The installResponseFromPFX sample installs an enrolled certificate from a Personal Information Exchange (PFX) file to the certificate store.
When you install the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK), the sample is installed, by default, in the %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Samples\Security\X509 Certificate Enrollment\VC\installResponseFromPFX folder.
The installResponseFromPFX sample:
- Processes the command line arguments. The command line should contain:
- The name of the sample.
- The name of the PFX file that contains the enrolled certificate.
- A password associated with the PFX file.
- Reads the PFX file, trying the base64 format first and the binary format if base64 fails. The DecodeFileW() function is defined in enrollCommon.cpp.
- Converts the enrolled certificate to a BSTR and uses it to initialize an IX509Enrollment object. The convertWszToBstr function is defined in enrollCommon.cpp.
- Installs the certificate in the certificate store.
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