InkDraw Method

CGuiPaper also keeps an m_bInking flag. InkStart sets it to TRUE to signal that a drawing sequence is in process. For example, the InkDraw method uses this flag to determine whether it should paint and save ink data.

The following is the InkDraw method from GUIPAPER.CPP.

HRESULT CGuiPaper::InkDraw(
                       SHORT nX,
                       SHORT nY)
    if (m_bInking)
      // Start this ink line at previous old position.
      MoveToEx(m_hDC, m_OldPos.x, m_OldPos.y, NULL);

      // Assign new old position and draw the new line.
      LineTo(m_hDC, m_OldPos.x = nX, m_OldPos.y = nY);

      // Ask the Paper object to save this data.
      if (m_bInkSaving)
        m_pIPaper->InkDraw(m_nLockKey, nX, nY);

    return NOERROR;

This method does nothing if m_bInking is FALSE. This is the condition when the user is simply moving the mouse over the client window without pressing the left mouse button.

InkDraw clearly has a dual responsibility. The Win32 MoveToEx and LineTo calls are made to draw line images on the GUI screen (using the device context handle kept in m_hDC). The ink data is also passed to the COPaper object for recording using the IPaper interface's InkDraw method. When m_bInkSaving is FALSE, InkDraw paints the line image but does not store the data in COPaper. This condition is used during repainting.