Pen Methods
This topic lists the methods of the Pen class. For a complete class listing, see Pen Class.
- Clone
- GetAlignment
- GetBrush
- GetColor
- GetCompoundArray
- GetCompoundArrayCount
- GetCustomEndCap
- GetCustomStartCap
- GetDashCap
- GetDashOffset
- GetDashPattern
- GetDashPatternCount
- GetDashStyle
- GetEndCap
- GetLastStatus
- GetLineJoin
- GetMiterLimit
- GetPenType
- GetStartCap
- GetTransform
- GetWidth
- MultiplyTransform
- ResetTransform
- RotateTransform
- ScaleTransform
- SetAlignment
- SetBrush
- SetColor
- SetCompoundArray
- SetCustomEndCap
- SetCustomStartCap
- SetDashCap
- SetDashOffset
- SetDashPattern
- SetDashStyle
- SetEndCap
- SetLineCap
- SetLineJoin
- SetMiterLimit
- SetStartCap
- SetTransform
- SetWidth