ScrollAmount enumeration (uiautomationcore.h)

Contains values that specify the direction and distance to scroll.


typedef enum ScrollAmount {
  ScrollAmount_LargeDecrement = 0,
  ScrollAmount_SmallDecrement = 1,
  ScrollAmount_NoAmount = 2,
  ScrollAmount_LargeIncrement = 3,
  ScrollAmount_SmallIncrement = 4
} ;


Value: 0
Scrolling is done in large decrements, equivalent to pressing the PAGE UP key or clicking on a blank part of a scroll bar. If one page up is not a relevant amount for the control and no scroll bar exists, the value represents an amount equal to the current visible window.
Value: 1
Scrolling is done in small decrements, equivalent to pressing an arrow key or clicking the arrow button on a scroll bar.
Value: 2
No scrolling is done.
Value: 3
Scrolling is done in large increments, equivalent to pressing the PAGE DOWN or PAGE UP key or clicking on a blank part of a scroll bar.
If one page is not a relevant amount for the control and no scroll bar exists, the value represents an amount equal to the current visible window.
Value: 4
Scrolling is done in small increments, equivalent to pressing an arrow key or clicking the arrow
button on a scroll bar.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Header uiautomationcore.h (include UIAutomation.h)

See also
