WS-MetadataExchange and WS-Transfer Specification Compliance

Before August 2006, WS-MetadataExchange defined its own Get metadata exchange method, which was used by Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS). The WS-MetadataExchange specification version 1.1 replaced this method with the Get method defined in the WS-Transfer specification.

In the current model, WS-Transfer provides the Get method and makes no reference to the type of the body. WS-MetadataExchange describes the format of the body and a mechanism for packaging multiple pieces of metadata in a single response, and DPWS describes specific pieces of metadata that a service should include in a metadata response.

WSDAPI does not fully support the WS-Transfer specification. Because only the Get method is required for devices, no other portions of WS-Transfer have been implemented. Also, WSDAPI does not implement the optional GetMetadata method described in WS-MetadataExchange.