RpcSsEnableAllocate function (rpcndr.h)

The RpcSsEnableAllocate function establishes the stub memory–management environment.


void RpcSsEnableAllocate();

Return value

Value Meaning
The system is out of memory.
Note  For a list of valid error codes, see RPC Return Values.


In cases where the stub memory management is not enabled by the stub itself, an application calls RpcSsEnableAllocate to establish the stub memory–management environment. This environment must be established prior to making a call to RpcSsAllocate. For server manager code called from the stub, the memory-management environment is usually established by the stub itself. Otherwise, call RpcSsEnableAllocate before calling RpcSsAllocate. For more information, see Memory Management, RpcSsGetThreadHandle, and RpcSsSetThreadHandle.

Note  The RpcSsEnableAllocate function raises exceptions, while the RpcSmEnableAllocate function returns the error code.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Target Platform Windows
Header rpcndr.h (include Rpc.h)
Library Rpcrt4.lib
DLL Rpcrt4.dll

See also


