ID3D11VideoContext1::DecoderEnableDownsampling method (d3d11_1.h)

Indicates that decoder downsampling will be used and that the driver should allocate the appropriate reference frames.


HRESULT DecoderEnableDownsampling(
  [in] ID3D11VideoDecoder            *pDecoder,
  [in] DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE         InputColorSpace,
  [in] const D3D11_VIDEO_SAMPLE_DESC *pOutputDesc,
  [in] UINT                          ReferenceFrameCount


[in] pDecoder

Type: ID3D11VideoDecoder*

A pointer to the ID3D11VideoDecoder interface.

[in] InputColorSpace


The color space information of the reference frame data.

[in] pOutputDesc

Type: const D3D11_VIDEO_SAMPLE_DESC*

The resolution, format, and colorspace of the output/display frames. This is the destination resolution and format of the downsample operation.

[in] ReferenceFrameCount

Type: UINT

The number of reference frames to be used in the operation.

Return value


This method returns one of the following error codes.

S_OK The operation completed successfully.
E_INVALIDARG An invalid parameter was passed or this function was called using an invalid calling pattern.
E_OUTOFMEMORY There is insufficient memory to complete the operation.


This function can only be called once for a specific ID3D11VideoDecoder interface. This method must be called prior to the first call to DecoderBeginFrame. To update the downsampling parameters, use DecoderUpdateDownsampling.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2016 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header d3d11_1.h

See also
