Direct3D 12 Graphics
Overview of the Direct3D 12 Graphics technology.
To develop Direct3D 12 Graphics, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
D3D_ROOT_SIGNATURE_VERSION Specifies the version of root signature layout. |
D3D_SHADER_MODEL Specifies a shader model. |
D3D12_AUTO_BREADCRUMB_OP Defines constants that specify render/compute GPU operations. (D3D12_AUTO_BREADCRUMB_OP) |
D3D12_AXIS_SHADING_RATE Defines constants that specify the shading rate (for variable-rate shading, or VRS) along a horizontal or vertical axis. |
D3D12_BACKGROUND_PROCESSING_MODE Defines constants that specify a level of dynamic optimization to apply to GPU work that's subsequently submitted. |
D3D12_BLEND Specifies blend factors, which modulate values for the pixel shader and render target. |
D3D12_BLEND_OP Specifies RGB or alpha blending operations. |
D3D12_BUFFER_SRV_FLAGS Identifies how to view a buffer resource. (D3D12_BUFFER_SRV_FLAGS) |
D3D12_BUFFER_UAV_FLAGS Identifies unordered-access view options for a buffer resource. (D3D12_BUFFER_UAV_FLAGS) |
D3D12_CLEAR_FLAGS Specifies what to clear from the depth stencil view. |
D3D12_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE Identifies which components of each pixel of a render target are writable during blending. |
D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_FLAGS The D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_FLAGS enumeration specifies flags to be used when creating a command list. |
D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_SUPPORT_FLAGS Used to determine which kinds of command lists are capable of supporting various operations. |
D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE Specifies the type of a command list. |
D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_FLAGS Specifies flags to be used when creating a command queue. |
D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_PRIORITY Defines priority levels for a command queue. |
D3D12_COMPARISON_FUNC Specifies comparison options. |
D3D12_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_MODE Identifies whether conservative rasterization is on or off. (D3D12_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_MODE) |
D3D12_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_TIER Identifies the tier level of conservative rasterization. |
D3D12_CPU_PAGE_PROPERTY Specifies the CPU-page properties for the heap. |
D3D12_CROSS_NODE_SHARING_TIER Specifies the level of sharing across nodes of an adapter, such as Tier 1 Emulated, Tier 1, or Tier 2. |
D3D12_CULL_MODE Specifies triangles facing a particular direction are not drawn. |
D3D12_DEBUG_COMMAND_LIST_PARAMETER_TYPE Indicates the debug parameter type used by ID3D12DebugCommandList1::SetDebugParameter and ID3D12DebugCommandList1::GetDebugParameter. |
D3D12_DEBUG_DEVICE_PARAMETER_TYPE Specifies the data type of the memory pointed to by the pData parameter of ID3D12DebugDevice1::SetDebugParameter and ID3D12DebugDevice1::GetDebugParameter. |
D3D12_DEBUG_FEATURE Flags for optional D3D12 Debug Layer features. |
D3D12_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK Identifies the portion of a depth-stencil buffer for writing depth data. |
D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_FLAGS Specifies options for a heap. |
D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_TYPE Specifies a type of descriptor heap. |
D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_FLAGS Specifies the volatility of both descriptors and the data they reference in a Root Signature 1.1 description, which can enable some driver optimizations. |
D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_TYPE Specifies a range so that, for example, if part of a descriptor table has 100 shader-resource views (SRVs) that range can be declared in one entry rather than 100. |
D3D12_DRED_ALLOCATION_TYPE Congruent with, and numerically equivalent to, 3D12DDI_HANDLETYPE enumeration values. |
D3D12_DRED_ENABLEMENT Defines constants that specify render/compute GPU operations. (D3D12_DRED_ENABLEMENT) |
D3D12_DRED_FLAGS Defines constants used in the D3D12_DEVICE_REMOVED_EXTENDED_DATA structure to specify control flags for the Direct3D runtime. |
D3D12_DRED_VERSION Defines constants that specify a version of Device Removed Extended Data (DRED), as used by the D3D12_VERSIONED_DEVICE_REMOVED_EXTENDED_DATA structure. |
D3D12_DRIVER_MATCHING_IDENTIFIER_STATUS Specifies the result of a call to ID3D12Device5::CheckDriverMatchingIdentifier which queries whether serialized data is compatible with the current device and driver version. |
D3D12_DSV_DIMENSION Specifies how to access a resource used in a depth-stencil view. (D3D12_DSV_DIMENSION) |
D3D12_DSV_FLAGS Specifies depth-stencil view options. |
D3D12_ELEMENTS_LAYOUT Describes how the locations of elements are identified. |
D3D12_EXPORT_FLAGS The flags to apply when exporting symbols from a state subobject. |
D3D12_FEATURE Defines constants that specify a Direct3D 12 feature or feature set to query about. |
D3D12_FENCE_FLAGS Specifies fence options. (D3D12_FENCE_FLAGS) |
D3D12_FILL_MODE Specifies the fill mode to use when rendering triangles. |
D3D12_FILTER Specifies filtering options during texture sampling. |
D3D12_FILTER_REDUCTION_TYPE Specifies the type of filter reduction. |
D3D12_FILTER_TYPE Specifies the type of magnification or minification sampler filters. |
D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1 Specifies resources that are supported for a provided format. |
D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT2 Specifies which unordered resource options are supported for a provided format. |
D3D12_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_FLAGS Describes the level of GPU-based validation to perform at runtime. |
D3D12_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_PIPELINE_STATE_CREATE_FLAGS Specifies how GPU-Based Validation handles patched pipeline states during ID3D12Device::CreateGraphicsPipelineState and ID3D12Device::CreateComputePipelineState. |
D3D12_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_SHADER_PATCH_MODE Specifies the type of shader patching used by GPU-Based Validation at either the device or command list level. |
D3D12_GRAPHICS_STATES Defines flags that specify states related to a graphics command list. Values can be bitwise OR'd together. |
D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS Specifies heap options, such as whether the heap can contain textures, and whether resources are shared across adapters. |
D3D12_HEAP_SERIALIZATION_TIER Defines constants that specify heap serialization support. |
D3D12_HEAP_TYPE Specifies the type of heap. When resident, heaps reside in a particular physical memory pool with certain CPU cache properties. |
D3D12_HIT_GROUP_TYPE Specifies the type of a raytracing hit group state subobject. Use a value from this enumeration with the D3D12_HIT_GROUP_DESC structure. |
D3D12_INDEX_BUFFER_STRIP_CUT_VALUE When using triangle strip primitive topology, vertex positions are interpreted as vertices of a continuous triangle “strip”. |
D3D12_INDIRECT_ARGUMENT_TYPE Specifies the type of the indirect parameter. |
D3D12_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION Identifies the type of data contained in an input slot. |
D3D12_LIFETIME_STATE Defines constants that specify the lifetime state of a lifetime-tracked object. |
D3D12_LOGIC_OP Specifies logical operations to configure for a render target. (D3D12_LOGIC_OP) |
D3D12_MEASUREMENTS_ACTION Defines constants that specify what should be done with the results of earlier workload instrumentation. |
D3D12_MEMORY_POOL Specifies the memory pool for the heap. |
D3D12_MESH_SHADER_TIER Defines constants that specify mesh and amplification shader support. |
D3D12_MESSAGE_CATEGORY Specifies categories of debug messages. |
D3D12_MESSAGE_ID Specifies debug message IDs for setting up an info-queue filter (see D3D12_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER); use these messages to allow or deny message categories to pass through the storage and retrieval filters. |
D3D12_MESSAGE_SEVERITY Debug message severity levels for an information queue. (D3D12_MESSAGE_SEVERITY) |
D3D12_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_FLAGS Defines constants that specify the flags for a parameter to a meta command. Values can be bitwise OR'd together. |
D3D12_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_STAGE Defines constants that specify the stage of a parameter to a meta command. |
D3D12_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_TYPE Defines constants that specify the data type of a parameter to a meta command. |
D3D12_MULTIPLE_FENCE_WAIT_FLAGS Specifies multiple wait flags for multiple fences. |
D3D12_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVEL_FLAGS Specifies options for determining quality levels. |
D3D12_PIPELINE_STATE_FLAGS Flags to control pipeline state. |
D3D12_PIPELINE_STATE_SUBOBJECT_TYPE Specifies the type of a sub-object in a pipeline state stream description. |
D3D12_PREDICATION_OP Specifies the predication operation to apply. |
D3D12_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TYPE Specifies how the pipeline interprets geometry or hull shader input primitives. |
D3D12_PROGRAMMABLE_SAMPLE_POSITIONS_TIER Specifies the level of support for programmable sample positions that's offered by the adapter. |
D3D12_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SESSION_FLAGS Defines constants that specify protected resource session flags. |
D3D12_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SESSION_SUPPORT_FLAGS Defines constants that specify protected resource session support. |
D3D12_PROTECTED_SESSION_STATUS Defines constants that specify protected session status. |
D3D12_QUERY_HEAP_TYPE Specifies the type of query heap to create. |
D3D12_QUERY_TYPE Specifies the type of query. |
D3D12_RAY_FLAGS Flags passed to the TraceRay function to override transparency, culling, and early-out behavior. |
D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_BUILD_FLAGS Specifies flags for the build of a raytracing acceleration structure. Use a value from this enumeration with the D3D12_BUILD_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_INPUTS structure that provides input to the acceleration structure build operation. |
D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_COPY_MODE Specifies the type of copy operation performed when calling CopyRaytracingAccelerationStructure. |
D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_POSTBUILD_INFO_TYPE Specifies the type of acceleration structure post-build info that can be retrieved with calls to EmitRaytracingAccelerationStructurePostbuildInfo and BuildRaytracingAccelerationStructure. |
D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_TYPE Specifies the type of a raytracing acceleration structure. |
D3D12_RAYTRACING_GEOMETRY_FLAGS Specifies flags for raytracing geometry in a D3D12_RAYTRACING_GEOMETRY_DESC structure. |
D3D12_RAYTRACING_GEOMETRY_TYPE Specifies the type of geometry used for raytracing. Use a value from this enumeration to specify the geometry type in a D3D12_RAYTRACING_GEOMETRY_DESC. |
D3D12_RAYTRACING_INSTANCE_FLAGS Flags for a raytracing acceleration structure instance. These flags can be used to override D3D12_RAYTRACING_GEOMETRY_FLAGS for individual instances. |
D3D12_RAYTRACING_PIPELINE_FLAGS Defines constants that specify configuration flags for a raytracing pipeline. |
D3D12_RAYTRACING_TIER Specifies the level of ray tracing support on the graphics device. |
D3D12_RENDER_PASS_BEGINNING_ACCESS_TYPE Specifies the type of access that an application is given to the specified resource(s) at the transition into a render pass. |
D3D12_RENDER_PASS_ENDING_ACCESS_TYPE Specifies the type of access that an application is given to the specified resource(s) at the transition out of a render pass. |
D3D12_RENDER_PASS_FLAGS Specifies the nature of the render pass; for example, whether it is a suspending or a resuming render pass. |
D3D12_RENDER_PASS_TIER Specifies the level of support for render passes on a graphics device. |
D3D12_RESIDENCY_FLAGS Used with the EnqueuMakeResident function to choose how residency operations proceed when the memory budget is exceeded. |
D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY Specifies broad residency priority buckets useful for quickly establishing an application priority scheme. |
D3D12_RESOLVE_MODE Specifies a resolve operation. |
D3D12_RESOURCE_BARRIER_FLAGS Flags for setting split resource barriers. |
D3D12_RESOURCE_BARRIER_TYPE Specifies a type of resource barrier (transition in resource use) description. |
D3D12_RESOURCE_BINDING_TIER Identifies the tier of resource binding being used. |
D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION Identifies the type of resource being used. (D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION) |
D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAGS Specifies options for working with resources. |
D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER Specifies which resource heap tier the hardware and driver support. |
D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES Defines constants that specify the state of a resource regarding how the resource is being used. |
D3D12_RLDO_FLAGS Specifies options for the amount of information to report about a live device object's lifetime. |
D3D12_ROOT_DESCRIPTOR_FLAGS Specifies the volatility of the data referenced by descriptors in a Root Signature 1.1 description, which can enable some driver optimizations. |
D3D12_ROOT_PARAMETER_TYPE Specifies the type of root signature slot. |
D3D12_ROOT_SIGNATURE_FLAGS Specifies options for root signature layout. |
D3D12_RTV_DIMENSION Identifies the type of resource to view as a render target. |
D3D12_SAMPLER_FEEDBACK_TIER Defines constants that specify sampler feedback support. |
D3D12_SERIALIZED_DATA_TYPE Specifies the type of serialized data. Use a value from this enumeration when calling ID3D12Device5::CheckDriverMatchingIdentifier. |
D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_CONTROL_FLAGS Defines constants that specify shader cache control options. |
D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_FLAGS Defines constants that specify shader cache flags. |
D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_KIND_FLAGS Defines constants that specify a kind of shader cache. |
D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_MODE Defines constants that specify a shader cache's mode. |
D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_SUPPORT_FLAGS Describes the level of support for shader caching in the current graphics driver. (D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_SUPPORT_FLAGS) |
D3D12_SHADER_COMPONENT_MAPPING Specifies how memory gets routed by a shader resource view (SRV). |
D3D12_SHADER_MIN_PRECISION_SUPPORT Describes minimum precision support options for shaders in the current graphics driver. |
D3D12_SHADER_VERSION_TYPE Enumerates the types of shaders that Direct3D recognizes. Used to encode the Version member of the D3D12_SHADER_DESC structure. |
D3D12_SHADER_VISIBILITY Specifies the shaders that can access the contents of a given root signature slot. |
D3D12_SHADING_RATE Defines constants that specify the shading rate (for variable-rate shading, or VRS). |
D3D12_SHADING_RATE_COMBINER Defines constants that specify a shading rate combiner (for variable-rate shading, or VRS). |
D3D12_SHARED_RESOURCE_COMPATIBILITY_TIER Defines constants that specify a cross-API sharing support tier. |
D3D12_SRV_DIMENSION Identifies the type of resource that will be viewed as a shader resource. |
D3D12_STATE_OBJECT_FLAGS Specifies constraints for state objects. Use values from this enumeration in the D3D12_STATE_OBJECT_CONFIG structure. |
D3D12_STATE_OBJECT_TYPE Specifies the type of a state object. Use with D3D12_STATE_OBJECT_DESC. |
D3D12_STATE_SUBOBJECT_TYPE The type of a state subobject. Use with D3D12_STATE_SUBOBJECT. |
D3D12_STATIC_BORDER_COLOR Specifies the border color for a static sampler. |
D3D12_STENCIL_OP Identifies the stencil operations that can be performed during depth-stencil testing. |
D3D12_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE Identifies a technique for resolving texture coordinates that are outside of the boundaries of a texture. |
D3D12_TEXTURE_COPY_TYPE Specifies what type of texture copy is to take place. |
D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT Specifies texture layout options. (D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT) |
D3D12_TILE_COPY_FLAGS Specifies how to copy a tile. |
D3D12_TILE_MAPPING_FLAGS Specifies how to perform a tile-mapping operation. |
D3D12_TILE_RANGE_FLAGS Specifies a range of tile mappings. |
D3D12_TILED_RESOURCES_TIER Identifies the tier level at which tiled resources are supported. |
D3D12_UAV_DIMENSION Identifies unordered-access view options. |
D3D12_VARIABLE_SHADING_RATE_TIER Defines constants that specify a shading rate tier (for variable-rate shading, or VRS). |
D3D12_VIEW_INSTANCING_FLAGS Specifies options for view instancing. |
D3D12_VIEW_INSTANCING_TIER Indicates the tier level at which view instancing is supported. |
D3D12_WAVE_MMA_TIER Defines constants that specify a level of support for WaveMMA (wave_matrix) operations. |
D3D12_WRITEBUFFERIMMEDIATE_MODE Specifies the mode used by a WriteBufferImmediate operation. |
AcquireDirect3D12BufferResource The IHolographicCameraInterop::AcquireDirect3D12BufferResource function acquires a Direct3D 12 buffer resource. |
AcquireDirect3D12BufferResource The IHolographicQuadLayerInterop::AcquireDirect3D12BufferResource function acquires a Direct3D 12 buffer resource. |
AcquireDirect3D12BufferResourceWithTimeout The IHolographicCameraInterop::AcquireDirect3D12BufferResourceWithTimeout function acquires a Direct3D 12 buffer resource, with an optional timeout. |
AcquireDirect3D12BufferResourceWithTimeout The IHolographicQuadLayerInterop::AcquireDirect3D12BufferResourceWithTimeout function acquires a Direct3D 12 buffer resource, with an optional timeout. |
AcquireWrappedResources Acquires D3D11 resources for use with D3D 11on12. Indicates that rendering to the wrapped resources can begin again. |
AddApplicationMessage Adds a user-defined message to the message queue and sends that message to debug output. |
AddMessage Adds a debug message to the message queue and sends that message to debug output. |
AddRetrievalFilterEntries Add storage filters to the top of the retrieval-filter stack. (ID3D12InfoQueue.AddRetrievalFilterEntries) |
AddStorageFilterEntries Add storage filters to the top of the storage-filter stack. (ID3D12InfoQueue.AddStorageFilterEntries) |
AddToStateObject Incrementally add to an existing state object. This incurs lower CPU overhead than creating a state object from scratch that is a superset of an existing one. |
AssertResourceState Checks whether a resource, or subresource, is in a specified state, or not. (ID3D12DebugCommandList.AssertResourceState) |
AssertResourceState Validates that the given state matches the state of the subresource, assuming the state of the given subresource is known during recording of a command list (e.g. |
AssertResourceState Checks whether a resource, or subresource, is in a specified state, or not. (ID3D12DebugCommandQueue.AssertResourceState) |
AtomicCopyBufferUINT Atomically copies a primary data element of type UINT from one resource to another, along with optional dependent resources. |
AtomicCopyBufferUINT64 Atomically copies a primary data element of type UINT64 from one resource to another, along with optional dependent resources. |
Barrier Adds a collection of barriers into a graphics command list recording. |
BeginEvent Not intended to be called directly. Use the PIX event runtime to insert events into a command queue. (ID3D12CommandQueue.BeginEvent) |
BeginEvent Not intended to be called directly. Use the PIX event runtime to insert events into a command list. (ID3D12GraphicsCommandList.BeginEvent) |
BeginQuery Starts a query running. (ID3D12GraphicsCommandList.BeginQuery) |
BeginRenderPass Marks the beginning of a render pass by binding a set of output resources for the duration of the render pass. These bindings are to one or more render target views (RTVs), and/or to a depth stencil view (DSV). |
BuildRaytracingAccelerationStructure Performs a raytracing acceleration structure build on the GPU and optionally outputs post-build information immediately after the build. |
CheckDriverMatchingIdentifier Reports the compatibility of serialized data, such as a serialized raytracing acceleration structure resulting from a call to CopyRaytracingAccelerationStructure with mode D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_COPY_MODE_SERIALIZE, with the current device/driver. |
CheckFeatureSupport Gets information about the features that are supported by the current graphics driver. (ID3D12Device.CheckFeatureSupport) |
ClearDepthStencilView Clears the depth-stencil resource. (ID3D12GraphicsCommandList.ClearDepthStencilView) |
ClearRenderTargetView Sets all the elements in a render target to one value. |
ClearRetrievalFilter Remove a retrieval filter from the top of the retrieval-filter stack. (ID3D12InfoQueue.ClearRetrievalFilter) |
ClearState Resets the state of a direct command list back to the state it was in when the command list was created. (ID3D12GraphicsCommandList.ClearState) |
ClearStorageFilter Remove a storage filter from the top of the storage-filter stack. (ID3D12InfoQueue.ClearStorageFilter) |
ClearStoredMessages Clear all messages from the message queue. (ID3D12InfoQueue.ClearStoredMessages) |
ClearUnorderedAccessViewFloat Sets all the elements in a unordered access view to the specified float values. |
ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint Sets all the elements in a unordered-access view (UAV) to the specified integer values. |
Close Indicates that recording to the command list has finished. (ID3D12GraphicsCommandList.Close) |
CommitDirect3D12Resource The IHolographicCameraRenderingParametersInterop::CommitDirect3D12Resource function commits a Direct3D 12 buffer for presentation on HolographicCamera outputs. |
CommitDirect3D12Resource Commits a Direct3D 12 buffer for presentation on outputs associated with any HolographicCamera to which the quad layer is attached. |
CommitDirect3D12ResourceWithDepthData The IHolographicCameraRenderingParametersInterop::CommitDirect3D12ResourceWithDepthData function commits a Direct3D 12 buffer for HolographicCamera outputs. |
CopyBufferRegion Copies a region of a buffer from one resource to another. |
CopyDescriptors Copies descriptors from a source to a destination. (ID3D12Device.CopyDescriptors) |
CopyDescriptorsSimple Copies descriptors from a source to a destination. (ID3D12Device.CopyDescriptorsSimple) |
CopyRaytracingAccelerationStructure Copies a source acceleration structure to destination memory while applying the specified transformation. |
CopyResource Copies the entire contents of the source resource to the destination resource. |
CopyTextureRegion This method uses the GPU to copy texture data between two locations. Both the source and the destination may reference texture data located within either a buffer resource or a texture resource. |
CopyTileMappings Copies mappings from a source reserved resource to a destination reserved resource. |
CopyTiles Copies tiles from buffer to tiled resource or vice versa. (ID3D12GraphicsCommandList.CopyTiles) |
CreateCommandAllocator Creates a command allocator object. |
CreateCommandList Creates a command list. |
CreateCommandList1 Creates a command list in the closed state. |
CreateCommandQueue Creates a command queue. |
CreateCommandQueue1 Creates a command queue with a creator ID. |
CreateCommandSignature This method creates a command signature. |
CreateCommittedResource Creates both a resource and an implicit heap, such that the heap is big enough to contain the entire resource, and the resource is mapped to the heap. |
CreateCommittedResource1 Creates both a resource and an implicit heap (optionally for a protected session), such that the heap is big enough to contain the entire resource, and the resource is mapped to the heap. (ID3D12Device4::CreateCommittedResource1) |
CreateCommittedResource2 Creates both a resource and an implicit heap (optionally for a protected session), such that the heap is big enough to contain the entire resource, and the resource is mapped to the heap. |
CreateCommittedResource3 Creates a committed resource with an initial layout rather than an initial state. |
CreateComputePipelineState Creates a compute pipeline state object. |
CreateConstantBufferView Creates a constant-buffer view for accessing resource data. |
CreateDepthStencilView Creates a depth-stencil view for accessing resource data. |
CreateDescriptorHeap Creates a descriptor heap object. |
CreateDirect3D12BackBufferResource Creates a Direct3D 12 resource for use as a content buffer for the camera. |
CreateDirect3D12ContentBufferResource Creates a Direct3D 12 resource for use as a content buffer for the layer. |
CreateDirect3D12HardwareProtectedBackBufferResource IHolographicCameraInterop::CreateDirect3D12HardwareProtectedBackBufferResource creates a Direct3D 12 resource for use as a content buffer for the camera. |
CreateDirect3D12HardwareProtectedContentBufferResource The IHolographicQuadLayerInterop::CreateDirect3D12HardwareProtectedContentBufferResource function creates a Direct3D 12 resource content buffer for the camera. |
CreateFence Creates a fence object. (ID3D12Device.CreateFence) |
CreateFenceFd TBD |
CreateGraphicsPipelineState Creates a graphics pipeline state object. |
CreateHeap Creates a heap that can be used with placed resources and reserved resources. |
CreateHeap1 Creates a heap (optionally for a protected session) that can be used with placed resources and reserved resources. |
CreateLifetimeTracker Creates a lifetime tracker associated with an application-defined callback; the callback receives notifications when the lifetime of a tracked object is changed. |
CreateMetaCommand Creates an instance of the specified meta command. |
CreatePipelineLibrary Creates a cached pipeline library. |
CreatePipelineState Creates a pipeline state object from a pipeline state stream description. |
CreatePlacedResource Creates a resource that is placed in a specific heap. Placed resources are the lightest weight resource objects available, and are the fastest to create and destroy. |
CreatePlacedResource1 Creates a resource that is placed in a specific heap. Placed resources are the lightest weight resource objects available, and are the fastest to create and destroy. |
CreatePlacedResource2 Creates a resource that is placed in a specific heap. Placed resources are the lightest weight resource objects available, and are the fastest to create and destroy. |
CreateProtectedResourceSession Creates an object that represents a session for content protection. |
CreateProtectedResourceSession1 Revises the ID3D12Device4::CreateProtectedResourceSession method with provision GUID that indicates the type of protected resource session. |
CreateQueryHeap Creates a query heap. A query heap contains an array of queries. |
CreateRenderTargetView Creates a render-target view for accessing resource data. (ID3D12Device.CreateRenderTargetView) |
CreateReservedResource Creates a resource that is reserved, and not yet mapped to any pages in a heap. |
CreateReservedResource1 Creates a resource (optionally for a protected session) that is reserved, and not yet mapped to any pages in a heap. |
CreateReservedResource2 Creates a resource that is reserved, and not yet mapped to any pages in a heap. |
CreateRootSignature Creates a root signature layout. |
CreateSampler Create a sampler object that encapsulates sampling information for a texture. |
CreateSamplerFeedbackUnorderedAccessView For purposes of sampler feedback, creates a descriptor suitable for binding. |
CreateShaderCacheSession Creates an object that grants access to a shader cache, potentially opening an existing cache or creating a new one. |
CreateShaderResourceView Creates a shader-resource view for accessing data in a resource. (ID3D12Device.CreateShaderResourceView) |
CreateSharedHandle Creates a shared handle to a heap, resource, or fence object. |
CreateStateObject Creates an ID3D12StateObject. |
CreateUnorderedAccessView Creates a view for unordered accessing. |
CreateWrappedResource This method creates D3D11 resources for use with D3D 11on12. |
D3D11On12CreateDevice Creates a device that uses Direct3D 11 functionality in Direct3D 12, specifying a pre-existing Direct3D 12 device to use for Direct3D 11 interop. |
D3D12CreateDevice Creates a device that represents the display adapter. (D3D12CreateDevice) |
D3D12CreateRootSignatureDeserializer Deserializes a root signature so you can determine the layout definition (D3D12_ROOT_SIGNATURE_DESC). |
D3D12CreateVersionedRootSignatureDeserializer Generates an interface that can return the deserialized data structure, via GetUnconvertedRootSignatureDesc. |
D3D12EnableExperimentalFeatures Enables a list of experimental features. |
D3D12GetDebugInterface Gets a debug interface. |
D3D12GetInterface Selects an SDK version at runtime when the system is in Windows Developer Mode. |
D3D12SerializeRootSignature Serializes a root signature version 1.0 that can be passed to ID3D12Device::CreateRootSignature. |
D3D12SerializeVersionedRootSignature Serializes a root signature of any version that can be passed to ID3D12Device::CreateRootSignature. |
DestroyOwnedObject Destroys a lifetime-tracked object. |
DisableDebugLayer Disables the debug layer. |
DiscardResource Discards a resource. |
Dispatch Executes a compute shader on a thread group. |
DispatchMesh |
DispatchRays Launch the threads of a ray generation shader. |
DrawIndexedInstanced Draws indexed, instanced primitives. |
DrawInstanced Draws non-indexed, instanced primitives. |
EmitRaytracingAccelerationStructurePostbuildInfo Emits post-build properties for a set of acceleration structures. This enables applications to know the output resource requirements for performing acceleration structure operations via ID3D12GraphicsCommandList4::CopyRaytracingAccelerationStructure. |
EnableDebugLayer Enables the debug layer. (ID3D12Debug.EnableDebugLayer) |
EnableDebugLayer Enables the debug layer. (ID3D12Debug1.EnableDebugLayer) |
EnableShaderInstrumentation This method enables tools such as PIX to instrument shaders. |
EndEvent Not intended to be called directly. Use the PIX event runtime to insert events into a command queue. (ID3D12CommandQueue.EndEvent) |
EndEvent Not intended to be called directly. Use the PIX event runtime to insert events into a command list. (ID3D12GraphicsCommandList.EndEvent) |
EndQuery Ends a running query. |
EndRenderPass Marks the ending of a render pass. |
EnqueueMakeResident Asynchronously makes objects resident for the device. |
EnumerateMetaCommandParameters Queries reflection metadata about the parameters of the specified meta command. |
EnumerateMetaCommands Queries reflection metadata about available meta commands. |
Evict Enables the page-out of data, which precludes GPU access of that data. |
ExecuteBundle Executes a bundle. |
ExecuteCommandLists Submits an array of command lists for execution. |
ExecuteIndirect Apps perform indirect draws/dispatches using the ExecuteIndirect method. |
ExecuteMetaCommand Records the execution (or invocation) of the specified meta command into a graphics command list. |
FindValue Looks up an entry in the cache whose key exactly matches the provided key. |
GetAdapterLuid Gets a locally unique identifier for the current device (adapter). |
GetAutoBreadcrumbsOutput Retrieves the Device Removed Extended Data (DRED) auto-breadcrumbs output after device removal. |
GetAutoBreadcrumbsOutput1 |
GetBaseClass Gets an ID3D12ShaderReflectionType Interface interface containing the variable base class type. |
GetBitwiseInstructionCount Gets the number of bitwise instructions. (ID3D12ShaderReflection.GetBitwiseInstructionCount) |
GetBreakOnCategory Get a message category to break on when a message with that category passes through the storage filter. (ID3D12InfoQueue.GetBreakOnCategory) |
GetBreakOnID Get a message identifier to break on when a message with that identifier passes through the storage filter. (ID3D12InfoQueue.GetBreakOnID) |
GetBreakOnSeverity Get a message severity level to break on when a message with that severity level passes through the storage filter. (ID3D12InfoQueue.GetBreakOnSeverity) |
GetBuffer Returns the ID3D12ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer of the present ID3D12ShaderReflectionVariable. |
GetCachedBlob Gets the cached blob representing the pipeline state. |
GetClockCalibration This method samples the CPU and GPU timestamp counters at the same moment in time. |
GetCompletedValue Gets the current value of the fence. (ID3D12Fence.GetCompletedValue) |
GetConstantBufferByIndex The ID3D12FunctionReflection::GetConstantBufferByIndex method (d3d12shader.h) gets a constant buffer by index for a function. |
GetConstantBufferByIndex Gets a constant buffer by index. |
GetConstantBufferByName Gets a constant buffer by name for a function. (ID3D12FunctionReflection.GetConstantBufferByName) |
GetConstantBufferByName Gets a constant buffer by name. |
GetConversionInstructionCount Gets the number of conversion instructions. (ID3D12ShaderReflection.GetConversionInstructionCount) |
GetCopyableFootprints Gets a resource layout that can be copied. Helps the app fill-in D3D12_PLACED_SUBRESOURCE_FOOTPRINT and D3D12_SUBRESOURCE_FOOTPRINT when suballocating space in upload heaps. |
GetCopyableFootprints1 Gets a resource layout that can be copied. Helps your app fill in D3D12_PLACED_SUBRESOURCE_FOOTPRINT and D3D12_SUBRESOURCE_FOOTPRINT when suballocating space in upload heaps. |
GetCPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart Gets the CPU descriptor handle that represents the start of the heap. |
GetCreationFlags Gets the flags used to create the fence represented by the current instance. |
GetCurrentResourceAndCommandQueue |
GetCustomHeapProperties Divulges the equivalent custom heap properties that are used for non-custom heap types, based on the adapter's architectural properties. |
GetD3D12Device Retrieves the Direct3D 12 device being interoperated with. |
GetDebugParameter Gets optional Command List Debug Layer settings. |
GetDebugParameter Gets optional device-wide Debug Layer settings. |
GetDesc Gets the description of the command queue. |
GetDesc Gets the descriptor heap description. |
GetDesc Gets the heap description. |
GetDesc Retrieves a description of the protected resource session. (ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession.GetDesc) |
GetDesc Gets the resource description. |
GetDesc Retrieves the description used to create the cache session. |
GetDesc Fills the parameter descriptor structure for the function's parameter. (ID3D12FunctionParameterReflection.GetDesc) |
GetDesc Fills the function descriptor structure for the function. (ID3D12FunctionReflection.GetDesc) |
GetDesc Fills the library descriptor structure for the library reflection. (ID3D12LibraryReflection.GetDesc) |
GetDesc Gets a shader description. |
GetDesc Gets a constant-buffer description. |
GetDesc Gets the description of a shader-reflection-variable type. |
GetDesc Gets a shader-variable description. |
GetDesc1 Retrieves a description of the protected resource session. (ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession1::GetDesc1) |
GetDesc1 |
GetDescriptorHandleIncrementSize Gets the size of the handle increment for the given type of descriptor heap. This value is typically used to increment a handle into a descriptor array by the correct amount. |
GetDevice Gets a pointer to the device that created this interface. |
GetDeviceRemovedReason Gets the reason that the device was removed. |
GetDeviceState |
GetFeatureMask Returns the debug feature flags that have been set on a command list. |
GetFeatureMask Gets a bit field of flags that indicates which debug features are on or off. |
GetFunctionByIndex The ID3D12LibraryReflection::GetFunctionByIndex method (d3d12shader.h) gets the function reflector. |
GetFunctionParameter Gets the function parameter reflector. (ID3D12FunctionReflection.GetFunctionParameter) |
GetGPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart Gets the GPU descriptor handle that represents the start of the heap. |
GetGPUVirtualAddress This method returns the GPU virtual address of a buffer resource. |
GetGSInputPrimitive Gets the geometry-shader input-primitive description. (ID3D12ShaderReflection.GetGSInputPrimitive) |
GetHeapProperties Retrieves the properties of the resource heap, for placed and committed resources. |
GetInputParameterDesc Gets an input-parameter description for a shader. |
GetInterfaceByIndex Gets an interface by index. |
GetInterfaceSlot Gets the corresponding interface slot for a variable that represents an interface pointer. (ID3D12ShaderReflectionVariable.GetInterfaceSlot) |
GetMemberTypeByIndex Gets a shader-reflection-variable type by index. |
GetMemberTypeByName Gets a shader-reflection-variable type by name. |
GetMemberTypeName Gets a shader-reflection-variable type. |
GetMessage Get a message from the message queue. (ID3D12InfoQueue.GetMessage) |
GetMessageCountLimit Get the maximum number of messages that can be added to the message queue. (ID3D12InfoQueue.GetMessageCountLimit) |
GetMinFeatureLevel Gets the minimum feature level. (ID3D12ShaderReflection.GetMinFeatureLevel) |
GetMovcInstructionCount Gets the number of Movc instructions. (ID3D12ShaderReflection.GetMovcInstructionCount) |
GetMovInstructionCount Gets the number of Mov instructions. (ID3D12ShaderReflection.GetMovInstructionCount) |
GetMuteDebugOutput Get a boolean that determines if debug output is on or off. |
GetNodeCount Reports the number of physical adapters (nodes) that are associated with this device. |
GetNumInterfaces Gets the number of interfaces. (ID3D12ShaderReflectionType.GetNumInterfaces) |
GetNumInterfaceSlots Gets the number of interface slots in a shader. (ID3D12ShaderReflection.GetNumInterfaceSlots) |
GetNumMessagesAllowedByStorageFilter Get the number of messages that were allowed to pass through a storage filter. (ID3D12InfoQueue.GetNumMessagesAllowedByStorageFilter) |
GetNumMessagesDeniedByStorageFilter Get the number of messages that were denied passage through a storage filter. (ID3D12InfoQueue.GetNumMessagesDeniedByStorageFilter) |
GetNumMessagesDiscardedByMessageCountLimit Get the number of messages that were discarded due to the message count limit. (ID3D12InfoQueue.GetNumMessagesDiscardedByMessageCountLimit) |
GetNumStoredMessages Get the number of messages currently stored in the message queue. (ID3D12InfoQueue.GetNumStoredMessages) |
GetNumStoredMessagesAllowedByRetrievalFilter Get the number of messages that are able to pass through a retrieval filter. (ID3D12InfoQueue.GetNumStoredMessagesAllowedByRetrievalFilter) |
GetOutputParameterDesc Gets an output-parameter description for a shader. |
GetPageFaultAllocationOutput Retrieves the Device Removed Extended Data (DRED) page fault data. |
GetPageFaultAllocationOutput1 |
GetPageFaultAllocationOutput2 |
GetPatchConstantParameterDesc Gets a patch-constant parameter description for a shader. |
GetPipelineStackSize Gets the current pipeline stack size. |
GetPrivateData Gets application-defined data from a device object. |
GetProtectedResourceSession |
GetProtectedResourceSession |
GetRaytracingAccelerationStructurePrebuildInfo Query the driver for resource requirements to build an acceleration structure. |
GetRequiredParameterResourceSize Retrieves the amount of memory required for the specified runtime parameter resource for a meta command, for the specified stage. |
GetRequiresFlags Gets a group of flags that indicates the requirements of a shader. (ID3D12ShaderReflection.GetRequiresFlags) |
GetResourceAllocationInfo Gets the size and alignment of memory required for a collection of resources on this adapter. |
GetResourceAllocationInfo1 Gets rich info about the size and alignment of memory required for a collection of resources on this adapter. (ID3D12Device4::GetResourceAllocationInfo1) |
GetResourceAllocationInfo2 Gets rich info about the size and alignment of memory required for a collection of resources on this adapter. (ID3D12Device8::GetResourceAllocationInfo2) |
GetResourceBindingDesc Gets a description of how a resource is bound to a function. (ID3D12FunctionReflection.GetResourceBindingDesc) |
GetResourceBindingDesc Gets a description of how a resource is bound to a shader. (ID3D12ShaderReflection.GetResourceBindingDesc) |
GetResourceBindingDescByName Gets a description of how a resource is bound to a function. (ID3D12FunctionReflection.GetResourceBindingDescByName) |
GetResourceBindingDescByName Gets a description of how a resource is bound to a shader. (ID3D12ShaderReflection.GetResourceBindingDescByName) |
GetResourceTiling Gets info about how a tiled resource is broken into tiles. (ID3D12Device.GetResourceTiling) |
GetRetrievalFilter Get the retrieval filter at the top of the retrieval-filter stack. (ID3D12InfoQueue.GetRetrievalFilter) |
GetRetrievalFilterStackSize Get the size of the retrieval-filter stack in bytes. (ID3D12InfoQueue.GetRetrievalFilterStackSize) |
GetRootSignatureDesc Gets the layout of the root signature. |
GetRootSignatureDescAtVersion Converts root signature description structures to a requested version. |
GetSerializedSize Returns the amount of memory required to serialize the current contents of the database. |
GetSessionStatus Gets the status of the protected session. |
GetShaderIdentifier Retrieves the unique identifier for a shader that can be used in a shader record. |
GetShaderStackSize Gets the amount of stack memory required to invoke a raytracing shader in HLSL. |
GetStatusFence Retrieves the fence for the protected session. From the fence, you can retrieve the current uniqueness validity value (using ID3D12Fence::GetCompletedValue), and add monitors for changes to its value. This is a read-only fence. |
GetStorageFilter Get the storage filter at the top of the storage-filter stack. (ID3D12InfoQueue.GetStorageFilter) |
GetStorageFilterStackSize Get the size of the storage-filter stack in bytes. (ID3D12InfoQueue.GetStorageFilterStackSize) |
GetSubType Gets the base class of a class. (ID3D12ShaderReflectionType.GetSubType) |
GetSwapChainObject |
GetThreadGroupSize Retrieves the sizes, in units of threads, of the X, Y, and Z dimensions of the shader's thread-group grid. (ID3D12ShaderReflection.GetThreadGroupSize) |
GetTimestampFrequency This method is used to determine the rate at which the GPU timestamp counter increments. |
GetType Gets the type of the command list, such as direct, bundle, compute, or copy. |
GetType Gets a shader-variable type. |
GetUnconvertedRootSignatureDesc Gets the layout of the root signature, without converting between root signature versions. |
GetVariableByIndex Gets a shader-reflection variable by index. |
GetVariableByName Gets a variable by name. (ID3D12FunctionReflection.GetVariableByName) |
GetVariableByName Gets a variable by name. (ID3D12ShaderReflection.GetVariableByName) |
GetVariableByName Gets a shader-reflection variable by name. |
IASetIndexBuffer Sets the view for the index buffer. |
IASetPrimitiveTopology Bind information about the primitive type, and data order that describes input data for the input assembler stage. (ID3D12GraphicsCommandList.IASetPrimitiveTopology) |
IASetVertexBuffers Sets a CPU descriptor handle for the vertex buffers. |
ImplementsInterface Indicates whether a class type implements an interface. (ID3D12ShaderReflectionType.ImplementsInterface) |
InitializeMetaCommand Initializes the specified meta command. |
InsertImplicitSync |
IsEqual Indicates whether two ID3D12ShaderReflectionType Interface pointers have the same underlying type. |
IsOfType Indicates whether a variable is of the specified type. (ID3D12ShaderReflectionType.IsOfType) |
IsSampleFrequencyShader Indicates whether a shader is a sample frequency shader. (ID3D12ShaderReflection.IsSampleFrequencyShader) |
LifetimeStateUpdated Called when the lifetime state of a lifetime-tracked object changes. |
LoadComputePipeline Retrieves the requested PSO from the library. The input desc is matched against the data in the current library database, and remembered in order to prevent duplication of PSO contents. |
LoadGraphicsPipeline Retrieves the requested PSO from the library. |
LoadPipeline Retrieves the requested PSO from the library. The pipeline stream description is matched against the library database, and remembered in order to prevent duplication of PSO contents. |
MakeResident Makes objects resident for the device. |
Map Gets a CPU pointer to the specified subresource in the resource, but may not disclose the pointer value to applications. Map also invalidates the CPU cache, when necessary, so that CPU reads to this address reflect any modifications made by the GPU. |
OMSetBlendFactor Sets the blend factor that modulate values for a pixel shader, render target, or both. |
OMSetDepthBounds This method enables you to change the depth bounds dynamically. |
OMSetRenderTargets Sets CPU descriptor handles for the render targets and depth stencil. |
OMSetStencilRef Sets the reference value for depth stencil tests. |
OpenExistingHeapFromAddress Creates a special-purpose diagnostic heap in system memory from an address. The created heap can persist even in the event of a GPU-fault or device-removed scenario. |
OpenExistingHeapFromFileMapping Creates a special-purpose diagnostic heap in system memory from a file mapping object. The created heap can persist even in the event of a GPU-fault or device-removed scenario. |
OpenSharedHandle Opens a handle for shared resources, shared heaps, and shared fences, by using HANDLE and REFIID. |
OpenSharedHandleByName Opens a handle for shared resources, shared heaps, and shared fences, by using Name and Access. |
PopRetrievalFilter Pop a retrieval filter from the top of the retrieval-filter stack. (ID3D12InfoQueue.PopRetrievalFilter) |
PopStorageFilter Pop a storage filter from the top of the storage-filter stack. (ID3D12InfoQueue.PopStorageFilter) |
Present Shares a resource (or subresource) between the D3D layers and diagnostics tools. |
PushCopyOfRetrievalFilter Push a copy of retrieval filter currently on the top of the retrieval-filter stack onto the retrieval-filter stack. (ID3D12InfoQueue.PushCopyOfRetrievalFilter) |
PushCopyOfStorageFilter Push a copy of storage filter currently on the top of the storage-filter stack onto the storage-filter stack. (ID3D12InfoQueue.PushCopyOfStorageFilter) |
PushEmptyRetrievalFilter Push an empty retrieval filter onto the retrieval-filter stack. (ID3D12InfoQueue.PushEmptyRetrievalFilter) |
PushEmptyStorageFilter Push an empty storage filter onto the storage-filter stack. (ID3D12InfoQueue.PushEmptyStorageFilter) |
PushRetrievalFilter Push a retrieval filter onto the retrieval-filter stack. (ID3D12InfoQueue.PushRetrievalFilter) |
PushStorageFilter Push a storage filter onto the storage-filter stack. (ID3D12InfoQueue.PushStorageFilter) |
ReadFromSubresource Uses the CPU to copy data from a subresource, enabling the CPU to read the contents of most textures with undefined layouts. |
ReleaseWrappedResources Releases D3D11 resources that were wrapped for D3D 11on12. |
RemoveDevice You can call RemoveDevice to indicate to the Direct3D 12 runtime that the GPU device encountered a problem, and can no longer be used. |
ReportLiveDeviceObjects Reports information about a device object's lifetime. |
ReportLiveDeviceObjects Specifies the amount of information to report on a device object's lifetime. |
Reset Indicates to re-use the memory that is associated with the command allocator. |
Reset Resets a command list back to its initial state as if a new command list was just created. (ID3D12GraphicsCommandList.Reset) |
ResolveQueryData Extracts data from a query. ResolveQueryData works with all heap types (default, upload, and readback). ResolveQueryData works with all heap types (default, upload, and readback). . |
ResolveSubresource Copy a multi-sampled resource into a non-multi-sampled resource. |
ResolveSubresourceRegion Copy a region of a multisampled or compressed resource into a non-multisampled or non-compressed resource. |
ResourceBarrier Notifies the driver that it needs to synchronize multiple accesses to resources. (ID3D12GraphicsCommandList.ResourceBarrier) |
ReturnUnderlyingResource With this method, you can return a Direct3D 11 resource object to Direct3D11On12, and indicate when the resource will be ready to consume. |
RSSetScissorRects Binds an array of scissor rectangles to the rasterizer stage. |
RSSetShadingRate The ID3D12GraphicsCommandList5::RSSetShadingRate method (d3d12.h) sets the base shading rate, and combiners, for variable-rate shading (VRS). |
RSSetShadingRateImage The ID3D12GraphicsCommandList5::RSSetShadingRateImage method (d3d12.h) sets the screen-space shading-rate image for variable-rate shading (VRS). |
RSSetViewports Bind an array of viewports to the rasterizer stage of the pipeline. (ID3D12GraphicsCommandList.RSSetViewports) |
Serialize Writes the contents of the library to the provided memory, to be provided back to the runtime at a later time. |
SetAutoBreadcrumbsEnablement Configures the enablement settings for Device Removed Extended Data (DRED) auto-breadcrumbs. |
SetBackgroundProcessingMode Sets the mode for driver background processing optimizations. |
SetBreadcrumbContextEnablement |
SetBreakOnCategory Set a message category to break on when a message with that category passes through the storage filter. (ID3D12InfoQueue.SetBreakOnCategory) |
SetBreakOnID Set a message identifier to break on when a message with that identifier passes through the storage filter. (ID3D12InfoQueue.SetBreakOnID) |
SetBreakOnSeverity Set a message severity level to break on when a message with that severity level passes through the storage filter. (ID3D12InfoQueue.SetBreakOnSeverity) |
SetComputeRoot32BitConstant Sets a constant in the compute root signature. |
SetComputeRoot32BitConstants Sets a group of constants in the compute root signature. |
SetComputeRootConstantBufferView Sets a CPU descriptor handle for the constant buffer in the compute root signature. |
SetComputeRootDescriptorTable Sets a descriptor table into the compute root signature. |
SetComputeRootShaderResourceView Sets a CPU descriptor handle for the shader resource in the compute root signature. |
SetComputeRootSignature Sets the layout of the compute root signature. |
SetComputeRootUnorderedAccessView Sets a CPU descriptor handle for the unordered-access-view resource in the compute root signature. |
SetDebugParameter Modifies optional Debug Layer settings of a command list. |
SetDebugParameter Modifies the D3D12 optional device-wide Debug Layer settings. |
SetDeleteOnDestroy When all cache session objects corresponding to a given cache are destroyed, the cache is cleared. |
SetDescriptorHeaps Changes the currently bound descriptor heaps that are associated with a command list. |
SetEnableAutoName Configures the auto-naming of objects. |
SetEnableGPUBasedValidation This method enables or disables GPU-Based Validation (GBV) before creating a device with the debug layer enabled. |
SetEnableGPUBasedValidation This method enables or disables GPU-based validation (GBV) before creating a device with the debug layer enabled. |
SetEnableSynchronizedCommandQueueValidation Enables or disables dependent command queue synchronization when using a D3D12 device with the debug layer enabled. |
SetEnableSynchronizedCommandQueueValidation Enables or disables dependent command queue synchronization when using a Direct3D 12 device with the debug layer enabled. |
SetEventOnCompletion Specifies an event that should be fired when the fence reaches a certain value. (ID3D12Fence.SetEventOnCompletion) |
SetEventOnMultipleFenceCompletion Specifies an event that should be fired when one or more of a collection of fences reach specific values. |
SetFeatureMask Turns the debug features for a command list on or off. |
SetFeatureMask Set a bit field of flags that will turn debug features on and off. (ID3D12DebugDevice.SetFeatureMask) |
SetForceLegacyBarrierValidation TBD |
SetGPUBasedValidationFlags This method configures the level of GPU-based validation that the debug device is to perform at runtime. (ID3D12Debug2.SetGPUBasedValidationFlags) |
SetGPUBasedValidationFlags This method configures the level of GPU-based validation that the debug device is to perform at runtime. (ID3D12Debug3.SetGPUBasedValidationFlags) |
SetGraphicsRoot32BitConstant Sets a constant in the graphics root signature. |
SetGraphicsRoot32BitConstants Sets a group of constants in the graphics root signature. |
SetGraphicsRootConstantBufferView Sets a CPU descriptor handle for the constant buffer in the graphics root signature. |
SetGraphicsRootDescriptorTable Sets a descriptor table into the graphics root signature. |
SetGraphicsRootShaderResourceView Sets a CPU descriptor handle for the shader resource in the graphics root signature. |
SetGraphicsRootSignature Sets the layout of the graphics root signature. |
SetGraphicsRootUnorderedAccessView Sets a CPU descriptor handle for the unordered-access-view resource in the graphics root signature. |
SetMarker Not intended to be called directly. Use the PIX event runtime to insert events into a command queue. (ID3D12CommandQueue.SetMarker) |
SetMarker Not intended to be called directly. Use the PIX event runtime to insert events into a command list. (ID3D12GraphicsCommandList.SetMarker) |
SetMessageCountLimit Set the maximum number of messages that can be added to the message queue. (ID3D12InfoQueue.SetMessageCountLimit) |
SetMuteDebugOutput Set a boolean that turns the debug output on or off. (ID3D12InfoQueue.SetMuteDebugOutput) |
SetName Associates a name with the device object. This name is for use in debug diagnostics and tools. |
SetPageFaultEnablement Configures the enablement settings for Device Removed Extended Data (DRED) page fault reporting. |
SetPipelineStackSize Set the current pipeline stack size. |
SetPipelineState Sets all shaders and programs most of the fixed-function state of the graphics processing unit (GPU) pipeline. |
SetPipelineState1 Sets a state object on the command list. |
SetPredication Sets a rendering predicate. |
SetPrivateData Sets application-defined data to a device object and associates that data with an application-defined GUID. |
SetPrivateDataInterface Associates an IUnknown-derived interface with the device object, and associates that interface with an application-defined GUID. |
SetProtectedResourceSession Specifies whether or not protected resources can be accessed by subsequent commands in the command list. |
SetResidencyPriority This method sets residency priorities of a specified list of objects. |
SetSamplePositions This method configures the sample positions used by subsequent draw, copy, resolve, and similar operations. |
SetSDKVersion Configures the SDK version to use. |
SetStablePowerState A development-time aid for certain types of profiling and experimental prototyping. |
SetViewInstanceMask Set a mask that controls which view instances are enabled for subsequent draws. |
SetWatsonDumpEnablement Configures the enablement settings for Device Removed Extended Data (DRED) Watson dump creation. |
ShaderCacheControl Modifies the behavior of caches used internally by Direct3D or by the driver. |
ShaderInstrumentationEnabled Determines whether shader instrumentation is enabled. |
SharedFenceSignal Signals a shared fence between the D3D layers and diagnostics tools. |
ShareWithHost TBD |
Signal Updates a fence to a specified value. |
Signal Sets the fence to the specified value. |
SOSetTargets Sets the stream output buffer views. |
StorePipeline Adds the input PSO to an internal database with the corresponding name. |
StoreValue Adds an entry to the cache. |
UnacquireDirect3D12BufferResource The IHolographicCameraInterop::UnacquireDirect3D12BufferResource function un-acquires a Direct3D 12 buffer resource. |
UnacquireDirect3D12BufferResource The IHolographicQuadLayerInterop::UnacquireDirect3D12BufferResource function un-acquires a Direct3D 12 buffer resource. |
Unmap Invalidates the CPU pointer to the specified subresource in the resource. |
UnwrapUnderlyingResource Unwraps a Direct3D 11 resource object, and retrieves it as a Direct3D 12 resource object. |
UpdateTileMappings Updates mappings of tile locations in reserved resources to memory locations in a resource heap. |
Wait Queues a GPU-side wait, and returns immediately. A GPU-side wait is where the GPU waits until the specified fence reaches or exceeds the specified value. |
WriteBufferImmediate Writes a number of 32-bit immediate values to the specified buffer locations directly from the command stream. (ID3D12GraphicsCommandList2.WriteBufferImmediate) |
WriteToSubresource Uses the CPU to copy data into a subresource, enabling the CPU to modify the contents of most textures with undefined layouts. |
ID3D11On12Device Handles the creation, wrapping, and releasing of D3D11 resources for Direct3D11on12. |
ID3D11On12Device1 Enables better interoperability with a component that might be handed a Direct3D 11 device, but which wants to leverage Direct3D 12 instead. |
ID3D11On12Device2 Enables you to take resources created through the Direct3D 11 APIs, and use them in Direct3D 12. |
ID3D12CommandAllocator Represents the allocations of storage for graphics processing unit (GPU) commands. |
ID3D12CommandList An interface from which ID3D12GraphicsCommandList inherits from. It represents an ordered set of commands that the GPU executes, while allowing for extension to support other command lists than just those for graphics (such as compute and copy). |
ID3D12CommandQueue Provides methods for submitting command lists, synchronizing command list execution, instrumenting the command queue, and updating resource tile mappings. |
ID3D12CommandSignature A command signature object enables apps to specify indirect drawing, including the buffer format, command type and resource bindings to be used. |
ID3D12Debug An interface used to turn on the debug layer. |
ID3D12Debug1 Adds GPU-Based Validation and Dependent Command Queue Synchronization to the debug layer. |
ID3D12Debug2 Adds configurable levels of GPU-based validation to the debug layer. (ID3D12Debug2) |
ID3D12Debug3 Adds configurable levels of GPU-based validation to the debug layer. (ID3D12Debug3) |
ID3D12Debug4 Adds the ability to disable the debug layer. |
ID3D12Debug5 Adds to the debug layer the ability to configure the auto-naming of objects. |
ID3D12Debug6 A debug interface controls debug settings. |
ID3D12DebugCommandList Provides methods to monitor and debug a command list. |
ID3D12DebugCommandList1 This interface enables modification of additional command list debug layer settings. |
ID3D12DebugCommandQueue Provides methods to monitor and debug a command queue. |
ID3D12DebugDevice This interface represents a graphics device for debugging. |
ID3D12DebugDevice1 Specifies device-wide debug layer settings. |
ID3D12DescriptorHeap A descriptor heap is a collection of contiguous allocations of descriptors, one allocation for every descriptor. |
ID3D12Device Represents a virtual adapter; it is used to create command allocators, command lists, command queues, fences, resources, pipeline state objects, heaps, root signatures, samplers, and many resource views. |
ID3D12Device1 Represents a virtual adapter, and expands on the range of methods provided by ID3D12Device. |
ID3D12Device10 TBD |
ID3D12Device2 Represents a virtual adapter. This interface extends ID3D12Device1 to create pipeline state objects from pipeline state stream descriptions. |
ID3D12Device3 Represents a virtual adapter. This interface extends ID3D12Device2 to support the creation of special-purpose diagnostic heaps in system memory that persist even in the event of a GPU-fault or device-removed scenario. |
ID3D12Device4 Represents a virtual adapter. This interface extends ID3D12Device3. |
ID3D12Device5 Represents a virtual adapter. This interface extends ID3D12Device4. |
ID3D12Device6 Represents a virtual adapter. This interface extends ID3D12Device5. |
ID3D12Device7 Represents a virtual adapter. This interface extends ID3D12Device6. |
ID3D12Device8 Represents a virtual adapter. This interface extends ID3D12Device7. |
ID3D12Device9 Represents a virtual adapter. This interface extends ID3D12Device8 to add methods to manage shader caches. |
ID3D12DeviceChild An interface from which other core interfaces inherit from, including (but not limited to) ID3D12PipelineLibrary, ID3D12CommandList, ID3D12Pageable, and ID3D12RootSignature. It provides a method to get back to the device object it was created against. |
ID3D12DeviceRemovedExtendedData Provides runtime access to Device Removed Extended Data (DRED) data. |
ID3D12DeviceRemovedExtendedData1 |
ID3D12DeviceRemovedExtendedData2 |
ID3D12DeviceRemovedExtendedDataSettings This interface controls Device Removed Extended Data (DRED) settings. |
ID3D12DeviceRemovedExtendedDataSettings1 |
ID3D12Fence Represents a fence, an object used for synchronization of the CPU and one or more GPUs. (ID3D12Fence) |
ID3D12Fence1 Represents a fence. This interface extends ID3D12Fence, and supports the retrieval of the flags used to create the original fence. |
ID3D12FunctionParameterReflection A function-parameter-reflection interface accesses function-parameter info. (ID3D12FunctionParameterReflection) |
ID3D12FunctionReflection A function-reflection interface accesses function info. (ID3D12FunctionReflection) |
ID3D12GraphicsCommandList Encapsulates a list of graphics commands for rendering. Includes APIs for instrumenting the command list execution, and for setting and clearing the pipeline state. |
ID3D12GraphicsCommandList1 Encapsulates a list of graphics commands for rendering, extending the interface to support programmable sample positions, atomic copies for implementing late-latch techniques, and optional depth-bounds testing. |
ID3D12GraphicsCommandList2 Encapsulates a list of graphics commands for rendering, extending the interface to support writing immediate values directly to a buffer. |
ID3D12GraphicsCommandList3 Encapsulates a list of graphics commands for rendering. |
ID3D12GraphicsCommandList4 Encapsulates a list of graphics commands for rendering, extending the interface to support ray tracing and render passes. |
ID3D12GraphicsCommandList5 Encapsulates a list of graphics commands for rendering, extending the interface to support variable-rate shading (VRS). |
ID3D12GraphicsCommandList6 |
ID3D12GraphicsCommandList7 TBD |
ID3D12Heap A heap is an abstraction of contiguous memory allocation, used to manage physical memory. This heap can be used with ID3D12Resource objects to support placed resources or reserved resources. |
ID3D12Heap1 |
ID3D12InfoQueue An information-queue interface stores, retrieves, and filters debug messages. The queue consists of a message queue, an optional storage filter stack, and a optional retrieval filter stack. (ID3D12InfoQueue) |
ID3D12LibraryReflection A library-reflection interface accesses library info. (ID3D12LibraryReflection) |
ID3D12LifetimeOwner Represents an application-defined callback used for being notified of lifetime changes of an object. |
ID3D12LifetimeTracker Represents facilities for controlling the lifetime a lifetime-tracked object. |
ID3D12MetaCommand Represents a meta command. A meta command is a Direct3D 12 object representing an algorithm that is accelerated by independent hardware vendors (IHVs). It's an opaque reference to a command generator that is implemented by the driver. |
ID3D12Object An interface from which ID3D12Device and ID3D12DeviceChild inherit from. It provides methods to associate private data and annotate object names. |
ID3D12Pageable An interface from which many other core interfaces inherit from. It indicates that the object type encapsulates some amount of GPU-accessible memory; but does not strongly indicate whether the application can manipulate the object's residency. |
ID3D12PipelineLibrary Manages a pipeline library, in particular loading and retrieving individual PSOs. |
ID3D12PipelineLibrary1 Manages a pipeline library. This interface extends ID3D12PipelineLibrary to load PSOs from a pipeline state stream description. |
ID3D12PipelineState Represents the state of all currently set shaders as well as certain fixed function state objects. |
ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession Monitors the validity of a protected resource session. (ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession) |
ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession1 Monitors the validity of a protected resource session. (ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession1) |
ID3D12ProtectedSession Offers base functionality that allows for a consistent way to monitor the validity of a session across the different types of sessions. |
ID3D12QueryHeap Manages a query heap. A query heap holds an array of queries, referenced by indexes. |
ID3D12Resource Encapsulates a generalized ability of the CPU and GPU to read and write to physical memory, or heaps. It contains abstractions for organizing and manipulating simple arrays of data as well as multidimensional data optimized for shader sampling. |
ID3D12Resource1 |
ID3D12Resource2 |
ID3D12RootSignature The root signature defines what resources are bound to the graphics pipeline. A root signature is configured by the app and links command lists to the resources the shaders require. Currently, there is one graphics and one compute root signature per app. |
ID3D12RootSignatureDeserializer Contains a method to return the deserialized D3D12_ROOT_SIGNATURE_DESC data structure, of a serialized root signature version 1.0. |
ID3D12SDKConfiguration Provides SDK configuration methods. |
ID3D12ShaderCacheSession Represents a shader cache session. |
ID3D12ShaderReflection A shader-reflection interface accesses shader information. (ID3D12ShaderReflection) |
ID3D12ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer This shader-reflection interface provides access to a constant buffer. (ID3D12ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer) |
ID3D12ShaderReflectionType This shader-reflection interface provides access to variable type. (ID3D12ShaderReflectionType) |
ID3D12ShaderReflectionVariable This shader-reflection interface provides access to a variable. (ID3D12ShaderReflectionVariable) |
ID3D12SharingContract Part of a contract between D3D11On12 diagnostic layers and graphics diagnostics tools. |
ID3D12StateObject Represents a variable amount of configuration state, including shaders, that an application manages as a single unit and which is given to a driver atomically to process, such as compile or optimize. |
ID3D12StateObjectProperties Provides methods for getting and setting the properties of an ID3D12StateObject. |
ID3D12SwapChainAssistant |
ID3D12Tools This interface is used to configure the runtime for tools such as PIX. Its not intended or supported for any other scenario. |
ID3D12VersionedRootSignatureDeserializer Contains methods to return the deserialized D3D12_ROOT_SIGNATURE_DESC1 data structure, of any version of a serialized root signature. |
ID3D12VirtualizationGuestDevice TBD |
IHolographicCameraInterop Extends HolographicCamera to allow 2D texture resources to be created and used as back buffers for holographic rendering in Direct3D 12. |
IHolographicCameraRenderingParametersInterop A nano-COM interface that allows COM interop with the HolographicCameraRenderingParameters class for applications that use Direct3D 12 for holographic rendering. |
IHolographicQuadLayerInterop A nano-COM interface that allows COM interop with the HolographicQuadLayer Windows Runtime class for apps that use Direct3D 12 for holographic rendering. |
IHolographicQuadLayerUpdateParametersInterop A nano-COM interface that allows COM interop with the HolographicQuadLayerUpdateParameters class for applications that use Direct3D 12 for holographic rendering. |
D3D11_RESOURCE_FLAGS Used with ID3D11On12Device::CreateWrappedResourceto override flags that would be inferred by the resource properties or heap properties, including bind flags, misc flags, and CPU access flags. |
D3D12_AUTO_BREADCRUMB_NODE Represents Device Removed Extended Data (DRED) auto-breadcrumb data as a node in a linked list. |
D3D12_BARRIER_GROUP Describes a group of barriers of a given type. |
D3D12_BARRIER_SUBRESOURCE_RANGE Allows you to transition logically-adjacent ranges of subresources. |
D3D12_BLEND_DESC Describes the blend state. (D3D12_BLEND_DESC) |
D3D12_BOX Describes a 3D box. |
D3D12_BUFFER_BARRIER Describes a buffer memory access barrier. Used by buffer barriers to indicate when resource memory must be made visible for a specific access type. |
D3D12_BUFFER_RTV Describes the elements in a buffer resource to use in a render-target view. |
D3D12_BUFFER_SRV Describes the elements in a buffer resource to use in a shader-resource view. |
D3D12_BUFFER_UAV Describes the elements in a buffer to use in a unordered-access view. (D3D12_BUFFER_UAV) |
D3D12_BUILD_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_DESC Describes a raytracing acceleration structure. Pass this structure into ID3D12GraphicsCommandList4::BuildRaytracingAccelerationStructure to describe the acceleration structure to be built. |
D3D12_BUILD_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_INPUTS Defines the inputs for a raytracing acceleration structure build operation. This structure is used by ID3D12GraphicsCommandList4::BuildRaytracingAccelerationStructure and ID3D12Device5::GetRaytracingAccelerationStructurePrebuildInfo. |
D3D12_BUILD_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_TOOLS_VISUALIZATION_HEADER Describes the GPU memory layout of an acceleration structure visualization. |
D3D12_CACHED_PIPELINE_STATE Stores a pipeline state. |
D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE Describes a value used to optimize clear operations for a particular resource. |
D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_DESC Describes a command queue. |
D3D12_COMMAND_SIGNATURE_DESC Describes the arguments (parameters) of a command signature. |
D3D12_COMPUTE_PIPELINE_STATE_DESC Describes a compute pipeline state object. |
D3D12_CONSTANT_BUFFER_VIEW_DESC Describes a constant buffer to view. |
D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE Describes a CPU descriptor handle. |
D3D12_DEBUG_COMMAND_LIST_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_SETTINGS Describes per-command-list settings used by GPU-Based Validation. |
D3D12_DEBUG_DEVICE_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_SETTINGS Describes settings used by GPU-Based Validation. |
D3D12_DEBUG_DEVICE_GPU_SLOWDOWN_PERFORMANCE_FACTOR Describes the amount of artificial slowdown inserted by the debug device to simulate lower-performance graphics adapters. |
D3D12_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC Describes depth-stencil state. (D3D12_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC) |
D3D12_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC1 Describes depth-stencil state. (D3D12_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC1) |
D3D12_DEPTH_STENCIL_VALUE Specifies a depth and stencil value. |
D3D12_DEPTH_STENCIL_VIEW_DESC Describes the subresources of a texture that are accessible from a depth-stencil view. |
D3D12_DEPTH_STENCILOP_DESC Describes stencil operations that can be performed based on the results of stencil test. |
D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_DESC Describes the descriptor heap. |
D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_RANGE Describes a descriptor range. |
D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_RANGE1 Describes a descriptor range, with flags to determine their volatility. |
D3D12_DEVICE_REMOVED_EXTENDED_DATA Represents Device Removed Extended Data (DRED) version 1.0 data. |
D3D12_DEVICE_REMOVED_EXTENDED_DATA1 Represents Device Removed Extended Data (DRED) version 1.1 data. |
D3D12_DISCARD_REGION Describes details for the discard-resource operation. |
D3D12_DISPATCH_ARGUMENTS Describes dispatch parameters, for use by the compute shader. |
D3D12_DISPATCH_RAYS_DESC Describes the properties of a ray dispatch operation initiated with a call to ID3D12GraphicsCommandList4::DispatchRays. |
D3D12_DRAW_ARGUMENTS Describes parameters for drawing instances. |
D3D12_DRAW_INDEXED_ARGUMENTS Describes parameters for drawing indexed instances. |
D3D12_DRED_ALLOCATION_NODE Describes, as a node in a linked list, data about an allocation tracked by Device Removed Extended Data (DRED). |
D3D12_DRED_AUTO_BREADCRUMBS_OUTPUT Contains a pointer to the head of a linked list of D3D12_AUTO_BREADCRUMB_NODE objects. |
D3D12_DRED_PAGE_FAULT_OUTPUT Describes allocation data related to a GPU page fault on a given virtual address (VA). |
D3D12_DXIL_LIBRARY_DESC Describes a DXIL library state subobject that can be included in a state object. |
D3D12_DXIL_SUBOBJECT_TO_EXPORTS_ASSOCIATION This subobject is unsupported in the current release. |
D3D12_EXISTING_COLLECTION_DESC A state subobject describing an existing collection that can be included in a state object. |
D3D12_EXPORT_DESC Describes an export from a state subobject such as a DXIL library or a collection state object. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_ARCHITECTURE Provides detail about the adapter architecture, so that your application can better optimize for certain adapter properties. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_ARCHITECTURE1 Provides detail about each adapter's architectural details, so that your application can better optimize for certain adapter properties. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_COMMAND_QUEUE_PRIORITY Details the adapter's support for prioritization of different command queue types. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_CROSS_NODE Indicates the level of support for the sharing of resources between different adapters—for example, multiple GPUs. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS Describes Direct3D 12 feature options in the current graphics driver. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS1 Describes the level of support for HLSL 6.0 wave operations. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS10 Indicates whether or not the SUM combiner can be used, and whether or not SV_ShadingRate can be set from a mesh shader. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS11 Indicates whether or not 64-bit integer atomics on resources in descriptor heaps are supported. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS12 Indicates whether or not Enhanced Barriers are supported. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS2 Indicates the level of support that the adapter provides for depth-bounds tests and programmable sample positions. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS3 Indicates the level of support that the adapter provides for timestamp queries, format-casting, immediate write, view instancing, and barycentrics. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS4 Indicates the level of support for 64KB-aligned MSAA textures, cross-API sharing, and native 16-bit shader operations. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS5 Indicates the level of support that the adapter provides for render passes, ray tracing, and shader-resource view tier 3 tiled resources. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS6 Indicates the level of support that the adapter provides for variable-rate shading (VRS), and indicates whether or not background processing is supported. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS7 Indicates the level of support that the adapter provides for mesh and amplification shaders, and for sampler feedback. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS8 Indicates whether or not unaligned block-compressed textures are supported. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS9 Indicates whether or not support exists for mesh shaders, values of SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex that are 8 or greater, typed resource 64-bit integer atomics, derivative and derivative-dependent texture sample operations, and the level of support for WaveMMA (wave_matrix) operations. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_DISPLAYABLE This feature is currently in preview. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_EXISTING_HEAPS Provides detail about whether the adapter supports creating heaps from existing system memory. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_FEATURE_LEVELS Describes info about the feature levels supported by the current graphics driver. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_FORMAT_INFO Describes a DXGI data format and plane count. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_FORMAT_SUPPORT Describes which resources are supported by the current graphics driver for a given format. (D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_FORMAT_SUPPORT) |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_GPU_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS_SUPPORT Details the adapter's GPU virtual address space limitations, including maximum address bits per resource and per process. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVELS Describes the multi-sampling image quality levels for a given format and sample count. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SESSION_SUPPORT Indicates the level of support for protected resource sessions. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SESSION_TYPE_COUNT Indicates a count of protected resource session types. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SESSION_TYPES Indicates a list of protected resource session types. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_QUERY_META_COMMAND Indicates the level of support that the adapter provides for metacommands. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_ROOT_SIGNATURE Indicates root signature version support. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_SERIALIZATION Indicates the level of support for heap serialization. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_SHADER_CACHE Describes the level of shader caching supported in the current graphics driver. (D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_SHADER_CACHE) |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_SHADER_MODEL Contains the supported shader model. |
D3D12_FUNCTION_DESC Describes a function. (D3D12_FUNCTION_DESC) |
D3D12_GLOBAL_BARRIER Describes a resource memory access barrier. Used by global, texture, and buffer barriers to indicate when resource memory must be made visible for a specific access type. |
D3D12_GLOBAL_ROOT_SIGNATURE Defines a global root signature state suboject that will be used with associated shaders. |
D3D12_GPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE Describes a GPU descriptor handle. |
D3D12_GPU_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS_AND_STRIDE Represents a GPU virtual address and indexing stride. |
D3D12_GPU_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS_RANGE Represents a GPU virtual address range. |
D3D12_GPU_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS_RANGE_AND_STRIDE Represents a GPU virtual address range and stride. |
D3D12_GRAPHICS_PIPELINE_STATE_DESC Describes a graphics pipeline state object. |
D3D12_HEAP_DESC Describes a heap. |
D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES Describes heap properties. |
D3D12_HIT_GROUP_DESC Describes a raytracing hit group state subobject that can be included in a state object. |
D3D12_INDEX_BUFFER_VIEW Describes the index buffer to view. |
D3D12_INDIRECT_ARGUMENT_DESC Describes an indirect argument (an indirect parameter), for use with a command signature. |
D3D12_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER Debug message filter; contains a lists of message types to allow or deny. (D3D12_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER) |
D3D12_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER_DESC Allow or deny certain types of messages to pass through a filter. (D3D12_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER_DESC) |
D3D12_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC Describes a single element for the input-assembler stage of the graphics pipeline. |
D3D12_INPUT_LAYOUT_DESC Describes the input-buffer data for the input-assembler stage. |
D3D12_LIBRARY_DESC Describes a library. (D3D12_LIBRARY_DESC) |
D3D12_LOCAL_ROOT_SIGNATURE Defines a local root signature state subobject that will be used with associated shaders. |
D3D12_MEMCPY_DEST Describes the destination of a memory copy operation. |
D3D12_MESSAGE A debug message in the Information Queue. (D3D12_MESSAGE) |
D3D12_META_COMMAND_DESC Describes a meta command. |
D3D12_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_DESC Describes a parameter to a meta command. |
D3D12_MIP_REGION Describes the dimensions of a mip region. |
D3D12_NODE_MASK A state subobject that identifies the GPU nodes to which the state object applies. |
D3D12_PACKED_MIP_INFO Describes the tile structure of a tiled resource with mipmaps. (D3D12_PACKED_MIP_INFO) |
D3D12_PARAMETER_DESC Describes a function parameter. (D3D12_PARAMETER_DESC) |
D3D12_PIPELINE_STATE_STREAM_DESC Describes a pipeline state stream. |
D3D12_PLACED_SUBRESOURCE_FOOTPRINT Describes the footprint of a placed subresource, including the offset and the D3D12_SUBRESOURCE_FOOTPRINT. |
D3D12_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SESSION_DESC Describes flags for a protected resource session, per adapter. |
D3D12_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SESSION_DESC1 Describes flags and protection type for a protected resource session, per adapter. |
D3D12_QUERY_DATA_PIPELINE_STATISTICS Query information about graphics-pipeline activity in between calls to BeginQuery and EndQuery. |
D3D12_QUERY_DATA_SO_STATISTICS Describes query data for stream output. |
D3D12_QUERY_HEAP_DESC Describes the purpose of a query heap. A query heap contains an array of individual queries. |
D3D12_RANGE Describes a memory range. |
D3D12_RANGE_UINT64 Describes a memory range in a 64-bit address space. |
D3D12_RASTERIZER_DESC Describes rasterizer state. (D3D12_RASTERIZER_DESC) |
D3D12_RAYTRACING_AABB Represents an axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) used as raytracing geometry. |
D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_POSTBUILD_INFO_COMPACTED_SIZE_DESC Describes the space requirement for acceleration structure after compaction. |
D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_POSTBUILD_INFO_CURRENT_SIZE_DESC Describes the space currently used by an acceleration structure.. |
D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_POSTBUILD_INFO_DESC Description of the post-build information to generate from an acceleration structure. Use this structure in calls to EmitRaytracingAccelerationStructurePostbuildInfo and BuildRaytracingAccelerationStructure. |
D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_POSTBUILD_INFO_SERIALIZATION_DESC Describes the size and layout of the serialized acceleration structure and header. |
D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_POSTBUILD_INFO_TOOLS_VISUALIZATION_DESC Describes the space requirement for decoding an acceleration structure into a form that can be visualized by tools. |
D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_PREBUILD_INFO Represents prebuild information about a raytracing acceleration structure. Get an instance of this structure by calling GetRaytracingAccelerationStructurePrebuildInfo. |
D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_SRV A shader resource view (SRV) structure for storing a raytracing acceleration structure. |
D3D12_RAYTRACING_GEOMETRY_AABBS_DESC Describes a set of Axis-aligned bounding boxes that are used in the D3D12_BUILD_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_INPUTS structure to provide input data to a raytracing acceleration structure build operation. |
D3D12_RAYTRACING_GEOMETRY_DESC Describes a set of geometry that is used in the D3D12_BUILD_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_INPUTS structure to provide input data to a raytracing acceleration structure build operation. |
D3D12_RAYTRACING_GEOMETRY_TRIANGLES_DESC Describes a set of triangles used as raytracing geometry. The geometry pointed to by this struct are always in triangle list form, indexed or non-indexed. Triangle strips are not supported. |
D3D12_RAYTRACING_INSTANCE_DESC Describes an instance of a raytracing acceleration structure used in GPU memory during the acceleration structure build process. |
D3D12_RAYTRACING_PIPELINE_CONFIG A state subobject that represents a raytracing pipeline configuration. |
D3D12_RAYTRACING_PIPELINE_CONFIG1 A state subobject that represents a raytracing pipeline configuration, with flags. |
D3D12_RAYTRACING_SHADER_CONFIG A state subobject that represents a shader configuration. |
D3D12_RENDER_PASS_BEGINNING_ACCESS Describes the access to resource(s) that is requested by an application at the transition into a render pass. |
D3D12_RENDER_PASS_BEGINNING_ACCESS_CLEAR_PARAMETERS Describes the clear value to which resource(s) should be cleared at the beginning of a render pass. |
D3D12_RENDER_PASS_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC Describes a binding (fixed for the duration of the render pass) to a depth stencil view (DSV), as well as its beginning and ending access characteristics. |
D3D12_RENDER_PASS_ENDING_ACCESS Describes the access to resource(s) that is requested by an application at the transition out of a render pass. |
D3D12_RENDER_PASS_ENDING_ACCESS_RESOLVE_PARAMETERS Describes a resource to resolve to at the conclusion of a render pass. |
D3D12_RENDER_PASS_ENDING_ACCESS_RESOLVE_SUBRESOURCE_PARAMETERS Describes the subresources involved in resolving at the conclusion of a render pass. |
D3D12_RENDER_PASS_RENDER_TARGET_DESC Describes bindings (fixed for the duration of the render pass) to one or more render target views (RTVs), as well as their beginning and ending access characteristics. |
D3D12_RENDER_TARGET_BLEND_DESC Describes the blend state for a render target. (D3D12_RENDER_TARGET_BLEND_DESC) |
D3D12_RENDER_TARGET_VIEW_DESC Describes the subresources from a resource that are accessible by using a render-target view. |
D3D12_RESOURCE_ALIASING_BARRIER Describes the transition between usages of two different resources that have mappings into the same heap. |
D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO Describes parameters needed to allocate resources. |
D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO1 Describes parameters needed to allocate resources, including offset. |
D3D12_RESOURCE_BARRIER Describes a resource barrier (transition in resource use). |
D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC Describes a resource, such as a texture. This structure is used extensively. |
D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1 Describes a resource, such as a texture, including a mip region. This structure is used in several methods. |
D3D12_RESOURCE_TRANSITION_BARRIER Describes the transition of subresources between different usages. |
D3D12_RESOURCE_UAV_BARRIER Represents a resource in which all UAV accesses must complete before any future UAV accesses can begin. |
D3D12_ROOT_CONSTANTS Describes constants inline in the root signature that appear in shaders as one constant buffer. |
D3D12_ROOT_DESCRIPTOR Describes descriptors inline in the root signature version 1.0 that appear in shaders. |
D3D12_ROOT_DESCRIPTOR_TABLE Describes the root signature 1.0 layout of a descriptor table as a collection of descriptor ranges that are all relative to a single base descriptor handle. |
D3D12_ROOT_DESCRIPTOR_TABLE1 Describes the root signature 1.1 layout of a descriptor table as a collection of descriptor ranges that are all relative to a single base descriptor handle. |
D3D12_ROOT_DESCRIPTOR1 Describes descriptors inline in the root signature version 1.1 that appear in shaders. |
D3D12_ROOT_PARAMETER Describes the slot of a root signature version 1.0. |
D3D12_ROOT_PARAMETER1 Describes the slot of a root signature version 1.1. |
D3D12_ROOT_SIGNATURE_DESC Describes the layout of a root signature version 1.0. |
D3D12_ROOT_SIGNATURE_DESC1 Describes the layout of a root signature version 1.1. |
D3D12_RT_FORMAT_ARRAY Wraps an array of render target formats. |
D3D12_SAMPLE_POSITION Describes a sub-pixel sample position for use with programmable sample positions. |
D3D12_SAMPLER_DESC Describes a sampler state. (D3D12_SAMPLER_DESC) |
D3D12_SERIALIZED_DATA_DRIVER_MATCHING_IDENTIFIER Opaque data structure describing driver versioning for a serialized acceleration structure. |
D3D12_SERIALIZED_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_HEADER Defines the header for a serialized raytracing acceleration structure. |
D3D12_SHADER_BUFFER_DESC Describes a shader constant-buffer. (D3D12_SHADER_BUFFER_DESC) |
D3D12_SHADER_BYTECODE Describes shader data. (D3D12_SHADER_BYTECODE) |
D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_SESSION_DESC Describes a shader cache session. |
D3D12_SHADER_DESC Describes a shader. (D3D12_SHADER_DESC) |
D3D12_SHADER_INPUT_BIND_DESC Describes how a shader resource is bound to a shader input. (D3D12_SHADER_INPUT_BIND_DESC) |
D3D12_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC Describes a shader-resource view. (D3D12_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC) |
D3D12_SHADER_TYPE_DESC Describes a shader-variable type. (D3D12_SHADER_TYPE_DESC) |
D3D12_SHADER_VARIABLE_DESC Describes a shader variable. (D3D12_SHADER_VARIABLE_DESC) |
D3D12_SO_DECLARATION_ENTRY Describes a vertex element in a vertex buffer in an output slot. |
D3D12_STATE_OBJECT_CONFIG Defines general properties of a state object. |
D3D12_STATE_OBJECT_DESC Description of a state object. Pass this structure into ID3D12Device::CreateStateObject. |
D3D12_STATE_SUBOBJECT Represents a subobject within a state object description. Use with D3D12_STATE_OBJECT_DESC. |
D3D12_STATIC_SAMPLER_DESC Describes a static sampler. |
D3D12_STREAM_OUTPUT_BUFFER_VIEW Describes a stream output buffer. |
D3D12_STREAM_OUTPUT_DESC Describes a streaming output buffer. |
D3D12_SUBOBJECT_TO_EXPORTS_ASSOCIATION Associates a subobject defined directly in a state object with shader exports. |
D3D12_SUBRESOURCE_DATA Describes subresource data. (D3D12_SUBRESOURCE_DATA) |
D3D12_SUBRESOURCE_FOOTPRINT Describes the format, width, height, depth, and row-pitch of the subresource into the parent resource. |
D3D12_SUBRESOURCE_INFO Describes subresource data. (D3D12_SUBRESOURCE_INFO) |
D3D12_SUBRESOURCE_RANGE_UINT64 Describes a subresource memory range. |
D3D12_SUBRESOURCE_TILING Describes a tiled subresource volume. (D3D12_SUBRESOURCE_TILING) |
D3D12_TEX1D_ARRAY_DSV Describes the subresources from an array of 1D textures to use in a depth-stencil view. |
D3D12_TEX1D_ARRAY_RTV Describes the subresources from an array of 1D textures to use in a render-target view. |
D3D12_TEX1D_ARRAY_SRV Describes the subresources from an array of 1D textures to use in a shader-resource view. |
D3D12_TEX1D_ARRAY_UAV Describes an array of unordered-access 1D texture resources. (D3D12_TEX1D_ARRAY_UAV) |
D3D12_TEX1D_DSV Describes the subresource from a 1D texture that is accessible to a depth-stencil view. |
D3D12_TEX1D_RTV Describes the subresource from a 1D texture to use in a render-target view. |
D3D12_TEX1D_SRV Specifies the subresource from a 1D texture to use in a shader-resource view. (D3D12_TEX1D_SRV) |
D3D12_TEX1D_UAV Describes a unordered-access 1D texture resource. (D3D12_TEX1D_UAV) |
D3D12_TEX2D_ARRAY_DSV Describes the subresources from an array of 2D textures that are accessible to a depth-stencil view. |
D3D12_TEX2D_ARRAY_RTV Describes the subresources from an array of 2D textures to use in a render-target view. (D3D12_TEX2D_ARRAY_RTV) |
D3D12_TEX2D_ARRAY_SRV Describes the subresources from an array of 2D textures to use in a shader-resource view. (D3D12_TEX2D_ARRAY_SRV) |
D3D12_TEX2D_ARRAY_UAV Describes an array of unordered-access 2D texture resources. (D3D12_TEX2D_ARRAY_UAV) |
D3D12_TEX2D_DSV Describes the subresource from a 2D texture that is accessible to a depth-stencil view. |
D3D12_TEX2D_RTV Describes the subresource from a 2D texture to use in a render-target view. (D3D12_TEX2D_RTV) |
D3D12_TEX2D_SRV Describes the subresource from a 2D texture to use in a shader-resource view. (D3D12_TEX2D_SRV) |
D3D12_TEX2D_UAV Describes a unordered-access 2D texture resource. (D3D12_TEX2D_UAV) |
D3D12_TEX2DMS_ARRAY_DSV Describes the subresources from an array of multi sampled 2D textures for a depth-stencil view. |
D3D12_TEX2DMS_ARRAY_RTV Describes the subresources from an array of multi sampled 2D textures to use in a render-target view. |
D3D12_TEX2DMS_ARRAY_SRV Describes the subresources from an array of multi sampled 2D textures to use in a shader-resource view. |
D3D12_TEX2DMS_DSV Describes the subresource from a multi sampled 2D texture that is accessible to a depth-stencil view. |
D3D12_TEX2DMS_RTV Describes the subresource from a multi sampled 2D texture to use in a render-target view. |
D3D12_TEX2DMS_SRV Describes the subresources from a multi sampled 2D texture to use in a shader-resource view. |
D3D12_TEX3D_RTV Describes the subresources from a 3D texture to use in a render-target view. |
D3D12_TEX3D_SRV Describes the subresources from a 3D texture to use in a shader-resource view. |
D3D12_TEX3D_UAV Describes a unordered-access 3D texture resource. (D3D12_TEX3D_UAV) |
D3D12_TEXCUBE_ARRAY_SRV Describes the subresources from an array of cube textures to use in a shader-resource view. |
D3D12_TEXCUBE_SRV Describes the subresource from a cube texture to use in a shader-resource view. |
D3D12_TEXTURE_BARRIER Expresses an access transition for a texture. |
D3D12_TEXTURE_COPY_LOCATION Describes a portion of a texture for the purpose of texture copies. |
D3D12_TILE_REGION_SIZE Describes the size of a tiled region. (D3D12_TILE_REGION_SIZE) |
D3D12_TILE_SHAPE Describes the shape of a tile by specifying its dimensions. (D3D12_TILE_SHAPE) |
D3D12_TILED_RESOURCE_COORDINATE Describes the coordinates of a tiled resource. (D3D12_TILED_RESOURCE_COORDINATE) |
D3D12_UNORDERED_ACCESS_VIEW_DESC Describes the subresources from a resource that are accessible by using an unordered-access view. |
D3D12_VERSIONED_DEVICE_REMOVED_EXTENDED_DATA Represents versioned Device Removed Extended Data (DRED) data. |
D3D12_VERSIONED_ROOT_SIGNATURE_DESC Holds any version of a root signature description, and is designed to be used with serialization/deserialization functions. |
D3D12_VERTEX_BUFFER_VIEW Describes a vertex buffer view. |
D3D12_VIEW_INSTANCE_LOCATION Specifies the viewport/stencil and render target associated with a view instance. |
D3D12_VIEW_INSTANCING_DESC Specifies parameters used during view instancing configuration. |
D3D12_VIEWPORT Describes the dimensions of a viewport. |
D3D12_WRITEBUFFERIMMEDIATE_PARAMETER Specifies the immediate value and destination address written using ID3D12CommandList2::WriteBufferImmediate. |