
This API is available as part of the DirectML standalone redistributable package (see Microsoft.AI.DirectML version 1.15.0 and later. Also see DirectML version history.


    _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC* QueryTensor;
    _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC* KeyTensor;
    _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC* ValueTensor;
    _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC* StackedQueryKeyTensor;
    _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC* StackedKeyValueTensor;
    _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC* StackedQueryKeyValueTensor;
    _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC* BiasTensor;
    _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC* MaskTensor;
    _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC* RelativePositionBiasTensor;
    _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC* PastKeyTensor;
    _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC* PastValueTensor;
    _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC* PastSequenceLengthsTensor;
    const DML_TENSOR_DESC* OutputTensor;
    _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC* OutputPresentKeyTensor;
    _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC* OutputPresentValueTensor;
    FLOAT Scale;
    FLOAT MaskFilterValue;
    UINT QueryHeadCount;
    UINT KeyValueHeadCount;



Type: _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC*

Query with shape [batchSize, sequenceLength, hiddenSize], where hiddenSize = headCount * headSize. This tensor is mutually exclusive with StackedQueryKeyTensor and StackedQueryKeyValueTensor. The tensor can also have 4 or 5 dimensions, as long as the leading dimensions are 1's.


Type: _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC*

Key with shape [batchSize, keyValueSequenceLength, hiddenSize], where hiddenSize = headCount * headSize. This tensor is mutually exclusive with StackedQueryKeyTensor, StackedKeyValueTensor, and StackedQueryKeyValueTensor. The tensor can also have 4 or 5 dimensions, as long as the leading dimensions are 1's.


Type: _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC*

Value with shape [batchSize, keyValueSequenceLength, valueHiddenSize], where valueHiddenSize = headCount * valueHeadSize. This tensor is mutually exclusive with StackedKeyValueTensor, and StackedQueryKeyValueTensor. The tensor can also have 4 or 5 dimensions, as long as the leading dimensions are 1's.


Type: _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC*

Stacked query and key with shape [batchSize, sequenceLength, headCount, 2, headSize]. This tensor is mutually exclusive with QueryTensor, KeyTensor, StackedKeyValueTensor, and StackedQueryKeyValueTensor.

StackedQueryKeyTensor layout


Type: _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC*

Stacked key and value with shape [batchSize, keyValueSequenceLength, headCount, 2, headSize]. This tensor is mutually exclusive with KeyTensor, ValueTensor, StackedQueryKeyTensor, and StackedQueryKeyValueTensor.

StackedKeyValueTensor layout


Type: _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC*

Stacked query, key, and value with shape [batchSize, sequenceLength, headCount, 3, headSize]. This tensor is mutually exclusive with QueryTensor, KeyTensor, ValueTensor, StackedQueryKeyTensor, and StackedKeyValueTensor.

StackedQueryKeyValueTensor layout


Type: _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC*

This is the bias, of shape [hiddenSize + hiddenSize + valueHiddenSize], which gets added to Query/Key/Value before the first GEMM operation. This tensor can also have 2, 3, 4 or 5 dimensions, as long as the leading dimensions are 1's.


Type: _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC*

This is the mask that determines which elements get their value set to MaskFilterValue after the QxK GEMM operation. The behavior of this mask depends on the value of MaskType, and gets applied after RelativePositionBiasTensor, or after the first GEMM operation if RelativePositionBiasTensor is null. See the definition of MaskType for more information.


Type: _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC*

This is the bias that gets added to the result of the first GEMM operation.


Type: _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC*

Key tensor from the previous iteration with shape [batchSize, headCount, pastSequenceLength, headSize]. When this tensor is not null, it gets concatenated with the key tensor, which results in a tensor of shape [batchSize, headCount, pastSequenceLength + keyValueSequenceLength, headSize].


Type: _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC*

Value tensor from the previous iteration with shape [batchSize, headCount, pastSequenceLength, headSize]. When this tensor is not null, it gets concatenated with ValueDesc which results in a tensor of shape [batchSize, headCount, pastSequenceLength + keyValueSequenceLength, headSize].


Type: _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC*



Type: const DML_TENSOR_DESC*

Output, of shape [batchSize, sequenceLength, valueHiddenSize].


Type: _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC*

Present state for cross attention key, with shape [batchSize, headCount, keyValueSequenceLength, headSize] or present state for self attention with shape [batchSize, headCount, pastSequenceLength + keyValueSequenceLength, headSize]. It contains either the content of the key tensor or the content of the concatenated PastKey + Key tensor to pass to the next iteration.


Type: _Maybenull_ const DML_TENSOR_DESC*

Present state for cross attention value, with shape [batchSize, headCount, keyValueSequenceLength, headSize] or present state for self attention with shape [batchSize, headCount, pastSequenceLength + keyValueSequenceLength, headSize]. It contains either the content of the value tensor or the content of the concatenated PastValue + Value tensor to pass to the next iteration.



Scale to multiply the result of the QxK GEMM operation, but before the Softmax operation. This value is usually 1/sqrt(headSize).



Value that gets added to the result of QxK GEMM operation to the positions that the mask defined as padding elements. This value should be a very large negative number (usually -10000.0f).


Type: UINT



Type: UINT




Describes the behavior of MaskTensor.

DML_MULTIHEAD_ATTENTION_MASK_TYPE_BOOLEAN. When the mask contains a value of 0, MaskFilterValue gets added; but when it contains a value of 1, nothing gets added.

DML_MULTIHEAD_ATTENTION_MASK_TYPE_KEY_SEQUENCE_LENGTH. The mask, of shape [1, batchSize], contains the sequence lengths of the unpadded area for each batch, and all elements after the sequence length get their value set to MaskFilterValue.

DML_MULTIHEAD_ATTENTION_MASK_TYPE_KEY_SEQUENCE_END_START. The mask, of shape [2, batchSize], contains the end (exclusive) and start (inclusive) indices of the unpadded area, and all elements outside of of the area get their value set to MaskFilterValue.

DML_MULTIHEAD_ATTENTION_MASK_TYPE_KEY_QUERY_SEQUENCE_LENGTH_START_END. The mask, of shape [batchSize * 3 + 2], has the following values: [keyLength[0], ..., keyLength[batchSize - 1], queryStart[0], ..., queryStart[batchSize - 1], queryEnd[batchSize - 1], keyStart[0], ..., keyStart[batchSize - 1], keyEnd[batchSize - 1]].


This operator was introduced in DML_FEATURE_LEVEL_6_3.

Tensor constraints

BiasTensor, KeyTensor, OutputPresentKeyTensor, OutputPresentValueTensor, OutputTensor, PastKeyTensor, PastSequenceLengthsTensor, PastValueTensor, QueryTensor, RelativePositionBiasTensor, StackedKeyValueTensor, StackedQueryKeyTensor, StackedQueryKeyValueTensor, and ValueTensor must have the same DataType.

Tensor support

Tensor Kind Supported dimension counts Supported data types
QueryTensor Optional input 3 to 5 FLOAT32, FLOAT16
KeyTensor Optional input 3 to 5 FLOAT32, FLOAT16
ValueTensor Optional input 3 to 5 FLOAT32, FLOAT16
StackedQueryKeyTensor Optional input 5 FLOAT32, FLOAT16
StackedKeyValueTensor Optional input 5 FLOAT32, FLOAT16
StackedQueryKeyValueTensor Optional input 5 FLOAT32, FLOAT16
BiasTensor Optional input 1 to 5 FLOAT32, FLOAT16
MaskTensor Optional input 1 to 5 INT32
RelativePositionBiasTensor Optional input 4 to 5 FLOAT32, FLOAT16
PastKeyTensor Optional input 4 to 5 FLOAT32, FLOAT16
PastValueTensor Optional input 4 to 5 FLOAT32, FLOAT16
PastSequenceLengthsTensor Optional input 1 to 5 FLOAT32, FLOAT16
OutputTensor Output 3 to 5 FLOAT32, FLOAT16
OutputPresentKeyTensor Optional output 4 to 5 FLOAT32, FLOAT16
OutputPresentValueTensor Optional output 4 to 5 FLOAT32, FLOAT16