Sample Interface for UVC Extension Units


The content and sample code in this topic is outdated and currently unsupported. It may not work with the current driver development toolchain.

This topic contains code for a sample interface.idl that you can use to support Extension Units.

// IExtensionUnit interface
import "unknwn.idl";
interface IExtensionUnit : IUnknown
   HRESULT get_InfoSize(
      [out] ULONG *pulSize);
   HRESULT get_Info(
      [in] ULONG ulSize,
      [in, out, size_is(ulSize)] BYTE pInfo[]);
   HRESULT get_PropertySize(
      [in] ULONG PropertyId,
      [out] ULONG *pulSize);
 HRESULT get_Property(
      [in] ULONG PropertyId,
      [in] ULONG ulSize,
      [in, out, size_is(ulSize)] BYTE pValue[]);
   HRESULT put_Property(
      [in] ULONG PropertyId,
      [in] ULONG ulSize,
      [in, out, size_is(ulSize)] BYTE pValue[]);
   HRESULT get_PropertyRange(
      [in] ULONG PropertyId,
      [in] ULONG ulSize,
      [in, out, size_is(ulSize)] BYTE pMin[],
      [in, out, size_is(ulSize)] BYTE pMax[],
      [in, out, size_is(ulSize)] BYTE pSteppingDelta[],
      [in, out, size_is(ulSize)] BYTE pDefault[]);