Install a new Active Directory forest using Azure CLI
AD DS can run on an Azure virtual machine (VM) in the same way it runs in many on-premises instances. This article walks you through deploying a new AD DS Forest, on two new domain controllers, in an Azure availability set using the Azure portal and Azure CLI. Many customers find this guidance helpful when creating a lab or preparing to deploy domain controllers in Azure.
- A resource group to put everything in.
- An Azure Virtual Network, subnet, network security group, and rule to allow RDP access to VMs.
- An Azure virtual machine availability set to put two Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain controllers in.
- Two Azure virtual machines to run AD DS and DNS.
Items that aren't covered
- Creating a site-to-site VPN connection from an on-premises location
- Securing network traffic in Azure
- Designing the site topology
- Planning operations master role placement
- Deploying Microsoft Entra Connect to synchronize identities to Microsoft Entra ID
Build the test environment
We use the Azure portal and Azure CLI for creating the environment.
The Azure CLI is used to create and manage Azure resources from the command line or in scripts. This tutorial details using the Azure CLI to deploy virtual machines running Windows Server 2019. Once deployment is complete, we connect to the servers and install AD DS.
If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.
Using Azure CLI
The following script automates the process of building two Windows Server 2019 VMs, for the purpose of building domain controllers for a new Active Directory Forest in Azure. An administrator can modify the variables below to suit their needs, then complete, as one operation. The script creates the necessary resource group, network security group with a traffic rule for Remote Desktop, virtual network and subnet, and availability group. The VMs are each then built with a 20 GB data disk with caching disabled for AD DS to be installed to.
The script below can be run directly from the Azure portal. If you choose to install and use the CLI locally, this quickstart requires that you're running the Azure CLI version 2.0.4 or later. Run az --version
to find the version. If you need to install or upgrade, see Install Azure CLI 2.0.
Variable Name | Purpose |
AdminUsername | Username to be configured on each VM as the local administrator. |
AdminPassword | Cleartext password to be configured on each VM as the local administrator password. |
ResourceGroupName | Name to be used for resource group. Shouldn't duplicate an existing name. |
Location | Azure location name that you would like to deploy to. List supported regions for the current subscription using az account list-locations . |
VNetName | Name to assign the Azure virtual network Shouldn't duplicate an existing name. |
VNetAddress | IP scope to use for Azure networking. Shouldn't duplicate an existing range. |
SubnetName | Name to assign the IP subnet. Shouldn't duplicate an existing name. |
SubnetAddress | Subnet address for the domain controllers. Should be a subnet inside of the VNet. |
AvailabilitySet | Name of the availability set the domain controller VMs will join. |
VMSize | Standard Azure VM Size available in the location for deployment. |
DataDiskSize | Size in GB for the data disk where AD DS installs. |
DomainController1 | Name of first domain controller. |
DC1IP | IP address for first domain controller. |
DomainController2 | Name of second domain controller. |
DC2IP | IP address for second domain controller. |
#Add lines for AdminUsername and AdminPassword, and update based on your organizational requirements
# Create a resource group.
az group create --name $ResourceGroupName \
--location $Location
# Create a network security group
az network nsg create --name $NetworkSecurityGroup \
--resource-group $ResourceGroupName \
--location $Location
# Create a network security group rule for port 3389.
az network nsg rule create --name PermitRDP \
--nsg-name $NetworkSecurityGroup \
--priority 1000 \
--resource-group $ResourceGroupName \
--access Allow \
--source-address-prefixes "*" \
--source-port-ranges "*" \
--direction Inbound \
--destination-port-ranges 3389
# Create a virtual network.
az network vnet create --name $VNetName \
--resource-group $ResourceGroupName \
--address-prefixes $VNetAddress \
--location $Location \
# Create a subnet
az network vnet subnet create --address-prefix $SubnetAddress \
--name $SubnetName \
--resource-group $ResourceGroupName \
--vnet-name $VNetName \
--network-security-group $NetworkSecurityGroup
# Create an availability set.
az vm availability-set create --name $AvailabilitySet \
--resource-group $ResourceGroupName \
--location $Location
# Create two virtual machines.
az vm create \
--resource-group $ResourceGroupName \
--availability-set $AvailabilitySet \
--name $DomainController1 \
--size $VMSize \
--image Win2019Datacenter \
--admin-username $AdminUsername \
--admin-password $AdminPassword \
--data-disk-sizes-gb $DataDiskSize \
--data-disk-caching None \
--nsg $NetworkSecurityGroup \
--private-ip-address $DC1IP \
az vm create \
--resource-group $ResourceGroupName \
--availability-set $AvailabilitySet \
--name $DomainController2 \
--size $VMSize \
--image Win2019Datacenter \
--admin-username $AdminUsername \
--admin-password $AdminPassword \
--data-disk-sizes-gb $DataDiskSize \
--data-disk-caching None \
--nsg $NetworkSecurityGroup \
--private-ip-address $DC2IP
DNS and Active Directory
If the Azure virtual machines created as part of this process will be an extension of an existing on-premises Active Directory infrastructure, the DNS settings on the virtual network must be changed to include your on-premises DNS servers before deployment. This step is important to allow the newly created Domain Controllers in Azure to resolve on-premises resources and allow for replication to occur. More information about DNS, Azure, and how to configure settings can be found in the section Name resolution that uses your own DNS server.
After promoting the new domain controllers in Azure, they'll need to be set to the primary and secondary DNS Servers for the virtual network, and any on-premises DNS Servers would be demoted to tertiary and beyond. VMs continue to use their current DNS settings until they're restarted. More information on changing DNS Servers can be found in the article Create, change, or delete a virtual network.
Information about extending an on-premises network to Azure can be found in the article Creating a site-to-site VPN connection.
Configure the VMs and install Active Directory Domain Services
After the script completes, browse to the Azure portal, then Virtual machines.
Configure the first Domain Controller
Connect to AZDC01 using the credentials you provided in the script.
- Initialize and format the data disk as F:
- Open the Start menu and browse to Computer Management
- Browse to Storage > Disk Management
- Initialize the disk as MBR
- Create a New Simple Volume and Assign the drive letter F: you can provide a Volume label if you wish
- Install Active Directory Domain Services using Server Manager
- Promote the domain controller as the first in a new forest
- Leave Domain Name System (DNS) server and Global Catalog (GC) checked on the Domain Controller Options page
- Specify a Directory Services Restore Mode password based on your organizational requirements
- Change the paths from C: to point to the F: drive we created when prompted for their location
- Review the selections made in the wizard and choose Next
The Prerequisites Check will warn you that the physical network adapter doesn't have static IP address(es) assigned, you can safely ignore this as static IPs are assigned in the Azure virtual network.
- Choose Install
When the wizard completes the install process, the VM reboots.
When the VM has completed rebooting, log back in with the credentials used before, but this time as a member of the domain you created.
The first logon after promotion to a domain controller may take longer than normal and this is OK. Grab a cup of tea, coffee, water, or other beverage of choice.
Azure virtual networks do now support IPv6 , but in case you want to set your VMs to prefer IPv4 over IPv6, information on how to complete this task can be found in the KB article Guidance for configuring IPv6 in Windows for advanced users.
Configure DNS
After promoting the first server in Azure, the servers will need to be set to the primary and secondary DNS Servers for the virtual network, and any on-premises DNS Servers would be demoted to tertiary and beyond. More information on changing DNS Servers can be found in the article Create, change, or delete a virtual network.
Configure the second Domain Controller
Connect to AZDC02 using the credentials you provided in the script.
- Initialize and format the data disk as F:
- Open the Start menu and browse to Computer Management
- Browse to Storage > Disk Management
- Initialize the disk as MBR
- Create a New Simple Volume and Assign the drive letter F: (you can provide a Volume label if you wish)
- Install Active Directory Domain Services using Server Manager
- Promote the domain controller
- Add a domain controller to an existing domain -
- Supply credentials to perform the operation
- Change the paths from C: to point to the F: drive we created when prompted for their location
- Ensure Domain Name System (DNS) server and Global Catalog (GC) are checked on the Domain Controller Options page
- Specify a Directory Services Restore Mode password based on your organizational requirements
- Review the selections made in the wizard and choose Next
The Prerequisites Check will warn you that the physical network adapter doesn't have static IP address(es) assigned. You can safely ignore this, as static IPs are assigned in the Azure virtual network.
- Choose Install
When the wizard completes the install process, the VM reboots.
When the VM has completed rebooting, log back in with the credentials used before, but this time as a member of the domain
Azure virtual networks do now support IPv6, but in case you want to set your VMs to prefer IPv4 over IPv6, information on how to complete this task can be found in the KB article Guidance for configuring IPv6 in Windows for advanced users.
Wrap up
At this point, the environment has a pair of domain controllers, and we have configured the Azure virtual network so that additional servers may be added to the environment. Post-install tasks for Active Directory Domain Services, like configuring sites and services, auditing, backup, and securing the built-in administrator account, should be completed at this point.
Removing the environment
To remove the environment, when you have completed testing, the resource group we created above can be deleted. This step removes all of the components that are part of that resource group.
Remove using the Azure portal
From the Azure portal, browse to Resource groups and choose the resource group we created (in this example ADonAzureVMs), then select Delete resource group. The process asks for confirmation before deleting all the resources contained inside of the resource group.
Remove using the Azure CLI
From Azure CLI run the following command:
az group delete --name ADonAzureVMs