ScriptGetFontLanguageTags function (usp10.h)

Retrieves a list of language tags that are available for the specified item and are supported by a specified script tag for OpenType processing. The tags comprising the list are retrieved from the font in the specified device context or cache.


HRESULT ScriptGetFontLanguageTags(
  [in, optional] HDC             hdc,
  [in, out]      SCRIPT_CACHE    *psc,
  [in, optional] SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa,
  [in]           OPENTYPE_TAG    tagScript,
  [in]           int             cMaxTags,
  [out]          OPENTYPE_TAG    *pLangsysTags,
  [out]          int             *pcTags


[in, optional] hdc

Handle to the device context. For more information, see Caching.

[in, out] psc

Pointer to a SCRIPT_CACHE structure identifying the script cache.

[in, optional] psa

Pointer to a SCRIPT_ANALYSIS structure obtained from a previous call to ScriptItemizeOpenType. This parameter identifies the shaping engine, so that the font language tags for the appropriate font and scripts can be retrieved.

Alternately, the application can set this parameter to NULL to retrieve unfiltered results.

[in] tagScript

An OPENTYPE_TAG structure defining the script tag for which the list of associated language tags is requested.

[in] cMaxTags

The length of the array specified by pLangSysTags.

[out] pLangsysTags

Pointer to a buffer in which this function retrieves an array of OPENTYPE_TAG structures identifying the language tags matching input criteria.

[out] pcTags

Pointer to the number of elements in the language tag array.

Return value

Returns 0 if successful. The function returns a nonzero HRESULT value if it does not succeed. The application can test the return value with the SUCCEEDED and FAILED macros.

If the number of matching tags exceeds cMaxTags, the function fails with E_OUTOFMEMORY. The application can try calling again with larger buffers.


While formally declared as a ULONG type, the OPENTYPE_TAG structure contains a 4-byte array that contains four 8-bit ASCII values of space, A-Z, or a-z. For example, the language tags for Romanian, Urdu, and Persian are "ROM ", "URD ", and "FAR ", respectively. Note that each tag ends with a space.

Important  Starting with Windows 8: To maintain the ability to run on Windows 7, a module that uses Uniscribe must specify Usp10.lib before gdi32.lib in its library list.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header usp10.h
Library Usp10.lib
DLL Usp10.dll
Redistributable Usp10.dll version 1.600 or greater on Windows XP

See also







Uniscribe Functions