IAzBizRuleInterfaces interface (azroles.h)

The IAzBizRuleInterfaces interface provides methods and properties used to manage a list of IDispatch interfaces that can be called by business rule (BizRule) scripts.


The IAzBizRuleInterfaces interface inherits from the IDispatch interface. IAzBizRuleInterfaces also has these types of members:


The IAzBizRuleInterfaces interface has these methods.


Adds the specified interface to the list of IDispatch interfaces that can be called by business rule (BizRule) scripts.

Adds the specified interfaces to the list of IDispatch interfaces that can be called by business rule (BizRule) scripts.

Specifies the number of interfaces that can be called by business rule (BizRule) scripts.

Gets the ID and flags of the interface that corresponds to the specified interface name.

Removes the specified interface from the list of interfaces The number of interfaces in the list of interfaces that can be called by BizRule scripts.

Removes all interfaces from the list of interfaces that can be called by business rule (BizRule) scripts.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header azroles.h