IDirectDrawClipper::GetClipList method (ddraw.h)

Retrieves a copy of the clip list that is associated with a DirectDrawClipper object. To select a subset of the clip list, you can pass a rectangle that clips the clip list.


HRESULT GetClipList(
  [in]  LPRECT    unnamedParam1,
  [out] LPRGNDATA unnamedParam2,
  [out] LPDWORD   unnamedParam3


[in] unnamedParam1

A pointer to a RECT structure that GetClipList uses to clip the clip list. Set this parameter to NULL to retrieve the entire clip list.

[out] unnamedParam2

A pointer to a RGNDATA structure that receives the resulting copy of the clip list. If this parameter is NULL, GetClipList fills the variable at lpdwSize with the number of bytes necessary to hold the entire clip list.

[out] unnamedParam3

A pointer to a variable that receives the size of the resulting clip list. When retrieving the clip list, this parameter is the size of the buffer at lpClipList. When lpClipList is NULL, the variable at lpdwSize receives the required size of the buffer, in bytes.

Return value

If the method succeeds, the return value is DD_OK.

If it fails, the method can return one of the following error values:



Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header ddraw.h
Library Ddraw.lib
DLL Ddraw.dll

See also
