WsStartReaderCanonicalization function (webservices.h)

This operation begins the process of putting the specified XML Reader in a standard or "canonized" form.

The usage pattern for canonicalization is:

  • Move the Reader to the element where canonicalization begins.
  • Call WsStartReaderCanonicalization.
  • Move the Reader forward to the end position.
  • Call WsEndReaderCanonicalization.
During this process the canonical bytes are written to the specified writeCallback.
Note Nodes advanced over are canonicalized including nodes of child elements skipped using WsSkipNode. This is beneficial because it means that canonicalization and parsing can be done in one pass over the XML content regardless of what functions are used to read the data.

In order to use the XML Reader solely for canonicalizing an XML element node the application can call WsStartReaderCanonicalization, WsSkipNode and WsEndReaderCanonicalization when the Reader is positioned on the element.

WsEndReaderCanonicalization must be called in order to ensure that all canonicalized bytes are written to the specified callback.

Note  WsEndReaderCanonicalization must be called at the same depth at which WsStartReaderCanonicalization. Other reader functions return an error if moved to a depth lower than where WsStartReaderCanonicalization was called. d

It is not valid to call WsMoveReader or WsSetReaderPosition on a Reader between calls to WsStartReaderCanonicalization and WsEndReaderCanonicalization.


HRESULT WsStartReaderCanonicalization(
  [in]           WS_XML_READER                          *reader,
  [in]           WS_WRITE_CALLBACK                      writeCallback,
  [in]           void                                   *writeCallbackState,
                 const WS_XML_CANONICALIZATION_PROPERTY *properties,
  [in]           ULONG                                  propertyCount,
  [in, optional] WS_ERROR                               *error


[in] reader

A pointer to the WS_XML_READER object on which canonicalization is started. The pointer must reference a valid XML Reader object.

[in] writeCallback

A callback function invoked to write the canonical bytes as they are generated.

Note  This callback is invoked synchronously.


[in] writeCallbackState

A pointer to a caller-defined state that is passed when invoking the WS_WRITE_CALLBACK.


An "array" reference of optional properties controlling how canonicalization is performed.



[in] propertyCount

The number of properties.

[in, optional] error

A pointer to a WS_ERROR object where additional information about the error should be stored if the function fails.

Return value

This function can return one of these values.

Return code Description
One or more arguments are invalid.
The operation is not allowed due to the current state of the object.
The input data was not in the expected format or did not have the expected value.


Calls to this function cannot be nested. Consequently a call to WsStartReaderCanonicalization must be followed by a call to WsEndReaderCanonicalization before the next WsStartReaderCanonicalization call can be made.


The WS_INCLUSIVE_XML_CANONICALIZATION_ALGORITHM and WS_INCLUSIVE_WITH_COMMENTS_XML_CANONICALIZATION_ALGORITHM algorithms can only be used with entire XML documents. The Reader must be positioned at WS_XML_NODE_TYPE_BOF when WsStartReaderCanonicalization is called with these algorithms.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Target Platform Windows
Header webservices.h
Library WebServices.lib
DLL WebServices.dll