Supported Editions
✅ IoT Enterprise LTSC
✅ IoT Enterprise
✅ Enterprise LTSC
✅ Enterprise
✅ Education
Creates a new custom key combination and enables Keyboard Filter to block the new key combination.
[Static] uint32 Add(
[In] string CustomKey
[in] The custom key combination to add. For a list of valid key names, see Keyboard Filter key names.
Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates a WMI Non-Error Constant or a WMI Error Constant.
WEKF_CustomKey.Add creates a new WEKF_CustomKey object and sets the Enabled property of the new object to true, and the Id property to CustomKey.
If a WEKF_CustomKey object already exists with the Id property equal to CustomKey, then WEKF_CustomKey.Add returns an error code and doesn't create a new object or modify any properties of the existing object. If the existing WEKF_CustomKey object has the Enabled property set to false, Keyboard Filter does not block the custom key combination.
The following code demonstrates how to add or enable a custom key that Keyboard Filter will block by using the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) providers for Keyboard Filter.
$COMPUTER = "localhost"
$NAMESPACE = "root\standardcimv2\embedded"
# Create a handle to the class instance so we can call the static methods
$classCustomKey = [wmiclass]"\\$COMPUTER\${NAMESPACE}:WEKF_CustomKey"
# Create a function to add or enable a key combination for Keyboard Filter to block
function Enable-Custom-Key($KeyId) {
# Check to see if the custom key object already exists
$objCustomKey = Get-WMIObject -namespace $NAMESPACE -class WEKF_CustomKey |
where {$_.Id -eq "$KeyId"};
if ($objCustomKey) {
# The custom key already exists, so just enable it
$objCustomKey.Enabled = 1;
$objCustomKey.Put() | Out-Null;
"Enabled ${KeyId}.";
} else {
# Create a new custom key object by calling the static Add method
$retval = $classCustomKey.Add($KeyId);
# Check the return value to verify that the Add is successful
if ($retval.ReturnValue -eq 0) {
"Added ${KeyID}."
} else {
"Unknown Error: " + "{0:x0}" -f $retval.ReturnValue
# Enable Keyboard Filter to block several custom keys
Enable-Custom-Key "Ctrl+v"
Enable-Custom-Key "Ctrl+v"
Enable-Custom-Key "Shift+4"
Enable-Custom-Key "Ctrl+Alt+w"
# List all the currently existing custom keys
$objCustomKeyList = get-WMIObject -namespace $NAMESPACE -class WEKF_CustomKey
foreach ($objCustomKeyItem in $objCustomKeyList) {
"Custom key: " + $objCustomKeyItem.Id
" enabled: " + $objCustomKeyItem.Enabled