MappingFreePropertyBag function (elscore.h)

Frees memory and resources allocated during an ELS text recognition operation.


HRESULT MappingFreePropertyBag(


[in] pBag

Pointer to a MAPPING_PROPERTY_BAG structure containing the properties for which to free resources. This parameter cannot be set to NULL.

Return value

Returns S_OK if successful. The function returns an error HRESULT value if it does not succeed.


An ELS service allocates memory and resources for data retrieved from application calls to MappingRecognizeText. The MappingFreePropertyBag function releases these resources.

Caution  Services should not be freed before freeing the property bags produced by those services.
Caution  The application must call this function only once for each call to MappingRecognizeText when the property bag is no longer needed. Not calling MappingFreePropertyBag after each call to MappingRecognizeText causes a resource leak. For more information about memory allocation for the property bag, see the remarks for the MAPPING_PROPERTY_BAG structure.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Target Platform Windows
Header elscore.h
Library Elscore.lib
DLL Elscore.dll

See also

Extended Linguistic Services

Extended Linguistic Services Functions



Requesting Text Recognition