MprAdminIsDomainRasServer function (mprapi.h)

The MprAdminIsDomainRasServer function returns information regarding whether the given machine is registered as the remote access server in the domain.


DWORD MprAdminIsDomainRasServer(
  [in]  LPWSTR pszDomain,
  [in]  LPWSTR pszMachine,
  [out] PBOOL  pbIsRasServer


[in] pszDomain

The domain in which you want to query the remote access server.

[in] pszMachine

The name of the remote access server.

[out] pbIsRasServer

Returns TRUE if the machine is registered in the domain, otherwise it returns FALSE.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is NO_ERROR.

If the function fails, the return value is one of the following error codes.

Value Meaning
pszDomain is invalid.
pszMachine is invalid.
User is a non-domain user.
Function executed on a machine not joined to any domain.


This function must be executed only on a machine joined to a domain.


The follow example code shows the use of the MprAdminIsDomainRasServer and MprAdminEstablishDomainRasServer functions.

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "mprapi.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "mprapi.lib")

int __cdecl main(){
    // The domain and RAS machine names being queried. These MUST be changed before using this sample code.
    PWCHAR pszDomain = L"";
    PWCHAR pszMachine = L"YourRASMachine";
    BOOL bIsRegistered = FALSE;
    MPR_SERVER_HANDLE phMprServer;

    // Make sure RRAS is running on the remote server
    dwRes = MprAdminServerConnect(pszMachine, &phMprServer);
    if(dwRes != ERROR_SUCCESS){
        wprintf (L"RRAS is not running on %s.\n", pszMachine);
        return dwRes;
    // Close RRAS handle. It's not needed.
    // Check to see if pszMachine is a RAS server for the domain
    dwRes = MprAdminIsDomainRasServer (pszDomain, pszMachine, &bIsRegistered);
    if (dwRes != ERROR_SUCCESS){
        // Handle errors here
       return dwRes;

    if (bIsRegistered == TRUE){
        wprintf (L"The RRAS Server on %s is already registered in domain %s.\n", pszMachine, pszDomain);
        return ERROR_SUCCESS;

    wprintf (L"The RRAS Server on %s is NOT registered in domain %s. Registering now...\n", pszMachine, pszDomain);
    dwRes = MprAdminEstablishDomainRasServer (pszDomain, pszMachine, TRUE);
    if (dwRes != ERROR_SUCCESS){
        // Handle errors here
        return dwRes;
    return ERROR_SUCCESS;


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header mprapi.h
Library Mprapi.lib
DLL Mprapi.dll

See also

Router Administration Functions

Router Management Reference