TCP_ESTATS_PATH_RW_v0 structure (tcpestats.h)

The TCP_ESTATS_PATH_RW_v0 structure contains read/write configuration information for extended TCP statistics on path measurement for a TCP connection.


typedef struct _TCP_ESTATS_PATH_RW_v0 {
  BOOLEAN EnableCollection;



A value that indicates if extended statistics on a TCP connection should be collected for path measurement information.

If this member is set to TRUE, extended statistics on the TCP connection are enabled. If this member is set to FALSE, extended statistics on the TCP connection are disabled.

The default state for this member when not set is disabled.


The TCP_ESTATS_PATH_RW_v0 structure is used as part of the TCP extended statistics feature available on Windows Vista and later.

The TCP_ESTATS_PATH_RW_v0 is defined as version 0 of the structure for read/write configuration information on extended path measurement for a TCP connection. This information is used to infer segment reordering on the path from the local sender to the remote receiver.

Extended TCP statistics on extended path measurement information for a TCP connection are enabled and disabled using this structure and the SetPerTcp6ConnectionEStats and SetPerTcpConnectionEStats functions when TcpConnectionEstatsPath is passed in the EstatsType parameter.

The TCP_ESTATS_PATH_RW_v0 structure is retrieved by calls to the GetPerTcp6ConnectionEStats or GetPerTcpConnectionEStats functions when TcpConnectionEstatsPath is passed in the EstatsType parameter.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Header tcpestats.h

See also



