COM+ (Component Services)
Overview of the COM+ (Component Services) technology.
To develop COM+ (Component Services), you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
COMAdminTxIsolationLevelOptions Indicates the isolation level that is to be used for transactions. |
COMPLUS_APPTYPE Represents types of applications tracked by the tracker server. |
CRMFLAGS Provides information about when a particular log record to the CRM compensator was written. |
CRMREGFLAGS Controls which phases of transaction completion should be received by the CRM compensator and whether recovery should fail if in-doubt transactions remain after recovery has been attempted. |
CrmTransactionState Represents the current transaction state of the transaction. |
CSC_Binding Indicates whether all of the work that is submitted via the activity returned from CoCreateActivity should be bound to only one single-threaded apartment (STA). This enumeration has no impact on the multithreaded apartment (MTA). |
CSC_COMTIIntrinsicsConfig Indicates whether the current COM Transaction Integrator (COMTI) intrinsics are propagated into the new context. |
CSC_IISIntrinsicsConfig Indicates whether the current IIS intrinsics are propagated into the new context. |
CSC_InheritanceConfig Indicates whether to create a new context based on the current context or to create a new context based solely upon the information in CServiceConfig. |
CSC_PartitionConfig Indicates the COM+ partition on which the enclosed context runs. |
CSC_SxsConfig Indicates how side-by-side assemblies are configured for CServiceConfig. |
CSC_SynchronizationConfig Indicates how synchronization is configured for CServiceConfig. |
CSC_ThreadPool Indicates the thread pool in which the work runs that is submitted through the activity returned from CoCreateActivity. |
CSC_TrackerConfig Indicates whether the tracker property is added to the context in which the enclosed code runs. |
CSC_TransactionConfig Indicates how transactions are configured for CServiceConfig. |
GetAppTrackerDataFlags Controls what data is returned from calls to the IGetAppTrackerData interface. |
TRACKING_COLL_TYPE Indicates the type of objects in a tracking information collection. |
TransactionVote Indicates the readiness of an object to commit or abort the current transaction. |
Abort Aborts the work of all COM objects participating in the current transaction. The transaction ends on return from this method. (ITransactionContext.Abort) |
Abort Aborts the work of all COM objects participating in the current transaction. The transaction ends on return from this method. (ITransactionContextEx.Abort) |
Abort Aborts the transaction. |
AbortRecord Delivers a log record to the CRM Compensator during the abort phase. (ICrmCompensator.AbortRecord) |
AbortRecordVariants Delivers a log record to the CRM Compensator during the abort phase. (ICrmCompensatorVariants.AbortRecordVariants) |
Activate Enables a COM+ object to perform context-specific initialization whenever it is activated. (IObjectControl.Activate) |
Activate Enables a COM+ object to perform context-specific initialization whenever it is activated. (ObjectControl.Activate) |
ActivityId Retrieves the activity ID of the CRM Worker for the specified index. |
Add Adds an event object to the collection. |
Add Adds an item to the collection, giving it the high index value. |
AliasComponent Creates an alias for an existing COM+ component. |
AllocResource Allocates a resource from the inventory. |
AreApplicationInstancesPaused Determines whether any of the specified application instances (processes) are paused. |
AsyncCall Performs the user-defined work asynchronously. (IMTSActivity.AsyncCall) |
AsynchronousCall Performs the user-defined work asynchronously. (IServiceActivity.AsynchronousCall) |
BackupREGDB Backs up the COM+ class registration database to a specified file. |
BeginAbort Notifies the CRM Compensator of the abort phase of the transaction completion and that records are about to be delivered. (ICrmCompensator.BeginAbort) |
BeginAbortVariants Notifies the CRM Compensator of the abort phase of the transaction completion and that records are about to be delivered. (ICrmCompensatorVariants.BeginAbortVariants) |
BeginCommit Notifies the CRM Compensator of the commit phase of the transaction completion and that records are about to be delivered. |
BeginCommitVariants Notifies the CRM Compensator of the commit phase (phase two) of the transaction completion and that records are about to be delivered. |
BeginPrepare Notifies the CRM Compensator of the prepare phase of the transaction completion and that records are about to be delivered. (ICrmCompensator.BeginPrepare) |
BeginPrepareVariants Notifies the CRM Compensator of the prepare phase of the transaction completion and that records are about to be delivered. (ICrmCompensatorVariants.BeginPrepareVariants) |
BindToCurrentThread Binds the batch work that is submitted using IMTSActivity::AsyncCall or IMTSActivity::SynchronousCall to the current single-threaded apartment (STA). |
BindToCurrentThread Binds the user-defined batch work to the current thread. |
BringYourOwnTransaction Enables you to run the enclosed code in an existing transaction that you provide. |
CanBePooled Notifies the COM+ run-time environment whether the object can be pooled for reuse when it is deactivated. |
CanBePooled Indicates whether the object can be pooled for reuse when it is deactivated. |
ChangedEventClass Indicates that an event class object has been added, modified, or deleted. (IEventObjectChange.ChangedEventClass) |
ChangedEventClass Indicates that an event class object has been added, modified, or deleted. (IEventObjectChange2.ChangedEventClass) |
ChangedPublisher Indicates a publisher object has been added, modified, or deleted. |
ChangedSubscription Indicates that a subscription object has been added, modified, or deleted. (IEventObjectChange.ChangedSubscription) |
ChangedSubscription Indicates that a subscription object has been added, modified, or deleted. (IEventObjectChange2.ChangedSubscription) |
Clone Creates an enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one. (IEnumNames.Clone) |
Clone Creates an enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one. (IEnumEventObject.Clone) |
Close Closes the Holder. |
CoCreateActivity Creates an activity to do synchronous or asynchronous batch work that can use COM+ services without needing to create a COM+ component. |
CoEnterServiceDomain Used to enter code that can then use COM+ services. |
CoGetDefaultContext Retrieves a reference to the default context of the specified apartment. |
CoLeaveServiceDomain Used to leave code that uses COM+ services. |
Commit Attempts to commit the work of all COM objects participating in the current transaction. The transaction ends on return from this method. (ITransactionContext.Commit) |
Commit Attempts to commit the work of all COM objects participating in the current transaction. The transaction ends on return from this method. (ITransactionContextEx.Commit) |
Commit Commits the transaction. |
CommitRecord Delivers a log record in forward order during the commit phase. |
CommitRecordVariants Delivers a log record to the CRM Compensator during the commit phase. |
ComTIIntrinsicsConfig Configures the COMTI intrinsics for the enclosed work. |
ConfigureBYOT Enables you to configure the transaction that you use when you bring your own transaction. |
ConfigureBYOTSysTxn Enables you to run the enclosed code in the scope of an existing transaction that you specify with a transaction proxy. |
ConfigureSynchronization Configures the synchronization for the enclosed work. |
ConfigureTransaction Configures how transactions are used in the enclosed work. |
Connect Connects to the COM+ catalog on a specified remote computer. |
Construct Constructs an object using the specified parameters. |
ContainingContextTreatment Determines whether the containing context is based on the current context. |
CopyApplications Copies the specified COM+ applications from one partition to another. |
CopyComponents Copies the specified components from one partition to another. |
Count Retrieves the number of objects in a tracking information collection. |
Count Retrieves the number of context object properties. |
Count Counts the number of context properties. |
CreateInstance Creates a COM+ object that executes within the scope of the manual transaction specified by a TIP transaction URL. |
CreateInstance Creates a COM+ object that executes within the scope of a manual transaction specified with a reference to an ITransaction interface. |
CreateInstance Creates an object using current object's context. (IObjectContext.CreateInstance) |
CreateInstance Creates a COM object that can execute within the scope of the transaction that was initiated by the transaction context object. (ITransactionContext.CreateInstance) |
CreateInstance Creates a COM object that can execute within the scope of the transaction that was initiated by the transaction context object. (ITransactionContextEx.CreateInstance) |
CreateInstance Creates an object using current object's context. (ObjectContext.CreateInstance) |
CreateInstanceWithSysTx Creates a COM+ object that executes within the scope of the specified local transaction. (ICreateWithLocalTransaction.CreateInstanceWithSysTx) |
CreateManagedStub Creates a stub for a managed object within the current COM+ context. |
CreateProperty Creates a new shared property with the specified name. |
CreatePropertyByPosition Creates a new shared property with the specified index. |
CreatePropertyGroup Creates a new shared property group. |
CreateResource Creates a resource. |
CreateServiceForApplication Configures a COM+ application to run as a Windows service. |
CreateVoter Provides a ballot so that a COM+ transaction context can vote on the transaction. |
Deactivate Enables a COM+ object to perform required cleanup before it is recycled or destroyed. |
Deactivate Enables a COM+ object to perform cleanup required before it is recycled or destroyed. |
DeleteServiceForApplication Deletes the Windows service associated with the specified COM+ application. |
Description Retrieves the description of the CRM Compensator for the specified index. |
DestroyManagedStub Destroys a stub that was created by CreateManagedStub. |
DestroyResource Destroys a resource. |
DestroyResourceS Destroys a resource (string resource version). |
DisableCommit Declares that the object's transactional updates are in an inconsistent state and cannot be committed in their present state. |
DisableCommit Declares that the object's transactional updates are inconsistent and cannot be committed in their present state. |
DoCallback Switches into a given application domain (which the calling object must be bound to), executes the supplied callback function in that application domain, and then returns to the original application domain. |
DumpApplicationInstance Creates a dump file containing an image of the state of the specified application instance (process). |
EnableCommit Declares that the object's work is not necessarily finished but that its transactional updates are in a consistent state and could be committed in their present form. |
EnableCommit Declares that the current object's work is not necessarily finished but that its transactional updates are consistent and could be committed in their present form. |
EndAbort Notifies the CRM Compensator that it has received all the log records available during the abort phase. (ICrmCompensator.EndAbort) |
EndAbortVariants Notifies the CRM Compensator that it has received all the log records available during the abort phase. (ICrmCompensatorVariants.EndAbortVariants) |
EndCommit Notifies the CRM Compensator that it has delivered all the log records available during the commit phase. (ICrmCompensator.EndCommit) |
EndCommitVariants Notifies the CRM Compensator that it has delivered all the log records available during the commit phase. (ICrmCompensatorVariants.EndCommitVariants) |
EndPrepare Notifies the CRM Compensator that it has had all the log records available during the prepare phase. (ICrmCompensator.EndPrepare) |
EndPrepareVariants Notifies the CRM Compensator that it has had all the log records available during the prepare phase. (ICrmCompensatorVariants.EndPrepareVariants) |
EnlistResource Enlists a resource in a transaction. |
EnumNames Retrieves a reference to an enumerator for the context object properties. |
EnumNames Retrieves a list of the names of the current context properties. |
ExportApplication Exports a COM+ application or application proxy to a file, ready for installation on different computers. |
ExportPartition Exports a partition to a file. |
FinalClientRetry Informs the client-side exception handling component that all Message Queuing attempts to deliver the message to the server were rejected. The message ended up on the client-side Xact dead letter queue. |
FinalServerRetry Informs the server-side Exception_CLSID implementation that all attempts to play back the deferred activation have failed. The message is about to be moved to the final resting queue. |
FireSubscription Fires an event to a single subscriber. |
FlushPartitionCache Empties the cache that maps users to their default partitions. |
ForceLog Forces all log records to be durable on disk. |
ForceTransactionToAbort Performs an immediate abort call on the transaction. |
ForgetLogRecord Forgets the last log record written by this instance of the interface. |
FreeResource Returns a resource to the inventory. |
get__NewEnum Retrieves an enumerator for the instance CLSIDs of the CRM clerks. |
get__NewEnum Retrieves an enumerator for the security call context collection. |
get__NewEnum Retrieves an enumerator for the security callers collection. |
get__NewEnum Retrieves an enumerator for the security identity collection. |
get__NewEnum Retrieves an enumerator for the named security call context properties. |
get__NewEnum Retrieves an enumerator for the named context object properties. |
get__NewEnum An enumerator for the objects in the collection. |
get__NewEnum Retrieves an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection objects. |
get_AddEnabled Indicates whether the Add method is enabled for the collection. |
get_AllowInprocActivation Indicates whether the event class can be activated in-process. (Get) |
get_AllowInprocActivation Indicates whether subscribers can be activated in the publisher's process. (IEventControl.get_AllowInprocActivation) |
get_AllowInprocActivation Indicates whether subscribers can be activated in the publisher's process. (IMultiInterfaceEventControl.get_AllowInprocActivation) |
get_ClassFactory Retrieves a class factory for the pooled objects. |
get_CommitBatchSize Retrieves the commit batch size. |
get_ConstructString Retrieves the constructor string for the object. |
get_ContextInfo Retrieves the context information object of the current object's context. |
get_Count Retrieves the count of CRM clerks in the collection. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of log records written by this CRM clerk. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of data values from the object. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of running packages in the catalog. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of properties in the security context collection. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of callers in the security callers collection. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of properties in the security identity collection. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of named context object properties. |
get_Count The number of objects in the collection. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of items in the collection. (ICatalogCollection.get_Count) |
get_CreationTimeout Retrieves the time-out interval for activating a pooled object. |
get_CurrentPartitionID Retrieves the identifier for the current partition. |
get_CurrentPartitionName Retrieves the name of the current partition. |
get_CustomConfigCLSID The CLSID of a component that can assist in adding properties into the property bag of a subscription object. This property is supported only for backward compatibility. (Get) |
get_DataStoreMajorVersion Retrieves the major version number of the catalog data store. |
get_DataStoreMinorVersion Retrieves the minor version number of the catalog data store. |
get_Description A displayable text description of the event class object. (Get) |
get_Description A displayable text description of the subscription. (Get) |
get_DestPath Retrieves the path of the destination (output) queue. |
get_DisplayName Retrieves the display name of the object. |
get_Enabled Indicates whether the subscription is enabled. (Get) |
get_EventClassID The CLSID for the event class object. (Get) |
get_EventClassID The unique ID of the event class associated with the subscription. (Get) |
get_EventClassName The ProgID for the event class object. (Get) |
get_EventID Retrieves the event identifier of the object. |
get_EventObjectChangeEventClassID Retrieves the CLSID of an event class object that notifies the caller of changes to the event store. |
get_FireEvents Retrieves whether events are enabled or disabled for an event sink. |
get_FireInParallel Indicates whether events of this class can be fired in parallel. (Get) |
get_FireInParallel Indicates whether events can be delivered to two or more subscribers in parallel. (Get) |
get_FiringInterfaceID The ID of the event interface on the event class object. This property is supported only for backward compatibility. (Get) |
get_GlobalPartitionID Retrieves the identifier for the global partition. |
get_Group Retrieves a reference to an existing shared property group. |
get_InterfaceID The identifier for a particular interface for which the subscriber wants to receive events. (Get) |
get_Is64BitCatalogServer Indicates whether the currently connected catalog server is a 64-bit computer. |
get_IsApplicationInstanceDumpSupported Indicates whether the software required for application instance dumps is installed. |
get_Item Retrieves a specified property in the security call context collection. |
get_Item Retrieves a specified caller in the security callers collection. |
get_Item Retrieves a specified property in the security identity collection. |
get_Item Retrieves a named property. |
get_Item An item in the collection. |
get_Item Retrieves the item that correspond to the specified index. |
get_Key Retrieves the key property of the object. |
get_MachineName The name of the computer on which the subscriber should be activated (for a persistent subscription). (Get) |
get_MajorVersion Retrieves the major version number of the COMAdmin library. |
get_MaxPoolSize Retrieves the maximum number of objects in the pool. |
get_MethodName The name of the event method. (Get) |
get_MinorVersion Retrieves the minor version number of the COMAdmin library. |
get_MinPoolSize Retrieves the minimum number of objects in the pool. |
get_MultiInterfacePublisherFilterCLSID The CLSID of the object implementing IMultiInterfacePublisherFilter. (Get) |
get_Name Retrieves the name of the collection. |
get_Name Retrieves the name property of the object. |
get_Names Retrieves an enumerator for the names of the data values. |
get_NewEnum An enumeration object that implements IEnumEventObject. |
get_OwnerSID The security ID of the event class object's creator. This property is supported only for backward compatibility. (Get) |
get_OwnerSID The security ID of the subscription's creator. (Get) |
get_PackageGuid Retrieves the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the package in which the event occurred. |
get_PackageName Retrieves the name of the package in which the instance of the object that implements the IMtsEvents interface is running. |
get_PerUser Indicates whether the subscription receives the event only if the owner of the subscription is logged on to the same computer as the publisher. (Get) |
get_Property Retrieves a reference to an existing shared property with the specified name. |
get_PropertyByPosition Retrieves a reference to an existing shared property with the specified index. |
get_PublisherID The CLSID for the event publisher. (Get) |
get_PublisherID The unique ID of the event publisher. (Get) |
get_RemoveEnabled Indicates whether the Remove method is enabled for the collection. |
get_Security Retrieves the security object of the current object's context. |
get_SourcePath Retrieves the current path of the source (input) queue. |
get_StructuredRecords Retrieves a flag indicating whether the log records written by this CRM clerk were structured. |
get_SubscriberCLSID The CLSID of the subscriber component (for a persistent subscription). (Get) |
get_SubscriberInterface A marshaled pointer to the event interface on the subscriber (for a transient subscription). (Get) |
get_SubscriptionID The unique ID for the subscription object. (Get) |
get_SubscriptionName A displayable name for the subscription object. (Get) |
get_TransactionAffinity Determines whether objects involved in transactions are held until the transaction completes. |
get_TransactionState Retrieves the current state of the transaction. |
get_TransactionUOW Retrieves the transaction unit of work (UOW) without having to log the transaction UOW in the log record. |
get_TypeLib The path of the type library that contains the description of the event interface. (Get) |
get_Valid Indicates whether all properties were successfully read from the catalog data store. |
get_Value Retrieves the value of the specified user-defined event. |
get_Value Retrieves the value of a shared property. |
get_Value Accesses the value of the specified property exposed by this catalog object. (Get) |
GetActivityId Retrieves the activity identifier associated with the object context. |
GetActivityId Retrieves the GUID associated with the current activity. |
GetActivityId Retrieves the identifier of the current activity. |
GetApplicationId Retrieves the GUID of the application of the current object context. |
GetApplicationId Retrieves the identifier of the application of the current object context. |
GetApplicationInstanceId Retrieves the GUID of the application instance of the current object context. |
GetApplicationInstanceId Retrieves the identifier of the application instance of the current object context. |
GetApplicationInstanceIDFromProcessID Retrieves the application instance identifier for the specified process identifier. |
GetApplicationProcessDetails Retrieves detailed information about a single process hosting COM+ applications. |
GetApplicationProcesses Retrieves summary information for all processes that are hosting COM+ applications, or for a specified subset of these processes. |
GetApplicationsInProcess Retrieves summary information for all COM+ applications hosted in a single process, or for a specified subset of these applications. |
GetClerks Retrieves a clerk collection object, which is a snapshot of the current state of the clerks. |
GetCLSID Retrieves the object's CLSID. |
GetCollection Retrieves a collection from the COM+ catalog that is related to the current collection. |
GetCollection Retrieves a top-level collection on the COM+ catalog. |
GetCollectionByQuery Retrieves a collection on the COM+ catalog given the key property values for all of its parent items. |
GetCollectionByQuery2 Retrieves a collection of items in the COM+ catalog that satisfy the specified set of query keys. |
GetColumn Formats one unstructured log record into an array of viewable fields. |
GetColumnCount Retrieves the number of fields (columns) in a log record of the type used by this CRM Compensator. |
GetColumnHeaders Retrieves the names of the fields (columns) so that they can be used as column headings when the information is presented. |
GetColumnVariants Formats one structured log record into an array of viewable fields. |
GetComponentDetails Retrieves detailed information about a single COM+ component hosted in a process. |
GetComponentsInProcess Retrieves summary information for all COM+ components hosted in a single process, or for a specified subset of these components. |
GetComponentVersionCount Retrieves the number of partitions in which a specified component is installed. |
GetContext Determines the current context. |
GetContextId Retrieves the unique identifier of this object context. |
GetContextId Retrieves the identifier of the current context. |
GetCurrentQueuedRequests Retrieves the number of asynchronous execution requests that are currently queued. |
GetCurrentThreads Retrieves the number of threads currently in the pool. |
GetDeactivateOnReturn Retrieves the value of the done flag. |
GetDeleteDelay Retrieves the number of milliseconds a pooled thread can idle before being destroyed. |
GetDirectCallerName Retrieves the user name associated with the external process that called the currently executing method. |
GetDirectCallerSID Retrieves the security identifier of the external process that called the currently executing method. |
GetDirectCreatorName Retrieves the user name associated with the current object's immediate (out-of-process) creator. |
GetDirectCreatorSID In MTS 2.0, this method retrieves the security identifier of the external process that directly created the current object. Do not use this method in COM+. |
GetDispenserManager Retrieves the dispenser manager's IDispenserManager interface. |
GetEventClassesForIID Retrieves a list of the event classes registered on the computer that implement a specified interface. |
GetEventDispatcher Retrieves a pointer to the event dispatcher for the current process. |
GetIdentifier Retrieves the identifier of the non-DTC transaction. |
GetIObjectControl Retrieves the IObjectControl interface that is associated with the managed object. |
GetIsolationLevel Retrieves the isolation level of the non-DTC transaction. |
GetIUnknown Retrieves the IUnknown interface that is associated with the managed object. |
GetLBServer Retrieves the name of the load balancing server. |
GetLogRecord Retrieves an unstructured log record given its numeric index. |
GetLogRecordVariants Retrieves a structured log record given its numeric index. |
GetMachineName Retrieves the computer name for the load balancing server. |
GetManagedExtensions Determines whether the installed version of COM+ supports special features provided to manage serviced components (managed objects). |
GetMaxQueuedRequests Retrieves the maximum number of asynchronous execution requests that can be simultaneously queued. |
GetMaxThreads Retrieves the maximum number of threads that are allowed in the pool. |
GetModules Used to get the names of the modules that are contained in an assembly. |
GetMultipleComponentsInfo Retrieves information about the components found in the specified files. |
GetMyTransactionVote Retrieves the value of the consistent flag. |
GetObject Retrieves an object from the object pool. |
GetObjectContext Retrieves a reference to the context that is associated with the current COM+ object. |
GetOriginalCallerName Retrieves the user name associated with the base process that initiated the sequence of calls from which the call into the current object originated. |
GetOriginalCallerSID Retrieves the security identifier of the base process that initiated the call sequence from which the current method was called. |
GetOriginalCreatorName Retrieves the user name associated with the original base process that initiated the activity in which the current object is executing. |
GetOriginalCreatorSID In MTS 2.0, this method retrieves the security identifier of the base process that initiated the activity in which the current object is executing. Do not use this method in COM+. |
GetPartitionId Retrieves the GUID of the COM+ partition of the current object context. |
GetPartitionId Retrieves the identifier of the partition of the current object context. |
GetPartitionID Retrieves the partition identifier for the specified COM+ application. |
GetPartitionName Retrieves the name of the specified COM+ application. |
GetProcessID Retrieves the identifier of the process in which the event occurred. |
GetProperty Retrieves a context object property. |
GetProperty Retrieves the value of the specified context property. |
GetPropName Retrieves the name of the property corresponding to the specified index number. |
GetPublisherProperty Retrieves the value of a property stored in the property bag to define publisher context. |
GetPublisherPropertyCollection Retrieves a collection of properties and values stored in the publisher property bag. |
GetResource Retrieves an object from the list of pooled objects. |
GetSecurityCallContext Retrieves a reference to an object created from the SecurityCallContext class that is associated with the current call. (IGetSecurityCallContext.GetSecurityCallContext) |
GetSubscriberProperty Retrieves the value of a property stored in the property bag to define subscriber context. |
GetSubscriberPropertyCollection Retrieves a collection of properties and values stored in the subscriber property bag. |
GetSubscriptions Retrieves the collection of subscriptions associated with an event method. |
GetSubscriptions Retrieves the collection of subscription objects associated with an event method. |
GetSuggestedPollingInterval Retrieves the minimum interval for polling suggested by the Tracker Server. |
GetTipUrl Retrieves the URL of the TIP context. |
GetTrackerDataAsCollectionObject Retrieves tracking data for all COM+ applications in the form of a collection object. |
GetTransaction Retrieves the object context's transaction object. |
GetTransaction Retrieves a reference to the current transaction. |
GetTransactionId Retrieves the transaction identifier associated with the object context. Objects in the same transaction share the same transaction identifier. |
GetTransactionId Retrieves the identifier of the current transaction. |
GetTransactionResourcePool Retrieves the resource pool that is associated with this context's transaction. |
GetTransactionStatus Retrieves the transaction status. |
GetUtilInterface Retrieves the utility interface for the collection. |
GetValue Retrieves the value of the specified property. |
HoldClerk Retrieves a pointer on the specified clerk. |
IISIntrinsicsConfig Configures the IIS intrinsics for the enclosed work. |
ImportComponent Imports a component already registered as an in-process server into a COM+ application. |
ImportComponents Imports the specified components that are already registered into an application. |
ImportUnconfiguredComponents Imports the specified classes into a COM+ application as unconfigured components. |
Init Initializes the load balancing server object. |
Initialize Binds the calling object to the current application domain and provides a callback function for shutdown that is executed when the application domain is unloaded. |
Initialize Initializes an object pool. |
Initialize Associates an event class with a publisher filter. |
Initialize Associates an event method with a collection of subscription objects. |
InstallApplication Installs a COM+ application or application proxy from the specified file. |
InstallComponent Installs all components (COM classes) from a DLL file into a COM+ application and registers the components in the COM+ class registration database. |
InstallEventClass Installs event classes from a file into a COM+ application. |
InstallMultipleComponents Installs components from multiple files into a COM+ application. |
InstallMultipleEventClasses Installs event classes from multiple files into a COM+ application. |
InstallPartition Imports a partition from a file. |
IsCallerInRole Indicates whether the object's direct caller is in a specified role (either directly or as part of a group). (IObjectContext.IsCallerInRole) |
IsCallerInRole Determines whether the direct caller is in the specified role. |
IsCallerInRole Indicates whether the object's direct caller is in a specified role (either directly or as part of a group). (ObjectContext.IsCallerInRole) |
IsInTransaction Indicates whether the current object is executing in a transaction. (ContextInfo.IsInTransaction) |
IsInTransaction Indicates whether the object is executing within a transaction. |
IsInTransaction Indicates whether the current object is executing in a transaction. (IObjectContextInfo.IsInTransaction) |
IsInTransaction Indicates whether the current object is executing in a transaction. (ObjectContext.IsInTransaction) |
IsolationLevel Sets the isolation level of the transactions. |
IsPropertyReadOnly Indicates whether the specified property can be modified using Value. |
IsPropertyWriteOnly Indicates whether the specified property can be read using Value. |
IsReusable Indicates whether the non-DTC transaction context can be reused for multiple transactions. |
IsSafeToDelete Determines whether the specified DLL is in use by the COM+ catalog or the registry. |
IsSameSxsConfig Determines whether the side-by-side assembly has the specified configuration. |
IsSecurityEnabled Indicates whether security is enabled for the current object. COM+ security is enabled unless the object is running in the client's process. |
IsSecurityEnabled Determines whether security is enabled for the object. |
IsSecurityEnabled Indicates whether security is enabled for the current object. |
IsUserInRole Determines whether the specified user is in the specified role. |
Item Retrieves the specified interface from a specified member of a tracking information collection. |
Item Retrieves the instance CLSID of the CRM clerk for the specified index. |
Item Retrieves the IUnknown pointer for the specified package. |
LastRelease Called when a COM+ object pool drops the last reference to the object that implements it. |
MoveComponents Moves the specified components from one application to another. |
MoveMessages Moves all messages from the source queue to the destination queue. |
MTSCreateActivity Creates an activity in a single-threaded apartment to do synchronous or asynchronous batch work. |
NewTransactionDescription Sets the name that is used when transaction statistics are displayed. |
Next Retrieves the specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. (IEnumNames.Next) |
Next Retrieves the specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. (IEnumEventObject.Next) |
OnActivityCreate Generated when an activity starts. |
OnActivityDestroy Generated when an activity is finished. |
OnActivityEnter Generated when an activity thread is entered. |
OnActivityLeave Generated when an activity thread is left. |
OnActivityLeaveSame Generated when an activity thread is left after being entered recursively. |
OnActivityReenter Generated when an activity thread is reentered recursively. |
OnActivityTimeout Generated when a call into an activity times out. |
OnAppActivation Generated when an application server starts. |
OnAppActivation2 Generated when the server application process is loaded. |
OnAppForceShutdown Generated when an application server is forced to shut down. |
OnAppForceShutdown2 Generated when the server application is forced to shut down. |
OnAppPaused2 Generated when the server application is paused or resumed to its initial state. |
OnAppRecycle2 Generated when the server application process is marked for recycling termination. |
OnAppShutdown Generated when an application server shuts down. |
OnAppShutdown2 Generated when the server application shuts down. |
OnAuthenticate Generated when a method call level authentication succeeds. |
OnAuthenticateFail Generated when a method call level authentication fails. |
OnCall Triggers the execution of the batch work implemented in this method. (IMTSCall.OnCall) |
OnCall Triggers the execution of the batch work implemented in this method. (IServiceCall.OnCall) |
OnCRMAbort Generated when CRM clerk receives an abort notification to pass on to the CRM compensator. |
OnCRMAnalyze Generated when a CRM clerk receives a record during the analysis phase of recovery. |
OnCRMBegin Generated when a CRM clerk is starting, either due to a client registering a compensator or during recovery. |
OnCRMCheckpoint Generated when a CRM checkpoint occurs. |
OnCRMCommit Generated when CRM clerk receives a commit notification to pass on to the CRM compensator. |
OnCRMDeliver Generated when a CRM clerk delivers a record to a CRM compensator. |
OnCRMDone Generated when CRM clerk is done processing transaction outcome notifications. |
OnCRMForce Generated when a CRM clerk receives a request to force log records to disk, either from the CRM worker or from the CRM compensator. |
OnCRMForget Generated when a CRM clerk receives a request to forget a log record, either from the CRM worker or from the CRM compensator. |
OnCRMIndoubt Generated when CRM clerk receives an in-doubt notification to pass on to the CRM compensator. |
OnCRMPrepare Generated when CRM clerk receives a prepare notification to pass on to the CRM compensator. |
OnCRMRecoveryDone Generated when CRM recovery is done. |
OnCRMRecoveryStart Generated when CRM recovery has started. |
OnCRMRelease Generated when the CRM clerk is finished and releases its resource locks. |
OnCRMWrite Generated when a CRM clerk receives a request to write a log record, either from the CRM worker or CRM compensator. |
OnDataChanged Generated when the configuration of a COM+ application instance is changed. |
OnDisableCommit Generated when the client calls DisableCommit on a context. |
OnEnableCommit Generated when the client calls EnableCommit on a context. |
OnError Called by COM+ when an error occurs in your asynchronous batch work. |
OnExceptionUser Generated for transactional components when an unhandled exception occurs in the user's code. |
OnIISRequestInfo Generated when an activity is part of an ASP page. |
OnLtxTransactionAbort Generated when a transaction is aborted. |
OnLtxTransactionCommit Generated when a transaction is committed. |
OnLtxTransactionPrepare Generated when COM+ receives a prepare notification for a transaction. |
OnLtxTransactionPromote Generated when a transaction is promoted. |
OnLtxTransactionStart Generated when a transaction is started. |
OnMethodCall Generated when an object's method is called. (IComMethodEvents.OnMethodCall) |
OnMethodCall2 Generated when an object's method is called. (IComMethod2Events.OnMethodCall2) |
OnMethodException Generated when an object's method generates an exception. (IComMethodEvents.OnMethodException) |
OnMethodException2 Generated when an object's method generates an exception. (IComMethod2Events.OnMethodException2) |
OnMethodReturn Generated when an object's method returns. (IComMethodEvents.OnMethodReturn) |
OnMethodReturn2 Generated when an object's method returns. (IComMethod2Events.OnMethodReturn2) |
OnNewTrackingInfo Generated when the tracking information for a collection changes. |
OnObjectActivate Generated when an object gets an instance of a new JIT-activated object. |
OnObjectConstruct Generated when a constructed object is created. (IComObjectConstructionEvents.OnObjectConstruct) |
OnObjectConstruct2 Generated when a constructed object is created. (IComObjectConstruction2Events.OnObjectConstruct2) |
OnObjectCreate Generated when an object is created by a client. |
OnObjectCreate2 Generated when a client creates an object. |
OnObjectDeactivate Generated when the JIT-activated object is freed by SetComplete or SetAbort. |
OnObjectDestroy Generated when an object is released by a client. |
OnObjectDestroy2 Generated when a client releases an object. |
OnObjPoolCreateDecision Generated when a pool provides a requesting client with an existing object or creates a new one. |
OnObjPoolCreateObject Generated when an object is created for the pool. |
OnObjPoolCreatePool Generated when a new pool is created. |
OnObjPoolDestroyObject Generated when an object is permanently removed from the pool. |
OnObjPoolGetFromTx Generated when a transactional object is obtained from the pool. (IComObjectPoolEvents.OnObjPoolGetFromTx) |
OnObjPoolGetFromTx2 Generated when a transactional object is obtained from the pool. (IComObjectPool2Events.OnObjPoolGetFromTx2) |
OnObjPoolGetObject Generated when a non-transactional object is obtained from the pool. (IComObjectPoolEvents.OnObjPoolGetObject) |
OnObjPoolGetObject2 Generated when a non-transactional object is obtained from the pool. (IComObjectPool2Events.OnObjPoolGetObject2) |
OnObjPoolPutObject Generated when a new object is added to the pool. |
OnObjPoolPutObject2 Generated when an object is added to the pool. |
OnObjPoolRecycleToTx Generated when a transactional object is returned to the pool. (IComObjectPoolEvents.OnObjPoolRecycleToTx) |
OnObjPoolRecycleToTx2 Generated when a transactional object is returned to the pool. (IComObjectPool2Events.OnObjPoolRecycleToTx2) |
OnObjPoolTimeout Generated when the request for a pooled object times out. |
OnQCMoveToDeadQueue Generated when a message is moved to the dead letter queue and cannot be delivered. |
OnQCMoveToReTryQueue Generated when a message is moved to a queued components retry queue. |
OnQCPlayback Generated when a messages contents are replayed. |
OnQCQueueOpen Generated when a queued components queue is opened. |
OnQCReceive Generated when a message is successfully de-queued even though the queued components service might find something wrong with the contents. |
OnQCReceiveFail Generated when the receive message fails. |
OnQCRecord Generated when the queued components recorder creates the queued message. |
OnResourceAllocate Generated when an existing resource is allocated. |
OnResourceCreate Generated when a new resource is created and allocated. |
OnResourceDestroy Generated when a resource is destroyed. |
OnResourceRecycle Generated when an object is finished with a resource. |
OnResourceTrack Generated when a resource is tracked. |
OnSetComplete Generated when the client calls SetComplete on a context. |
OnThreadAssignApartment Generated when an activity is assigned to an apartment thread. |
OnThreadBindToApartment Generated when an apartment thread is allocated for a single-thread apartment (STA) thread that does not have an apartment thread to run in. |
OnThreadStart Generated when a single-threaded apartment (STA) thread is started. |
OnThreadTerminate Generated when a single-threaded apartment (STA) thread is terminated. |
OnThreadUnassignApartment Generated when an activity is unassigned from an apartment thread. |
OnThreadUnBind Generated when the lifetime of the configured component is over and the activity count on the apartment thread can be decremented. |
OnTransactionAbort Generated when a transaction aborts. (IComTransactionEvents.OnTransactionAbort) |
OnTransactionAbort2 Generated when a transaction aborts. (IComTransaction2Events.OnTransactionAbort2) |
OnTransactionCommit Generated when a transaction commits. (IComTransactionEvents.OnTransactionCommit) |
OnTransactionCommit2 Generated when a transaction commits. (IComTransaction2Events.OnTransactionCommit2) |
OnTransactionPrepare Generated when the prepare phase of the two-phase commit protocol of the transaction is completed. |
OnTransactionPrepare2 Generated when the transaction is in the prepare phase of the commit protocol. |
OnTransactionStart Generated when a Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) transaction starts. (IComTransactionEvents.OnTransactionStart) |
OnTransactionStart2 Generated when a Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) transaction starts. (IComTransaction2Events.OnTransactionStart2) |
OnUserEvent Provided for user components to generate user-defined events. |
PartitionConfig Configures how partitions are used for the enclosed work. |
PartitionID Sets the GUID for the partition that is used for the enclosed work. |
PauseApplicationInstances Pauses the specified application server processes. |
Populate Populates the collection with data for all items contained in the collection. |
PopulateByKey Populates a selected list of items in the collection from the COM+ catalog, based on the specified keys. |
PopulateByQuery Reserved for future use. (ICatalogCollection.PopulateByQuery) |
PostEvent Posts a user-defined event to an event sink. |
PrepareRecord Delivers a log record in forward order during the prepare phase. |
PrepareRecordVariants Delivers a log record to the CRM Compensator during the prepare phase. |
PrepareToFire Prepares the publisher filter to begin firing a filtered list of subscriptions using a provided firing control. The firing control is contained in the event class object. |
PrepareToFire Prepares a publisher filter to begin firing a filtered list of subscriptions using a provided firing control. The firing control is contained in the event class object. |
ProgIdCompensator Retrieves the ProgId of the CRM Compensator for the specified index. |
Promote Promotes a non-DTC transaction to a DTC transaction. |
PromoteUnconfiguredComponents Promotes the specified classes from unconfigured components to configured components. |
PropCount Retrieves the number of properties defined for a tracking information object. |
put_AllowInprocActivation Indicates whether the event class can be activated in-process. (Put) |
put_AllowInprocActivation Indicates whether subscribers can be activated in the publisher's process. (IEventControl.put_AllowInprocActivation) |
put_AllowInprocActivation Indicates whether subscribers can be activated in the publisher's process. (IMultiInterfaceEventControl.put_AllowInprocActivation) |
put_ClassFactory Sets a class factory for the pooled objects. |
put_CommitBatchSize Sets the commit batch size. This is the number of messages that should be moved from source to destination queue between commit operations. |
put_CreationTimeout Sets the time-out interval for activating a pooled object. |
put_CurrentPartition Sets the current destination partition. |
put_CustomConfigCLSID The CLSID of a component that can assist in adding properties into the property bag of a subscription object. This property is supported only for backward compatibility. (Put) |
put_Description A displayable text description of the event class object. (Put) |
put_Description A displayable text description of the subscription. (Put) |
put_DestPath Sets the path of the destination (output) queue. |
put_Enabled Indicates whether the subscription is enabled. (Put) |
put_EventClassID The CLSID for the event class object. (Put) |
put_EventClassID The unique ID of the event class associated with the subscription. (Put) |
put_EventClassName The ProgID for the event class object. (Put) |
put_FireInParallel Indicates whether events of this class can be fired in parallel. (Put) |
put_FireInParallel Indicates whether events can be delivered to two or more subscribers in parallel. (Put) |
put_FiringInterfaceID The ID of the event interface on the event class object. This property is supported only for backward compatibility. (Put) |
put_InterfaceID The identifier for a particular interface for which the subscriber wants to receive events. (Put) |
put_MachineName The name of the computer on which the subscriber should be activated (for a persistent subscription). (Put) |
put_MaxPoolSize Sets the maximum number of objects in the pool. |
put_MethodName The name of the event method. (Put) |
put_MinPoolSize Sets the minimum number of objects in the pool. |
put_MultiInterfacePublisherFilterCLSID The CLSID of the object implementing IMultiInterfacePublisherFilter. (Put) |
put_OwnerSID The security ID of the event class object's creator. This property is supported only for backward compatibility. (Put) |
put_OwnerSID The security ID of the subscription's creator. (Put) |
put_PerUser Indicates whether the subscription receives the event only if the owner of the subscription is logged on to the same computer as the publisher. (Put) |
put_PublisherID The CLSID for the event publisher. (Put) |
put_PublisherID The unique ID of the event publisher. (Put) |
put_SourcePath Sets the path of the source (input) queue. |
put_SubscriberCLSID The CLSID of the subscriber component (for a persistent subscription). (Put) |
put_SubscriberInterface A marshaled pointer to the event interface on the subscriber (for a transient subscription). (Put) |
put_SubscriptionID The unique ID for the subscription object. (Put) |
put_SubscriptionName A displayable name for the subscription object. (Put) |
put_TransactionAffinity Sets whether objects involved in transactions are held until the transaction completes. |
put_TypeLib The path of the type library that contains the description of the event interface. (Put) |
put_Value Sets the value of a shared property. |
put_Value Accesses the value of the specified property exposed by this catalog object. (Put) |
PutEndTx Destroys the pooled object when the transaction ends. |
PutPublisherProperty Writes a property and its value to the property bag to define publisher context. |
PutResource Adds an object to the list of pooled objects. |
PutSubscriberProperty Writes a property and its value to the property bag to define subscriber context. |
Query Retrieves a collection of subscription or event objects from the event data store. (IEventSystem.Query) |
QueryApplicationFile Retrieves information about a COM+ application from an application file. |
QueryApplicationFile2 Retrieves information about an application that is about to be installed. |
QueryS Retrieves a collection of subscription or event objects from the event data store. (IEventSystem.QueryS) |
RateResource Evaluates how well a candidate resource matches. |
RecycleApplicationInstances Recycles (shuts down and restarts) the specified application server processes. |
RecycleSurrogate Recycles the calling process. |
Refresh Updates the list of IUnknown pointers that was populated upon the creation of the object. |
RefreshComponents Updates component registration information from the registry. |
RefreshRouter This method is obsolete. |
RegisterCompensator The CRM Worker uses this method to register the CRM Compensator with the CRM infrastructure. |
RegisterDispenser Registers the resource dispenser with the dispenser manager. |
ReleaseSID Releases the security identifier returned by one of the other ISecurityProperty methods. |
Remove Removes an event object from the collection. |
Remove Removes one or more subscription or event objects from the event data store. (IEventSystem.Remove) |
Remove Removes an item from the collection, given its index, and re-indexes the items with higher index values. |
RemoveProperty Removes a context object property. |
RemovePublisherProperty Removes a property and its value from the property bag that defines publisher context. |
RemoveS Removes one or more subscription or event objects from the event data store. (IEventSystem.RemoveS) |
RemoveSubscriberProperty Removes a property and its value from the property bag that defines subscriber context. |
RequestDestroyResource Deletes a resource, calling its destructor to free memory and other associated system resources. |
Reset Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. (IEnumNames.Reset) |
Reset Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. (IEnumEventObject.Reset) |
ResetResource Prepares the resource to be put back into general or enlisted inventory. |
RestoreREGDB Restores the COM+ class registration database (RegDB) from the specified file. For this to take effect, a system reboot is required. |
ResumeApplicationInstances Resumes the specified application server processes. |
SafeRef SafeRef function |
SaveChanges Saves all pending changes made to the collection and the items it contains to the COM+ catalog data store. |
SelectThreadPool Selects the thread pool in which the work submitted through the activity is to run. |
SendMethodCall Generated when a method is called through a component interface. |
SendMethodReturn Generated when a method called through a component interface returns control to the caller. |
ServiceCheck Retrieves the current status of the specified COM+ service. |
SetAbort Declares that the transaction in which the object is executing must be aborted and that the object should be deactivated when it returns from the currently executing method call. |
SetAbort Declares that the transaction in which the object is executing must be aborted and that the object should be deactivated on return. |
SetBindingInfo Binds all work submitted by the activity to a single single-threaded apartment. |
SetCLSID Sets the object's CLSID. |
SetComplete Declares that the transaction in which the object is executing can be committed and that the object should be deactivated when it returns from the currently executing method call. |
SetComplete Declares that the transaction in which the object is executing can be committed and that the object should be deactivated on return. |
SetDeactivateOnReturn Sets the done flag, which controls whether the object deactivates on method return. |
SetDefaultQuery Sets the default query to determine subscribers. |
SetDefaultQuery Establishes a default query to be used when a publisher filter is not associated with an event method. |
SetDeleteDelay Sets the number of milliseconds a pooled thread can idle before being destroyed. |
SetHeld Sets whether the managed object should go back into the COM+ object pool. |
SetInPool Sets whether the managed object belongs to the COM+ object pool. |
SetLogControl Delivers an ICrmLogControl interface to the CRM Compensator so that it can write further log records during transaction completion. |
SetLogControlVariants Delivers an ICrmLogControl interface to the CRM Compensator. |
SetMachineName Sets the computer name for the load balancing server. |
SetMaxQueuedRequests Sets the maximum number of asynchronous execution requests that can be simultaneously queued. |
SetMaxThreads Sets the maximum number of threads to be allowed in the pool. |
SetMinThreads Sets the minimum number of threads to be maintained in the pool. |
SetMultiInterfacePublisherFilter Assigns a publisher filter to an event method at run time. |
SetMyTransactionVote Sets the consistent flag. |
SetProperty Sets a context object property. |
SetPublisherFilter Assigns a publisher filter to an event method. |
SetQueueDepth Sets the threshold number of execution requests above which a new thread is added to the pool. |
SetTransactionStatus Sets the transaction status to either committed or aborted. Do not use this method. It is used only internally by COM+. |
SetWrapperStrength Sets whether the managed object holds a strong or a weak reference to the COM+ context. |
Shutdown Called when Dllhost.exe shuts down. |
Shutdown Shuts down an object pool. |
ShutdownApplication Initiates shutdown of a COM+ server application process. |
ShutdownApplicationInstances Initiates shutdown of the specified application server processes. |
ShutdownPool Shuts down the object pool. |
Skip Skips over the specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. (IEnumNames.Skip) |
Skip Skips over the specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. (IEnumEventObject.Skip) |
StartApplication Starts the specified COM+ server application. The application components are launched in a dedicated server process. |
StartRouter Starts the component load balancing service if the service is currently installed. |
Startup Called when Dllhost.exe starts. |
Startup Invoked when a COM+ application instance is created. |
StopRouter Stops the component load balancing service if the service is currently installed. |
Store Creates or modifies an event or subscription object within the event system. |
SxsConfig Configures the side-by-side assembly for the enclosed work. |
SxsDirectory Sets the directory for the side-by-side assembly for the enclosed work. |
SxsName Sets the file name of the side-by-side assembly for the enclosed work. |
SynchronousCall Performs the user-defined work synchronously. (IMTSActivity.SynchronousCall) |
SynchronousCall Performs the user-defined work synchronously. (IServiceActivity.SynchronousCall) |
TrackerConfig Configures the tracker property for the enclosed work. |
TrackResource Tracks the resource. |
TrackResourceS Tracks the resource (string version). |
TransactionTimeout Sets the transaction time-out for a new transaction. |
TransactionUOW Retrieves the unit of work (UOW) of the transaction for the specified index. |
Type Retrieves the type of a tracking information collection. |
UnbindFromThread Unbinds the batch work that is submitted using IMTSActivity::AsyncCall or IMTSActivity::SynchronousCall from the thread on which it is running. |
UnbindFromThread Unbinds the user-defined batch work from the thread on which it is running. |
UntrackResource Stops tracking a resource. |
UntrackResourceS Stops tracking a resource (string version). |
WriteLogRecord The CRM Worker and CRM Compensator use this method to write unstructured log records to the log. |
WriteLogRecordVariants The CRM Worker and CRM Compensator use this method to write structured log records to the log. |
ContextInfo Retrieves transaction, activity, and context information on the current context object. Using the methods of this interface, you can retrieve relevant information contained within an object context. |
ContextInfo2 Provides additional information about an object's context, supplementing the information that is available through the ContextInfo interface. |
IAppDomainHelper Binds a managed object to an application domain, which is an isolated environment where applications execute. |
IAssemblyLocator Retrieves information about an assembly when using managed code in the .NET Framework common language runtime. |
IAsyncErrorNotify Used to implement error trapping on the asynchronous batch work that is submitted through the activity created by CoCreateActivity. |
ICatalogCollection Represents any collection in the COM+ catalog. ICatalogCollection enables you to enumerate, add, remove, and retrieve items in a collection and to access related collections. |
ICatalogObject Represents items in collections on the COM+ catalog. ICatalogObject enables you to get and put properties exposed by objects in the catalog. |
ICheckSxsConfig Used to check the configuration of the current side-by-side assembly. |
IComActivityEvents Notifies the subscriber if an activity is created, destroyed, or timed out. |
ICOMAdminCatalog Initiates a session to do programmatic COM+ administration, access collections in the catalog, install COM+ applications and components, start and stop services, and connect to remote servers. |
ICOMAdminCatalog2 An extension of the ICOMAdminCatalog interface. |
IComApp2Events Notifies the subscriber if a COM+ server application is loaded, shut down, or paused. |
IComAppEvents Notifies the subscriber if a COM+ server application is started, shut down, or forced to shut down. |
IComCRMEvents Notifies the subscriber about activities of the Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) feature of Component Services. |
IComExceptionEvents Notifies the subscriber when an unhandled exception occurs in the user's code. |
IComIdentityEvents Notifies the subscriber about an activity that is part of an Internet Information Services (IIS) Active Server Pages (ASP) page. For example, if a COM+ object is invoked in an ASP page, the user would be notified of this activity. |
IComInstance2Events Notifies the subscriber if an object is created or released by a client. |
IComInstanceEvents Notifies the subscriber of an object's creation or release. |
ICOMLBArguments Used to activate the COM+ component load balancing service. |
IComLTxEvents Notifies the subscriber of events that relate to COM+ transactions. |
IComMethod2Events Notifies the subscriber if an object's method has been called, returned, or generated an exception. (IComMethod2Events) |
IComMethodEvents Notifies the subscriber if an object's method has been called, returned, or generated an exception. (IComMethodEvents) |
IComObjectConstruction2Events Notifies the subscriber if a constructed object is created. |
IComObjectConstructionEvents Notifies the subscriber if a constructed object is created in an object pool. |
IComObjectEvents Notifies the subscriber if an instance of a just-in-time (JIT) activated object has been created or freed. |
IComObjectPool2Events Notifies the subscriber if a transactional or non-transactional object is added to or obtained from the object pool. |
IComObjectPoolEvents Notifies the subscriber when a new object is added to the pool. |
IComObjectPoolEvents2 Notifies the subscriber when a new object is created for or removed from the pool. |
IComQCEvents Notifies the subscriber if a queued message is created, de-queued, or moved to a retry or dead letter queue. |
IComResourceEvents Notifies the subscriber if a resource is created, allocated, tracked, or destroyed. |
IComSecurityEvents Notifies the subscriber if the authentication of a method call succeeded or failed. |
IComThreadEvents Notifies the subscriber if a single-threaded apartment (STA) is created or terminated, and when an apartment thread is allocated. |
IComTrackingInfoCollection Retrieves information about a tracking information collection. |
IComTrackingInfoEvents Notifies the subscriber when the tracking information for a collection changes. |
IComTrackingInfoObject Retrieves the properties of a tracking information object. |
IComTrackingInfoProperties Retrieves the total number of properties associated with a tracking information object and their names. |
IComTransaction2Events Notifies the subscriber if a Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) transaction starts, commits, or aborts. The subscriber is also notified when the transaction is in the prepare phase of the two-phase commit protocol. |
IComTransactionEvents Notifies the subscriber if the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) transaction starts, commits, or aborts. |
IComUserEvent Notifies the subscriber of the specified user-defined metrics. |
IContextProperties Provides access to context object properties. |
IContextState Controls object deactivation and transaction voting by manipulating context state flags. |
ICreateWithLocalTransaction Creates a COM+ object that executes within the scope of the specified local transaction. (ICreateWithLocalTransaction) |
ICreateWithTipTransactionEx Creates an object that is enlisted within a manual transaction using the Transaction Internet Protocol (TIP). |
ICreateWithTransactionEx Creates an object that is enlisted within a manual transaction. |
ICrmCompensator Delivers unstructured log records to the CRM Compensator when using Microsoft Visual C++. |
ICrmCompensatorVariants Delivers structured log records to the CRM Compensator when using Microsoft Visual Basic. |
ICrmFormatLogRecords Converts the log records to viewable format so that they can be presented using a generic monitoring tool. |
ICrmLogControl Is the means by which the CRM Worker and CRM Compensator write records to the log and make them durable. |
ICrmMonitor Captures a snapshot of the current state of the CRM and holds a specific CRM clerk. |
ICrmMonitorClerks Retrieves information about the state of clerks. |
ICrmMonitorLogRecords Monitors the individual log records maintained by a specific CRM clerk for a given transaction. |
IDispenserDriver Is called by the holder of the COM+ Resource Dispenser to create, enlist, evaluate, prepare, and destroy a resource. |
IDispenserManager Connects to the dispenser manager. |
IEnumEventObject Enumerates the event objects that are registered in the COM+ events store. |
IEnumNames Enumerates names. |
IEventClass Associates a class of event objects with the event interface those objects implement. |
IEventClass2 Used to set and obtain data on event class objects. This interface extends the IEventClass interface. |
IEventControl Controls the behavior of an event object, the object that fires an event to its subscribers. (IEventControl) |
IEventObjectChange Notifies subscribers of changes to the event store. |
IEventObjectChange2 Notifies subscribers of changes to the event store while including partition and application ID information. |
IEventObjectCollection Manages objects in an event objects collection. |
IEventSubscription Specifies information about the relationship between an event subscriber and an event to which it is subscribing. It is used by publisher filters. |
IEventSystem Provides access to the event data store. |
IFiringControl Fires an event to a single subscription. |
IGetAppTrackerData Enables administrative applications to retrieve statistical information about running COM+ applications. |
IGetContextProperties Enables the caller to obtain the properties associated with the current object's context. |
IGetSecurityCallContext Retrieves a reference to an object created from the SecurityCallContext class that is associated with the current call. (IGetSecurityCallContext) |
IHolder Allocates or frees resources for an installed Resource Dispenser. |
IManagedActivationEvents Used to create and destroy stubs for managed objects within the current COM+ context. |
IManagedObjectInfo Describes the stub for a managed object. |
IManagedPoolAction Enables an object to be notified before it is released from a COM+ object pool. |
IManagedPooledObj Describes how a managed object is used in the COM+ object pool. |
IMessageMover Moves messages from one queue to another queue. |
IMTSActivity Submits batch work through the activity created by the MTSCreateActivity function. |
IMTSCall Implements the batch work that is submitted through the activity created by the MTSCreateActivity function. |
IMtsEventInfo Describes user-defined events. |
IMtsEvents Provides methods for obtaining information about the running package and establishing event sinks. |
IMtsGrp Provides methods for enumerating through running packages. |
IMTSLocator Describes a single event that provides access to the IMtsEvents interface of the event dispatcher for the current process. |
IMultiInterfaceEventControl Controls the behavior of an event object, the object that fires an event to its subscribers. (IMultiInterfaceEventControl) |
IMultiInterfacePublisherFilter Manages a filtered subscription cache for an event method. |
IObjectConstruct Controls the object construction process by passing in parameters from other methods or objects. |
IObjectConstructString Provides access to a constructor string. Use it when you want to specify the parameters during the construction of your object. |
IObjectContext Provides access to the current object's context. An object's context is primarily used when working with transactions or dealing with the security of an object. (IObjectContext) |
IObjectContextActivity Retrieves the activity identifier associated with the current object context. |
IObjectContextInfo Retrieves transaction, activity, and context information on the current context object. |
IObjectContextInfo2 Provides additional information about an object's context. This interface extends the IObjectContextInfo interface. |
IObjectContextTip Retrieves properties describing the Transaction Internet Protocol (TIP) transaction context. |
IObjectControl Defines context-specific initialization and cleanup procedures for your COM+ objects, and specifies whether the objects can be recycled. |
IObjPool Represents the key to each object in the transaction resource pool. |
IPlaybackControl Enables participation in the abnormal handling of server-side playback errors and client-side failures of the Message Queuing delivery mechanism. |
IPoolManager Enables the caller to control an object pool. |
IProcessInitializer Provides methods that can be called whenever Dllhost.exe starts up or shuts down. |
IPublisherFilter Acts as a callback interface so that event publishers can control which subscribers receive event notifications or the order in which subscribers are notified. |
ISecurityCallContext Provides access to security methods and information about the security call context of the current call. |
ISecurityCallersColl Provides access to information about individual callers in a collection of callers. |
ISecurityIdentityColl Provides access to a collection of security information representing a caller's identity. The items available in this collection are the SID, the account name, the authentication service, the authentication level, and the impersonation level. |
ISecurityProperty Determines the security identifier of the current object's original caller or direct caller. However, the preferred way to get information about an object's callers is to use the ISecurityCallContext interface. |
ISelectCOMLBServer Activates the COM+ component load balancing service. |
ISendMethodEvents Describes an event class that notifies subscribers whenever a method on the object that implements it either is called or returns from a call. |
IServiceActivity Used to call the batch work that is submitted through the activity created by CoCreateActivity. |
IServiceCall Used to implement the batch work that is submitted through the activity created by CoCreateActivity. |
IServiceComTIIntrinsicsConfig Configures the COM Transaction Integrator (COMTI) intrinsics for the work that is done when calling the CoCreateActivity or CoEnterServiceDomain function. |
IServiceIISIntrinsicsConfig Configures the IIS intrinsics for the work that is done when calling the CoCreateActivity or CoEnterServiceDomain function. |
IServiceInheritanceConfig Determines whether to construct a new context based on the current context or to create a new context based solely on the information in CServiceConfig. |
IServicePartitionConfig Configures how partitions are used for the work that is done when calling either CoCreateActivity or CoEnterServiceDomain. |
IServicePool Used to manage a COM+ object pool. |
IServicePoolConfig Used to configure an object pool. |
IServiceSxsConfig Configures side-by-side assemblies for the work that is done when calling either CoCreateActivity or CoEnterServiceDomain. |
IServiceSynchronizationConfig Configures the synchronization for the work that is done when calling either CoCreateActivity or CoEnterServiceDomain. |
IServiceSysTxnConfig Enables you to run a set of code in the scope of an existing transaction that you specify with a transaction proxy. |
IServiceThreadPoolConfig Configures the thread pool of the activity object that is returned by calling CoCreateActivity. |
IServiceTrackerConfig Configures the tracker property for the work that is done when calling either CoCreateActivity or CoEnterServiceDomain. |
IServiceTransactionConfig Configures the transaction services for the work that is done when calling either CoCreateActivity or CoEnterServiceDomain. (IServiceTransactionConfig) |
IServiceTransactionConfigBase Configures the transaction services for the work that is done when calling either CoCreateActivity or CoEnterServiceDomain. (IServiceTransactionConfigBase) |
ISharedProperty Exposes property methods that you can use to set or retrieve the value of a shared property. |
ISharedPropertyGroup Used to create and access the shared properties in a shared property group. |
ISharedPropertyGroupManager Used to create shared property groups and to obtain access to existing shared property groups. |
ISystemAppEventData Notifies the subscriber when a COM+ application instance is created or reconfigured. |
IThreadPoolKnobs Used to control the behavior of thread pools. |
ITransactionContext Enables you to compose the work of multiple COM+ objects in a single transaction and explicitly commit or abort the transaction. |
ITransactionContextEx Provides basic methods for a generic transactional object that begins a transaction. By calling the methods of this interface, you can compose the work of multiple COM+ objects in a single transaction and explicitly commit or abort the transaction. |
ITransactionProperty Used to get the transaction resource pool. |
ITransactionProxy Provides a way for a COM+ transaction context to work with a non-DTC transaction. |
ITransactionResourcePool Maintains a list of pooled objects, keyed by IObjPool, that are used until the transaction completes. |
ITransactionStatus Used to discover the status of the transaction that is completed by the call to CoLeaveServiceDomain when CServiceConfig is configured to use transactions in the call to CoEnterServiceDomain. |
ObjectContext Provides access to the current object's context. An object's context is primarily used when working with transactions or dealing with the security of an object. (ObjectContext) |
ObjectControl If you implement this interface in your component, the COM+ run-time environment automatically calls its methods on your objects at the appropriate times. |
SecurityProperty Retrieves information about the current object's original caller and direct caller. |
ApplicationProcessRecycleInfo Represents details about the recycling of a process hosting COM+ applications. |
ApplicationProcessStatistics Represents statistical information about a process hosting COM+ applications. |
ApplicationProcessSummary Represents summary information about a process hosting COM+ applications. |
ApplicationSummary Represents a COM+ application hosted in a particular process. It can also represent a pseudo-application entry for all Services Without Components (SWC) contexts in the process. |
COMEVENTSYSCHANGEINFO Represents a system event structure, which contains the partition and application ID from which an event originated. |
ComponentHangMonitorInfo Represents the hang monitoring configuration for a COM+ component. |
ComponentStatistics Represents statistical information about a COM+ component hosted in a particular process. |
ComponentSummary Represents summary information about a COM+ component hosted in a particular process. It can also represent a Services Without Components (SWC) context. |
COMSVCSEVENTINFO Represents contextual information about an event, such as the time it was generated and which process server and COM+ application generated it. |
CrmLogRecordRead Contains unstructured log records for the Compensating Resource Manager (CRM). |