed when the flick gesture occurred. |
LINE_METRICS Represents the lines found in a recognition segment. |
MICUIELEMENT Specifies the user interface (UI) elements of a math input control (MIC). |
MICUIELEMENTSTATE Specifies the button states of a math input control (MIC). |
MouseButton Specifies which mouse button was pressed. (MouseButton) |
PanelInputArea Specifies the values that represent the default input areas of the Tablet PC Input Panel. |
PanelType Defines the type of input currently available in the PenInputPanel object. |
PROPERTY_UNITS Defines constant values for the unit of measurement of a property. |
RealTimeStylusDataInterest Defines the values used by plug-ins to specify which event notifications the plug-ins receive. |
RealTimeStylusLockType Specifies the locks within the RealTimeStylus Class object that protect the RealTimeStylus Class object's members and properties from modification. |
ScrollBarsConstants Specifies how the scroll bars of an InkEdit control appear on the screen. |
SCROLLDIRECTION Defines the direction of the scrolling command for a pen flick. |
SelAlignmentConstants Specifies the alignment of the paragraph relative to the margins of the InkEdit control. |
SelectionHitResult Specifies which part of a selection, if any, was hit during a hit test. |
StylusQueue Specifies the queue to which stylus data is added. |
TabletHardwareCapabilities Specifies the hardware capabilities of the Tablet PC. |
TabletPropertyMetricUnit Indicates the unit of measurement of a property. |
_IInkEditEvents_AddRef Increases the reference count of the IInkEditEvents interface object by 1. This method is part of the IUnknown interface inherited by IInkEditEvents. |
_IInkEditEvents_GetIDsOfNames Maps a set of names to a corresponding set of DISPIDs. |
_IInkEditEvents_GetTypeInfo Retrieves the type information for the object, which can then be used to get the type information for an interface. |
_IInkEditEvents_GetTypeInfoCount Retrieves the number of type information interfaces the object provides. |
_IInkEditEvents_Invoke Provides access to properties and methods exposed by the object. |
_IInkEditEvents_QueryInterface Queries for a given COM interface on the IInkEditEvents object. |
_IInkEditEvents_Release Releases a reference to the IInkEditEvents object. |
AcquireLock Retrieves the specified lock. |
Add Adds an InkStrokes collection to an IInkCustomStrokes collection. |
Add Creates and adds an IInkExtendedProperty object to the IInkExtendedProperties collection. |
Add Adds an IInkStrokeDisp object or InkStrokes collection to an existing InkStrokes collection. |
AddCustomStylusDataToQueue Adds custom data to the specified queue of the RealTimeStylus Class object. |
AddFunctionName Adds a new function-name definition to the list of custom math functions that the recognizer accepts. |
AddStroke Adds an ink stroke to the RecognizerContext. |
AddStrokes Adds a Strokes collection to an existing Strokes collection. |
AddStrokesAtRectangle Adds a specified Strokes collection into this InkDisp object at a specified rectangle. |
AddStylusAsyncPlugin Adds an IStylusAsyncPlugin to the asynchronous plug-in collection at the specified index. |
AddStylusSyncPlugin Adds an IStylusSyncPlugin to the synchronous plug-in collection at the specified index. |
AddWord Adds a single word to the InkWordList object. |
AddWords Adds more than one word to an InkWordList in a single operation. |
AddWordsToWordList Adds one or more words to the word list. |
Advise Establishes an advisory connection between the Tablet PC Input Panel and the specified sink object. |
AdviseInkChange Stops the recognizer from processing ink because a stroke has been added or deleted. |
AlternatesWithConstantPropertyValues Retrieves a IInkRecognitionAlternates collection, which are a division of the IInkRecognitionAlternate object on which this method is called. |
AppendPackets Adds a packet to the end of the digitizer input packet list. |
BackgroundRecognize Causes the IInkRecognizer object to recognize the associated strokes collection and fire a Recognition event when recognition is complete. |
BackgroundRecognizeWithAlternates Causes the IInkRecognizer object to recognize the associated strokes collection and fire a RecognitionWithAlternates event when recognition is complete. |
BeginStroke Begins a stroke on an ink object by using packet data from a RealTimeStylus Class object. |
CanPaste Indicates whether the IDataObject can be converted to an InkDisp object. |
Clear Clears all InkStrokes collections from the IInkCustomStrokes collection. |
Clear Clears all of the IInkExtendedProperty objects from the IInkExtendedProperties collection. |
Clear Clears all ink from the control. |
ClearStylusQueues Clears the RealTimeStylus Class input and output queues of data. |
Clip Removes portions of an IInkStrokeDisp object or InkStrokes collection that are outside a rectangle. (IInkDisp.Clip) |
Clip Removes portions of an IInkStrokeDisp object or InkStrokes collection that are outside a rectangle. (IInkStrokeDisp.Clip) |
Clip Removes portions of an IInkStrokeDisp object or InkStrokes collection that are outside a rectangle. (IInkStrokes.Clip) |
ClipboardCopy Copies the InkStrokes collection to the Clipboard. |
ClipboardCopyWithRectangle Copies the IInkStrokeDisp objects that are contained within the known rectangle to the Clipboard. |
ClipboardPaste Copies the IDataObject from the Clipboard to the InkDisp object. |
Clone Creates a duplicate InkDisp object. |
Clone Creates a duplicate InkDrawingAttributes object. |
Clone Creates a duplicate InkRecognizerContext object. |
CloneContext Creates a recognizer context that contains the same settings as the original. The new recognizer context does not include the ink or recognition results of the original. |
CommitPendingInput Deprecated. The PenInputPanel has been replaced by the Text Input Panel (TIP).Sends collected ink to the recognizer and posts the recognition result. |
CommitPendingInput Sends collected ink to the recognizer and posts the recognition result. |
CorrectionModeChanged Occurs when the correction comb on the Tablet PC Input Panel has changed modes. |
CorrectionModeChanging Occurs when the correction comb on the Tablet PC Input Panel is about to change modes. |
CreateContext Creates a recognizer context. |
CreateRecognizer Creates a recognizer. |
CreateRecognizerContext Creates a new InkRecognizerContext object. |
CreateStroke Creates an IInkStrokeDisp object from an array of packet data input values. |
CreateStroke Creates strokes on an ink object by using packet data that came from a RealTimeStylus Class object. |
CreateStrokes Creates a new InkStrokes collection from existing IInkStrokeDisp objects. |
CustomStylusDataAdded Notifies the implementing plug-in that custom stylus data is available. |
DataInterest Retrieves the events for which the plug-in is to receive notifications. |
DeleteStroke Deletes a IInkStrokeDisp object from the InkDisp object. |
DeleteStrokes Deletes an InkStrokes collection from the Strokes collection of the InkDisp object. |
DestroyAlternate This function is obsolete and need not be implemented by custom application recognizers. |
DestroyContext Destroys a recognizer context. |
DestroyRecognizer Destroys a recognizer. |
DestroyWordList Destroys the current word list. |
Divide Returns a IInkDivisionResult object that contains the results of the layout analysis of strokes in the InkDivider object. |
DoesPropertyExist Retrieves a value that indicates whether an IInkExtendedProperty object exists within an IInkExtendedProperties collection. |
Draw Sets a rectangle in which to redraw the ink within the InkOverlay object. |
Draw Draws ink strokes using the known device context. |
Draw Draws the cached data to the specified device context. |
DrawStroke Draws the IInkStrokeDisp object using the known device context, and optionally draws the IInkStrokeDisp object with the known InkDrawingAttributes object. |
EnableAutoGrow Determines whether the control automatically grows when input is entered beyond the control's current range. |
EnableExtendedButtons Determines whether the extended set of control buttons is shown. |
EnableGestures Sets a value that indicates to which application gestures the GestureRecognizer Class object responds. |
EnableTsf Deprecated. Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the PenInputPanel object attempts to send text to the attached control through the Text Services Framework (TSF) and enables the use of the correction user interface. |
EndInkInput EndInkInput is no longer available for use for recognizers of western languages as of Windows Vista. |
EndInkInput Indicates that no more ink will be added to the context.You cannot add strokes to the context after calling this function. |
EndStroke Ends a stroke and returns the stroke object. |
Error Notifies the implementing object that this plug-in or one of the previous plug-ins in either the IStylusAsyncPlugin or IStylusSyncPlugin collection threw an exception. |
ExtractStrokes Specifies the strokes to extract from an InkDisp Class and cut or copy into a new InkDisp Class, by using the known collection of strokes to determine which strokes to extract. |
ExtractWithRectangle Cuts or copies strokes from an existing InkDisp object and pastes them into a new InkDisp object, by using the known rectangle to determine which strokes to extract. |
FindIntersections Retrieves the points where this IInkStrokeDisp object intersects other IInkStrokeDisp objects within a known InkStrokes collection. |
get_AntiAliased Gets or sets the value that indicates whether a stroke is antialiased. (Get) |
get_Appearance Gets or sets a value that determines the appearance of the InkEdit control - whether it is flat (painted with no visual effects) or 3D (painted with three-dimensional effects). (Get) |
get_Ascender Gets the ascender line for a IInkRecognitionAlternate object that represents a single line of text. |
get_AttachedEditWindow Deprecated. The PenInputPanel has been replaced by the Text Input Panel (TIP).Sets or gets the window handle of the object that the PenInputPanel object is attached to. (Get) |
get_AttachedEditWindow Gets or sets the window handle of the object to which the ITextInputPanel object is attached. (Get) |
get_AttachMode Gets or sets the value that specifies whether the InkOverlay object is attached behind or in front of the known window. (Get) |
get_AutoRedraw Gets or sets a value that specifies whether an ink collector repaints the ink when the window is invalidated. (IInkCollector.get_AutoRedraw) |
get_AutoRedraw Gets or sets a value that specifies whether an ink collector repaints the ink when the window is invalidated. (IInkOverlay.get_AutoRedraw) |
get_AutoRedraw Gets or sets a value that specifies whether an ink collector repaints the ink when the window is invalidated. (IInkPicture.get_AutoRedraw) |
get_AutoShow Deprecated. The PenInputPanel has been replaced by the Text Input Panel (TIP).Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the pen input panel appears when focus is set on the attached control by using the pen. (IPenInputPanel.get_AutoShow) |
get_BackColor Gets or sets the background color for the InkPicture control. (Get) |
get_BackColor Gets or sets the background color for the InkEdit control. (Get) |
get_Baseline Gets the baseline for a IInkRecognitionAlternate object that represents a single line of text. |
get_BezierCusps Gets an array that contains the indices of the cusps of the Bezier approximation of the stroke. |
get_BezierPoints Gets the array of control points that represent the Bezier approximation of the stroke. |
get_BorderStyle Gets or sets a value that determines whether the InkEdit control has a border. (Get) |
get_Bottom Gets or sets the bottom position of the InkRectangle object. (Get) |
get_Busy Deprecated. The PenInputPanel has been replaced by the Text Input Panel (TIP). Gets a value that indicates whether the PenInputPanel object is currently processing ink. |
get_Buttons Gets the IInkCursorButtons collection that is available on an IInkCursor. |
get_Capabilities Gets the capabilities of the IInkRecognizer object. |
get_CharacterAutoCompletionMode Gets or sets the character Autocomplete mode, which determines when characters or words are recognized. (Get) |
get_ChildRealTimeStylusPlugin Gets or sets a RealTimeStylus object as an asynchronous plug-in of the current RealTimeStylus object. |
get_ClipRectangle Gets or sets the clipping rectangle for the DynamicRenderer Class object. (Get) |
get_ClipRegion Gets or sets the clipping region for the DynamicRenderer Class object. (Get) |
get_CollectingInk Gets a value that specifies whether ink is currently being drawn on an ink collector (InkCollector, InkOverlay, or InkPicture). (IInkCollector.get_CollectingInk) |
get_CollectingInk Gets a value that specifies whether ink is currently being drawn on an ink collector (InkCollector, InkOverlay, or InkPicture). (IInkOverlay.get_CollectingInk) |
get_CollectingInk Gets a value that specifies whether ink is currently being drawn on an ink collector (InkCollector, InkOverlay, or InkPicture). (IInkPicture.get_CollectingInk) |
get_CollectionMode Gets or sets the collection mode that determines whether ink, gesture, or both are recognized as the user writes. (IInkCollector.get_CollectionMode) |
get_CollectionMode Gets or sets the collection mode that determines whether ink, gesture, or both are recognized as the user writes. (IInkOverlay.get_CollectionMode) |
get_CollectionMode Gets or sets the collection mode that determines whether ink, gestures, or both are recognized as the user writes. (Get) |
get_Color Gets or sets the color of the ink that is drawn with this InkDrawingAttributes object. (Get) |
get_Columns Gets or sets the number of columns in the recognition guide box. (Get) |
get_Confidence Gets the level of confidence (strong, intermediate, or poor) that a recognizer has in the recognition of an IInkRecognitionAlternate object or a gesture. (IInkGesture.get_Confidence) |
get_Confidence Gets the level of confidence (strong, intermediate, or poor) that a recognizer has in the recognition of an IInkRecognitionAlternate object or a gesture. (IInkRecognitionAlternate.get_Confidence) |
get_ConfidenceAlternates Gets the collection of alternates in which each alternate in the collection consists of the segments with the same property values. |
get_Count Gets the number of objects or collections contained in a collection. (IInkCursorButtons.get_Count) |
get_Count Gets the number of objects or collections contained in a collection. (IInkCursors.get_Count) |
get_Count Gets the number of objects or collections contained in a collection. (IInkCustomStrokes.get_Count) |
get_Count Gets the number of objects or collections contained in a collection. (IInkExtendedProperties.get_Count) |
get_Count Gets the number of objects or collections contained in a collection. (IInkRecognitionAlternates.get_Count) |
get_Count Gets the number of objects or collections contained in a collection. (IInkRecognizers.get_Count) |
get_Count Gets the number of objects or collections contained in a collection. (IInkStrokes.get_Count) |
get_Count Gets the number of objects or collections contained in a collection. (IInkTablets.get_Count) |
get_Count Gets the number of objects or collections contained in a collection. (IInkDivisionUnits.get_Count) |
get_CurrentCorrectionMode Gets the current correction comb mode as specified by the CorrectionMode Enumeration. |
get_CurrentInPlaceState Gets the current in-place state as specified by the InPlaceState Enumeration. |
get_CurrentInputArea Gets the current input area as specified by the PanelInputArea Enumeration. |
get_CurrentInteractionMode Gets the positioning of the Tablet PC Input Panel as specified by the InteractionMode Enumeration. |
get_CurrentPanel Deprecated. The PenInputPanel has been replaced by the Text Input Panel (TIP).Gets or sets which panel type is currently being used for input within the PenInputPanel object. (IPenInputPanel.get_CurrentPanel) |
get_Cursors Gets the collection of cursors that are available for use in the inking region. Each cursor corresponds to the tip of a pen or other ink input device. (IInkCollector.get_Cursors) |
get_Cursors Gets the collection of cursors that are available for use in the inking region. Each cursor corresponds to the tip of a pen or other ink input device. (IInkOverlay.get_Cursors) |
get_Cursors Gets the collection of cursors that are available for use in the inking region. Each cursor corresponds to the tip of a pen or other ink input device. (IInkPicture.get_Cursors) |
get_CustomStrokes Gets the collection of custom strokes to be persisted with the ink. |
get_Data Gets or sets the data of the extended property. (Get) |
get_Data Gets or sets access to the rectangle structure (C++ only). (Get) |
get_Data Gets or sets access to the XFORM structure. (Get) |
get_DataCacheEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether data caching is enabled for the DynamicRenderer Class object. (Get) |
get_DefaultDrawingAttributes Gets or sets the default drawing attributes to use when drawing and displaying ink. (IInkCollector.get_DefaultDrawingAttributes) |
get_DefaultDrawingAttributes Gets or sets the default drawing attributes to use when drawing and displaying ink. (IInkOverlay.get_DefaultDrawingAttributes) |
get_DefaultDrawingAttributes Gets or sets the default drawing attributes to use when drawing and displaying ink. (IInkPicture.get_DefaultDrawingAttributes) |
get_DefaultInPlaceState Gets or sets the default in-place state as specified by the InPlaceState Enumeration. (Get) |
get_DefaultInputArea Gets or sets the default input area as specified by the PanelInputArea Enumeration. (Get) |
get_DefaultPanel Deprecated. The PenInputPanel has been replaced by the Text Input Panel (TIP).Gets or sets the default panel type used for input within the PenInputPanel object. (Get) |
get_DefaultTablet Gets the default tablet within the set of available tablets. |
get_Deleted Gets a value that specifies whether a known stroke is deleted from the ink. |
get_Descender Gets the descender line for an IInkRecognitionAlternate object that represents a single line of text. |
get_DesiredPacketDescription Gets or sets the desired packet description of the InkCollector. (IInkCollector.get_DesiredPacketDescription) |
get_DesiredPacketDescription Gets or sets the desired packet description of the InkCollector. (IInkOverlay.get_DesiredPacketDescription) |
get_DesiredPacketDescription Gets or sets the desired packet description of the InkCollector. (IInkPicture.get_DesiredPacketDescription) |
get_DeviceKind Gets the type of Tablet device being used. |
get_Dirty Gets or sets the value that specifies whether the strokes of an InkDisp Class object have been modified since the last time the ink was saved. (Get) |
get_DisableNoScroll Gets or sets a value that determines whether scroll bars in the InkEdit control are disabled. (Get) |
get_DivisionType Gets the type of structural unit the IInkDivisionUnit object represents within the analysis results. |
get_DrawingAttributes Gets or sets the drawing attributes to apply to ink as it is drawn. (IInkCursor.get_DrawingAttributes) |
get_DrawingAttributes Gets or sets the drawing attributes to apply to ink as it is drawn. (IInkStrokeDisp.get_DrawingAttributes) |
get_DrawingAttributes Gets or sets the drawing attributes for ink that is yet to be drawn on the InkEdit control. (IInkEdit.get_DrawingAttributes) |
get_DrawingAttributes Gets or sets the DrawingAttributes object used by the DynamicRenderer Class object. |
get_DrawnBox Gets or sets the box that is physically drawn on the tablet's screen and in which writing takes place. (Get) |
get_DynamicRendering Gets or sets the value that specifies whether ink is rendered as it is drawn. (IInkCollector.get_DynamicRendering) |
get_DynamicRendering Gets or sets the value that specifies whether ink is rendered as it is drawn. (IInkOverlay.get_DynamicRendering) |
get_DynamicRendering Gets or sets the value that specifies whether ink is rendered as it is drawn. (IInkPicture.get_DynamicRendering) |
get_EditingMode Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the object/control is in ink mode, deletion mode, or selecting/editing mode. (Get) |
get_EditingMode Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the InkPicture control is in ink mode, deletion mode, or selecting/editing mode. (Get) |
get_eDx Gets or sets the element in the third row, first column of the affine transform matrix that is represented by an InkTransform object. (Get) |
get_eDy Gets or sets the element in the third row, second column of the affine transform matrix that is represented by an InkTransform object. (Get) |
get_eM11 Gets or sets the element in the first row, first column of the affine transform matrix that is represented by an InkTransform object. (Get) |
get_eM12 Gets or sets the element in the first row, second column of the affine transform matrix that is represented by an InkTransform object. (Get) |
get_eM21 Gets or sets the element in the second row, first column of the affine transform matrix that is represented by an InkTransform object. (Get) |
get_eM22 Gets or sets the element in the second row, second column of the affine transform matrix that is represented by an InkTransform object. (Get) |
get_Enabled Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the InkCollector object collects pen input (in-air packets, cursor in range events, and so on). (Get) |
get_Enabled Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the InkOverlay object collects pen input (in-air packets, cursor in range events, and so on). (Get) |
get_Enabled Gets or sets a value that determines whether the InkPicture control can respond to user-generated events. (Get) |
get_Enabled Gets or sets a value that determines whether the InkEdit control can respond to user-generated events. (Get) |
get_Enabled Gets or sets a value that turns dynamic rendering on and off. (Get) |
get_Enabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether gesture recognition is enabled. (Get) |
get_Enabled Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the RealTimeStylus object collects tablet pen data. (Get) |
get_EnabledUnicodeRanges Gets or sets a set of one or more Unicode ranges that the recognizer context will support. (Get) |
get_EraserMode Gets or sets the value that specifies whether ink is erased by stroke or by point. (Get) |
get_EraserMode Gets or sets a value that specifies whether ink is erased by stroke or by point. (Get) |
get_EraserWidth Gets or sets the value that specifies the width of the eraser pen tip. (Get) |
get_EraserWidth Gets or sets a value that specifies the width of the eraser pen tip. (Get) |
get_ExpandPostInsertionCorrection Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the correction comb on the Tablet PC Input Panel is automatically expanded. (Get) |
get_ExtendedProperties Gets the collection of application-defined data that are stored in an object. (IInkDisp.get_ExtendedProperties) |
get_ExtendedProperties Gets the collection of application-defined data that are stored in an object. (IInkDrawingAttributes.get_ExtendedProperties) |
get_ExtendedProperties Gets the collection of application-defined data that are stored in an object. (IInkStrokeDisp.get_ExtendedProperties) |
get_Factoid Gets or sets the factoid that a recognizer uses to constrain its search for the recognition result. (Get) |
get_Factoid Deprecated. The PenInputPanel has been replaced by the Text Input Panel (TIP).Gets or sets the string name of the factoid used by the PenInputPanel object. (Get) |
get_Factoid Gets or sets the Factoid constant that a IInkRecognizer object uses to constrain its search for the recognition result. (Get) |
get_FitToCurve Gets or sets the value that specifies whether Bezier smoothing is used to render ink. (Get) |
get_FlicksEnabled Returns a value indicating whether flick gestures are enabled for the RTS. |
get_Font Gets or sets a Font object. |
get_Guid Gets the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the IInkExtendedProperty object. |
get_Guide Gets or sets the InkRecognizerGuide to use for ink input. (IInkRecognizerContext.get_Guide) |
get_GuideData Gets or sets the InkRecoGuide structure that represents the boundaries of the ink to the recognizer. (Get) |
get_HardwareCapabilities Gets a bitmask that defines the hardware capabilities of the tablet, such as whether a cursor must be in physical contact with the tablet to report its position. |
get_Height Gets or sets the height of the pen when drawing ink with the InkDrawingAttributes object. (Get) |
get_Height Deprecated. The PenInputPanel has been replaced by the Text Input Panel (TIP).Gets the height of the pen input panel in client coordinates. |
get_HorizontalOffset Deprecated. The PenInputPanel has been replaced by the Text Input Panel (TIP).Gets or sets the offset between the left edge of the pen input panel and the left edge of the control to which it is attached. (IPenInputPanel.get_HorizontalOffset) |
get_hWnd Gets or sets the handle value of the window on which ink is drawn. (IInkCollector.get_hWnd) |
get_hWnd Gets or sets the handle value of the window on which ink is drawn. (IInkOverlay.get_hWnd) |
get_hWnd Gets or sets the handle value of the window on which ink is drawn. (IInkPicture.get_hWnd) |
get_Hwnd Gets a handle to the InkEdit control. |
get_HWND Gets or sets the window handle, HWND, associated with the DynamicRenderer Class object. (Get) |
get_HWND Gets or sets the handle value associated with the window the RealTimeStylus object uses. (Get) |
get_Id Gets the identifier of an object. (IInkCursor.get_ID) |
get_Id Gets the identifier of an object. (IInkCursorButton.get_Id) |
get_Id Gets the identifier of an object. (IInkGesture.get_Id) |
get_Id Retrieves the ID for the InkRecognizer. |
get_ID Gets the identifier of an object. (IInkStrokeDisp.get_Id) |
get_IgnorePressure Gets or sets the value that specifies whether drawn ink automatically gets wider with increased pressure of the pen tip on the tablet surface. (Get) |
get_Ink Gets or sets the InkDisp object that is associated with an InkCollector object or an InkOverlay object. (IInkCollector.get_Ink) |
get_Ink Gets or sets the InkDisp object that is associated with an InkCollector object or an InkOverlay object. (IInkOverlay.get_Ink) |
get_Ink Gets or sets the InkDisp object that is associated with the InkPicture control. |
get_Ink Gets the parent InkDisp object of a stroke. |
get_Ink Gets the InkDisp object that contains a collection of strokes. |
get_Ink Gets or sets the ink object that is associated with the IStrokeBuilder object. |
get_InkEnabled Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the InkPicture control collects pen input (in-air packets, cursor in range events, and so on). (Get) |
get_InkInsertMode Gets or sets a value that specifies how ink is inserted onto the InkEdit control, either as text or as ink. (Get) |
get_InkMode Gets or sets a value that specifies whether ink collection is disabled, ink is collected, or ink and gestures are collected. (Get) |
get_InPlaceBoundingRectangle Gets the bounding rectangle for Tablet PC Input Panel. |
get_InPlaceVisibleOnFocus Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Tablet PC Input Panel is displayed automatically when the window to which it is attached gets focus. (Get) |
get_Inverted Gets a value that indicates whether the cursor is the inverted end of the pen. |
get_IsMultiTouch Gets a value that indicates whether an input device supports multitouch. |
get_Languages Gets an array of language identifiers for the languages that the IInkRecognizer object supports. |
get_Left Gets or sets the left position of the InkRectangle object. (Get) |
get_Left Deprecated. The PenInputPanel has been replaced by the Text Input Panel (TIP).Gets the horizontal, or x-axis, location of the left edge of the PenInputPanel object, in screen coordinates. |
get_LineAlternates Gets the IInkRecognitionAlternates collection in which each alternate in the collection is on a separate line. |
get_LineHeight Gets or sets the expected handwriting height, in HIMETRIC units. (Get) |
get_LineNumber Gets the line number of the ink that makes up the alternate. |
get_Locked Gets or sets a value indicating whether the contents of the InkEdit control can be edited. (Get) |
get_MarginX Gets or sets the x-axis margin around the window rectangle, in screen coordinates.This margin provides a buffer around the edge of the ink window. (IInkCollector.get_MarginX) |
get_MarginX Gets or sets the x-axis margin around the window rectangle, in screen coordinates.This margin provides a buffer around the edge of the ink window. (IInkOverlay.get_MarginX) |
get_MarginX Gets or sets the x-axis margin around the window rectangle, in screen coordinates.This margin provides a buffer around the edge of the ink window. (IInkPicture.get_MarginX) |
get_MarginY Gets or sets the y-axis margin around the window rectangle, in screen coordinates.This margin provides a buffer around the edge of the ink window. (IInkCollector.get_MarginY) |
get_MarginY Gets or sets the y-axis margin around the window rectangle, in screen coordinates.This margin provides a buffer around the edge of the ink window. (IInkOverlay.get_MarginY) |
get_MarginY Gets or sets the y-axis margin around the window rectangle, in screen coordinates.This margin provides a buffer around the edge of the ink window. (IInkPicture.get_MarginY) |
get_MaximumCursors Gets the maximum number of cursors that a tablet device supports. |
get_MaximumInputRectangle Gets the maximum input rectangle, in tablet device coordinates that the IInkTablet object supports. |
get_MaxLength Gets or sets a value indicating whether there is a maximum number of characters an InkEdit control can hold and, if so, specifies the maximum number of characters. (Get) |
get_MaxStrokeCount Gets or sets the maximum number of strokes allowed per gesture recognition. (Get) |
get_Midline Gets the midline for a IInkRecognitionAlternate object that represents a single line of text. |
get_Midline Gets or sets the midline height. The midline height is distance from the baseline to the midline, of the drawn box. (Get) |
get_MouseIcon Gets or sets the custom mouse icon. (IInkCollector.get_MouseIcon) |
get_MouseIcon Gets or sets the custom mouse icon. (IInkOverlay.get_MouseIcon) |
get_MouseIcon Gets or sets the custom mouse icon. (IInkPicture.get_MouseIcon) |
get_MouseIcon Gets or sets the custom mouse icon for the InkEdit control. (Get) |
get_MousePointer Gets or sets a value that indicates the type of mouse pointer that appears. (IInkCollector.get_MousePointer) |
get_MousePointer Gets or sets a value that indicates the type of mouse pointer that appears. (IInkOverlay.get_MousePointer) |
get_MousePointer Gets or sets a value that indicates the type of mouse pointer that appears. (IInkPicture.get_MousePointer) |
get_MousePointer Gets or sets a value indicating the type of mouse pointer to be displayed. (Get) |
get_MultiLine Gets or sets a value indicating whether an InkEdit control can accept and display multiple lines of text. (Get) |
get_MultiTouchEnabled Indicates whether the IRealTimeStylus3 object has multitouch input enabled. (Get) |
get_Name Gets the name of the object. (IInkCursor.get_Name) |
get_Name Gets the name of the object. (IInkCursorButton.get_Name) |
get_Name Gets the name of the object. (IInkRecognizer.get_Name) |
get_Name Gets the name of the object. (IInkTablet.get_Name) |
get_PacketCount Gets the number of packets received for an IInkStrokeDisp object. |
get_PacketDescription Gets an array of globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) that describes the types of packet data stored in the IInkStrokeDisp object. |
get_PacketSize Gets the size, in bytes, of a packet. |
get_PenTip Gets or sets a value that indicates which pen tip to use when drawing ink that is associated with this InkDrawingAttributes object. (Get) |
get_Picture Gets the graphics file to appear on the InkPicture control. (Get) |
get_PlugAndPlayId Gets a string representation of the Plug and Play identifier of the IInkTablet object. |
get_PolylineCusps Gets an array that contains the indices of the cusps of the IInkStrokeDisp object. |
get_PopDownCorrectionHeight Gets the height of the Post-Insertion correction comb when it is positioned below Input Panel. |
get_PopUpCorrectionHeight Gets the height of the Post-Insertion correction comb when it is positioned above Input Panel. |
get_PreferredInPlaceDirection Gets or sets the preferred direction of the in-place Input Panel relative to the text entry field. (Get) |
get_PreferredPacketDescription Gets an array of globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) that represents the preferred packet properties for the recognizer. |
get_PrefixText Gets or sets the characters that come before the InkStrokes collection in the InkRecognizerContext object. (Get) |
get_RasterOperation Gets or sets a value that defines how the colors of the pen and background interact. (Get) |
get_RecognitionFlags Gets or sets the flags that specify how the recognizer interprets the ink and determines the result string. (Get) |
get_RecognitionResult Gets the IInkRecognitionResult object of the InkStrokes collection. |
get_RecognitionTimeout Gets or sets the length of time, in milliseconds, between the last IInkStrokeDisp object collected and the beginning of text recognition. (Get) |
get_Recognizer Gets the IInkRecognizer object used by the InkRecognizerContext object. |
get_Recognizer Gets or sets the IInkRecognizer object to use for recognition. |
get_RecognizerContext Gets or sets the InkRecognizerContext object that the InkDivider object uses for layout analysis. (IInkDivider.get_RecognizerContext) |
get_Renderer Gets or sets the InkRenderer object that is used to draw ink. (IInkCollector.get_Renderer) |
get_Renderer Gets or sets the InkRenderer object that is used to draw ink. (IInkOverlay.get_Renderer) |
get_Renderer Gets or sets the InkRenderer object that is used to draw ink. (IInkPicture.get_Renderer) |
get_Right Gets or sets the right position of the InkRectangle object. (Get) |
get_RotationTransform Gets the transformation matrix that the IInkDivisionUnit object uses to rotate the strokes to horizontal. |
get_Rows Gets or sets the number of rows in the recognition guide. (Get) |
get_ScrollBars Gets or sets the type of scroll bars, if any, to display in the InkEdit control. (Get) |
get_SelAlignment Gets or sets a value that controls the alignment of the paragraphs in an InkEdit control. (Get) |
get_SelBold Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the font style of the currently selected text in the InkEdit control is bold. (Get) |
get_SelCharOffset Returns or sets a value that determines whether text in the InkEdit control appears on the baseline (normal), as a superscript above the baseline, or as a subscript below the baseline. (Get) |
get_SelColor Gets or sets the text color of the current text selection or insertion point (run time only). (Get) |
get_Selection Gets or sets the InkStrokes collection that is currently selected inside the InkOverlay object or the InkPicture control. (Get) |
get_Selection Gets or sets theInkStrokes collection that is currently selected inside the InkOverlay object or the InkPicture control. (Get) |
get_SelfIntersections Gets the self-intersections of the stroke. |
get_SelFontName Gets or sets the font name of the selected text within the InkEdit control (run time only). (Get) |
get_SelFontSize Gets or sets the font size of the selected text within the InkEdit control (run time only). (Get) |
get_SelInks Gets or sets the array of embedded InkDisp objects (if displayed as ink) in the current selection. (Get) |
get_SelInksDisplayMode Gets or sets a value that allows for toggling the appearance of the selection between ink and text. (Get) |
get_SelItalic Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the font style of the currently selected text in the InkEdit control is italic (run time only). (Get) |
get_SelLength Gets or sets the number of characters that are selected in the InkEdit control (run time only). (Get) |
get_SelRTF Gets or sets the currently selected Rich Text Format (RTF) formatted text in the InkEdit control (run time only). (Get) |
get_SelStart Gets or sets the starting point of the text that is selected in the InkEdit control (run time only). (Get) |
get_SelText Gets or sets the selected text within the InkEdit control (run time only). (Get) |
get_SelUnderline Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the font style of the currently selected text in the InkEdit control is underlined (run time only). (Get) |
get_SizeMode Gets or sets how the InkPicture control handles image placement and sizing. (Get) |
get_State Gets the state of a cursor button, such as whether the button is unavailable, up, or down. |
get_Status Gets a value that specifies whether the InkEdit control is idle, collecting ink, or recognizing ink. |
get_String Gets the top string of the alternate. |
get_Strokes Gets the collection of strokes that are contained in an object or used to create an object. (IInkDisp.get_Strokes) |
get_Strokes Gets the collection of strokes that are contained in an object or used to create an object. (IInkRecognitionAlternate.get_Strokes) |
get_Strokes Gets the collection of strokes that are contained in an object or used to create an object. (IInkRecognitionAlternates.get_Strokes) |
get_Strokes Gets the collection of strokes that are contained in an object or used to create an object. (IInkRecognitionResult.get_Strokes) |
get_Strokes Gets or sets the InkStrokes collection associated with the InkRecognizerContext object. (IInkRecognizerContext.get_Strokes) |
get_Strokes Gets or sets the InkStrokes collection on which the InkDivider object performs layout analysis. (IInkDivider.get_Strokes) |
get_Strokes Gets the collection of strokes that are contained in an object or used to create an object. (IInkDivisionResult.get_Strokes) |
get_Strokes Gets the collection of strokes that are contained in an object or used to create an object. (IInkDivisionUnit.get_Strokes) |
get_SuffixText Gets or sets the characters that come after the InkStrokes collection in the InkRecognizerContext object. (Get) |
get_SupportedProperties Gets an array of globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) that describe the properties that the IInkRecognizer object supports. |
get_SupportHighContrastInk Gets or sets a value that specifies whether ink is rendered as just one color when the system is in High Contrast mode. (IInkCollector.get_SupportHighContrastInk) |
get_SupportHighContrastInk Gets or sets a value that specifies whether ink is rendered as just one color when the system is in High Contrast mode. (IInkOverlay.get_SupportHighContrastInk) |
get_SupportHighContrastInk Gets or sets a value that specifies whether ink is rendered as just one color when the system is in High Contrast mode. (IInkPicture.get_SupportHighContrastInk) |
get_SupportHighContrastSelectionUI Gets or sets a value that specifies whether all selection user interface (UI) elements are drawn in high contrast when the system is in High Contrast mode. (Get) |
get_SupportHighContrastSelectionUI Gets or sets a value that specifies whether all selection user interface (selection bounding box and selection handles) are drawn in high contrast when the system is in High Contrast mode. (Get) |
get_Tablet Gets either the IInkTablet object to which a cursor belongs or the IInkTablet object that an object or control is currently using to collect input. (IInkCollector.get_Tablet) |
get_Tablet Gets either the IInkTablet object to which a cursor belongs or the IInkTablet object that an object or control is currently using to collect input. (IInkCursor.get_Tablet) |
get_Tablet Gets either the IInkTablet object to which a cursor belongs or the IInkTablet object that an object or control is currently using to collect input. (IInkOverlay.get_Tablet) |
get_Tablet Gets either the IInkTablet object to which a cursor belongs or the IInkTablet object that an object or control is currently using to collect input. (IInkPicture.get_Tablet) |
get_Text Gets or sets the current text in the InkEdit control. (Get) |
get_TextRTF Gets or sets the text of the InkEdit control, including all RTF codes. (Get) |
get_Top Gets or sets the top position of the InkRectangle object. (Get) |
get_Top Deprecated. The PenInputPanel has been replaced by the Text Input Panel (TIP).Gets the vertical, or y-axis, location of the top edge of the PenInputPanel object, in screen coordinates. |
get_TopAlternate Gets the top alternate of the recognition result. (IInkRecognitionResult.get_TopAlternate) |
get_TopConfidence Gets the top alternate of the recognition result. (IInkRecognitionResult.get_TopConfidence) |
get_TopString Gets the result text for the TopAlternate property. |
get_Transparency Gets or sets a value that indicates the transparency value of ink. (Get) |
get_UnicodeRanges Retrieves the Unicode ranges set for the current recognizer. |
get_UseMouseForInput Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the mouse can be used as an input device. (Get) |
get_Vendor Gets the vendor name of the IInkRecognizer object. |
get_VerticalOffset Deprecated. The PenInputPanel has been replaced by the Text Input Panel (TIP).Gets or sets the offset between the closest horizontal edge of the pen input panel and the closest horizontal edge of the control to which it is attached. (IPenInputPanel.get_VerticalOffset) |
get_Visible Deprecated. The PenInputPanel has been replaced by the Text Input Panel (TIP).Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the PenInputPanel object is visible. |
get_Width Gets or sets the y-axis dimension, or width, of the pen tip when drawing ink. (Get) |
get_Width Deprecated. The PenInputPanel has been replaced by the Text Input Panel (TIP).Gets the width of the pen input panel in client coordinates. |
get_WindowInputRectangle Gets or sets the window input rectangle for the RealTimeStylus Class object. (Get) |
get_WordList Gets or sets the word list that is used in the recognition process to improve the recognition results. (IInkRecognizerContext.get_WordList) |
get_WritingBox Gets or sets the invisible writing area of the recognition guide in which writing can actually take place. (Get) |
GetAllRecognizers Gets all recognizers. |
GetAllTabletContextIds Retrieves an array containing all of the currently active tablet context identifiers. |
GetBestResultString Retrieves the best result string. |
GetBoundingBox Retrieves the bounding box in ink space coordinates for either all of the strokes in an InkDisp object, an individual stroke, or an InkStrokes collection. (IInkDisp.GetBoundingBox) |
GetBoundingBox Retrieves the bounding box in ink space coordinates for either all of the strokes in an InkDisp object, an individual stroke, or an InkStrokes collection. (IInkStrokeDisp.GetBoundingBox) |
GetBoundingBox Gets the bounding box in ink space coordinates for either all of the strokes in an InkDisp object, an individual stroke, or an InkStrokes collection. |
GetCandidate Returns one recognition alternate from the recognition result list. |
GetContextPreferenceFlags Gets the context preference flags. |
GetContextPropertyList Retrieves a list of properties the recognizer supports. |
GetContextPropertyValue Returns a specified property value from the recognizer context. |
GetDefaultRecognizer Retrieves the default recognizer for a known language, specified by a national language support (NLS) language code identifier (LCID). |
GetDesiredPacketDescription Retrieves the list of properties that have been requested to be included in the packet stream. |
GetEnabledUnicodeRanges Retrieves a list of Unicode point ranges enabled on the context. If you do not call the SetEnabledUnicodeRanges function to specify the enabled ranges, this function returns the recognizer's default Unicode point ranges. |
GetEventInterest Retrieves the interest an object has in a particular event for the InkCollector class, InkOverlay class, or InkPicture class. (IInkCollector.GetEventInterest) |
GetEventInterest Retrieves the interest an object has in a particular event for the InkCollector class, InkOverlay class, or InkPicture class. (IInkOverlay.GetEventInterest) |
GetEventInterest Retrieves the interest an object has in a particular event for the InkCollector class, InkOverlay class, or InkPicture class. (IInkPicture.GetEventInterest) |
GetFlattenedBezierPoints Retrieves the bounding box in ink space coordinates for either all of the strokes in an InkDisp object, an individual stroke, or a InkStrokes collection. |
GetFormat Returns the display properties currently set on the text ink object (tInk). |
GetGestureStatus Indicates whether the InkCollector or InkOverlay object is interested in a particular application gesture. |
GetGestureStatus Retrieves a value that determines whether the InkCollector or InkOverlay object is interested in a particular application gesture. |
GetGestureStatus Retrieves a value that indicates whether the InkPicture control has interest in a particular application gesture. |
GetGestureStatus Indicates whether the InkEdit control is interested in a particular application gesture. |
GetGuide Retrieves the guide used for boxed, lined, or freeform input. |
GetHotPoint Gets the hot point of the gesture, in ink space coordinates. |
GetHoverIcon Retrieves the icon to be used for the hover target to launch math input control. |
GetInkExtent Specifies the display properties to set on the text ink object (tInk), and retrieves the width of the text ink object in HIMETRIC units. |
GetLatticePtr Retrieves a pointer to the lattice for the current results. |
GetLeftSeparator Gets the left separator for the recognizer context. |
GetObjectTransform Gets the InkTransform object that represents the object transform that was used to render ink. |
GetPacketData Retrieves the packet data for a range of packets within the IInkStrokeDisp object. |
GetPacketDescriptionData Retrieves the packet properties and scaling factors. |
GetPacketDescriptionPropertyMetrics Retrieves the metrics for a given packet description type. |
GetPacketValuesByProperty Retrieves the data for a known packet property from one or more packets in the stroke. |
GetPoints Retrieves the points that make up a stroke. |
GetPosition Retrieves the position and size of the control. |
GetPreferredPacketDescription Retrieves a packet description that contains the packet properties the recognizer uses. |
GetPreviewHeight Retrieves the height in pixels of the preview area. |
GetPropertyMetrics Retrieves the metrics data for a specified property. |
GetPropertyValue Retrieves the value of a specified property of the alternate. |
GetRecoAttributes Retrieves the attributes of the recognizer. |
GetRectangle Gets the elements of the InkRectangle object in a single call. |
GetRectangleIntersections Finds the points where a IInkStrokeDisp object intersects a given rectangle. |
GetResultPropertyList Retrieves a list of properties the recognizer can return for a result range. |
GetRightSeparator Gets the right separator for the recognizer context. |
GetStrokesFromStrokeRanges Retrieves the smallest InkStrokes collection that contains a known input InkStrokes collection and for which the IInkRecognizer object can provide alternates. |
GetStrokesFromTextRange Retrieves the collection that corresponds to the smallest set of recognition segments that contains a specified character range within the alternate. |
GetStylusAsyncPlugin Retrieves the plug-in at the specified index in the asynchronous plug-in collection. |
GetStylusAsyncPluginCount Retrieves the number of plug-ins in the asynchronous plug-in collection. |
GetStyluses Retrieves the collection of styluses the RealTimeStylus Class object has encountered. |
GetStylusForId Retrieves a stylus for the specified stylus identifier. |
GetStylusSyncPlugin Retrieves the plug-in at the specified index in the synchronous plug-in collection. |
GetStylusSyncPluginCount Retrieves the number of plug-ins in the synchronous plug-in collection. |
GetTablet Retrieves an IInkTablet Interface object to the caller. |
GetTabletContextIdFromTablet Retrieves the TabletContextId property that is associated with a given tablet digitizer object. |
GetTabletFromTabletContextId Retrieves an IInkTablet Interface for a specified tablet context. |
GetTextRangeFromStrokes Retrieves the smallest range of recognized text for which the recognizer can return an alternate that contains a known InkStrokes collection. |
GetTransform Gets the InkTransform member data. |
GetUnicodeRanges Returns the ranges of Unicode points that the recognizer supports. |
GetViewTransform Gets the InkTransform object that represents the view transform that is used to render ink. |
GetWindowInputRectangle Gets the window rectangle, in pixels, within which ink is drawn. (IInkCollector.GetWindowInputRectangle) |
GetWindowInputRectangle Gets the window rectangle, in pixels, within which ink is drawn. (IInkOverlay.GetWindowInputRectangle) |
GetWindowInputRectangle Retrieves the window rectangle, in pixels, within which ink is drawn. |
Hide Hides the control. |
HitTestCircle Retrieves the InkStrokes collection that are either completely inside or intersected by a known circle. |
HitTestCircle Determines whether a stroke is either completely inside or intersected by a given circle. |
HitTestSelection Determines what portion of the selection was hit during a hit test. |
HitTestSelection Retrieves a member of the SelectionHitResult enumeration, which specifies which part of a selection, if any, was hit during a hit test. |
HitTestWithLasso Retrieves the strokes within a polyline selection area. |
HitTestWithRectangle Retrieves the strokes that are contained within a specified rectangle. |
InAirPackets Notifies the object implementing the plug-in that the stylus is moving above the digitizer. |
InkSpaceToPixel Converts a location in ink space coordinates to a location in pixel space using a handle for the conversion. |
InkSpaceToPixelFromPoints Converts an array of points in ink space coordinates to an array of points in pixel space. |
InPlaceSizeChanged Occurs when the in-place Input Panel size has changed due to a user resize, auto growth, or an input area change. |
InPlaceSizeChanging Occurs when the in-place Input Panel size is about to change due to a user resize, auto growth, or an input area change. |
InPlaceStateChanged Occurs when the In-Place state has changed. |
InPlaceStateChanging Occurs when the In-Place state is about to change. |
InPlaceVisibilityChanged Occurs when the Tablet PC Input Panel has switched between visible and invisible. |
InPlaceVisibilityChanging Occurs when the Tablet PC Input Panel is about to switch between visible and invisible. |
InputAreaChanged Occurs when the input area has changed on the Tablet PC Input Panel. |
InputAreaChanging Occurs when the input area is about to change on the Tablet PC Input Panel. |
InsertInkRecognitionResult Inserts recognition results. |
InsertRecognitionResultsArray Insert recognition results array. |
IsPacketPropertySupported Determines whether a property of a tablet device or a collection of tablet devices, identified with a globally unique identifier (GUID), is supported. (IInkTablet.IsPacketPropertySupported) |
IsPacketPropertySupported Determines whether a property of a tablet device or a collection of tablet devices, identified with a globally unique identifier (GUID), is supported. (IInkTablets.IsPacketPropertySupported) |
IsStringSupported Indicates whether the system dictionary, user dictionary, or word list contain a specified string. |
IsStringSupported Returns a value that indicates whether a word, date, time, number, or other text that is passed in is contained in the dictionary.The results of this test depend on the factoid setting. |
IsTipRunning Indicates if the Tablet PC Input Panel is running at the time the method is called. |
IsVisible Determines whether the control is visible. |
Item Retrieves the IInkCursorButton object at the specified index or string identifier within the IInkCursorButtons collection. |
Item Returns the IInkCursor object at the specified index within the IInkCursors collection. |
Item Retrieves the InkStrokes Collection at the location specified within the IInkCustomStrokes Interface. |
Item Retrieves the IInkExtendedProperty object at the specified index within the IInkExtendedProperties collection. |
Item Retrieves the IInkRecognitionAlternate object at the specified index within the IInkRecognitionAlternates collection. |
Item Retrieves the IInkRecognizer object at the specified index within the InkRecognizers collection. |
Item Retrieves the IInkStrokeDisp object at the specified index within the InkStrokes collection. |
Item Retrieves the IInkTablet object at the specified index within the InkTablets collection. |
Item Retrieves the IInkDivisionUnit object at the specified index within the IInkDivisionUnits collection. |
Load Populates a new InkDisp object with known binary data. |
LoadCachedAttributes Loads the cached attributes of a recognizer. |
LoadInk Processes ink and triggers recognition. |
MakeWordList Creates a word list. |
Measure Calculates the rectangle on the device context that would contain a collection of strokes if the strokes were drawn with the InkRenderer object using the DrawStroke method. |
MeasureStroke Calculates the rectangle on the device context that would contain a stroke if it were drawn with the InkRenderer object using the DrawStroke method. |
Merge Merges the specified InkWordList object into this word list. |
ModifyDrawingAttributes Sets the drawing attributes of all of the strokes in an InkStrokes collection. |
ModifyTopAlternate Changes the top alternate of a recognition result by using the specified alternate. |
Move Applies a translation to the view transform in ink space coordinates. |
Move Applies a translation to the ink of an IInkStrokeDisp object or InkStrokes collection. (IInkStrokeDisp.Move) |
Move Applies a translation to the ink of an IInkStrokeDisp object or InkStrokes collection. (IInkStrokes.Move) |
MoveTo Deprecated. The PenInputPanel has been replaced by the Text Input Panel (TIP).Sets the position of the PenInputPanel object to a static screen position. |
NearestPoint Retrieves the IInkStrokeDisp within the InkDisp object that is nearest to a known point, optionally providing the index of the nearest point and the distance to the stroke from the specified point. |
NearestPoint Finds the location on the stroke nearest to a known point and returns the distance that point is from the stroke. Everything is in ink space coordinates. |
Packets Notifies the object implementing the plug-in that the tablet pen is moving on the digitizer. |
PixelToInkSpace Converts a location in pixel space coordinates to be a location in ink space coordinates. |
PixelToInkSpaceFromPoints Converts an array of locations in pixel space coordinates to an array of locations in ink space coordinates. |
Process Performs ink recognition synchronously. |
put_AntiAliased Gets or sets the value that indicates whether a stroke is antialiased. (Put) |
put_Appearance Gets or sets a value that determines the appearance of the InkEdit control - whether it is flat (painted with no visual effects) or 3D (painted with three-dimensional effects). (Put) |
put_AttachedEditWindow Deprecated. The PenInputPanel has been replaced by the Text Input Panel (TIP).Sets or gets the window handle of the object that the PenInputPanel object is attached to. (Put) |
put_AttachedEditWindow Gets or sets the window handle of the object to which the ITextInputPanel object is attached. (Put) |
put_AttachMode Gets or sets the value that specifies whether the InkOverlay object is attached behind or in front of the known window. (Put) |
put_AutoRedraw Gets or sets a value that specifies whether an ink collector repaints the ink when the window is invalidated. (IInkCollector.put_AutoRedraw) |
put_AutoRedraw Gets or sets a value that specifies whether an ink collector repaints the ink when the window is invalidated. (IInkOverlay.put_AutoRedraw) |
put_AutoRedraw Gets or sets a value that specifies whether an ink collector repaints the ink when the window is invalidated. (IInkPicture.put_AutoRedraw) |
put_AutoShow Deprecated. The PenInputPanel has been replaced by the Text Input Panel (TIP).Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the pen input panel appears when focus is set on the attached control by using the pen. (IPenInputPanel.put_AutoShow) |
put_BackColor Gets or sets the background color for the InkPicture control. (Put) |
put_BackColor Gets or sets the background color for the InkEdit control. (Put) |
put_BorderStyle Gets or sets a value that determines whether the InkEdit control has a border. (Put) |
put_Bottom Gets or sets the bottom position of the InkRectangle object. (Put) |
put_CharacterAutoCompletionMode Gets or sets the character Autocomplete mode, which determines when characters or words are recognized. (Put) |
put_ClipRectangle Gets or sets the clipping rectangle for the DynamicRenderer Class object. (Put) |
put_ClipRegion Gets or sets the clipping region for the DynamicRenderer Class object. (Put) |
put_CollectionMode Gets or sets the collection mode that determines whether ink, gesture, or both are recognized as the user writes. (IInkCollector.put_CollectionMode) |
put_CollectionMode Gets or sets the collection mode that determines whether ink, gesture, or both are recognized as the user writes. (IInkOverlay.put_CollectionMode) |
put_CollectionMode Gets or sets the collection mode that determines whether ink, gestures, or both are recognized as the user writes. (Put) |
put_Color Gets or sets the color of the ink that is drawn with this InkDrawingAttributes object. (Put) |
put_Columns Gets or sets the number of columns in the recognition guide box. (Put) |
put_CurrentPanel Deprecated. The PenInputPanel has been replaced by the Text Input Panel (TIP).Gets or sets which panel type is currently being used for input within the PenInputPanel object. (IPenInputPanel.put_CurrentPanel) |
put_Data Gets or sets the data of the extended property. (Put) |
put_Data Gets or sets access to the rectangle structure (C++ only). (Put) |
put_Data Gets or sets access to the XFORM structure. (Put) |
put_DataCacheEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether data caching is enabled for the DynamicRenderer Class object. (Put) |
put_DefaultInPlaceState Gets or sets the default in-place state as specified by the InPlaceState Enumeration. (Put) |
put_DefaultInputArea Gets or sets the default input area as specified by the PanelInputArea Enumeration. (Put) |
put_DefaultPanel Deprecated. The PenInputPanel has been replaced by the Text Input Panel (TIP).Gets or sets the default panel type used for input within the PenInputPanel object. (Put) |
put_DesiredPacketDescription Gets or sets the desired packet description of the InkCollector. (IInkCollector.put_DesiredPacketDescription) |
put_DesiredPacketDescription Gets or sets the desired packet description of the InkCollector. (IInkOverlay.put_DesiredPacketDescription) |
put_DesiredPacketDescription Gets or sets the desired packet description of the InkCollector. (IInkPicture.put_DesiredPacketDescription) |
put_Dirty Gets or sets the value that specifies whether the strokes of an InkDisp Class object have been modified since the last time the ink was saved. (Put) |
put_DisableNoScroll Gets or sets a value that determines whether scroll bars in the InkEdit control are disabled. (Put) |
put_DrawnBox Gets or sets the box that is physically drawn on the tablet's screen and in which writing takes place. (Put) |
put_DynamicRendering Gets or sets the value that specifies whether ink is rendered as it is drawn. (IInkCollector.put_DynamicRendering) |
put_DynamicRendering Gets or sets the value that specifies whether ink is rendered as it is drawn. (IInkOverlay.put_DynamicRendering) |
put_DynamicRendering Gets or sets the value that specifies whether ink is rendered as it is drawn. (IInkPicture.put_DynamicRendering) |
put_EditingMode Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the object/control is in ink mode, deletion mode, or selecting/editing mode. (Put) |
put_EditingMode Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the InkPicture control is in ink mode, deletion mode, or selecting/editing mode. (Put) |
put_eDx Gets or sets the element in the third row, first column of the affine transform matrix that is represented by an InkTransform object. (Put) |
put_eDy Gets or sets the element in the third row, second column of the affine transform matrix that is represented by an InkTransform object. (Put) |
put_eM11 Gets or sets the element in the first row, first column of the affine transform matrix that is represented by an InkTransform object. (Put) |
put_eM12 Gets or sets the element in the first row, second column of the affine transform matrix that is represented by an InkTransform object. (Put) |
put_eM21 Gets or sets the element in the second row, first column of the affine transform matrix that is represented by an InkTransform object. (Put) |
put_eM22 Gets or sets the element in the second row, second column of the affine transform matrix that is represented by an InkTransform object. (Put) |
put_Enabled Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the InkCollector object collects pen input (in-air packets, cursor in range events, and so on). (Put) |
put_Enabled Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the InkOverlay object collects pen input (in-air packets, cursor in range events, and so on). (Put) |
put_Enabled Gets or sets a value that determines whether the InkPicture control can respond to user-generated events. (Put) |
put_Enabled Gets or sets a value that determines whether the InkEdit control can respond to user-generated events. (Put) |
put_Enabled Gets or sets a value that turns dynamic rendering on and off. (Put) |
put_Enabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether gesture recognition is enabled. (Put) |
put_Enabled Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the RealTimeStylus object collects tablet pen data. (Put) |
put_EnabledUnicodeRanges Gets or sets a set of one or more Unicode ranges that the recognizer context will support. (Put) |
put_EraserMode Gets or sets the value that specifies whether ink is erased by stroke or by point. (Put) |
put_EraserMode Gets or sets a value that specifies whether ink is erased by stroke or by point. (Put) |
put_EraserWidth Gets or sets the value that specifies the width of the eraser pen tip. (Put) |
put_EraserWidth Gets or sets a value that specifies the width of the eraser pen tip. (Put) |
put_ExpandPostInsertionCorrection Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the correction comb on the Tablet PC Input Panel is automatically expanded. (Put) |
put_Factoid Gets or sets the factoid that a recognizer uses to constrain its search for the recognition result. (Put) |
put_Factoid Deprecated. The PenInputPanel has been replaced by the Text Input Panel (TIP).Gets or sets the string name of the factoid used by the PenInputPanel object. (Put) |
put_Factoid Gets or sets the Factoid constant that a IInkRecognizer object uses to constrain its search for the recognition result. (Put) |
put_FitToCurve Gets or sets the value that specifies whether Bezier smoothing is used to render ink. (Put) |
put_FlicksEnabled Indicates if flick gesture recognition is enabled. |
put_GuideData Gets or sets the InkRecoGuide structure that represents the boundaries of the ink to the recognizer. (Put) |
put_Height Gets or sets the height of the pen when drawing ink with the InkDrawingAttributes object. (Put) |
put_HorizontalOffset Deprecated. The PenInputPanel has been replaced by the Text Input Panel (TIP).Gets or sets the offset between the left edge of the pen input panel and the left edge of the control to which it is attached. (IPenInputPanel.put_HorizontalOffset) |
put_hWnd Gets or sets the handle value of the window on which ink is drawn. (IInkCollector.put_hWnd) |
put_hWnd Gets or sets the handle value of the window on which ink is drawn. (IInkOverlay.put_hWnd) |
put_HWND Gets or sets the window handle, HWND, associated with the DynamicRenderer Class object. (Put) |
put_HWND Gets or sets the handle value associated with the window the RealTimeStylus object uses. (Put) |
put_IgnorePressure Gets or sets the value that specifies whether drawn ink automatically gets wider with increased pressure of the pen tip on the tablet surface. (Put) |
put_InkEnabled Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the InkPicture control collects pen input (in-air packets, cursor in range events, and so on). (Put) |
put_InkInsertMode Gets or sets a value that specifies how ink is inserted onto the InkEdit control, either as text or as ink. (Put) |
put_InkMode Gets or sets a value that specifies whether ink collection is disabled, ink is collected, or ink and gestures are collected. (Put) |
put_InPlaceVisibleOnFocus Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Tablet PC Input Panel is displayed automatically when the window to which it is attached gets focus. (Put) |
put_Left Gets or sets the left position of the InkRectangle object. (Put) |
put_LineHeight Gets or sets the expected handwriting height, in HIMETRIC units. (Put) |
put_Locked Gets or sets a value indicating whether the contents of the InkEdit control can be edited. (Put) |
put_MarginX Gets or sets the x-axis margin around the window rectangle, in screen coordinates.This margin provides a buffer around the edge of the ink window. (IInkCollector.put_MarginX) |
put_MarginX Gets or sets the x-axis margin around the window rectangle, in screen coordinates.This margin provides a buffer around the edge of the ink window. (IInkOverlay.put_MarginX) |
put_MarginX Gets or sets the x-axis margin around the window rectangle, in screen coordinates.This margin provides a buffer around the edge of the ink window. (IInkPicture.put_MarginX) |
put_MarginY Gets or sets the y-axis margin around the window rectangle, in screen coordinates.This margin provides a buffer around the edge of the ink window. (IInkCollector.put_MarginY) |
put_MarginY Gets or sets the y-axis margin around the window rectangle, in screen coordinates.This margin provides a buffer around the edge of the ink window. (IInkOverlay.put_MarginY) |
put_MarginY Gets or sets the y-axis margin around the window rectangle, in screen coordinates.This margin provides a buffer around the edge of the ink window. (IInkPicture.put_MarginY) |
put_MaxLength Gets or sets a value indicating whether there is a maximum number of characters an InkEdit control can hold and, if so, specifies the maximum number of characters. (Put) |
put_MaxStrokeCount Gets or sets the maximum number of strokes allowed per gesture recognition. (Put) |
put_Midline Gets or sets the midline height. The midline height is distance from the baseline to the midline, of the drawn box. (Put) |
put_MouseIcon Gets or sets the custom mouse icon. (IInkOverlay.put_MouseIcon) |
put_MouseIcon Gets or sets the custom mouse icon. (IInkPicture.put_MouseIcon) |
put_MouseIcon Gets or sets the custom mouse icon for the InkEdit control. (Put) |
put_MousePointer Gets or sets a value that indicates the type of mouse pointer that appears. (IInkCollector.put_MousePointer) |
put_MousePointer Gets or sets a value that indicates the type of mouse pointer that appears. (IInkOverlay.put_MousePointer) |
put_MousePointer Gets or sets a value that indicates the type of mouse pointer that appears. (IInkPicture.put_MousePointer) |
put_MousePointer Gets or sets a value indicating the type of mouse pointer to be displayed. (Put) |
put_MultiLine Gets or sets a value indicating whether an InkEdit control can accept and display multiple lines of text. (Put) |
put_MultiTouchEnabled Indicates whether the IRealTimeStylus3 object has multitouch input enabled. (Put) |
put_PenTip Gets or sets a value that indicates which pen tip to use when drawing ink that is associated with this InkDrawingAttributes object. (Put) |
put_Picture Gets the graphics file to appear on the InkPicture control. (Put) |
put_PreferredInPlaceDirection Gets or sets the preferred direction of the in-place Input Panel relative to the text entry field. (Put) |
put_PrefixText Gets or sets the characters that come before the InkStrokes collection in the InkRecognizerContext object. (Put) |
put_RasterOperation Gets or sets a value that defines how the colors of the pen and background interact. (Put) |
put_RecognitionFlags Gets or sets the flags that specify how the recognizer interprets the ink and determines the result string. (Put) |
put_RecognitionTimeout Gets or sets the length of time, in milliseconds, between the last IInkStrokeDisp object collected and the beginning of text recognition. (Put) |
put_Right Gets or sets the right position of the InkRectangle object. (Put) |
put_Rows Gets or sets the number of rows in the recognition guide. (Put) |
put_ScrollBars Gets or sets the type of scroll bars, if any, to display in the InkEdit control. (Put) |
put_SelAlignment Gets or sets a value that controls the alignment of the paragraphs in an InkEdit control. (Put) |
put_SelBold Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the font style of the currently selected text in the InkEdit control is bold. (Put) |
put_SelCharOffset Returns or sets a value that determines whether text in the InkEdit control appears on the baseline (normal), as a superscript above the baseline, or as a subscript below the baseline. (Put) |
put_SelColor Gets or sets the text color of the current text selection or insertion point (run time only). (Put) |
put_Selection Gets or sets the InkStrokes collection that is currently selected inside the InkOverlay object or the InkPicture control. (Put) |
put_Selection Gets or sets theInkStrokes collection that is currently selected inside the InkOverlay object or the InkPicture control. (Put) |
put_SelFontName Gets or sets the font name of the selected text within the InkEdit control (run time only). (Put) |
put_SelFontSize Gets or sets the font size of the selected text within the InkEdit control (run time only). (Put) |
put_SelInks Gets or sets the array of embedded InkDisp objects (if displayed as ink) in the current selection. (Put) |
put_SelInksDisplayMode Gets or sets a value that allows for toggling the appearance of the selection between ink and text. (Put) |
put_SelItalic Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the font style of the currently selected text in the InkEdit control is italic (run time only). (Put) |
put_SelLength Gets or sets the number of characters that are selected in the InkEdit control (run time only). (Put) |
put_SelRTF Gets or sets the currently selected Rich Text Format (RTF) formatted text in the InkEdit control (run time only). (Put) |
put_SelStart Gets or sets the starting point of the text that is selected in the InkEdit control (run time only). (Put) |
put_SelText Gets or sets the selected text within the InkEdit control (run time only). (Put) |
put_SelUnderline Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the font style of the currently selected text in the InkEdit control is underlined (run time only). (Put) |
put_SizeMode Gets or sets how the InkPicture control handles image placement and sizing. (Put) |
put_SuffixText Gets or sets the characters that come after the InkStrokes collection in the InkRecognizerContext object. (Put) |
put_SupportHighContrastInk Gets or sets a value that specifies whether ink is rendered as just one color when the system is in High Contrast mode. (IInkCollector.put_SupportHighContrastInk) |
put_SupportHighContrastInk Gets or sets a value that specifies whether ink is rendered as just one color when the system is in High Contrast mode. (IInkOverlay.put_SupportHighContrastInk) |
put_SupportHighContrastInk Gets or sets a value that specifies whether ink is rendered as just one color when the system is in High Contrast mode. (IInkPicture.put_SupportHighContrastInk) |
put_SupportHighContrastSelectionUI Gets or sets a value that specifies whether all selection user interface (UI) elements are drawn in high contrast when the system is in High Contrast mode. (Put) |
put_SupportHighContrastSelectionUI Gets or sets a value that specifies whether all selection user interface (selection bounding box and selection handles) are drawn in high contrast when the system is in High Contrast mode. (Put) |
put_Text Gets or sets the current text in the InkEdit control. (Put) |
put_TextRTF Gets or sets the text of the InkEdit control, including all RTF codes. (Put) |
put_Top Gets or sets the top position of the InkRectangle object. (Put) |
put_Transparency Gets or sets a value that indicates the transparency value of ink. (Put) |
put_UseMouseForInput Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the mouse can be used as an input device. (Put) |
put_VerticalOffset Deprecated. The PenInputPanel has been replaced by the Text Input Panel (TIP).Gets or sets the offset between the closest horizontal edge of the pen input panel and the closest horizontal edge of the control to which it is attached. (IPenInputPanel.put_VerticalOffset) |
put_Width Gets or sets the y-axis dimension, or width, of the pen tip when drawing ink. (Put) |
put_WindowInputRectangle Gets or sets the window input rectangle for the RealTimeStylus Class object. (Put) |
put_WritingBox Gets or sets the invisible writing area of the recognition guide in which writing can actually take place. (Put) |
putref_DefaultDrawingAttributes Gets or sets the default drawing attributes to use when drawing and displaying ink. (IInkCollector.putref_DefaultDrawingAttributes) |
putref_DrawingAttributes Gets or sets the drawing attributes to apply to ink as it is drawn. |
putref_DrawingAttributes Gets or sets the drawing attributes for ink that is yet to be drawn on the InkEdit control. |
putref_Font Gets or sets the font for text that is yet to be drawn on the InkEdit control. |
putref_Guide Gets or sets the InkRecognizerGuide to use for ink input. |
putref_Ink Gets or sets the InkDisp object that is associated with an InkCollector object or an InkOverlay object. |
putref_MouseIcon Gets or sets the custom mouse icon. |
putref_MouseIcon Gets or sets the mouse icon displayed on the InkEdit control. |
putref_Recognizer Gets or sets the recognizer used with the InkEdit control. |
putref_RecognizerContext Gets or sets the InkRecognizerContext object that the InkDivider object uses for layout analysis. |
putref_Renderer Gets or sets the InkRenderer object that is used to draw ink. |
putref_Strokes Gets or sets the InkStrokes collection associated with the InkRecognizerContext object. |
putref_Strokes Gets or sets the InkStrokes collection on which the InkDivider object performs layout analysis. |
putref_WordList Gets or sets the word list that is used in the recognition process to improve the recognition results. |
RealTimeStylusDisabled Notifies the implementing plug-in that the RealTimeStylus Class (RTS) object is disabled. |
RealTimeStylusEnabled Notifies the implementing plug-in that the RealTimeStylus Class (RTS) object is enabled. |
Recognize Reserved. (IInkLineInfo.Recognize) |
Recognize Performs recognition on an InkStrokes collection and returns recognition results. (IInkRecognizerContext.Recognize) |
Recognize Performs recognition on an InkStrokes collection and returns recognition results. (IInkEdit.Recognize) |
Reflect Performs reflection on a transform in either horizontal or vertical directions. |
Refresh Refresh is no longer available for use as of Windows XP Tablet PC Edition. |
Refresh Causes the InkEdit control to redraw. |
Refresh Causes the DynamicRenderer Class object to redraw the ink data that is currently rendering. |
ReleaseCachedData Releases specified stroke data from the temporal data held by DynamicRenderer Class. |
ReleaseLock Releases the specified lock. |
Remove Removes the InkStrokes collection from the IInkCustomStrokes collection. |
Remove Removes the IInkExtendedProperty object from the IInkExtendedProperties collection. |
Remove Removes an IInkStrokeDisp object from a InkStrokes collection. |
RemoveAllStylusAsyncPlugins Removes all the plug-ins from the asynchronous plug-in collection. |
RemoveAllStylusSyncPlugins Removes all of the plug-ins from the synchronous plug-in collection. |
RemoveFunctionName Removes a function-name definition from the list of custom math functions that the recognizer accepts. |
RemoveRecognitionResult Removes the RecognitionResult that is associated with the InkStrokes collection. |
RemoveStrokes Removes strokes from the collection. |
RemoveStylusAsyncPlugin Removes and optionally returns an IStylusAsyncPlugin with the specified index in the asynchronous plug-in collection. |
RemoveStylusSyncPlugin Removes an IStylusSyncPlugin from the collection at the specified index. |
RemoveWord Removes a single word from an InkWordList. |
Reset Resets the transform to its default state, the identity transform. |
Reset Deletes past stroke information from the GestureRecognizer Class object. |
ResetContext Deletes the current ink and recognition results from the context.The current settings of the recognizer context are preserved. |
ResultByType Gets the requested structural units of the analysis results for an IInkDivisionUnits collection. |
Rotate Applies a rotation to a InkRenderer's view transform. |
Rotate Rotates the ink using an angle in degrees around a center point of the rotation. (IInkStrokeDisp.Rotate) |
Rotate Rotates the ink using an angle in degrees around a center point of the rotation. (IInkStrokes.Rotate) |
Rotate Changes the amount, measured in degrees, to change the rotation factor of the InkTransform object and optionally the center point of the rotation. |
Save Converts the ink to the specified InkPersistenceFormat, saves the ink by using the specified InkPersistenceCompressionMode, and returns the binary data in an array of bytes. |
ScaleToRectangle Scales the IInkStrokeDisp object or InkStrokes collection to fit in the specified InkRectangle object. (IInkStrokeDisp.ScaleToRectangle) |
ScaleToRectangle Scales the IInkStrokeDisp object or InkStrokes collection to fit in the specified InkRectangle object. (IInkStrokes.ScaleToRectangle) |
ScaleTransform Scales the view transform in the X and Y dimension. |
ScaleTransform Applies the specified horizontal and vertical factors to the transform or ink. (IInkStrokeDisp.ScaleTransform) |
ScaleTransform Applies the specified horizontal and vertical factors to the transform or ink. (IInkStrokes.ScaleTransform) |
ScaleTransform Applies the specified horizontal and vertical factors to the transform or ink. (IInkTransform.ScaleTransform) |
SetAllTabletsMode Allows an ink collector (InkCollector, InkOverlay, or InkPicture) to collect ink from any tablet attached to the Tablet PC. (IInkCollector.SetAllTabletsMode) |
SetAllTabletsMode Allows an ink collector (InkCollector, InkOverlay, or InkPicture) to collect ink from any tablet attached to the Tablet PC. (IInkOverlay.SetAllTabletsMode) |
SetAllTabletsMode Allows an ink collector (InkCollector, InkOverlay, or InkPicture) to collect ink from any tablet attached to the Tablet PC. (IInkPicture.SetAllTabletsMode) |
SetAllTabletsMode Sets the mode for the RealTimeStylus Class object to collect data from all digitizers. |
SetCACMode Specifies character Autocomplete mode for character or word recognition.You cannot turn off character Autocomplete after it is set. |
SetCandidate Updates one recognition alternate in the recognition result list, either by replacing an existing alternate, or by adding an alternate to the list. |
SetCaptionText Modifies the string that will be used as the control's caption when the window is created. |
SetContextPropertyValue Adds a property to the recognizer context.If a property already exists, its value is modified. |
SetCustomPaint Determines whether a button or background has custom painting. |
SetDesiredPacketDescription Requests properties to be included in the packet stream. |
SetEnabledUnicodeRanges Enables one or more Unicode point ranges on the context. |
SetEventInterest Modifies a value that indicates whether an object or control has interest in a specified event. (IInkCollector.SetEventInterest) |
SetEventInterest Sets a value that indicates whether an object or control has interest in a specified event. |
SetEventInterest Modifies a value that indicates whether an object or control has interest in a specified event. (IInkPicture.SetEventInterest) |
SetFactoid Specifies the factoid a recognizer uses to constrain its search for the result.You specify a factoid if an input field is of a known type, such as if the input field contains a date. |
SetFlags Specifies how the recognizer interprets the ink and determines the result string.Call this function before processing the ink for the first time. Therefore, call the SetFlags function before calling the Process function. |
SetFormat Specifies the display properties to set on the text ink object (tInk). |
SetGestureStatus Modifies the interest of the object or control in a known gesture. (IInkCollector.SetGestureStatus) |
SetGestureStatus Sets the interest of the object or control in a known gesture. |
SetGestureStatus Modifies the interest of the object or control in a known gesture. (IInkPicture.SetGestureStatus) |
SetGestureStatus Modifies the interest of the InkEdit control in a known application gesture. |
SetGuide Sets the recognition guide to use for boxed or lined input. You must call this function before you add strokes to the context. |
SetInPlaceHoverTargetPosition Explicitly positions the Tablet PC Input Panel hover target in screen coordinates. |
SetInPlacePosition Explicitly positions the Tablet PC Input Panel in screen coordinates. |
SetInPlaceVisibility Shows or hides the Tablet PC Input Panel. |
SetObjectTransform Sets the InkTransform object that represents the object transform that is used to render ink. |
SetOwnerWindow Modifies the window that owns this control. |
SetPacketValuesByProperty Modifies the packet values for a particular property. |
SetPoints Sets the points of the IInkStrokeDisp using an array of X, Y values. |
SetPosition Modifies the location and size of the control. |
SetPreviewHeight Modifies the preview-area height in pixels. |
SetRectangle Sets the elements of the InkRectangle object in a single call. |
SetResultOnStrokes Assigns the recognition results to the strokes that were used to create the results. |
SetSingleTabletIntegratedMode Allows the ink collector (InkCollector, InkOverlay, or InkPicture) to collect ink from only one tablet. Ink from other tablets is ignored by the ink collector. (IInkCollector.SetSingleTabletIntegratedMode) |
SetSingleTabletIntegratedMode Allows the ink collector (InkCollector, InkOverlay, or InkPicture) to collect ink from only one tablet. Ink from other tablets is ignored by the ink collector. (IInkOverlay.SetSingleTabletIntegratedMode) |
SetSingleTabletIntegratedMode Allows the ink collector (InkCollector, InkOverlay, or InkPicture) to collect ink from only one tablet. Ink from other tablets is ignored by the ink collector. (IInkPicture.SetSingleTabletIntegratedMode) |
SetSingleTabletMode Modifies the mode for RealTimeStylus Class (RTS) object to collect input from only one tablet object representing a digitizer attached to the Tablet PC. Stylus input from other digitizers is ignored by the RealTimeStylus. |
SetTextContext Provides the text strings that come before and after the text contained in the recognizer context.You call this function before processing the ink for the first time. Therefore, call the SetTextContext function before calling the Process function. |
SetTransform Modifies the InkTransform member data. |
SetViewTransform Sets the InkTransform object that represents the view transform that is used to render ink. |
SetWindowInputRectangle Sets the window rectangle, in pixels, within which ink is drawn. (IInkCollector.SetWindowInputRectangle) |
SetWindowInputRectangle Sets the window rectangle, in pixels, within which ink is drawn. (IInkOverlay.SetWindowInputRectangle) |
SetWindowInputRectangle Modifies the window rectangle, in pixels, within which ink is drawn. |
SetWordList Sets the word list for the current recognizer context to recognize. |
Shear Shears the ink in the stroke or strokes by the specified horizontal and vertical factors. (IInkStrokeDisp.Shear) |
Shear Shears the ink in the stroke or strokes by the specified horizontal and vertical factors. (IInkStrokes.Shear) |
Shear Adjusts the shear of the InkTransform by the specified horizontal and vertical factors. |
Show Shows the control. |
Split Splits the stroke at the specified location on the stroke. |
StopBackgroundRecognition Ends background recognition that was started with a call to BackgroundRecognize or BackgroundRecognizeWithAlternates. |
StylusButtonDown Notifies the implementing plug-in that the user is pressing a stylus button. |
StylusButtonUp Notifies the implementing plug-in that the user has released a stylus button. |
StylusDown Notifies the implementing plug-in that the tablet pen has touched the digitizer surface. |
StylusInRange Notifies the implementing plug-in that the stylus is entering the detection range of the digitizer. |
StylusOutOfRange Notifies the implementing plug-in that the stylus has left the detection range of the digitizer. |
StylusUp Notifies the implementing plug-in that the user has raised the tablet pen from the tablet digitizer surface. |
SystemEvent Notifies the implementing plug-in that a system event is available. |
TabletAdded Notifies an implementing plug-in when an ITablet object is attached to the system. |
TabletRemoved Notifies an implementing plug-in when an ITablet object is removed from the system. |
TextInserted Occurs when the Tablet PC Input Panel has inserted text into the control with input focus. Provides access to the ink the user entered in the Input Panel. |
TextInserting Occurs when the Tablet PC Input Panel is about to insert text into the control with input focus. Provides access to the ink the user entered in the Input Panel. |
ToString ToString is no longer available for use as of Windows Vista. |
Transform Applies a linear transformation to an IInkStrokeDisp object or an InkStrokes collection, which can represent scaling, rotation, translation, and combinations of transformations. (IInkStrokeDisp.Transform) |
Transform Applies a linear transformation to an IInkStrokeDisp object or an InkStrokes collection, which can represent scaling, rotation, translation, and combinations of transformations. (IInkStrokes.Transform) |
Translate Applies a translation to a transform. |
Unadvise Terminates an advisory connection previously established through ITextInputPanel::Advise Method. |
UpdateMapping Notifies the plug-in when display properties, such as dpi or orientation, change. |
_IInkEditEvents |
_IMathInputControlEvents Exposes the math input control event handlers. |
IDynamicRenderer Displays the tablet pen data in real-time as that data is being handled by the RealTimeStylus Class object. |
IGestureRecognizer Reacts to events by recognizing gestures and adding gesture data to the input queue. |
IHandwrittenTextInsertion Used by the application's custom text entry code to insert the text into both the text field and the Text Services backing-store. |
IInkCollector . (IInkCollector) |
IInkCursor Represents general information about the tablet cursor. |
IInkCursorButton Represents general information about a button on a tablet pointing and selecting device. |
IInkCursorButtons Represents a collection of IInkCursorButton objects for an IInkCursor interface. |
IInkCursors Represents a collection of IInkCursor objects. |
IInkCustomStrokes Contains a collection of user-defined InkStrokes collections. |
IInkDisp . (IInkDisp) |
IInkDivider . (IInkDivider) |
IInkDivisionResult Represents the layout analysis of the collection of strokes contained by the InkDivider object. |
IInkDivisionUnit Represents a single structural element within an IInkDivisionResult object. |
IInkDivisionUnits Contains a collection of IInkDivisionUnit objects that are contained in an IInkDivisionResult object. |
IInkDrawingAttributes . (IInkDrawingAttributes) |
IInkEdit . (IInkEdit) |
IInkExtendedProperties Represents a collection of IInkExtendedProperty objects that contain application-defined data. |
IInkExtendedProperty Represents the ability to add your own data to a variety of objects within the Tablet PC object model. |
IInkGesture Represents the ability to query particular properties of a gesture returned from a gesture recognition. |
IInkLineInfo The IInkLineInfo interface provides access to the display properties and recognition result list of a text ink object (tInk). |
IInkOverlay . (IInkOverlay) |
IInkPicture . (IInkPicture) |
IInkRecognitionAlternate Represents the possible word matches for segments of ink that are compared to a recognizers dictionary. |
IInkRecognitionAlternates Contains the IInkRecognitionAlternate objects that represent possible word matches for segments of ink. |
IInkRecognitionResult Represents the result of the recognition. The results of recognizing handwritten ink are returned in an IInkRecognitionResult object. |
IInkRecognizer Represents the ability to process ink, or handwriting, and translate the stroke into text or gesture. The recognizer creates an InkRecognizerContext object, which is used to perform the actual handwriting recognition. |
IInkRecognizer2 Adds members to the IInkWordList2 Interface. |
IInkRecognizerContext . (IInkRecognizerContext) |
IInkRecognizerContext2 Adds members to the InkRecognizerContext Class. |
IInkRecognizerGuide . (IInkRecognizerGuide) |
IInkRecognizers . (IInkRecognizers) |
IInkRectangle . (IInkRectangle) |
IInkRenderer . (IInkRenderer) |
IInkStrokeDisp Represents a single ink stroke.A stroke is a set of properties and point data that the digitizer captures that represent the coordinates and properties of a known ink mark. |
IInkStrokes . (IInkStrokes) |
IInkTablet Represents the digitizer device of Tablet PC that receives tablet device messages or events. |
IInkTablet2 Extends the IInkTablet interface. |
IInkTablet3 Enables multitouch querying for input. |
IInkTablets . (IInkTablets) |
IInkTransform . (IInkTransform) |
IInkWordList . (IInkWordList) |
IInkWordList2 Adds members to the InkWordList Class. |
IMathInputControl Exposes methods that turn ink input into interpreted math output. |
IPenInputPanel . (IPenInputPanel) |
IRealTimeStylus Handles the stylus packet data from a digitizer in real time. |
IRealTimeStylus2 Extends the IRealTimeStylus interface. |
IRealTimeStylus3 The IRealTimeStylus3 interface enables multitouch for the realtime stylus. |
IRealTimeStylusSynchronization Synchronizes access to the RealTimeStylus Class object. |
IStrokeBuilder Use interface to programmatically create strokes from packet data. |
IStylusAsyncPlugin Represents an asynchronous plug-in that can be added to the asynchronous plug-in collection of the RealTimeStylus Class object. |
IStylusPlugin Receives notifications of RealTimeStylus Class events to enable you to perform custom processing based on those events. |
IStylusSyncPlugin Represents a synchronous plug-in that can be added to the RealTimeStylus Class object's synchronous plug-in collection. |
ITextInputPanel Provides control of appearance and behavior of the Tablet PC Input Panel. |
ITextInputPanelEventSink Defines methods that handle the ITextInputPanel Interface events. |
ITextInputPanelRunInfo Provides a method to determine if the Text Input Panel is currently running. |
CHARACTER_RANGE Specifies a range of Unicode points (characters). |
FLICK_DATA Contains information about a pen flick. |
FLICK_POINT Provides information about a pen flick. |
IEC_GESTUREINFO Contains information about a specific gesture. |
IEC_RECOGNITIONRESULTINFO Contains information about an IInkRecognitionResult Interface object. |
IEC_STROKEINFO Contains information about a Stroke event. |
INKMETRIC Specifies display properties for a text ink object (tInk). |
InkRecoGuide Deprecated. Represents information about the recognition guide. Use the WritingBox Property, DrawnBox Property, Rows Property, Columns Property, and Midline Property [InkRecognizerGuide Class] properties instead. |
LATTICE_METRICS Describes the baseline and the midline height. |
LINE_SEGMENT Describes the start and end points of a line recognition segment, such as the baseline or midline. |
PACKET_DESCRIPTION Describes the content of the packet for a particular tablet recognizer context.Do not use this structure to access the data contained in a packet. This structure describes the content of the packet. |
PACKET_PROPERTY Describes a packet property that is reported by the tablet driver. |
PROPERTY_METRICS Defines the range and resolution of a packet property. |
RECO_ATTRS Retrieves the attributes of a recognizer or specifies which attributes to use when you search for an installed recognizer. |
RECO_GUIDE Defines the boundaries of the ink to the recognizer. |
RECO_LATTICE Serves as the entry point into a lattice. |
RECO_LATTICE_COLUMN Represents a column in the lattice. |
RECO_LATTICE_ELEMENT Corresponds to one word or one East Asian character, typically; however, an element may also correspond to a gesture, a shape, or some other code. |
RECO_LATTICE_PROPERTIES Contains an array of pointers to property structures. |
RECO_LATTICE_PROPERTY Contains a property used in the lattice. |
RECO_RANGE The structure is obsolete. |
STROKE_RANGE Specifies a range of strokes in the InkDisp object. |
StylusInfo Provides information about the stylus. |
SYSTEM_EVENT_DATA Contains information about a tablet system event. |