Troubleshoot Microsoft Connected Cache for Enterprise and Education
This article contains instructions on how to troubleshoot different issues you may encounter while using Connected Cache. These issues are categorized by the task in which they may be encountered.
Known issues
This section describes known issues with the latest release of Microsoft Connected Cache for Enterprise and Education. See the Release Notes page for more details on the fixes included in the latest release.
Script provisionmcconwsl.ps1 fails when executed on a Windows 11 host machine configured to use Japanese language
In the Connected Cache installation script (provisionmcconwsl.ps1), the check processing is executed until the value of the last execution code (Last Result) of the installation task becomes 0 in the following processing. However, in Japanese OS, the return value is null because "Last Result" is displayed, and an exception occurs.
As a temporary workaround, the above error doesn't occur by changing the language setting of the local administrator user from Japanese to English and then executing the script.
Steps to obtain an Azure subscription ID
- Sign in to the Azure portal.
- Select Subscriptions. If you don't see Subscriptions, type Subscriptions in the search bar. As you begin typing, the list filters based on your input.
- If you already have an Azure Subscription, skip to step 5. If you don't have an Azure Subscription, select + Add on the top left.
- Select the Pay-As-You-Go subscription. You'll be asked to enter credit card information, but you'll not be charged for using the Microsoft Connected Cache service.
- On the Subscriptions page, you'll find details about your current subscription. Select the subscription name.
- After you select the subscription name, you'll find the subscription ID in the Overview tab. Select the Copy to clipboard icon next to your Subscription ID to copy the value.
Troubleshooting Azure resource creation
Connected Cache Azure resource creation can be initiated using either the Azure portal user interface or the Azure CLI command set.
If you're encountering an error during resource creation, check that you have the necessary permissions to create Azure resources under your subscription and have filled out all required fields during the resource creation process.
Troubleshooting cache node configuration
Configuration of your Connected Cache node can be done using either the Azure portal user interface or the Azure CLI command set.
If you're encountering a validation error, check that you have filled out all required configuration fields.
If your configuration doesn't appear to be taking effect, check that you have selected the Save option at the top of the configuration page in the Azure portal user interface.
If you have changed the proxy configuration, you'll need to re-provision the Connected Cache software on the host machine for the proxy configuration to take effect.
Troubleshooting cache nodes created during early preview
Cache nodes created and deployed during the Microsoft Connected Cache for Enterprise and Education early preview should continue to function but can no longer be managed or monitored remotely via the Connected Cache Azure service.
As such, we strongly recommend you recreate your existing resources in Azure and then redeploy the Connected Cache software to your host machines using the latest OS-specific installer.
Troubleshooting cache node deployment to Windows host machine
Collecting Windows-hosted installation logs
Deploying a Connected Cache node to a Windows host machine involves running a series of PowerShell scripts contained within the Windows provisioning package. These scripts attempt to write log files to the installation directory specified in the provisioning command (C:\mccwsl01\InstallLogs
by default).
There are three types of installation log files:
- WSL_Mcc_Install_Transcript: This log file records the lines printed to the PowerShell window when running the installation script
- WSL_Mcc_Install_FromRegisteredTask_Status: This log file records the high level status that is written during the registered tasks install
- WSL_Mcc_Install_FromRegisteredTask_Transcript: This log file records the detailed status that is written during the registered tasks install
The Registered Task Transcript is usually the most useful for diagnosing the installation issue.
Collecting other Windows-hosted logs
Once the cache node has been successfully installed on the Windows host machine, it will periodically write log files to the installation directory (C:\mccwsl01\
by default).
You can expect to see the following types of log files:
- WSL_Mcc_Monitor_FromRegisteredTask_Transcript: This log file records the output of the "MCC_Monitor_Task" scheduled task that is responsible for ensuring that the Connected Cache continues running.
- WSL_Mcc_UserUninstall_Transcript: This log file records the output of the "uninstallmcconwsl.ps1" script that the user can run to uninstall MCC software from the host machine.
- WSL_Mcc_Uninstall_FromRegisteredTask_Transcript: This log file records the output of the "MCC_Uninstall_Task" scheduled task that is responsible for uninstalling the MCC software from the host machine when called by the "uninstallmcconwsl.ps1" script.
Group Policy Object conflicts with Scheduled Task registration
Enabling the Group Policy Object: Network access: Do not allow storage of passwords and credentials for network authentication will prevent the Connected Cache software from registering the scheduled tasks necessary for successful cache node registration and operation.
WSL2 fails to install with message "A specified logon session doesn't exist"
If you're encountering this failure message when attempting to run the PowerShell command wsl.exe --install --no-distribution
on your Windows host machine, verify that you're logged on as a local administrator and running the command from an elevated PowerShell window.
Updating the WSL2 kernel
If the Connected Cache installation is failing due to WSL-related issues, try running wsl.exe --update
to get the latest version of the WSL kernel.
Checking if the Connected Cache container is running
Once the Connected Cache software has been successfully deployed to the Windows host machine, you can check if the cache node is running properly by doing the following on the Windows host machine:
- Launch a PowerShell process as the account specified as the runtime account during the Connected Cache install
- Run
wsl -d Ubuntu-24.04-Mcc-Base
to access the Linux distribution that hosts the Connected Cache container - Run
sudo iotedge list
to show which containers are running within the IoT Edge runtime
If it shows the edgeAgent and edgeHub containers but doesn't show MCC, you can view the status of the IoT Edge security manager using sudo iotedge system logs -- -f
You can also reboot the IoT Edge runtime using sudo systemctl restart iotedge
Checking Connected Cache scheduled tasks
Once the Connected Cache container is running, a scheduled task is periodically run under the Connected Cache runtime account to keep WSL from cleaning up the Connected Cache container.
You can use Task Scheduler on the host machine to check the status of this scheduled task.
- Open Task Scheduler on the host machine
- Navigate to the Active Tasks section and double-click on MCC_Monitor_Task
- Select the scheduled task MCC_Monitor_Task
- Select the Triggers tab and confirm that the Status is Enabled
If the password of the runtime account changes, you'll need to update the user in all of the Connected Cache scheduled tasks in order for the Connected Cache node to continue functioning properly.
Cache node successfully deployed but not serving requests
If your cache node isn't responding to requests outside of localhost, it may be because the host machine's port forwarding rules weren't correctly set during Connected Cache installation. Since WSL 2 uses a virtualized ethernet adapter by default, port forwarding rules are needed to allow traffic to reach the WSL 2 instance from your LAN. For more information, see Accessing network applications with WSL.
To check your host machine's port forwarding rules, use the following PowerShell command.
netsh interface portproxy show v4tov4
If you don't see any port forwarding rules for port 80 to, you can run the following command from an elevated PowerShell instance to set the proper forwarding to WSL.
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=80 listenaddress= connectport=80 connectaddress=<WSL IP Address>
You can retrieve the WSL IP Address from the wslip.txt
file that should be present in the installation directory you specified in the Connected Cache provisioning command ("c:\mccwsl01" by default).
Troubleshooting cache node deployment to Linux host machine
Deploying a Connected Cache node to a Linux host machine involves running a series of Bash scripts contained within the Linux provisioning package.
Once the Connected Cache software has been successfully deployed to the Linux host machine, you can check if the cache node is running properly by doing the following on the Linux host machine:
- Run
sudo iotedge list
to show which containers are running within the IoT Edge runtime
If it shows the edgeAgent and edgeHub containers but doesn't show MCC, you can view the status of the IoT Edge security manager using sudo iotedge system logs -- -f
You can also reboot the IoT Edge runtime using sudo systemctl restart iotedge
Generating cache node diagnostic support bundle
You can generate a support bundle with detailed diagnostic information by running the
script included in the installation package.
For Windows host machines, you'll need to do the following:
Launch a PowerShell process as the account specified as the runtime account during the Connected Cache install
Change directory to the "MccScripts" directory within the extracted Connected Cache provisioning package and verify the presence of
wsl bash
to generate the diagnostic support bundleOnce the script has completed, note the console output describing the location of the diagnostic support bundle
For example, "Successfully zipped package, please send file created at /etc/mccdiagnostics/support_bundle_2024_12_03__11_05_39__AM.tar.gz"
Run the
wsl cp
command to copy the support bundle from the location within the Ubuntu distribution to the Windows host OSFor example,
wsl cp /etc/mccdiagnostics/support_bundle_2024_12_03__11_05_39__AM.tar.gz /mnt/c/mccwsl01/SupportBundles
For Linux host machines, you'll need to do the following:
Change directory to the "MccScripts" directory within the extracted Connected Cache provisioning package and verify the presence of
to generate the diagnostic support bundleOnce the script has completed, note the console output describing the location of the diagnostic support bundle
For example, "Successfully zipped package, please send file created at /etc/mccdiagnostics/support_bundle_2024_12_03__11_05_39__AM.tar.gz"
Troubleshooting cache node monitoring
Connected Cache node status and performance can be monitored using the Azure portal user interface.
If the basic monitoring visuals on the Overview tab are showing unexpected or erroneous values, refresh the browser window.
If the issue persists, check that you have configured the Timespan and Cache node filters as desired.
Diagnose and Solve
You can also use the Diagnose and solve problems functionality provided by the Azure portal interface. This tab within the Microsoft Connected Cache Azure resource walks you through a few prompts to help narrow down the solution to your issue.