InkCollector.CursorOutOfRange event

Occurs when the cursor leaves the physical detection range (proximity) of the tablet context.


void CursorOutOfRange(
  [in] IInkCursor *Cursor


Cursor [in]

The IInkCursor Interface object that generated the CursorOutOfRange event.

Return value

This event does not return a value.


This event method is defined in the _IInkCollectorEvents, _IInkOverlayEvents, and _IInkPictureEvents dispatch-only interfaces (dispinterfaces) with an ID of DISPID_ICECursorOutOfRange.

The CursorOutOfRange event is fired even when in select or erase mode, not just when in ink mode. This requires that you monitor the editing mode (which you are responsible for setting) and be aware of the mode before interpreting the event. The advantage of this requirement is greater freedom to innovate on the platform through greater awareness of platform events.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
None supported
Msinkaut.h (also requires Msinkaut_i.c)

See also

InkCollector Class

CursorInRange Event

IInkCursor Interface