IX509EndorsementKey interface (certenroll.h)

X.509 Endorsement Key Interface


The IX509EndorsementKey interface inherits from the IDispatch interface. IX509EndorsementKey also has these types of members:


The IX509EndorsementKey interface has these methods.


Add an endorsement key certificate to the key storage provider (KSP) that supports endorsement keys.

Closes the endorsement key. You can only call the Close method after the Open method has been successfully called.

Exports the endorsement public key.

The bit length of the endorsement key. You can only access this property after the Open method has been called.

Indicates whether the Open method has been successfully called.

The name of the encryption provider. The default is the Microsoft Platform Crypto Provider. You must set the ProviderName property before you call the Open method. You cannot change the ProviderName property after you have called the Open method. (Get)

Gets the endorsement certificate associated with the endorsement key from the key storage provider for the specified index.

Gets the count of the endorsement certificates in the key storage provider.

Opens the endorsement key. The endorsement key must be open before you can retrieve an information from the endorsement key, add or remove certificates, or export the endorsement key.

The name of the encryption provider. The default is the Microsoft Platform Crypto Provider. You must set the ProviderName property before you call the Open method. You cannot change the ProviderName property after you have called the Open method. (Put)

Removes an endorsement certificate related to the endorsement key from the key storage provider. You can only call the RemoveCertificate method after the Open method has been successfully called.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header certenroll.h