Parental Controls
Overview of the Parental Controls technology.
To develop Parental Controls, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
WPC_ARGS_CONVERSATIONINITEVENT Indicates information about initiating a conversation. |
WPC_ARGS_CONVERSATIONJOINEVENT Indicates information about joining an existing conversation. |
WPC_ARGS_CONVERSATIONLEAVEEVENT Indicates information about leaving a conversation. |
WPC_ARGS_CUSTOMEVENT Indicates information about a user-defined event that is not covered by the general events. |
WPC_ARGS_EMAILCONTACTEVENT Indicates information about contacting someone by using email. |
WPC_ARGS_EMAILRECEIEVEDEVENT Indicates information about an email message that has been received. |
WPC_ARGS_EMAILSENTEVENT Indicates information about an email message that has been sent. |
WPC_ARGS_FILEDOWNLOADEVENT Indicates information about a file that has been downloaded. |
WPC_ARGS_GAMESTARTEVENT Indicates information about the start of a computer game. |
WPC_ARGS_IMCONTACTEVENT Indicates information about contacting someone by using an instant messaging application. |
WPC_ARGS_IMFEATUREEVENT Indicates information about the features of the instant messaging interaction. |
WPC_ARGS_MEDIADOWNLOADEVENT Indicates information about the download of a media file. |
WPC_ARGS_MEDIAPLAYBACKEVENT Indicates information about the playback of a media file. |
WPC_ARGS_SAFERAPPBLOCKED Indicates information about a safer application that is being blocked. |
WPC_ARGS_SETTINGSCHANGEEVENT Indicates information about the changes to settings being made by a user. |
WPC_ARGS_URLVISITEVENT Indicates information about the address URL of a website viewed. |
WPC_MEDIA_EXPLICIT Indicates information about the explicit rating of the media file. |
WPC_MEDIA_TYPE Indicates information about the type of media file accessed. |
WPCFLAG_IM_FEATURE Indicates information about the features accessed during an instant messaging interaction. |
WPCFLAG_IM_LEAVE Indicates information about when a participant leaves the instant messaging interaction. |
WPCFLAG_ISBLOCKED Indicates information about what events are blocked from use and what controls are in place. |
WPCFLAG_LOGOFF_TYPE Indicates information about the type of logoff method used. |
Configure Called for the current provider when you click a user tile in the Parental Controls Control Panel. This method allows for changes to the configuration. |
Disable Notifies the third-party application that it is not the current provider. |
Enable Notifies the third-party application that it has been selected as the new current provider. |
GetCurrent Retrieves the GUID of the current provider. |
GetGamesSettings Retrieves a pointer to an interface for games restrictions settings for the specified user. |
GetLastSettingsChangeTime Retrieves the time at which the configuration settings were last updated. |
GetRestrictions Determines whether web restrictions, time limits, or game restrictions are on. |
GetSettings Retrieves the web restrictions settings. |
GetUserSettings Retrieves a pointer to an interface for general settings for the specified user. |
GetUserSummary Retrieves the information for each user by using the Parental Controls Control Panel. |
GetVisibility Indicates the visibility of the Parental Controls user interface. |
GetWebFilterInfo Retrieves the name and identifier of the currently active Web Content Filter. |
GetWebSettings Retrieves a pointer to an interface for web restrictions settings for the specified user. |
IsBlocked Determines whether the specified game is blocked from execution. |
IsLoggingRequired Determines whether activity logging should be performed when obtaining the IWPCSettings interface. |
RequestOverride Called for the current provider to enable configuration override. |
RequestURLOverride Requests that the Parental Controls web restrictions subsystem set the specified primary and sub URLs to the allowed state. |
IWindowsParentalControls Enables access to all settings interfaces of the Minimum Compliance API. |
IWindowsParentalControlsCore . (IWindowsParentalControlsCore) |
IWPCGamesSettings Accesses games settings for the user. |
IWPCProviderConfig Exposes configuration methods that are implemented by third parties. |
IWPCProviderState Exposes provider state methods that are implemented by third parties. |
IWPCProviderSupport Exposes methods that allow third-party providers to query the currently enabled provider. |
IWPCSettings Accesses general settings for the user. |
IWPCWebSettings Accesses web restrictions settings for the user. |