ms-DS-User-Encrypted-Text-Password-Allowed attribute
Indicates whether Active Directory will store the password in the reversible encryption format. True if the password is stored in the reversible encryption format; otherwise, False.
This attribute is not used by Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services and is only included for completeness/parity with userAccountControl. AD LDS does not store passwords with reversible encryption, regardless of this attribute's value on any given object or the computer security policy pertaining to reversible encryption on the computer itself.
Entry | Value |
CN | ms-DS-User-Encrypted-Text-Password-Allowed |
Ldap-Display-Name | ms-DS-UserEncryptedTextPasswordAllowed |
Size | - |
Update Privilege | - |
Update Frequency | - |
Attribute-Id | 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1856 |
System-Id-Guid | 5a87c7f2-93c5-454c-a8c5-8cb09613292e |
Syntax | Boolean |
Entry | Value |
Link-Id | - |
MAPI-Id | - |
System-Only | False |
Is-Single-Valued | True |
Is Indexed | False |
In Global Catalog | False |
NT-Security-Descriptor | O:BAG:BAD:S: |
Range-Lower | - |
Range-Upper | - |
Search-Flags | 0x00000000 |
System-Flags | 0x00000010 |
Classes used in | ms-DS-Bindable-Object |
In ADAM, this attribute replaces the ADS_UF_ENCRYPTED_TEXT_PASSWORD_ALLOWED flag of the userAccountControl attribute.