PrjFillDirEntryBuffer2 function (projectedfslib.h)

Provides information for one file or directory to an enumeration and allows the caller to specify extended information.


HRESULT PrjFillDirEntryBuffer2(
  [in]           PRJ_DIR_ENTRY_BUFFER_HANDLE dirEntryBufferHandle,
  [in]           PCWSTR                      fileName,
  [in, optional] PRJ_FILE_BASIC_INFO         *fileBasicInfo,
  [in, optional] PRJ_EXTENDED_INFO           *extendedInfo


[in] dirEntryBufferHandle

An opaque handle to a structure that receives information about the filled entries.

[in] fileName

A pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the name of the entry

[in, optional] fileBasicInfo

Basic information about the entry to be filled.

[in, optional] extendedInfo

A pointer to a PRJ_EXTENDED_INFO struct specifying extended information about the entry to be filled.

Return value

HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) indicates that dirEntryBufferHandle doesn't have enough space for the new entry.

E_INVALIDARG indicates that extendedInfo.InfoType is unrecognized.


The provider uses this routine to service a PRJ_GET_DIRECTORY_ENUMERATION_CB callback. When processing the callback, the provider calls this routine for each matching file or directory in the enumeration. This routine allows the provider to specify extended information about the file or directory, such as whether it is a symbolic link.

If this routine returns HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) when adding an entry to the enumeration, the provider returns S_OK from the callback and waits for the next PRJ_GET_DIRECTORY_ENUMERATION_CB callback.

The provider resumes filling the enumeration with the entry it was trying to add when it got HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER).

If this routine returns HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) for the first entry added during any invocation of a PRJ_GET_DIRECTORY_ENUMERATION_CB callback, the provider must return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) from the callback.

To specify that this directory entry is for a symbolic link, the provider formats a buffer with a single PRJ_EXTENDED_INFO struct and passes a pointer to it in the extendedInfo parameter. The provider sets the struct's fields as follows:

  • extendedInfo.InfoType = PRJ_EXT_INFO_TYPE_SYMLINK
  • extendedInfo.NextInfoOffset = 0
  • extendedInfo.Symlink.TargetName = <path to the target of the symbolic link>


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10, version 2004 (10.0; Build 19041)
Minimum supported server Windows Server, version 2004 (10.0; Build 19041)
Target Platform Windows
Header projectedfslib.h