ms-DS-User-Account-Auto-Locked attribute

Indicates whether the account that this attribute references has been locked out. True if the account is locked out; otherwise, False.

Entry Value
CN ms-DS-User-Account-Auto-Locked
Ldap-Display-Name ms-DS-UserAccountAutoLocked
Size -
Update Privilege -
Update Frequency -
Attribute-Id 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1857
System-Id-Guid f2dd7bab-1f3b-47cf-89fa-143b56ad0a3d
Syntax Boolean



Entry Value
Link-Id -
System-Only False
Is-Single-Valued True
Is Indexed False
In Global Catalog False
NT-Security-Descriptor O:BAG:BAD:S:
Range-Lower -
Range-Upper -
Search-Flags 0x00000000
System-Flags 0x00000014
Classes used in ms-DS-Bindable-Object


In ADAM, this attribute replaces the ADS_UF_LOCKOUT flag of the userAccountControl attribute.