ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetRequiresFlags method (d3d11shader.h)

Gets a group of flags that indicates the requirements of a shader.


UINT64 GetRequiresFlags();

Return value

Type: UINT64

A value that contains a combination of one or more shader requirements flags; each flag specifies a requirement of the shader. A default value of 0 means there are no requirements.

Shader requirement flag Description
D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_DOUBLES Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support double data type. For more info, see D3D11_FEATURE_DATA_DOUBLES.
D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_EARLY_DEPTH_STENCIL Shader requires an early depth stencil.
D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_UAVS_AT_EVERY_STAGE Shader requires unordered access views (UAVs) at every pipeline stage.
D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_64_UAVS Shader requires 64 UAVs.
D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_MINIMUM_PRECISION Shader requires the graphics driver and hardware to support minimum precision. For more info, see Using HLSL minimum precision.
D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_11_1_DOUBLE_EXTENSIONS Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support extended doubles instructions. For more info, see the ExtendedDoublesShaderInstructions member of D3D11_FEATURE_DATA_D3D11_OPTIONS.
D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_11_1_SHADER_EXTENSIONS Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support the msad4 intrinsic function in shaders. For more info, see the SAD4ShaderInstructions member of D3D11_FEATURE_DATA_D3D11_OPTIONS.
D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_LEVEL_9_COMPARISON_FILTERING Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support Direct3D 9 shadow support. For more info, see D3D11_FEATURE_DATA_D3D9_SHADOW_SUPPORT.
D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_TILED_RESOURCES Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support tiled resources. For more info, see GetResourceTiling.


Here is how the D3D11Shader.h header defines the shader requirements flags:

#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_DOUBLES                         0x00000001
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_EARLY_DEPTH_STENCIL             0x00000002
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_UAVS_AT_EVERY_STAGE             0x00000004
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_64_UAVS                         0x00000008
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_MINIMUM_PRECISION               0x00000010
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_11_1_DOUBLE_EXTENSIONS          0x00000020
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_11_1_SHADER_EXTENSIONS          0x00000040


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header d3d11shader.h
Library D3DCompiler_47.lib
DLL D3DCompiler_47.dll

See also
