WdsBpInitialize function (wdsbp.h)

Constructs options for the WDS network boot program.


  [in]  BYTE   bPacketType,
  [out] HANDLE *phHandle


[in] bPacketType

The type of boot program. This parameter may have one of the following values.

Value Meaning
Specify this value to build a boot program using options for the "wdsnbp.com" boot program. The "wdsnbp.com" boot program is the WDS network boot program for IPv4 PXE on legacy BIOS systems and does not support other systems.
Specify this value to build a boot program using the WDSBP_OPT_BCD_FILE_PATH option. It may be used with "wdsnbp.com" or other boot programs.
Specify this value to indicate that the packet contains a path to a Boot Configuration Data (BCD) file. Use this value for any and all DHCPv6 options. The presence of this value indicates that the packet contains a path to a Boot Configuration Data (BCD) file.

[out] phHandle

A pointer to the handle to the packet. This handle can be used by the WdsBpAddOption function to add options for the WDS network boot program. After all the options have been added, use the WdsBpGetOptionBuffer function to add these to the DHCP options list sent to WDS network boot program. The handle must be closed using the WdsBpCloseHandle function.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return is S_OK.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista with SP1 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header wdsbp.h
Library Wdsbp.lib
DLL Wdsbp.dll