BatteryClassQueryWmiDataBlock function (batclass.h)
The BatteryClassQueryWmiDataBlock routine is used by battery miniclass drivers inside their DpWmiQueryDataBlock routines to allow the battery class driver to process the WMI data block query requests it handles on behalf of the driver.
[in] PVOID ClassData,
[in, out] PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
[in, out] PIRP Irp,
[in] ULONG GuidIndex,
[out] PULONG InstanceLengthArray,
[in] ULONG OutBufferSize,
[out, optional] PUCHAR Buffer
[in] ClassData
Pointer to a battery class handle that was previously received from BatteryClassInitializeDevice.
[in, out] DeviceObject
Pointer to the driver's device object. The battery miniclass driver should pass the matching parameter it receives as input to its DpWmiQueryDataBlock routine.
[in, out] Irp
Pointer to the WMI query data block request. The battery miniclass driver should pass the matching parameter it receives as input to its DpWmiQueryDataBlock routine.
[in] GuidIndex
Specifies the WMI class by its index. The battery miniclass driver should pass the matching parameter it receives as input to its DpWmiQueryDataBlock routine.
[out] InstanceLengthArray
Pointer to an array of ULONG values that indicate the length of each instance to be returned. The battery miniclass driver should pass the matching parameter it receives as input to its DpWmiQueryDataBlock routine.
[in] OutBufferSize
Specifies the maximum number of bytes available to receive data in the buffer specified by the Buffer parameter. The battery miniclass driver should pass the value of the BufferAvail parameter it receives as input to its DpWmiQueryDataBlock routine.
[out, optional] Buffer
Pointer to the buffer to receive the instance data. If the buffer is too small to hold the data, BatteryClassQueryWmiDataBlock returns a status value of STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL. The battery miniclass driver should pass the matching parameter it receives as input to its DpWmiQueryDataBlock routine.
Return value
BatteryClassQueryWmiDataBlock returns an NT status code. Possible return values include:
Return code | Description |
The battery class driver successfully handled the request. |
The battery class driver cannot handle the request because the buffer specified by the Buffer parameter is too small. |
The battery class driver does not handle this WMI class. |
By design, a battery miniclass driver should call BatteryClassQueryWmiDataBlock inside its DpWmiQueryDataBlock routine before processing the request. The miniclass driver should pass the parameters it receives as input to its DpWmiQueryDataBlock routine. If the battery class driver returns any status other than STATUS_WMI_GUID_NOT_FOUND, the routine has handled the request on behalf of the miniclass driver. In that case, the class driver has already called WmiCompleteRequest, and miniclass driver must not call it again.
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Desktop |
Header | batclass.h (include Batclass.h) |
Library | Battc.lib |