NLSVERSIONINFOEX structure (winnls.h)

Contains version information about an NLS capability.


typedef struct _nlsversioninfoex {
  DWORD dwNLSVersionInfoSize;
  DWORD dwNLSVersion;
  DWORD dwDefinedVersion;
  DWORD dwEffectiveId;
  GUID  guidCustomVersion;



Size, in bytes, of the structure.


Version. This value is used to track changes and additions to the set of code points that have the indicated capability for a particular locale. The value is locale-specific, and increments when the capability changes. For example, using the COMPARE_STRING capability defined by the SYSNLS_FUNCTION enumeration, the version changes if sorting weights are assigned to code points that previously had no weights defined for the locale.


Defined version. This value is used to track changes in the repertoire of Unicode code points. The value increments when the Unicode repertoire is extended, for example, if more characters are defined.

Starting with Windows 8: Deprecated. Use dwNLSVersion instead.


Identifier of the sort order used for the input locale for the represented version. For example, for a custom locale en-Mine that uses 0409 for a sort order identifier, this member contains "0409". If this member specifies a "real" sort, guidCustomVersion is set to an empty GUID.

Starting with Windows 8: Deprecated. Use guidCustomVersion instead.


Unique GUID for the behavior of a custom sort used by the locale for the represented version.


The dwNLSVersion and dwDefinedVersion members are completely independent. Although each member is defined for a single DWORD, actually each is composed of a major version and a minor version. See Handling Sorting in Your Applications for more information.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Header winnls.h (include Windows.h)

See also


Handling Sorting in Your Applications


National Language Support Structures