CreateReplica method of the MSFT_ReplicationGroup class

Creates a replication relationship between replication groups.


UInt32 CreateReplica(
  [in]           String              FriendlyName,
  [in]           String              TargetStorageSubsystem,
  [in]           String              TargetGroupObjectId,
  [in, optional] String              TargetStoragePoolObjectId,
  [in, optional] UInt32              RecoveryPointObjective,
  [in]           String              ReplicationSettings,
  [in]           UInt16              SyncType,
  [out]          String              CreatedReplicaPeer,
  [out]          MSFT_StorageJob REF CreatedStorageJob,
  [out]          String              ExtendedStatus


FriendlyName [in]

An end-user relevant name for the element being created. If NULL, then a system-supplied default name can be used. The value will be stored in the FriendlyName property for the created element.

TargetStorageSubsystem [in]

A string that contains an embedded MSFT_ReplicaPeer object specifying the replica target subsystem.

TargetGroupObjectId [in]

Specifies the replication group target on the target machine.

TargetStoragePoolObjectId [in, optional]

A storage pool on the target to be used as the source for creating the necessary target storage elements. This parameter is ignored if the target group contains any elements.

RecoveryPointObjective [in, optional]

Indicates the maximum interval in which data might be lost. For synchronous copy operations, RecoveryPointObjective is 0. For asynchronous copy operations RecoveryPointObjective represents the interval since the most recent transmission of data to the target element.

ReplicationSettings [in]

A string that contains an embedded MSFT_ReplicationSettings object to be applied.

SyncType [in]

The type of copy that will be made. One of the following values:

Value Meaning
DMTF Reserved .. This value is reserved for system use.
Mirror 6 Create and maintain a copy of the source.
Snapshot 7 Create a volume shadow copy of the source.
Clone 8 Create a point-in-time, full copy of the source.
TokenizedClone 9 Create a point-in-time, tokenized copy of the source.
DMTF Reserved .. This value is reserved for system use.
Vendor Specific 0x8000.. These values are reserved for vendors.

CreatedReplicaPeer [out]

This parameter receives a string that contains an embedded MSFT_Synchronized object representing the association between the replication groups.

CreatedStorageJob [out]

Returns a reference to the storage job object used to track the long-running operation.

ExtendedStatus [out]

A string that contains an embedded MSFT_StorageExtendedStatus object.

This parameter allows the storage provider to return extended (implementation-specific) error information.

Return value

Success (0)

Not Supported (1)

Unspecified Error (2)

Timeout (3)

Failed (4)

Invalid Parameter (5)

Object Not Found (8)

Method Parameters Checked - Job Started (4096)

Access denied (40001)

There are not enough resources to complete the operation. (40002)

Cache out of date (40003)

The operation is not supported while the cluster is being upgraded. (40009)


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2016 [desktop apps only]
Namespace Root\Microsoft\Windows\Storage
Header Adojet.h
MOF Storagewmi.mof

See also
