Errors 1081 through 1090
Describes WMI SNMP provider errors 1081 through 1090.
Fatal Error 1081
<1081, Fatal>: "<fileName>line#>: Symbol <identifier> not present in imported module <identifier>"
Module semantic error in cross-referencing, specific to neither SNMPv1 nor SNMPv2C. A symbol imported from a module does not resolve to anything in that module. If that symbol is actually referenced in the MIB, this error occurs.
Fatal Error 1082
<1082, Fatal>: "<fileName>:<line#>: Invalid STATUS clause <clause>"
OBJECT-IDENTITY macro invocation, SNMPv2C-specific module semantic error. The STATUS clause of an OBJECT-IDENTITY invocation must be "current," "deprecated," or "obsolete."
Fatal Error 1084
<1084, Fatal>: "fileName><line#>: MODULE-IDENTITY required after the IMPORTS section for all SNMPv2 modules"
MODULE-IDENTITY macro invocation, SNMPv2C-specific module semantic error. There must be one and only one MODULE-IDENTITY invocation in an SNMPv2C MIB, immediately after the IMPORTS section.
Warning 1085
<1085, Warning>: "<fileName><line#>: No groups found in module <name>. Could not fabricate MODULE-IDENTITY. Attempt to load the module into the SMIR will fail"
Module semantic SNMPv1-specific warning. This error is generated if no object groups are found in a module.
Warning 1086
<1086, Warning>: "<fileName><line#>: No groups found in module <name>"
Module semantic SNMPv1-specific warning. This error is generated if no object groups are found in a module.
Fatal Error 1087
<1087. Fatal>: "<fileName><line#>: Invalid STATUS clause <clause> for a TEXTUAL-CONVENTION macro"
Type assignment, SNMPv2C-specific module semantic error. The status clause of a TEXTUAL-CONVENTION macro invocation must be "current," "deprecated," or "obsolete."
Fatal Error 1089
<1089, Fatal>: "<fileName>:<line#>: Symbol <identifier> in AUGMENTS clause does not resolve to a row OBJECT-TYPE"
OBJECT-TYPE macro invocation SNMPv2C-specific module semantic error. If an AUGMENTS clause is present, then the identifier in the AUGMENTS clause must resolve to a table OBJECT-TYPE.
Fatal Error 1090
<1090, Fatal>: "<fileName>:<line#> IMPLIED clause is useful only for the last INDEX object"
OBJECT-TYPE macro invocation SNMPv2C-specific module semantic error. The IMPLIED clause can be associated only with the last object in the INDEX clause.