IInkDivider::get_RecognizerContext method (msinkaut15.h)

Gets or sets the InkRecognizerContext object that the InkDivider object uses for layout analysis.

This property is read/write.


HRESULT get_RecognizerContext(
  IInkRecognizerContext **RecognizerContext



Return value



If you set the RecognizerContext property, it should be the first thing you do after constructing the InkDivider object. An error is generated if you attempt to set the RecognizerContext property after the Divider.Strokes property has been set, after a Divider.Divide call has been made, or if you attempt to set it more than one time.

In addition, this property generates an error if you assign a recognizer context to it that:

  • Is not a text recognizer.
  • Does not free support.
If the value of this property is NULL when strokes are assigned to the InkDivider object, then the InkDivider object uses no recognizer context.
Note  The InkDivider object uses the default property settings of the InkRecognizerContext object, and ignores any strokes assigned to the InkRecognizerContext object.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header msinkaut15.h
Library Inkdiv.dll

See also


InkDivider Class

InkRecognizerContext Class