Example Code for Adding a Member to a Group

This topic contains code examples that add a member to a group. The Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) and C++ examples add a member by adding the IADs object that represents the member to the IADsGroup object that represents the group. The Visual Basic .NET and C# examples modify the member property of the DirectoryEntry object that represents the group.

The following C# code examples add an existing member to a group. The function takes the ADsPath of the group container and the distinguished name of the member to be added to the group. The ADsPath is used to create a DirectoryEntry object that represents the group. The PropertyValueCollection.Add method adds to the group the member whose distinguished name was passed to the function. The function then uses the DirectoryEntry.CommitChanges method to write the new member information to the database.

Call the function with the following parameters:

  • bindString: a valid ADsPath for a group container, such as "LDAP://fabrikam.com/CN=TestGroup,OU=TestOU,DC=fabrikam,DC=com"
  • newMember: the distinguished name of the member to be added to the group, such as "CN=JeffSmith,OU=TestOU,DC=fabrikam,DC=com"
private void AddMemberToGroup(

                                string bindString,

                                string newMember




        DirectoryEntry ent = new DirectoryEntry( bindString );




    catch (Exception e)

        Console.WriteLine( "An error occurred.");

        Console.WriteLine( "{0}", e.Message);




The following Visual Basic .NET code examples add an existing member to a group. The function takes the ADsPath of the group container and the distinguished name of the member to be added to the group. The ADsPath is used to create a DirectoryEntry object that represents the group. The PropertyValueCollection.Add method adds to the group the member whose distinguished name was passed to the function. The function then uses the DirectoryEntry.CommitChanges method to write the new member information to the database.

Call the function with the following parameters:

  • bindString: a valid ADsPath for a group container, such as "LDAP://fabrikam.com/CN=TestGroup,OU=TestOU,DC=fabrikam,DC=com"
  • newMember: the distinguished name of the member to be added to the group, such as "CN=JeffSmith,OU=TestOU,DC=fabrikam,DC=com"
Private Sub AddMemberToGroup(ByVal bindString As String, 
                                      ByVal newMember As String)


        Dim ent As New DirectoryEntry(bindString)



    Catch e As Exception

        Console.WriteLine("An error occurred.")

        Console.WriteLine("{0}", e.Message)


    End Try

End Sub

The following VBScript example adds an existing member to a group. The script adds the user, Jeff Smith, to the TestGroup group.

Option Explicit

On Error Resume Next

Dim scriptResult        ' Script success or failure

Dim groupPath           ' ADsPath to the group container

Dim group               ' Group object

Dim memberPath          ' ADsPath to the member

Dim member              ' Member object

Dim groupMemberList     ' Used to display group members

Dim errorText           ' Error handing text

scriptResult = False

groupPath = "LDAP://fabrikam.com/CN=TestGroup,OU=TestOU,DC=fabrikam,DC=com"

memberPath = "LDAP://CN=JeffSmith,OU=TestOU,DC=fabrikam,DC=com"

WScript.Echo("Retrieving group object")

Set group = GetObject(groupPath)

If Err.number <> vbEmpty then

    Call ErrorHandler("Could not create group object.")

End If

Call ShowMembers(groupPath)     'Optional function call

WScript.Echo("Retrieving new member object")

Set member = GetObject(memberPath)

If Err.number <> vbEmpty then

    Call ErrorHandler("Could not get new member object.")

End If

WScript.Echo("Adding member to group.")


If Err.number <> vbEmpty then

    Call ErrorHandler("Could not add member to group.")

End If

Call ShowMembers(groupPath)     ' Optional function call

scriptResult = True

Call FinalResult(scriptResult)

' This function displays the members of a group. The function
' takes the ADsPath of the group.

Sub ShowMembers(groupPath)

    Dim groupMember

    Dim groupMemberList

    Dim groupObject

    Set groupObject = GetObject(groupPath)

    Set groupMemberList = groupObject.Members

    Select Case groupMemberList.Count

        Case 1 

            WScript.Echo vbcrlf & "The group has one member."

        Case 0

            WScript.Echo vbcrlf & "The group has no members."

        Case Else

            WScript.Echo vbcrlf & "The group has " & groupMemberList.Count & " members."

    End Select

    If groupMemberList.Count > 0 then

        WScript.Echo vbcrlf & "Here is a member list."

        For Each groupMember in groupMemberList

            WScript.Echo groupMember.Name


        WScript.Echo vbcrlf

    End If

    Set groupObject = Nothing

    Set groupMemberList = Nothing

End Sub

' This function shows if the script succeeded or failed. The 
' function processed the scriptResult variable.

Sub FinalResult(scriptResult)

    WScript.Echo vbcrlf

    If scriptResult = False then

        WScript.Echo "Script failed."


        WScript.Echo("Script successfully completed.")

    End If


End Sub

' This function handles errors that occur in the script.

Sub ErrorHandler( errorText )

    WScript.Echo(vbcrlf & errorText)

    WScript.Echo("Error number: " & Err.number)

    WScript.Echo("Error Description: " & Err.Description)


    Call FinalResult(scriptResult)

End Sub

The following C++ code example adds an existing member to a group.

/*  AddMemberToGroup() - Adds the passed directory object as a member 
                         of passed group
        IADsGroup * pGroup   - Group to hold the new IDirectoryObject.
        IADs* pIADsNewMember - Object which will become a member 
                               of the group. Object can be a user, 
                               contact, or group.
HRESULT AddMemberToGroup(IADsGroup * pGroup, IADs* pIADsNewMember)
    if ((!pGroup)||(!pIADsNewMember))
        return hr;
    // Use the IADs::get_ADsPath() member to get the ADsPath.
    // When the ADsPath string is returned, to add the new
    // member to the group, call the IADsGroup::Add() member,
    // passing in the ADsPath string.
    // Query the new member for its AdsPath.
    // This is a fully qualified LDAP path to the object to add.
    BSTR bsNewMemberPath;
    hr = pIADsNewMember->get_ADsPath(&bsNewMemberPath); 
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        // Use the IADsGroup interface to add the new member.
        // Pass the LDAP path to the 
        // new member to the IADsGroup::Add() member
        hr = pGroup->Add(bsNewMemberPath);
        // Free the string returned from IADs::get_ADsPath()
    return hr;

Adding Members to Groups in a Domain




