Remote Assistance
Overview of the Remote Assistance technology.
To develop Remote Assistance, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
RENDEZVOUS_SESSION_FLAGS Provides the list of possible flags for the session invitation. |
RENDEZVOUS_SESSION_STATE Provides the list of possible state codes of the session invitation. |
get_Flags Retrieves a value that indicates session information. For example, the session flag can indicate whether the user is the inviter or the invitee. |
get_RemoteUser Retrieves a pointer to a BSTR that contains the Windows Messenger contact name. |
get_State Retrieves a value that indicates the session state. |
SendContextData Sends the context data to the remote RendezvousApplication. |
SetRendezvousSession Passes IRendezvousSession to the Windows Remote Assistance application. This method is used by the instant messaging application. |
Terminate Terminates the remote RendezvousApplication. |
DRendezvousSessionEvents Handles events that are generated or received by a IRendezvousSession object. |
IRendezvousApplication Exposes a method used by an instant messaging (IM) application to create a remote assistance session. |
IRendezvousSession Exposes methods that send data about the session and that can terminate it. |