Overview of the DXGI technology.
To develop DXGI, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG Identifies the type of DXGI adapter. (DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG) |
DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG3 Identifies the type of DXGI adapter. (DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG3) |
DXGI_ALPHA_MODE Identifies the alpha value, transparency behavior, of a surface. |
DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE Specifies color space types. |
DXGI_COMPUTE_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY Identifies the granularity at which the graphics processing unit (GPU) can be preempted from performing its current compute task. |
DXGI_DEBUG_RLO_FLAGS Flags used with ReportLiveObjects to specify the amount of info to report about an object's lifetime. |
DXGI_FEATURE Specifies a range of hardware features, to be used when checking for feature support. |
DXGI_FORMAT Resource data formats, including fully-typed and typeless formats. A list of modifiers at the bottom of the page more fully describes each format type. |
DXGI_FRAME_PRESENTATION_MODE Indicates options for presenting frames to the swap chain. |
DXGI_GPU_PREFERENCE The preference of GPU for the app to run on. |
DXGI_GRAPHICS_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY Identifies the granularity at which the graphics processing unit (GPU) can be preempted from performing its current graphics rendering task. |
DXGI_HARDWARE_COMPOSITION_SUPPORT_FLAGS Describes which levels of hardware composition are supported. |
DXGI_HDR_METADATA_TYPE Specifies the header metadata type. |
DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY Values that specify categories of debug messages. |
DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY Values that specify debug message severity levels for an information queue. |
DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP Specifies the memory segment group to use. |
DXGI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_YCbCr_FLAGS Options for swap-chain color space. |
DXGI_OFFER_RESOURCE_FLAGS Specifies flags for the OfferResources1 method. |
DXGI_OFFER_RESOURCE_PRIORITY Identifies the importance of a resource’s content when you call the IDXGIDevice2::OfferResources method to offer the resource. |
DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE Identifies the type of pointer shape. |
DXGI_OVERLAY_COLOR_SPACE_SUPPORT_FLAG Specifies support for overlay color space. |
DXGI_OVERLAY_SUPPORT_FLAG Specifies overlay support to check for in a call to IDXGIOutput3::CheckOverlaySupport. |
DXGI_RECLAIM_RESOURCE_RESULTS Specifies result flags for the ReclaimResources1 method. |
DXGI_RESIDENCY Flags indicating the memory location of a resource. |
DXGI_SCALING Identifies resize behavior when the back-buffer size does not match the size of the target output. |
DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_COLOR_SPACE_SUPPORT_FLAG Specifies color space support for the swap chain. |
DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG Options for swap-chain behavior. |
DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT Options for handling pixels in a display surface after calling IDXGISwapChain1::Present1. |
AcquireNextFrame Indicates that the application is ready to process the next desktop image. |
AcquireSync Using a key, acquires exclusive rendering access to a shared resource. |
AddApplicationMessage Adds a user-defined message to the message queue and sends that message to the debug output. |
AddMessage Adds a debug message to the message queue and sends that message to the debug output. |
AddRetrievalFilterEntries Adds retrieval filters to the top of the retrieval-filter stack. |
AddStorageFilterEntries Adds storage filters to the top of the storage-filter stack. |
CheckColorSpaceSupport Checks the swap chain's support for color space. |
CheckFeatureSupport Used to check for hardware feature support. |
CheckHardwareCompositionSupport Notifies applications that hardware stretching is supported. |
CheckInterfaceSupport Checks whether the system supports a device interface for a graphics component. |
CheckOverlayColorSpaceSupport Checks for overlay color space support. |
CheckOverlaySupport Checks for overlay support. |
CheckPresentDurationSupport Queries the graphics driver for a supported frame present duration corresponding to a custom refresh rate. |
ClearRetrievalFilter Removes a retrieval filter from the top of the retrieval-filter stack. |
ClearStorageFilter Removes a storage filter from the top of the storage-filter stack. |
ClearStoredMessages Clears all messages from the message queue. |
CreateDecodeSwapChainForCompositionSurfaceHandle Creates a YUV swap chain for an existing DirectComposition surface handle. (IDXGIFactoryMedia.CreateDecodeSwapChainForCompositionSurfaceHandle) |
CreateDXGIFactory Creates a DXGI 1.0 factory that you can use to generate other DXGI objects. |
CreateDXGIFactory1 Creates a DXGI 1.1 factory that you can use to generate other DXGI objects. |
CreateDXGIFactory2 Creates a DXGI 1.3 factory that you can use to generate other DXGI objects. |
CreateSharedHandle Creates a handle to a shared resource. You can then use the returned handle with multiple Direct3D devices. |
CreateSoftwareAdapter Create an adapter interface that represents a software adapter. |
CreateSubresourceSurface Creates a subresource surface object. |
CreateSurface Returns a surface. This method is used internally and you should not call it directly in your application. |
CreateSwapChain Creates a swap chain. |
CreateSwapChainForComposition Creates a swap chain that you can use to send Direct3D content into the DirectComposition API or a Xaml framework to compose in a window. |
CreateSwapChainForCompositionSurfaceHandle Creates a YUV swap chain for an existing DirectComposition surface handle. (IDXGIFactoryMedia.CreateSwapChainForCompositionSurfaceHandle) |
CreateSwapChainForCoreWindow Creates a swap chain that is associated with the CoreWindow object for the output window for the swap chain. |
CreateSwapChainForHwnd Creates a swap chain that is associated with an HWND handle to the output window for the swap chain. |
DisableLeakTrackingForThread Stops tracking leaks for the current thread. |
DuplicateOutput Creates a desktop duplication interface from the IDXGIOutput1 interface that represents an adapter output. |
DuplicateOutput1 Allows specifying a list of supported formats for fullscreen surfaces that can be returned by the IDXGIOutputDuplication object. |
DXGIDeclareAdapterRemovalSupport Allows a process to indicate that it's resilient to any of its graphics devices being removed. |
DXGIDisableVBlankVirtualization Disables v-blank virtualization for the process. This virtualization is used by the dynamic refresh rate (DRR) feature by default for all swap chains to maintain a steady virtualized present rate and v-blank cadence from IDXGIOutput::WaitForVBlank. By disabling virtualization, these APIs will see the changing refresh rate. |
DXGIGetDebugInterface Retrieves a debugging interface. |
DXGIGetDebugInterface1 Retrieves an interface that Windows Store apps use for debugging the Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI). |
EnableLeakTrackingForThread Starts tracking leaks for the current thread. |
EnqueueSetEvent Flushes any outstanding rendering commands and sets the specified event object to the signaled state after all previously submitted rendering commands complete. |
EnumAdapterByGpuPreference Enumerates graphics adapters based on a given GPU preference. |
EnumAdapterByLuid Outputs the IDXGIAdapter for the specified LUID. |
EnumAdapters Enumerates the adapters (video cards). |
EnumAdapters1 Enumerates both adapters (video cards) with or without outputs. |
EnumOutputs Enumerate adapter (video card) outputs. |
EnumWarpAdapter Provides an adapter which can be provided to D3D12CreateDevice to use the WARP renderer. |
FindClosestMatchingMode Finds the display mode that most closely matches the requested display mode. (IDXGIOutput.FindClosestMatchingMode) |
FindClosestMatchingMode1 Finds the display mode that most closely matches the requested display mode. (IDXGIOutput1.FindClosestMatchingMode1) |
GetAdapter Returns the adapter for the specified device. |
GetBackgroundColor Retrieves the background color of the swap chain. |
GetBreakOnCategory Determines whether the break on a message category is turned on or off. |
GetBreakOnID Determines whether the break on a message identifier is turned on or off. |
GetBreakOnSeverity Determines whether the break on a message severity level is turned on or off. |
GetBuffer Accesses one of the swap-chain's back buffers. |
GetColorSpace Gets the color space used by the swap chain. |
GetContainingOutput Get the output (the display monitor) that contains the majority of the client area of the target window. |
GetCoreWindow Retrieves the underlying CoreWindow object for this swap-chain object. |
GetCreationFlags Gets the flags that were used when a Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) object was created. |
GetCurrentBackBufferIndex Gets the index of the swap chain's current back buffer. |
GetDC Returns a device context (DC) that allows you to render to a Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) surface using Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI). |
GetDesc Gets a DXGI 1.0 description of an adapter (or video card). |
GetDesc Get a description of the output. |
GetDesc Get a description of the surface. |
GetDesc Get a description of the swap chain. |
GetDesc Retrieves a description of a duplicated output. This description specifies the dimensions of the surface that contains the desktop image. |
GetDesc1 Gets a DXGI 1.1 description of an adapter (or video card). |
GetDesc1 Gets a description of the swap chain. |
GetDesc1 Get an extended description of the output that includes color characteristics and connection type. |
GetDesc2 Gets a Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) 1.2 description of an adapter or video card. |
GetDesc3 Gets a Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) 1.6 description of an adapter or video card. This description includes information about ACG compatibility. |
GetDestSize Gets the size of the destination surface to use for the video processing blit operation. |
GetDevice Retrieves the device. |
GetDisplayModeList Gets the display modes that match the requested format and other input options. (IDXGIOutput.GetDisplayModeList) |
GetDisplayModeList1 Gets the display modes that match the requested format and other input options. (IDXGIOutput1.GetDisplayModeList1) |
GetDisplaySurfaceData Gets a copy of the current display surface. |
GetDisplaySurfaceData1 Copies the display surface (front buffer) to a user-provided resource. |
GetEvictionPriority Get the eviction priority. |
GetFrameDirtyRects Gets information about dirty rectangles for the current desktop frame. |
GetFrameLatencyWaitableObject Returns a waitable handle that signals when the DXGI adapter has finished presenting a new frame. |
GetFrameMoveRects Gets information about the moved rectangles for the current desktop frame. |
GetFramePointerShape Gets information about the new pointer shape for the current desktop frame. |
GetFrameStatistics Gets statistics about recently rendered frames. |
GetFrameStatistics Gets performance statistics about the last render frame. |
GetFrameStatisticsMedia Queries the system for a DXGI_FRAME_STATISTICS_MEDIA structure that indicates whether a custom refresh rate is currently approved by the system. |
GetFullscreenDesc Gets a description of a full-screen swap chain. |
GetFullscreenState Get the state associated with full-screen mode. |
GetGammaControl Gets the gamma control settings. |
GetGammaControlCapabilities Gets a description of the gamma-control capabilities. |
GetGPUThreadPriority Gets the GPU thread priority. |
GetHwnd Retrieves the underlying HWND for this swap-chain object. |
GetLastPresentCount Gets the number of times that IDXGISwapChain::Present or IDXGISwapChain1::Present1 has been called. |
GetMatrixTransform Gets the transform matrix that will be applied to a composition swap chain upon the next present. |
GetMaximumFrameLatency Gets the number of frames that the system is allowed to queue for rendering. |
GetMaximumFrameLatency Gets the number of frames that the swap chain is allowed to queue for rendering. |
GetMessage Gets a message from the message queue. |
GetMessageCountLimit Gets the maximum number of messages that can be added to the message queue. |
GetMuteDebugOutput Determines whether the debug output is turned on or off. |
GetNumMessagesAllowedByStorageFilter Gets the number of messages that a storage filter allowed to pass through. |
GetNumMessagesDeniedByStorageFilter Gets the number of messages that were denied passage through a storage filter. |
GetNumMessagesDiscardedByMessageCountLimit Gets the number of messages that were discarded due to the message count limit. |
GetNumStoredMessages Gets the number of messages currently stored in the message queue. |
GetNumStoredMessagesAllowedByRetrievalFilters Gets the number of messages that can pass through a retrieval filter. |
GetParent Gets the parent of the object. |
GetPrivateData Get a pointer to the object's data. |
GetResource Gets the parent resource and subresource index that support a subresource surface. |
GetRestrictToOutput Gets the output (the display monitor) to which you can restrict the contents of a present operation. |
GetRetrievalFilter Gets the retrieval filter at the top of the retrieval-filter stack. |
GetRetrievalFilterStackSize Gets the size of the retrieval-filter stack in bytes. |
GetRotation Gets the rotation of the back buffers for the swap chain. |
GetSharedHandle Gets the handle to a shared resource. |
GetSharedResourceAdapterLuid Identifies the adapter on which a shared resource object was created. |
GetSourceRect Gets the source region that is used for the swap chain. |
GetSourceSize Gets the source region used for the swap chain. |
GetStorageFilter Gets the storage filter at the top of the storage-filter stack. |
GetStorageFilterStackSize Gets the size of the storage-filter stack in bytes. |
GetTargetRect Gets the rectangle that defines the target region for the video processing blit operation. |
GetUsage Get the expected resource usage. |
GetWindowAssociation Get the window through which the user controls the transition to and from full screen. |
IsCurrent Informs an application of the possible need to re-enumerate adapters. |
IsLeakTrackingEnabledForThread Gets a value indicating whether leak tracking is turned on for the current thread. |
IsStereoEnabled Retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the operating system's stereoscopic 3D display behavior is enabled. |
IsTemporaryMonoSupported Determines whether a swap chain supports “temporary mono.” |
IsWindowedStereoEnabled Determines whether to use stereo mode. |
MakeWindowAssociation Allows DXGI to monitor an application's message queue for the alt-enter key sequence (which causes the application to switch from windowed to full screen or vice versa). |
Map Get a pointer to the data contained in the surface, and deny GPU access to the surface. |
MapDesktopSurface Provides the CPU with efficient access to a desktop image if that desktop image is already in system memory. |
OfferResources Allows the operating system to free the video memory of resources by discarding their content. (IDXGIDevice2.OfferResources) |
OfferResources1 Allows the operating system to free the video memory of resources, including both discarding the content and de-committing the memory. |
PopRetrievalFilter Pops a retrieval filter from the top of the retrieval-filter stack. |
PopStorageFilter Pops a storage filter from the top of the storage-filter stack. |
Present Presents a rendered image to the user. |
Present1 Presents a frame on the display screen. |
PresentBuffer Presents a frame on the output adapter. |
PushCopyOfRetrievalFilter Pushes a copy of the retrieval filter that is currently on the top of the retrieval-filter stack onto the retrieval-filter stack. |
PushCopyOfStorageFilter Pushes a copy of the storage filter that is currently on the top of the storage-filter stack onto the storage-filter stack. |
PushDenyAllRetrievalFilter Pushes a deny-all retrieval filter onto the retrieval-filter stack. |
PushDenyAllStorageFilter Pushes a deny-all storage filter onto the storage-filter stack. |
PushEmptyRetrievalFilter Pushes an empty retrieval filter onto the retrieval-filter stack. |
PushEmptyStorageFilter Pushes an empty storage filter onto the storage-filter stack. |
PushRetrievalFilter Pushes a retrieval filter onto the retrieval-filter stack. |
PushStorageFilter Pushes a storage filter onto the storage-filter stack. |
QueryResourceResidency Gets the residency status of an array of resources. |
QueryVideoMemoryInfo This method informs the process of the current budget and process usage. |
ReclaimResources Restores access to resources that were previously offered by calling IDXGIDevice2::OfferResources. |
ReclaimResources1 Restores access to resources that were previously offered by calling IDXGIDevice4::OfferResources1. |
RegisterAdaptersChangedEvent Registers to receive notification of changes whenever the adapter enumeration state changes. |
RegisterHardwareContentProtectionTeardownStatusEvent Registers to receive notification of hardware content protection teardown events. |
RegisterOcclusionStatusEvent Registers to receive notification of changes in occlusion status by using event signaling. |
RegisterOcclusionStatusWindow Registers an application window to receive notification messages of changes of occlusion status. |
RegisterStereoStatusEvent Registers to receive notification of changes in stereo status by using event signaling. |
RegisterStereoStatusWindow Registers an application window to receive notification messages of changes of stereo status. |
RegisterVideoMemoryBudgetChangeNotificationEvent This method establishes a correlation between a CPU synchronization object and the budget change event. |
ReleaseDC Releases the GDI device context (DC) that is associated with the current surface and allows you to use Direct3D to render. |
ReleaseFrame Indicates that the application finished processing the frame. |
ReleaseOwnership Releases ownership of the output. |
ReleaseSync Using a key, releases exclusive rendering access to a shared resource. |
ReportLiveObjects Reports info about the lifetime of an object or objects. |
ResizeBuffers Changes the swap chain's back buffer size, format, and number of buffers. This should be called when the application window is resized. |
ResizeBuffers1 Changes the swap chain's back buffer size, format, and number of buffers, where the swap chain was created using a D3D12 command queue as an input device. This should be called when the application window is resized. |
ResizeTarget Resizes the output target. |
SetBackgroundColor Changes the background color of the swap chain. |
SetBreakOnCategory Sets a message category to break on when a message with that category passes through the storage filter. |
SetBreakOnID Sets a message identifier to break on when a message with that identifier passes through the storage filter. |
SetBreakOnSeverity Sets a message severity level to break on when a message with that severity level passes through the storage filter. |
SetColorSpace Sets the color space used by the swap chain. (IDXGIDecodeSwapChain.SetColorSpace) |
SetColorSpace1 Sets the color space used by the swap chain. (IDXGISwapChain3.SetColorSpace1) |
SetDestSize Sets the size of the destination surface to use for the video processing blit operation. |
SetDisplaySurface Changes the display mode. |
SetEvictionPriority Set the priority for evicting the resource from memory. |
SetFullscreenState Sets the display state to windowed or full screen. |
SetGammaControl Sets the gamma controls. |
SetGPUThreadPriority Sets the GPU thread priority. |
SetHDRMetaData This method sets High Dynamic Range (HDR) and Wide Color Gamut (WCG) header metadata. |
SetMatrixTransform Sets the transform matrix that will be applied to a composition swap chain upon the next present. |
SetMaximumFrameLatency Sets the number of frames that the system is allowed to queue for rendering. |
SetMaximumFrameLatency Sets the number of frames that the swap chain is allowed to queue for rendering. |
SetMessageCountLimit Sets the maximum number of messages that can be added to the message queue. |
SetMuteDebugOutput Turns the debug output on or off. |
SetPresentDuration Requests a custom presentation duration (custom refresh rate). |
SetPrivateData Sets application-defined data to the object and associates that data with a GUID. |
SetPrivateDataInterface Set an interface in the object's private data. |
SetRotation Sets the rotation of the back buffers for the swap chain. |
SetSourceRect Sets the rectangle that defines the source region for the video processing blit operation. |
SetSourceSize Sets the source region to be used for the swap chain. |
SetStereoEnabled Set a Boolean value to either enable or disable the operating system's stereoscopic 3D display behavior. |
SetTargetRect Sets the rectangle that defines the target region for the video processing blit operation. |
SetVideoMemoryReservation This method sends the minimum required physical memory for an application, to the OS. |
SupportsOverlays Queries an adapter output for multiplane overlay support. |
TakeOwnership Takes ownership of an output. |
Trim Trims the graphics memory allocated by the IDXGIDevice3 DXGI device on the app's behalf. |
Unmap Invalidate the pointer to the surface retrieved by IDXGISurface::Map and re-enable GPU access to the resource. |
UnMapDesktopSurface Invalidates the pointer to the desktop image that was retrieved by using IDXGIOutputDuplication::MapDesktopSurface. |
UnregisterAdaptersChangedEvent Unregisters an event to stop receiving notifications when the adapter enumeration state changes. |
UnregisterHardwareContentProtectionTeardownStatus Unregisters an event to stop it from receiving notification of hardware content protection teardown events. |
UnregisterOcclusionStatus Unregisters a window or an event to stop it from receiving notification when occlusion status changes. |
UnregisterStereoStatus Unregisters a window or an event to stop it from receiving notification when stereo status changes. |
UnregisterVideoMemoryBudgetChangeNotification This method stops notifying a CPU synchronization object whenever a budget change occurs. An application may switch back to polling the information regularly. |
WaitForVBlank Halt a thread until the next vertical blank occurs. |
IDXGIAdapter The IDXGIAdapter interface represents a display subsystem (including one or more GPUs, DACs and video memory). |
IDXGIAdapter1 The IDXGIAdapter1 interface represents a display sub-system (including one or more GPU's, DACs and video memory). |
IDXGIAdapter2 The IDXGIAdapter2 interface represents a display subsystem, which includes one or more GPUs, DACs, and video memory. |
IDXGIAdapter3 This interface adds some memory residency methods, for budgeting and reserving physical memory. |
IDXGIAdapter4 This interface represents a display subsystem, and extends this family of interfaces to expose a method to check for an adapter's compatibility with Arbitrary Code Guard (ACG). |
IDXGIDebug This interface controls debug settings, and can only be used if the debug layer is turned on. |
IDXGIDebug1 Controls debug settings for Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI). You can use the IDXGIDebug1 interface in Windows Store apps. |
IDXGIDecodeSwapChain Represents a swap chain that is used by desktop media apps to decode video data and show it on a DirectComposition surface. |
IDXGIDevice An IDXGIDevice interface implements a derived class for DXGI objects that produce image data. |
IDXGIDevice1 An IDXGIDevice1 interface implements a derived class for DXGI objects that produce image data. |
IDXGIDevice2 The IDXGIDevice2 interface implements a derived class for DXGI objects that produce image data. The interface exposes methods to block CPU processing until the GPU completes processing, and to offer resources to the operating system. |
IDXGIDevice3 The IDXGIDevice3 interface implements a derived class for DXGI objects that produce image data. The interface exposes a method to trim graphics memory usage by the DXGI device. |
IDXGIDevice4 This interface provides updated methods to offer and reclaim resources. |
IDXGIDeviceSubObject Inherited from objects that are tied to the device so that they can retrieve a pointer to it. |
IDXGIDisplayControl The IDXGIDisplayControl interface exposes methods to indicate user preference for the operating system's stereoscopic 3D display behavior and to set stereoscopic 3D display status to enable or disable. |
IDXGIFactory An IDXGIFactory interface implements methods for generating DXGI objects (which handle full screen transitions). |
IDXGIFactory1 The IDXGIFactory1 interface implements methods for generating DXGI objects. |
IDXGIFactory2 The IDXGIFactory2 interface includes methods to create a newer version swap chain with more features than IDXGISwapChain and to monitor stereoscopic 3D capabilities. |
IDXGIFactory3 Enables creating Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) objects. (IDXGIFactory3) |
IDXGIFactory4 Enables creating Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) objects. (IDXGIFactory4) |
IDXGIFactory5 This interface enables a single method to support variable refresh rate displays. |
IDXGIFactory6 This interface enables a single method that enumerates graphics adapters based on a given GPU preference. |
IDXGIFactory7 This interface enables registration for notifications to detect adapter enumeration state changes. |
IDXGIFactoryMedia Creates swap chains for desktop media apps that use DirectComposition surfaces to decode and display video. |
IDXGIInfoQueue This interface controls the debug information queue, and can only be used if the debug layer is turned on. |
IDXGIKeyedMutex Represents a keyed mutex, which allows exclusive access to a shared resource that is used by multiple devices. |
IDXGIObject An IDXGIObject interface is a base interface for all DXGI objects; IDXGIObject supports associating caller-defined (private data) with an object and retrieval of an interface to the parent object. |
IDXGIOutput An IDXGIOutput interface represents an adapter output (such as a monitor). |
IDXGIOutput1 An IDXGIOutput1 interface represents an adapter output (such as a monitor). |
IDXGIOutput2 Represents an adapter output (such as a monitor). The IDXGIOutput2 interface exposes a method to check for multiplane overlay support on the primary output adapter. |
IDXGIOutput3 Represents an adapter output (such as a monitor). The IDXGIOutput3 interface exposes a method to check for overlay support. |
IDXGIOutput4 Represents an adapter output (such as a monitor). The IDXGIOutput4 interface exposes a method to check for overlay color space support. |
IDXGIOutput5 Represents an adapter output (such as a monitor). The IDXGIOutput5 interface exposes a single method to specify a list of supported formats for fullscreen surfaces. |
IDXGIOutput6 Represents an adapter output (such as a monitor). The IDXGIOutput6 interface exposes methods to provide specific monitor capabilities. |
IDXGIOutputDuplication The IDXGIOutputDuplication interface accesses and manipulates the duplicated desktop image. |
IDXGIResource An IDXGIResource interface allows resource sharing and identifies the memory that a resource resides in. |
IDXGIResource1 An IDXGIResource1 interface extends the IDXGIResource interface by adding support for creating a subresource surface object and for creating a handle to a shared resource. |
IDXGISurface The IDXGISurface interface implements methods for image-data objects. |
IDXGISurface1 The IDXGISurface1 interface extends the IDXGISurface by adding support for using Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) to render to a Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) surface. |
IDXGISurface2 The IDXGISurface2 interface extends the IDXGISurface1 interface by adding support for subresource surfaces and getting a handle to a shared resource. |
IDXGISwapChain An IDXGISwapChain interface implements one or more surfaces for storing rendered data before presenting it to an output. |
IDXGISwapChain1 Provides presentation capabilities that are enhanced from IDXGISwapChain. These presentation capabilities consist of specifying dirty rectangles and scroll rectangle to optimize the presentation. |
IDXGISwapChain2 Extends IDXGISwapChain1 with methods to support swap back buffer scaling and lower-latency swap chains. |
IDXGISwapChain3 Extends IDXGISwapChain2 with methods to support getting the index of the swap chain's current back buffer and support for color space. |
IDXGISwapChain4 This interface exposes a single method for setting video metadata. |
IDXGISwapChainMedia This swap chain interface allows desktop media applications to request a seamless change to a specific refresh rate. |
DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC Describes an adapter (or video card) by using DXGI 1.0. |
DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC1 Describes an adapter (or video card) using DXGI 1.1. |
DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC2 Describes an adapter (or video card) that uses Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) 1.2. |
DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC3 Describes an adapter (or video card) that uses Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) 1.6. |
DXGI_DECODE_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC Used with IDXGIFactoryMedia::CreateDecodeSwapChainForCompositionSurfaceHandle to describe a decode swap chain. |
DXGI_DISPLAY_COLOR_SPACE Don't use this structure; it is not supported and it will be removed from the header in a future release. |
DXGI_FRAME_STATISTICS Describes timing and presentation statistics for a frame. |
DXGI_FRAME_STATISTICS_MEDIA Used to verify system approval for the app's custom present duration (custom refresh rate). |
DXGI_HDR_METADATA_HDR10 Describes the metadata for HDR10, used when video is compressed using High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). |
DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER Describes a debug message filter, which contains lists of message types to allow and deny. |
DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER_DESC Describes the types of messages to allow or deny to pass through a filter. |
DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE Describes a debug message in the information queue. |
DXGI_MAPPED_RECT Describes a mapped rectangle that is used to access a surface. |
DXGI_MATRIX_3X2_F Represents a 3x2 matrix. Used with GetMatrixTransform and SetMatrixTransform to indicate the scaling and translation transform for SwapChainPanel swap chains. |
DXGI_MODE_DESC1 Describes a display mode and whether the display mode supports stereo. |
DXGI_OUTDUPL_DESC The DXGI_OUTDUPL_DESC structure describes the dimension of the output and the surface that contains the desktop image. The format of the desktop image is always DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM. |
DXGI_OUTDUPL_FRAME_INFO The DXGI_OUTDUPL_FRAME_INFO structure describes the current desktop image. |
DXGI_OUTDUPL_MOVE_RECT The DXGI_OUTDUPL_MOVE_RECT structure describes the movement of a rectangle. |
DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_POSITION The DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_POSITION structure describes the position of the hardware cursor. |
DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_INFO The DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_INFO structure describes information about the cursor shape. |
DXGI_OUTPUT_DESC Describes an output or physical connection between the adapter (video card) and a device. |
DXGI_OUTPUT_DESC1 Describes an output or physical connection between the adapter (video card) and a device, including additional information about color capabilities and connection type. |
DXGI_PRESENT_PARAMETERS Describes information about present that helps the operating system optimize presentation. |
DXGI_QUERY_VIDEO_MEMORY_INFO Describes the current video memory budgeting parameters. |
DXGI_RATIONAL Represents a rational number. |
DXGI_SAMPLE_DESC Describes multi-sampling parameters for a resource. |
DXGI_SHARED_RESOURCE Represents a handle to a shared resource. |
DXGI_SURFACE_DESC Describes a surface. |
DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC1 Describes a swap chain. (DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC1) |
DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FULLSCREEN_DESC Describes full-screen mode for a swap chain. |
LUID Describes a local identifier for an adapter. (LUID) |