TransactionContextEx class

Creates a generic transactional object that begins a transaction. By calling the methods of this class, you can compose the work of multiple COM objects in a single transaction and explicitly commit or abort the transaction.

When to implement

This class is implemented by COM+.

Requirement Value
CLSID CLSID_TransactionContextEx
ProgID L"TxCTx.TransactionContextEx"
Interfaces ITransactionContextEx

When to use

A non-transactional client uses this class to begin a transaction. Using the methods of this class, the client can call additional COM objects that, if configured to participate in a transaction, run within the transaction boundary of the transaction context object. Based on its business logic, the client can explicitly commit or abort the transaction.

The TransactionContextEx class limits reuse of the business logic driving the transaction. For this reason, it is recommended that objects instantiated from the TransactionContextEx class be used sparingly.


To create this object, call IObjectContext::CreateInstance.

The TransactionContextEx class was not designed to be used in Visual Basic. Use the TransactionContext class instead.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]

See also

Configuring Transactions

