MSFT_StorageEvent class

Base class for representing storage events.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code.


[Indication, Abstract]
class MSFT_StorageEvent
  String   SourceObjectId;
  String   SourceClassName;
  String   SourceNamespace;
  String   SourceServer;
  String   Description;
  Datetime EventTime;
  UInt16   PerceivedSeverity;


The MSFT_StorageEvent class has these types of members:


The MSFT_StorageEvent class has these properties.


Data type: String

Access type: Read-only

A brief description of the event, provided by the storage subsystem.


Data type: Datetime

Access type: Read-only

The date and time in which the event that triggered this event occurred.


Data type: UInt16

Access type: Read-only

The perceived severity of the event from the notifier's point of view.

One of the following values.

Value Meaning
Unknown 0 The severity is unknown or indeterminate.
Information 2 The event is for informative purposes.
Degraded/Warning 3 Action may be required by the user.
Minor 4 Action is needed, but the situation is not serious at this time.
Major 5 Immediate action is needed.
Critical 6 Immediate action is needed and the scope of the issue is broad.
Fatal/NonRecoverable 7 An error has occurred, but it is too late to take remedial action.
Microsoft Reserved .. This value is reserved for system use.


Data type: String

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Required

The class of the object that caused the event. For example, if the object causing the event is a storage pool, this property should be set to "MSFT_StoragePool" (not the vendor-derived class).


Data type: String

Access type: Read-only

The source namespace of the object that caused the event.


Data type: String

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Required, ModelCorrespondence {"MSFT_StorageObject.ObjectId"}

The object that caused the event.


Data type: String

Access type: Read-only

The source server of the object that caused the event.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 [desktop apps only]
Namespace Root\Microsoft\Windows\Storage
MOF Storagewmi.mof

See also



