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Get Started with AI imaging in the Windows App SDK


Available in the latest experimental channel release of the Windows App SDK.

The Windows App SDK experimental channel includes APIs and features in early stages of development. All APIs in the experimental channel are subject to extensive revisions and breaking changes and may be removed from subsequent releases at any time. Experimental features are not supported for use in production environments and apps that use them cannot be published to the Microsoft Store.

  • Image Description features are not available in mainland China.
  • Self-contained apps are not supported.

Imaging features are provided by the Windows App SDK through a set of APIs, backed by artificial intelligence (AI), that support the following capabilities:

  • Image Super Resolution: scaling and sharpening images
  • Image Description: producing text that describes the image
  • Image Segmentation: identifying objects within an image

For API details, see API ref for AI imaging features in the Windows App SDK.

For content moderation details, see Content safety with generative AI APIs.


Provide feedback on these APIs and their functionality by creating a new Issue in the Windows App SDK GitHub repo (include Imaging in the title) or by responding to an existing issue.


What can I do with Image Super Resolution?

The Image Super Resolution APIs in the Windows App SDK enable image sharpening and scaling.

Scaling is limited to a maximum factor of 8x. Higher scale factors can introduce artifacts and compromise image accuracy. If either the final width or height is greater than 8x their original values, an exception will be thrown.

The following example shows how to change the scale (targetWidth, targetHeight) of an existing software bitmap image (softwareBitmap) and improve the image sharpness (to improve sharpness without scaling the image, simply specify the existing image width and height) using an ImageScaler object.

  1. Ensure the Image Super Resolution model is available by calling the ImageScaler.IsAvailable method and then waiting for the ImageScaler.MakeAvailableAsync method to return successfully.

  2. Once the Image Super Resolution model is available, create an ImageScaler object to reference it.

  3. Get a sharpened and scaled version of the existing image by passing the existing image and the desired width and height to the model using the ScaleSoftwareBitmap method.

using Microsoft.Graphics.Imaging;
using Microsoft.Windows.Management.Deployment;
using Windows.Graphics.Imaging;

if (!ImageScaler.IsAvailable())
    var result = await ImageScaler.MakeAvailableAsync();
    if (result.Status != PackageDeploymentStatus.CompletedSuccess)
        throw result.ExtendedError;
ImageScaler imageScaler = await ImageScaler.CreateAsync();
SoftwareBitmap finalImage = imageScaler.ScaleSoftwareBitmap(softwareBitmap, targetWidth, targetHeight);
#include <winrt/Microsoft.Graphics.Imaging.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Graphics.Imaging.h>

using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Graphics::Imaging;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation; 
using namespace winrt::Windows::Graphics::Imaging; 

if (!ImageScaler::IsAvailable()) 
    winrt::PackageDeploymentResult result = ImageScaler::MakeAvailableAsync().get(); 
    if (result.Status() != PackageDeploymentStatus::CompletedSuccess)
       throw result.ExtendedError();

ImageScaler imageScaler = ImageScaler::CreateAsync().get(); 
SoftwareBitmap finalImage = imageScaler.ScaleSoftwareBitmap(softwareBitmap, targetWidth, targetHeight);

What can I do with Image Description?


Image Description is currently unavailable in mainland China.

The Image Description APIs in the Windows App SDK provide the ability to generate various types of text descriptions for an image.

The following types of text descriptions are supported:

  • Accessibility - Provides a long description with details intended for users with accessibility needs.
  • Caption - Provides a short description suitable for an image caption. The default if no value is specified.
  • DetailedNarration - Provides a long description.
  • OfficeCharts - Provides a description suitable for charts and diagrams.

Because these APIs use Machine Learning (ML) models, occasional errors can occur where the text does not describe the image correctly. Therefore, we do not recommend using these APIs for images in the following scenarios:

  • Where the images contain potentially sensitive content and inaccurate descriptions could be controversial, such as flags, maps, globes, cultural symbols, or religious symbols.
  • When accurate descriptions are critical, such as for medical advice or diagnosis, legal content, or financial documents.

Get text description from an image

The Image Description API takes an image, the desired text description type (optional), and the level of content moderation you want to employ (optional) to protect against harmful use.

The following example shows how to get a text description for an image.


The image must be an ImageBuffer object as SoftwareBitmap is not currently supported. This example demonstrates how to convert SoftwareBitmap to ImageBuffer.

  1. Ensure the Image Super Resolution model is available by calling the ImageDescriptionGenerator.IsAvailable method and then waiting for the ImageDescriptionGenerator.MakeAvailableAsync method to return successfully.

  2. Once the Image Super Resolution model is available, create an ImageDescriptionGenerator object to reference it.

  3. (Optional) Create a ContentFilterOptions object and specify your preferred values. If you choose to use default values, you can pass in a null object.

  4. Get the image description (LanguageModelResponse.Response) by calling the ImageDescriptionGenerator.DescribeAsync method with the original image, an enum for the preferred description type (optional), and the ContentFilterOptions object (optional).

using Microsoft.Graphics.Imaging;
using Microsoft.Windows.Management.Deployment;  
using Microsoft.Windows.AI.Generative;
using Microsoft.Windows.AI.ContentModeration;
using Windows.Storage.StorageFile;  
using Windows.Storage.Streams;  
using Windows.Graphics.Imaging;

if (!ImageDescriptionGenerator.IsAvailable())
    var result = await ImageDescriptionGenerator.MakeAvailableAsync();
    if (result.Status != PackageDeploymentStatus.CompletedSuccess)
        throw result.ExtendedError;

ImageDescriptionGenerator imageDescriptionGenerator = await ImageDescriptionGenerator.CreateAsync();

// Convert already available softwareBitmap to ImageBuffer.
ImageBuffer inputImage = ImageBuffer.CreateCopyFromBitmap(softwareBitmap);  

// Create content moderation thresholds object.
ContentFilterOptions filterOptions = new ContentFilterOptions();
filterOptions.PromptMinSeverityLevelToBlock.ViolentContentSeverity = SeverityLevel.Medium;
filterOptions.ResponseMinSeverityLevelToBlock.ViolentContentSeverity = SeverityLevel.Medium;

// Get text description.
LanguageModelResponse languageModelResponse = await imageDescriptionGenerator.DescribeAsync(inputImage, ImageDescriptionScenario.Caption, filterOptions);
string response = languageModelResponse.Response;

#include <winrt/Microsoft.Graphics.Imaging.h>
#include <winrt/Microsoft.Windows.AI.ContentModeration.h>
#include <winrt/Microsoft.Windows.AI.Generative.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Graphics.Imaging.h> 
#include <winrt/Windows.Storage.Streams.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Storage.StorageFile.h>
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Graphics::Imaging; 
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Windows::AI::ContentModeration; 
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Windows::AI::Generative; 
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation; 
using namespace winrt::Windows::Graphics::Imaging;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Storage::Streams;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Storage::StorageFile;

if (!ImageDescriptionGenerator::IsAvailable()) 
    winrt::PackageDeploymentResult result = ImageDescriptionGenerator::MakeAvailableAsync().get(); 
    if (result.Status() != PackageDeploymentStatus::CompletedSuccess)
       throw result.ExtendedError();

ImageDescriptionGenerator imageDescriptionGenerator = ImageDescriptionGenerator::CreateAsync().get(); 
// Convert already available softwareBitmap to ImageBuffer.
auto inputBuffer = ImageBuffer::CreateCopyFromBitmap(softwareBitmap); 

// Create content moderation thresholds object.
 ContentFilterOptions contentFilter{};

// Get text description.
LanguageModelResponse languageModelResponse = imageDescriptionGenerator.DescribeAsync(inputImage, ImageDescriptionScenario::Caption, contentFilter).get();
string text = languageModelResponse.Response();

What can I do with Image Segmentation?

Image Segmentation can be used to identify specific objects in an image. The model takes both an image and a "hints" object and returns a mask of the identified object.

Hints can be provided through any combination of the following:

  • Coordinates for points that belong to what you're identifying.
  • Coordinates for points that don't belong to what you're identifying.
  • A coordinate rectangle that encloses what you're identifying.

The more hints you provide, the more precise the model can be. Follow these hint guidelines to minimize inaccurate results or errors.

  • Avoid using multiple rectangles in a hint as they can produce an inaccurate mask.
  • Avoid using exclude points exclusively without include points or a rectangle.
  • Don't specify more than the supported maximum of 32 coordinates (1 for a point, 2 for a rectangle) as this will return an error.

The returned mask is in greyscale-8 format with the pixels of the the mask for the identified object having a value of 255 (all others having a value of 0).

Identify an object within an image

The following examples show ways to identify an object within an image. The examples assume that you already have a software bitmap object (softwareBitmap) for the input.

  1. Ensure the Image Segmentation model is available by calling the IsAvailable method and waiting for the MakeAvailableAsync method to return successfully.

  2. Once the Image Segmentation model is available, create an ImageObjectExtractor object to reference it.

  3. Pass the image to ImageObjectExtractor.CreateWithSoftwareBitmapAsync.

  4. Create an ImageObjectExtractorHint object. Other ways to create a hint object with different inputs are demonstrated later.

  5. Submit the hint to the model using the GetSoftwareBitmapObjectMask method, which returns the final result.

using Microsoft.Graphics.Imaging;
using Microsoft.Windows.Management.Deployment;
using Windows.Graphics.Imaging;

if (!ImageObjectExtractor.IsAvailable())
    var result = await ImageObjectExtractor.MakeAvailableAsync();
    if (result.Status != PackageDeploymentStatus.CompletedSuccess)
        throw result.ExtendedError;

ImageObjectExtractor imageObjectExtractor = await ImageObjectExtractor.CreateWithSoftwareBitmapAsync(softwareBitmap);

ImageObjectExtractorHint hint = new ImageObjectExtractorHint{
    includeRects: null, 
        new List<PointInt32> { new PointInt32(306, 212),
                               new PointInt32(216, 336)},
    excludePoints: null};
    SoftwareBitmap finalImage = imageObjectExtractor.GetSoftwareBitmapObjectMask(hint);
#include <winrt/Microsoft.Graphics.Imaging.h> 
#include <winrt/Windows.Graphics.Imaging.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.h>
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Graphics::Imaging; 
using namespace winrt::Windows::Graphics::Imaging; 
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation; 

if (!ImageObjectExtractor::IsAvailable()) 
    winrt::PackageDeploymentResult result = ImageObjectExtractor::MakeAvailableAsync().get(); 
    if (result.Status() != PackageDeploymentStatus::CompletedSuccess)
       throw result.ExtendedError();

ImageObjectExtractor imageObjectExtractor =  ImageObjectExtractor::CreateWithSoftwareBitmapAsync(softwareBitmap).get();

ImageObjectExtractorHint hint(
        PointInt32{306, 212}, 
        PointInt32{216, 336} 

SoftwareBitmap finalImage = imageObjectExtractor.GetSoftwareBitmapObjectMask(hint);

Specify hints with included and excluded points

This code snippet demonstrates how to use both included and excluded points as hints.

ImageObjectExtractorHint hint(
    includeRects: null,
        new List<PointInt32> { new PointInt32(150, 90), 
                               new PointInt32(216, 336), 
                               new PointInt32(550, 330)},
        new List<PointInt32> { new PointInt32(306, 212) });
ImageObjectExtractorHint hint(
        PointInt32{150, 90}, 
        PointInt32{216, 336}, 
        PointInt32{550, 330}
        PointInt32{306, 212}

Specify hints with rectangle

This code snippet demonstrates how to use a rectangle (RectInt32 is X, Y, Width, Height) as a hint.

ImageObjectExtractorHint hint(
        new List<RectInt32> {new RectInt32(370, 278, 285, 126)},
    includePoints: null,
    excludePoints: null ); 
ImageObjectExtractorHint hint(
        RectInt32{370, 278, 285, 126}

Responsible AI

These imaging APIs provide developers with powerful, trustworthy models for building apps with safe, secure AI experiences. We have used a combination of the following steps to ensure these imaging APIs are trustworthy, secure, and built responsibly. We recommend reviewing the best practices described in Responsible Generative AI Development on Windows when implementing AI features in your app.

  • Thorough testing and evaluation of the model quality to identify and mitigate potential risks.
  • Incremental roll out of imaging API experimental releases. Following the final experimental release, the roll out will expand to signed apps to ensure that malware scans have been applied to applications with local model capabilities.
  • Provide a local AI model for content moderation that identifies and filters harmful content in both the input and AI-generated output of any APIs that use generative AI models. This local content moderation model is based on the Azure AI Content Safety model for text moderation and provides similar performance.


No content safety system is infallible and occasional errors can occur, so we recommend integrating supplementary Responsible AI (RAI) tools and practices. For more details, see Responsible Generative AI Development on Windows.